The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 430 Curse the Warrior

Chapter 430 Curse the Warrior
Odin raised his hand and pointed to the front, saying: "Bifrost, that is an important node for summoning the Rainbow Bridge. Once it is destroyed, the connection between Asgard and the outside world will be interrupted for a long time. I have ordered the army to move forward." Come to support, before they arrive, I hope you can help Heimdall hold Bifrost first."

The Rainbow Bridge in Asgard is just an energy transmission pipeline, and Bifrost uses the energy to summon the Rainbow Bridge and transport the target to any place in the Nine Realms. The difficulty and technical content of repairing 'machines' is comparable to repairing 'wires' Too high.

"Let me speed up your army." Greer nodded, the Rainbow Bridge was broken, which made him unable to borrow the endless energy of the Rainbow Bridge, and the pressure to release the magic in a large area was much greater. How long it will last is really hard to say.

If the dark elves make a comeback, Greer will really have a hard time defending Bifrost. After all, the dark elves attack Bifrost from the universe, and he can't fly to the universe to fight with spaceships whose speed is at the speed of light. Bar.

Not to mention the alien planet whose technology far surpasses that of the earth, but the earth itself. The speed of a multi-stage rocket can reach more than ten kilometers per second. uneasy.

Therefore, Greer resolutely decided to use the space gate to bring the Asgard army over to help him share some pressure, at least give the dark elves more targets to attack. than frost.

Greer raised his left hand, pointing forward, and a hanging ring emerged from the fingers of his right hand. With the rotation of Greer's right hand, a light spot suddenly appeared in the void, which was as gorgeous as fireworks, and fierce sparks burst out, but The sparks didn't fall, but attached together, forming a bright halo.

As Greer turned his right hand, the halo rapidly expanded. Greer tried his best to open the space door to the maximum.He didn't have much research on space magic, relying on the bonus of dragon riding, he has been studying, practicing and researching offensive magic.

The luminous circle that suddenly appeared beside him scared the Asgardian solar ship mobile unit that was marching fast. Fortunately, there was Odin on the other side of the circle, so that the mobile unit could safely pass through the space gate. In an instant, he came to a place very close to Bifrost.

"It does save some time." Odin commented. Usually this distance is nothing, but at this critical moment, it is very fatal. Every second is precious. After all, Bifrost, who has lost his energy supply, , like an egg with its shell removed, arriving a second earlier might prevent Bifrost from being blown up.

The narrow space gate can only allow one solar ship to pass through at a time. It may take two or three hours for the whole army to pass through. Therefore, the solar ship mobile force left a small team of a hundred people to pass through the space gate, and the large force continued to pass through the space gate. Forward.

A solar ship with light wings on both sides flew out of the space gate, and then accelerated towards Bifrost. There were five soldiers on each ship, one to control the solar ship, and two additional controls installed on both sides. beam cannon, and two with individual weapons.

"It's so beautiful!" This was Daisy's first impression of Asgard's solar ship. The Asgardian army is all wearing shiny dark gold armor, and the light from the solar ship shines on it, shining brightly. When you pull it out, the rate of turning back is absolutely [-]%.

However, I still have to say a but, is such a new solar ship and such a new armor really an army of hundreds of battles?He doesn't know about Asgard, but only the guard of honor on earth has such a new body, and even the logistics didn't say that the new one is just like it just came out of the oven.

After the last solar ship flew out of the space gate, Greer was about to send Daisy and Odin back to the palace, and then rushed to Bifrost, but just after opening the space gate leading to the palace, a message came out. The ear-piercing sound of the siren made people feel tense when they heard it.

Odin was startled, and hurried into the palace with the Eternal Spear. Greer hesitated, but still pulled Daisy and walked in. At this moment, the whole palace was in a mess, with guns and shields everywhere Running guards.

Odin holds a small group in and soon learns what happened when the Asgardian prison, which has never been attacked since its establishment, has been taken.Because most of the troops have been dispatched to protect the four sides of Asgard, the huge Asgard now has no soldiers to use.

