The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 429 The Broken Rainbow Bridge

Chapter 429 The Broken Rainbow Bridge
In a crack in Asgard, a continent suspended in the void of the universe, a group of strong dark elves are quickly climbing up a cliff at a vertical angle of [-] degrees. A real miss will cause eternal hatred, and there is no chance of redemption.

Above them is a prison built in the middle of the mountain, which houses a large number of rebels. Recently, Asgard's army has suppressed the rebellion everywhere in the Nine Realms, making this prison overcrowded. This is only the culprit. Miscellaneous soldiers are not eligible to be imprisoned in Asgard's prison at all. This shows how many counter-insurgency wars Asgard has fought in the recent period.

Dare to launch a mutiny must feel that it is enough to counter Asgard's counter-insurgency troops, causing a lot of losses to Asgard's army, so that even the troops defending Asgard have been transferred out a lot, so that now In the face of the dark elves' raid, the troops were a bit stretched, so much so that most of the guards in the prison were transferred away.

With the reduction of guards, the places to be stationed and the range of patrols naturally also decreased, allowing the dark elves to sneak up from under the cliff without a sound, and then directly began to attack.

During the most glorious period of the dark elves, technology was unrivaled in the Nine Realms, and they possessed a large number of high-tech weapons, such as blade-shaped combat airships, stealth technology, and the strongest individual weapon black hole grenade. The three-meter strong gravitational force squeezes everything within the attack range into atoms.

In order for the plan to proceed smoothly, Malekith gave the team most of the few black hole grenades. The black hole grenade opened the way and forcibly dug a tunnel leading to the prison. The prison guards were vulnerable to the black hole grenade. , was easily wiped out by the dark elves, and its only function was to send an alarm to the outside world.

At this time on the Rainbow Bridge, Greer had already dissipated the earth-type magic circles on the sea. Maintaining these magic circles required not only a lot of magic power, but also Greer's mental power to control them. Hurry up and disperse these magic circles.

Asgard is definitely a treasure trove, fighting all day long, either in countering the rebellion or on the way to counter the rebellion, watching '哗哗! With the increased points, Greer wants to live in Asgard permanently, but it's a pity that Odin can't pass this level. Although he doesn't disdain mortals, he is still far from paying attention.

Especially now that Asgard is in an extraordinary period, the transition of kingship, if not for the Frost Giant's trouble, Thor has already taken over the throne from Odin, and Loki has played a large role in the delay so far.Thinking of this, Greer suddenly wanted to know, would Loki be able to get out of trouble without Jane's "Thor 2"?And the queen of Asgard, will she be killed for protecting Jane?Judging from the current situation, the dark elves wanting to invade Asgard is simply a dream.

The combat power of the two sides is not at the same level at all. Asgard not only has a winged solar ship, but also a fixed turret. Fifty, can kill the dark elves alive.

The last battle airship within the range of the magic circle was torn apart by more than a dozen magic chains, smashing into the sea and setting off turbulent waves. There were no more dark elf battle airships emerging from the sea, leaving Greer free to think about this series of events. The problem, the mysterious disappearance of ether particles, marks the overall collapse of the plot of "Thor 2". The dark elves attacked Asgard in advance, which is the best example. What will happen in the future, really only God knows.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Odin walking over with the Eternal Spear, and said briskly, "Are you going to attend the banquet in Asgard? Once again, defeating the dark elves is worth celebrating."

Before Odin finished speaking, a large piece suddenly bulged from the surface of the sea 500 meters away, and a large number of them went down the current, as if a Kunpeng was about to fly from the bottom of the sea, which made Odin's good mood come to an abrupt end , Without hesitation, he raised the Eternal Spear in his hand, and directly hit the unknown object that was slowly rising from the bottom of the sea.

Greer immediately raised his arms, put his palms together, unceremoniously absorbed the energy from the rainbow bridge under his feet, converted it into earth energy through the wizard's earth armor, gathered it in his palms, and built a magic circle with a diameter of half a meter , emitting a beam of light more than ten centimeters thick.

The Destroyer, the strongest weapon in Asgard, who had just stepped onto the Rainbow Bridge, also stopped, and the armor on his face was opened, gathering a large amount of energy, and launching a shock wave.

