The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 554 The Necessity of Ancientization

Chapter 554 The Necessity of Ancientization

Holding five thick magic books in his arms, they almost reached Greer's chin, and the top of the last row of bookshelves was completely empty, only a dozen or so thin iron chains remained It swings back and forth like a pendulum clock, and the luster of the spell on it has disappeared.

Holding this thick stack of books, I followed Wang through the rows of quaint bookshelves and the magic books left by the Kama Taj masters of the past generations locked by thin iron chains. The books standing in the middle of the two rows of bookshelves The administrator turned around, gave Greer a slight salute, and then continued to organize the huge library.

Including but not limited to: checking the integrity and operation of the chain, the storage of books, the maintenance and care of the bookshelves. It can be said that it is a well-deserved administrator, and everything must be managed, including snakes, mice, rats and ants.

Yes, Karma Taj does not lack this kind of small animals that are common all over the world, especially Karma Taj is still a wooden house, which is extremely old, what double-layer vacuum glass, reinforced concrete walls, and Karma Taj absolutely missed.

Everything is simple and unsophisticated. The antique wooden beams, pillars, floors, tables, chairs, benches, beds and wardrobes are all made of wood, which attracts those small animals to build nests and breed. Therefore, magic apprentices, come to Karma The first thing Taj has to adapt to is how to study magic hard and plainly.

Magic apprentices can only really start learning magic when they finish their elementary studies. The first magic most apprentices choose is how to repel mosquitoes. If it is in summer, the probability will rise to [-]%.

Greer also asked Wang why Kama Taj didn't build some modern houses, with whitewashed walls, bright LED lights, computers, TVs, rice cookers and other electrical appliances. It was not a difficult task for Taj, as for those vases, calligraphy and paintings in the room, if they were auctioned off at random, the money obtained would be more than enough to build the Empire State Building.

Regarding this, Wang was silent for a few seconds before replying: "If it is no different from human cities, how can we make apprentices who have come out of the scientific society forget about so-called science and face up to the worldview of magic."

Greer thought about it for a while and found it to be true. When it comes to magic, most people's impressions are wands, magic robes and magic books, and they will never put suits and leather shoes, split hair, leather shoes, stocks, and BB machines. The man is connected with the magician.

However, the fact is that the Three Great Temples have computers, TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners and a series of modern electrical appliances. Even a place like Karma Taj that deliberately maintains the ancient style is equipped with WIFI and a stove for the ancient master to make tea. It does not burn coal and firewood, but an induction cooker.

The reason why the residences of the magic apprentices are made very modern, and even the clothes are kept in the medieval style, is to make them realize that they are in the magic world, otherwise they live in high-rise buildings, surf the Internet, play games, drink Coke, Ordering take-out, reading magic books no matter how electronic they are, this talent is almost innate, and they will never be able to change their minds in a lifetime.

The most important thing in magic is the will. Seeing the world with the eyes of the mind, the footwork and gestures when using magic are all to strengthen the self-confidence of the user, firmly believe in the existence of magic, and firmly believe that the energy that drives magic can be mobilized, otherwise newcomers will ask 'what should I do? Use magic', the dry sentence 'Believe you can do it, you can do it' is simply saying 'Believe in your dreams and you can make them come true'.

Therefore, spells plus footwork, gestures, and even other auxiliary methods are all for people to learn to master and control energy as soon as possible, so as to cast spells and cast swords, guns, swords and shields.If you can use energy to forge weapons and master certain hand-to-hand combat skills, you can almost leave Kama Taj and go to the Three Great Temples.

But this doesn't mean graduation, it's just an assignment. You still need to return to Karma Taj from time to time to learn more advanced magic. The difference is that you can ask the guardian of the temple for advice if you don't understand it Classes will be held from time to time to teach magic skills.

Naturally, at that time, I was able to see the real world with my "mind's eyes", and I didn't stick to science, and I could use convenient modern electrical appliances. I didn't need to live like primitive people. He will continue to live the life of an ascetic. The representative figure is Master Hamil. His family is still on the mountain, wearing Taoist robes and holding temples all the time.
Walking out of the library, not far away is the vast Martial Arts Field. Under the guidance of the mystic master, hundreds of apprentices are practicing basic gestures, footwork, and of course combat drills. After all, Kama Taj’s characteristic is Melee mage.