We can only urgently dispatch a part of the palace guards to the prison for support. We must not let the demons and monsters inside escape and disrupt the order of Asgard. Especially now that it is wartime, the troops are already very tense, and there is really no way to spare them. Asgard is full of raids, so even if the rebels are not eliminated, they must be blocked in and dealt with after the frontline war is over.

"Where did the dark elves come in?" Odin's white eyebrows were almost wrinkled, trying to think about the purpose of the dark elves. First, he attacked from the front, then besieged everywhere, then cut off people's backs, and now blossomed in the center. A series of attacks The movements are so gaudy that people can't guess and figure out what the hell the dark elves are trying to do.

Do you really plan to break through or even occupy Asgard with such a few remnants?It's too unrealistic. Even if you don't transfer troops from the outside, there are so many people in Asgard, one in a hundred can fight to wipe out the dark elves, but you don't plan to occupy Asgard. This series of actions is another What are you going to do?
Odin is still thinking hard, but Greer is trying to recall the plot of the movie. It seems that the dark elves in the movie adopt the tactics of frontal attack and sneak attack. Of course, this process is simplified because of the cost and time. I described it a bit, but it’s not like the reality, it’s playing fancy and doing all kinds of fake moves.

However, the ultimate goal of the dark elves is Asgard's energy supply system, and they destroyed it with the strongest cursed warriors, causing the entire Asgard to 'cut off' the electricity, and all shields and turrets were shut down. , was easily invaded by the dark elves into the palace.

Thinking of this, Greer hurriedly said: "If the palace guards are transferred out, what will happen to the palace? In the beginning, the surrounding area was tight, and the prison guards were transferred away, and then the prison fell, and now the palace guards have to be transferred. Wall, what if the ultimate goal of the dark elves is the palace?"

Odin glanced at Greer, and said confidently: "I have activated the defense system of the palace. Even if the entire army of dark elves presses up, they will not be able to break through the protective shield."

"But what if they directly destroy the energy supply?" Greer asked again: "I always feel that when they attack the prison, they are sure that the rest of Asgard's army will be restrained, so they can only use the palace guards. Where? If the troops are empty, the dark elves will attack wherever they are."

Odin was silent for a moment. The situation Greer said was not impossible, but the prison must be guarded. Once the rebels inside escaped, it would cause even greater troubles to Asgard. More troops are going all over the world to hunt them down, so these rebels must be kept in prison.

"Bifrost doesn't need me to go there, why don't I go to guard the energy point of Asgard." Greer took the initiative to propose it, which can be regarded as a test for Odin, look at him How high is your trust in yourself? If you politely refuse, then Greer will go directly to collect points, regardless of whether Asgard falls or not.

After only two or three seconds of consideration, Odin nodded and agreed to Greer's suggestion, and sent a 20-member team to guard the energy supply hub with Greer. A group of 22 people walked quickly in the middle ages. style stone building.

The Asgardians who come and go are all armor and gun shields. In contrast, the trench coats and jeans worn by Greer and Daisy are really out of harmony, just like the protagonists of court dramas, full of catchphrases and Internet jokes, I can't wait to drag the tour guide and screenwriter of the brain-dead drama out of the TV and beat them up, and ask what kind of shit they filmed.

Daisy also felt that it was very disobedient. Walking among this group of expressionless and heavily armed medieval soldiers, she felt like a prisoner, and her position was very wrong. Fortunately, it didn't take long before she arrived in Asgard. The absolute central point, the energy supply station.

The energy consumed in the entire Asgard is sent out from here, and it is also the place where Odin sent Greer back to Earth last time. Naturally, the defense here is also the strictest. Not only are there enchanting runes everywhere on the walls, but also on the gate It was also the thickest one. The guards stood upright, scanning their surroundings vigilantly.

After the 20-member support team arrived here, they immediately dispersed and joined the original guard team. Instead, Greer and Daisy became nothing, standing there doing nothing, waiting for the cursed warriors who might come.