Three attacks with slightly different thicknesses and colors hit the unidentified object rising two or three meters from the sea almost at the same time. Only three explosions were heard, and the rushing down 'waterfall' was blown apart and burst into pieces. Spit out a flame several meters long.

Three large holes were blown out of the shell, breaking the dark elf's invisibility, and revealing the true appearance of the object rising from the sea: the length and width exceeded 50 meters, and the height above the sea surface alone was 60 to 300 meters. It is estimated that This spaceship is also [-] meters up.

This body is bigger than the space carrier of S.H.I.E.L.D., but under the attack of the three of them, after only holding on for ten seconds, it was blown to pieces and sank to the bottom of the sea again without even showing its face. It sank for only 15 seconds, without even sending out an attack.

Before anyone could breathe a sigh of relief, Daisy on the side suddenly yelled: "Behind, there's more behind!"

Odin and Greer were startled, and turned their heads quickly, but what they saw was blank, and they couldn't launch an attack immediately, but in Daisy's sense, a vibration source was rushing towards them at an extremely fast speed .The dark elves gave up the light beam attack that would expose their traces. After all, gathering energy will generate a heat source. For Odin or Greer, it is as bright as stars in the dark night, but this way they use themselves as hidden weapons to collide, plus stealth technology , which is difficult to detect unless you are very close.

But when the large spaceship of the dark elves entered a distance that could be felt by them, the speed of the spaceship had increased, just like now, Greer and Odin launched an attack in the direction Daisy pointed, and the two beams of light were The explosion exploded in the void, blowing out the large spaceship of the dark elves.

But the inertia made the dark elf's spaceship continue to hit the Rainbow Bridge, the speed has exceeded twice the speed of sound, and the distance of nearly 2000 meters can be crossed in only two or three seconds, even if the dark elf's spaceship is now It was blown to pieces, and a large number of fragments were thrown over by the inertia of the party.

Odin finally couldn't maintain the calmness before, and his face became extremely bad: "Okay!"

The impact of such a heavy spaceship plus its speed must be beyond the tolerance of the Rainbow Bridge. Once the Rainbow Bridge is destroyed, even if there are space gems, it will not be a matter of time to repair it.You must know that the rebellion in the Nine Realms has not been completely suppressed yet, and even Thor has been traveling all year round, wanting to quell the rebellion in the Nine Realms as soon as possible, so that he can go to Midgard to find a girl.

You can imagine with your duodenum that if the Rainbow Bridge is destroyed again, there will definitely be more rebels jumping out to stir up trouble. When the Rainbow Bridge is repaired, I am afraid that Asgard will be greeted by an extremely chaotic Nine Realms. It takes more time to calm down, and what variables will appear in the process?

For a moment, countless grandma's legs appeared in Odin's mind, but the spaceship that was crazily rushing over did not stop because of this, but was still accelerating crazily, completely defending against the defense. Even if you blow me up, I will It looks like it's about to hit you.

Greer gave up the attack without hesitation, turned around and ran, while running, his right hand quickly turned, opened the space door as fast as possible, then picked up Daisy and jumped into the space door , a series of movements are flowing like clouds and flowing water, without any dragging at all.

The back heel was still outside the space door, and the dark elf spaceship with two huge fire-breathing holes in its shell collided with the Rainbow Bridge. There was a sound of heaven and earth cracking, and the pier facing the dark elf spaceship was smashed to pieces immediately. The subsequent squeezing force immediately poured onto the Rainbow Bridge, causing the bridge deck of the Rainbow Bridge to make an unpleasant cracking sound.

At this time, the dark elves in the spaceship suffered heavy losses. Two of them died on the spot, and the two who were still alive had broken bones. The situation was very bad, but the two remaining dark elves, except Beyond pain is determination.

Shouting the slogan of the dark elves, with the only good arm, he pressed a button in his hand, and the bombs piled up in the cabin were immediately detonated.

'boom! '

The earth-shattering explosion echoed in the sky, and the terrifying shock wave spread. The Rainbow Bridge, which could withstand a few blows of Thor's Hammer, was as thin as paper at this moment, and it collapsed in an instant. It was blown to pieces hundreds of meters and hundreds of tons. The sea water was vaporized, and stormy waves arose on the sea.