Swords, guns, sticks, axes, hooks, and eighteen kinds of weapons are all available here. You can get what you want. This is what Greer wants to complain about the most. Fortunately, there are many long-range attack spells in the wizard's magic skills. There are knight guns, otherwise it is really a melee game.

Casillas, who was fighting a mystic, saw Wang and Greer behind him, who was dressed very differently from Karma Taj, from the corner of his eye. That stack of books, it is definitely the magic book exclusive to the Supreme Mage, it is definitely.
'boom! '

Casillas was kicked in the chest, flew upside down, fell heavily on the stone-paved ground, grunted, a look of pain appeared on his face, the opposite mystic Hal withdrew his foot, and the weapon in his hand was on the surface The shining luster also subsided, and he said in a deep voice: "Cassilias, you must focus when fighting."

"I'm sorry." Casillas said so, but his eyes turned involuntarily to Greer beside the martial arts arena, especially the stack of magic books in his hand.

Master Hal followed Casillas' gaze, saw Greer and Wang at a glance, and said, "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be hard to believe that I was so young."

Greer and the king had already turned around so that Casillas could no longer see him. He slowly got up from the ground and said coldly, "Have you forgotten the ancient one? Don't be fooled by them." Bewildered by appearance."

"Longevity." Mage Hal couldn't hide her yearning and envy in her words. It is well known that Mage Ancient One has lived for a long time, but no one knows her exact age, she has strong power, and she always thinks about other things things.

"Longevity. A secret that only they know." Casillas said dully, the mace-like weapon in his hand shrank back one by one, turning into an unpretentious metal block, which he put into the In the pocket, unwillingly, he turned his head and glanced at the direction where Greer disappeared: "The mystics have been cultivated generation after generation, and they have died generation after generation. Only they can last forever."

Mage Hal looked at Casillas in surprise, and was very surprised why he would say such disrespectful remarks. The Supreme Mage fights against Dormammu and protects the earth, and is respected by all the mystics. The three major families of the mystics also swear Generations of allegiance to the Supreme Master.

Casillas was taught by the ancient master. Before coming to Karma Taj, Casillas was just a tramp in a state of embarrassment, the kind that no one would care about when he died.The ancient master took him as an apprentice, let him 'see clearly' the real world, taught him magic, and trained him to be a first-class mystic in Kama Taj.

It can be said that the ancient one gave Casillas a second life. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a great kindness. But now, listening to Casillas, he seems very dissatisfied. His Holiness, or before.
Master Hal quickly threw this disrespectful thought out of his head, and the Venerable has just passed away. Whether it is to the deceased or to the Venerable, one should pay high respects instead of thinking about these things.

He had just adjusted his mood when he saw Casillas leaving the martial arts arena with a sullen face and without turning his head. Not only did he ignore today's training, but he even ignored the guidance of his apprentices, which made Master Hal sigh slightly. In one breath, he also put away his weapon, and walked towards the apprentice's area, teaching these apprentices instead of Casillas.

And Casillas, with a mournful face that thousands of people owed money, walked on the mottled wooden corridor, but his heart was churning with turbulent waves like the sea, and every drop of the waves was 'projected'. The five magic books in the arms of the young man.

Casillas 'passed by' the last row of bookshelves more than once, staring at the five magic books on the top of the last row of bookshelves that were tied to the bookshelves by thin chains with spells, especially the most In the mysterious "Book of Emperor Weishan", it is said that the secret of time is hidden in it.

"Time." Casillas murmured almost inaudibly. His greatest wish was to resurrect his wife and children. Science would never save them. The only hope was the mysterious and unpredictable magic, which he studied desperately. The power of magic.

But after coming to Karma Taj for so many years, he has learned how to use spells to drive energy, form a circle, and thus forge shields and sharp weapons. , You can easily knock down a few big guys without magic.

But these are not what he wants, so far, the knowledge he learned in Karma Taj, there is no way to save his wife and children. Many nights, Casillas thought desperately, there is no way to save All the lives that have passed away in the past are all lies, falsehoods, and illusions.

The only remaining hope is the magic book that hides the secret of time circulated in private by Kama Taj, and there is also an example of the longevity of the ancient mage, which became the last straw that Casillas clung to, but today this A straw flew away too.

The new supreme venerable took those books away and returned them indefinitely. The high-level magic he has started to learn can't be finished in a few years. Those magic books exclusive to the supreme venerable How much time should it take?And how much time does he have to wait?
Compared with Casillas' heavy and confused mood, Greer's mood is still very good. Stark shared the good news from S.H.I.E.L.D. that all parts of the world have returned to normal, and the phenomena of gravitational anomalies and magnetic field disturbances have all disappeared. Yes, London is exterminating the remaining alien creatures.