Greer himself is not sure whether the cursed warrior will come, anyway, there is no guard here in the movie, so that the cursed warrior can easily destroy it, but now the defense is tight, and with the 20-man team brought by Greer, The number of people has already exceeded a hundred, and the number of Asgardian fighters who appeared in the three Thor movies may add up to this number.

Since there was nothing else to do for the time being, Greer simply took Daisy to stroll around the observatory in Asgard. The trip to London was useless, so he decided to take a tour of the Asgard palace instead.I have to say that the architecture of Asgard is still very brilliant. The stone palace construction is majestic. The lighting system is not oil lamps and torches, but the rune array engraved on the wall. The light emitted is stronger than a kilowatt light bulb. Bright.

The opening and closing of the stone gates, which cost several tons at every turn, is also driven by an array of runes. Although Asgard has not developed technology, the brilliant rune system has allowed them to embark on another path that is not weaker than technological civilization.But regardless of technology or magic civilization, they are all subject to energy, just like the bombing of power plants in the earth war. If the power is cut off, the magic circle is just a bunch of lines.

Before walking around for half a circle, Daisy stopped suddenly, tugged at the corner of Greer's clothes, frowned slightly and said, "There is someone on the other side of the wall."

Before she could finish her words, the thick wall was suddenly torn apart, and a large number of stones were all squeezed towards the middle. In the blink of an eye, a large hole with a diameter of three to four meters appeared on the seamless wall. , so that Greer and the cursed warrior who were separated by a wall had an 'affectionate look'.

After Greer saw the tall figure wearing a rough armor like old bark and a cow helmet on the opposite side, he immediately matched up with the cursed warrior in his memory, and raised his arms without hesitation. An earth magic circle quickly emerged from both wrists.

In the next second, the hole in the wall was covered by a huge earth-type magic circle. Under the supply of Greer's large amount of magic power, the earth-type magic circle quickly turned into stone, and the big hole that appeared in less than a second was completely covered. tightly blocked

This change made the Cursed Warrior stunned. Using the imitation ether particles did make him go berserk and gain powerful power, but his sanity dropped a lot.So that the hole was suddenly blocked, and he didn't react for a while, and he was stunned for half a second before he punched and began to hammer.

After gaining some time, Greer immediately turned back to Daisy and said, "Daisy, go and inform the guards immediately, and you must not leave your position. Maybe there are other dark elves preparing to attack."

"I see." Daisy turned around and ran obediently, to inform the guards, don't be led by the nose by the dark elves, if all the guards come to deal with the cursed warriors, let alone give away the head, the empty observatory, I'm afraid it's not something that can be destroyed by an individual in the past.

'Boom!Boom! '

On the other side of the wall, there was the sound of the cursed warrior smashing the wall crazily. With just two punches, the half-meter-thick stone wall built by Greer with magic power was smashed into a big hole by the cursed warrior. Just three or four more punches , and broke open a channel for the cursed warrior to come in.

But within two seconds, Greer had already taken two steps back, holding a card in his left hand and inserting it into the driver at his waist: "Transform!"

"Form Ride Kiva Dogga!"

Lightning bolts scurry across Greer's body, and in the blink of an eye, it turns into a purple Kamen Rider Kiva Dega armor, covering Greer's body.

Just after completing the transformation, Greer took out another card with big eyes from the knight card box and inserted it into the knight card box on his waist.

"Attack Ride Dogga Hammer!"

Accompanied by the sound of mechanical synthesis, Greer's right hand burst out several shining point beams, which were quickly entangled together, and in the blink of an eye, they were condensed into a heavy weapon with a length of 1.5 meters - the magic hammer. The hammer was held firmly in Greer's hand.

The cursed warrior just hammered open the wall, and what greeted him was a huge purple fist. Greer even turned half a circle on purpose, adding a turning force to the magic hammer, and hit the cursed warrior's chest fiercely, accompanied by 'Boom! ' With a loud noise, the cursed warrior was knocked away in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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