The Bifrost, which was pouring firepower in the distance, suddenly turned off in the explosion, and the glowing dark golden buildings quickly dimmed, and the fast-rotating gears also stopped, making Heimdall's face big. Changed, turned his head to look in the direction of the palace, and suddenly saw black smoke and monstrous flames rising from the middle of the Rainbow Bridge.

"The Rainbow Bridge is broken again!" Heimdalton immediately understood what had happened, without hesitation, he immediately drew out the sword of protection, started to run in big strides, ran out of Bifrost in three or two steps, jumped, jumped on He grabbed the top of Bifrost, held Bifrost and pointed it at the dark cosmic void. Since Bifrost was unusable, he used his body to block the invading dark elves.

About a kilometer away from the breaking point of the Rainbow Bridge, Greer jumped out of the space door with Daisy in his arms. He heard the deafening explosion and felt the strong vibration of the Rainbow Bridge. No need to look, the Rainbow Bridge must have broken again.

"Is this the purpose of the dark elves?" Greer couldn't help but said, it was a frontal attack, a siege blooming everywhere, and a stealth attack on the bottom of the sea, all of them were offensives, and the real killing moves were these two huge ships. The spaceship launched a suicide attack on the long rainbow bridge from left to right, cutting off Asgard's passage to the outside world.

In this case, no matter how many troops there are outside Asgard, they will not be able to return to Asgard. The dark elves only need to defeat the army stationed in Asgard to occupy Asgard.

Odin did not know when he appeared beside Greer, holding up the Eternal Spear, and loudly issued orders to let the Asgard army rush to help Bifrost immediately, and never let the dark elves destroy Bifrost .The repair of the Rainbow Bridge fracture is still very fast, but it is much more complicated than Frost. The last time it was destroyed, it took more than a year to repair it, and it also exhausted Asgard's storage materials. If it is destroyed, I am afraid that we will have to find materials first.

After receiving the order from Odin, the Asgardian army stationed on the defense line immediately pulled out most of the mobile troops, the solar ship flight army, and lined up along the Rainbow Bridge to prevent the dark elves from causing more damage to the Rainbow Bridge, and to extend the repair of the Rainbow Bridge. Most of the time spent on the bridge went to Bifrost, the end of the Rainbow Bridge, to guard this most important node.

In the void far away from Asgard, on the flagship of the dark elves, Malekith saw Odin's deployment with a smile on his face, and said to himself: "Asgard has become Are you so stupid? Being led by the nose and being passively defensive all the time is really disappointing, counting the time, Mars is about to start."

Malekith's estimation was quite correct. Asgard's prison had been completely breached by the dark elves carrying the strongest individual weapon - the black hole grenade. The intrusion alarm from the guards who fought to the last moment made Asgard The leading general in the army hurriedly ordered a part of the troops to go to prison.The Asgardian army who had just boarded the solar ship and flew to the Rainbow Bridge had to turn around and fly to the prison. The conflicting orders and repeated journeys made the entire military mobilization of Asgard very messy, without any rules, and The dark elves are in stark contrast at every step.

For a while, the sky above Asgard was full of solar ships flying around, some went to support Bifrost, some went to support the prison, and some went to support other directions. It can be said to be messy, and even happened The collision time made the traffic situation worse.

On the Rainbow Bridge, Daisy grabbed Greer's arm, looked at the thick smoke in the distance, and whispered, "Can we not go back?" Although she had never been to Asgard, she heard that Greer As I said before, the Rainbow Bridge is an important channel connecting Asgard to the Nine Realms. They used the Rainbow Bridge when they came to Asgard, and they probably needed the Rainbow Bridge when they went back. Now that the Rainbow Bridge has been broken, wouldn’t it be impossible to go back? up.

"It was broken once before, but it was fixed soon." Greer said a few words of comfort, then quickly looked at Odin, and said, "Where should I go now?"

Thor is not here, he should be regarded as the strongest besides Odin, well, if we get rid of the Destroyer, we will naturally go to the key position.

(End of this chapter)

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