Everything shows that the big event of the Nine Realms gathering should have been passed safely, and Greer's harvest can also be said to be quite rich. He used two infinite gems to wipe out thousands of dark elf fleets, and gained a lot of money. More than 40 points.

But Greer couldn't be happy. The death of the ancient mage made the earth lose its last patron saint. This is why he stepped into Kama Taj. The strength of the mages is obvious to all. time, can help.

However, the world was helpless. With the appearance of Casillas, Greer suddenly discovered that the mystics on the earth are also divided into factions. He can never mobilize all the mystics with only the title of Supreme Mage. Sending a few people here is already a way of saving face.

The truth is within the range of the cannon, and strength determines everything. This law applies to all places, whether it is intelligent creatures or beasts, regardless of tribes or alliances. Thanos can act recklessly, isn't it because of strength?

Greer held the magic book in his hand tightly, looked back at the arena behind him, and asked, "Iker Casillas is very dissatisfied with me."

"He is the disciple of the previous venerable, so he can't accept this news for a while." Wang's tone was also very low. The passing of Master Gu Yi made everyone feel sad and terrified, especially the successor was such a young child. , It's even more unbelievable that you can become the Optimus Jade Pillar.

Therefore, as soon as the guardians of the three major temples finished overlapping the Nine Realms, they hurriedly returned to their respective posts without even taking a breath, just in case of accidents, especially since the successor is so young, the degree of trust given to people is too high low.

"His attitude is not like that, he wants to eat me up," Greer pouted, and said, "Master Gu Yi once commented on him as stubborn, arrogant, and ambitious."

Wang turned his head, looked at Greer in surprise, hesitated to speak, he also worshiped under the ancient one, according to the seniority in the order of entry, he was Casillas' senior brother, and this was the first time he heard of ancient one The mage had said so of Casillas.

"Such a person whose weakness is too obvious may be an unstable factor, especially in the face of Dormammu's temptation."

Speaking of Dormammu, Wang's face became serious, and he said, "No, Casillas is working very hard, and he is very..."

"Have you forgotten? I can see the future." Greer said leisurely, stepped over the stunned king, put the book in his hand on a wooden chair beside him, and then stood up straight, saying: "Cassily Yas's weaknesses are too obvious, and people with weaknesses are too easily breached."

The king's lips trembled a few times, trying to utter a rebuttal, but he couldn't utter a single word. As he was born in a family of arcane magic, he naturally knew the function of the Eye of Agamotto, but he really couldn't believe that Casili Yas will be seduced by Dormammu.

"Don't tell other people, it's just one future after all, and the future is never certain."

"Uh, oh, um..." Wang was a little confused. The mage of Kama Taj would become a follower of Domamu, which is simply a shame for Kama Taj.

"Okay, think about it slowly, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Greer was about to open the space door and leave Karma Taj as he said that. He still had a lot of things to do. The key is Stark and Thor from the 'future'.

Greer wanted to learn some news about the "future" from them. Although the plot of this world has gone off track, it is the "future" anyway. It may be of reference value. Knowing more is better than nothing. I don't even know what to do.

It is best to get all the information on the nano-suit, so that Stark's steel suit skips a series of experimental models in the middle and directly transitions to the latest nano-suit. The strength will definitely increase dramatically, which is equivalent to several years of research and development With time, maybe a more advanced steel battle suit can be produced.

Greer is now trying every means to strengthen the strength of the earth side. Facing Thanos and the army of the dark sect, no matter how much preparation is enough, it is not enough.There is also the collection of infinite gems, which is also one of Greer's ideas. Only by taking other people's gems can others be useless.

Of course, Greer didn't want to use it by himself. Using the two gems together made Greer almost faint, and he is still relentless until now. It is impossible to walk this distance with such a stack of books.Using six together will definitely cause more serious consequences, so it can only be used as a last resort.

"Go?" The word successfully brought the king back to his senses, his chubby face was full of surprises, and he said, "You want to leave Kama Taj? Your residence has been packed, and the supreme venerable wants to guard Kama Taj." Ji, I still need to teach."

Wang himself can't go on talking. This new venerable is a newbie himself, so what can he use to teach others?

"You can call me if you have anything to do. I usually turn on the phone 24 hours a day, so I don't need a place to live. I'm used to living in my own castle."

"Castle." Wang didn't know how to answer the question, he was so dazzling and blind.

But I have to say: "The supreme venerables of all ages live in Karma Taj."

"Me too, I just found a suitable place to put the castle."

"Place it?" Wang was so confused that he was almost blind. He knew every word, but he didn't understand what it meant when they put it together, but he understood it right away. Greer took out a pink The metal object was placed on the waist, and a silver-white metal belt was stretched out in an instant, and it was firmly tied to Greer's waist. Almost at the same time, a silver metal box the size of a palm appeared on the left on the side belt.

Greer raised his left hand, and the knight card box opened automatically, and a card popped out from it, Greer took it in his hand, flipped his wrist, and inserted it into the driver at his waist:

"Attack Ride Castle Doran!"

The driver sounded a loud mechanical synthesis sound, and Wang Yi was stunned when he heard it. In this sound, the ruby ​​of the revolving decade driver lit up, and the shining light spread to the top of a hill outside Karma Taj, instantly turning into a A huge magic circle with a diameter of [-] meters.

The center of the double-ring structure is a bright six-pointed star, with hundreds of tiny rays interspersed in it, outlining complex patterns. There are thousands of luminous runes with unknown meanings in the gap between the double rings, as well as symbols representing water, fire, earth, and wind. The symbol makes this magic circle look extraordinarily gorgeous.

With such a huge magic circle and abundant magic power, it can be said that the mystics who have some attainments can feel it. They thought it was a powerful enemy attacking, and ran out in a hurry. What they saw was a huge magic circle, and a body-sized A larger unknown creature is slowly flying out of the magic circle.

"What is this?" Casillas, who jumped to a high place to defend against the enemy, propped up the luminous round shield with his palms, and looked in shock at the huge creature whose middle body was a building and the rest was a Western Dragon, or it came from a magic circle. Flying out, could it be a summoned thing?
At this moment, Casillas' cell phone rang in his pocket, and he took out his Nokia to see that it was a text message from Wang: "It is the magic of the Supreme Being to disarm the alarm."

Casillas suddenly widened his eyes, and then turned his head to look at the castle dragon of Delan, which had already flown out of the magic circle. The huge figure, like a hill, slowly landed on a mountain with its huge wings covering the sky. The top of the mountain replaced the dangerous peak, but the limbs, head and tail were gathered in an instant, leaving only the castle on the back.

"What is this?" Casillas said tremblingly, feeling that the voice didn't sound like his own. The magic circle just now was huge and full of magic power, which made people frightened. Obviously this was a demonstration of the new venerable ' and show strength.

This alone can make most of the voices of doubt disappear. Strength determines everything. The new venerable has shown his strength. He can drive such a huge magic circle and summon such a huge creature. A large number of people died, but no one would think that this creature was just a fake, without any means of attack.

Even the well-informed Wang, who came from a family of secret arts, was also shocked. The guy next to him kept saying that he didn't learn much magic and was just new.Whoever is new, will put out a big move to level the world. The magic circle alone is enough to show the level of the new venerable. Obviously, the ancient venerable is not aimless, and the new venerable has real materials.

"Want to visit my castle?" Greer said as he opened the space door leading to the castle, picked up the magic book on the wooden chair, and walked in.The king followed and stepped on the city wall paved with large stone bricks. It is really hard to imagine that the castle was just supported by a dragon.

There are also tall towers, and the exposed beam cannons can be seen from below. Obviously, this castle is not only for living, but also can fly. It is basically a mobile bomber, which makes the king more sure. This dragon is to tell doubters and dissatisfied people like Casillas not to underestimate him and the ancient one.

"In a few days, Master Hamil and Master Daniel will come to install a fixed space door for the castle, leading directly to the center of Karma Taj. At that time, I will be able to go directly to the three holy halls and Karma Taj from the castle. With the castle dragon here, if the enemy wants to invade Karma Taj, they must first crush the castle dragon." Greer said confidently.

"If it weren't for the trouble, I would like to move all the important places of Karma Taj, such as the library, to the Castle Dragon. It would be much safer." Greer said pointedly, if he hadn't intended to The position of the mage will definitely allow Karma Taj to move into the castle as a whole, so that there will be no traitors. Don't think that someone can bypass the castle dragon and contact creatures like Dormammu privately.

PS: Don’t drink if you can, it’s really a mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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