The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 428 Attack and Defense

Chapter 428 Attack and Defense

The surging magical power made Odin look sideways. When he saw the khaki magic circle under Greer's feet, he couldn't help showing surprise on his face. The flowing brilliance and wandering runes had never been seen before. , and Weishandi's family, it can be said that they are very different.

But the magic circle on this child's wrist just now is obviously from the Weishan Emperor system, why did it suddenly change to another system?

Under Odin's watchful eyes, the magic circle disappeared completely over Greer's head, and Greer also completed his transformation, leaping up in the wizard's earth armor and jumping to the pylons on both sides of the Rainbow Bridge At the top, with a quick glance around, he jumped towards the nearest combat airship.

Still in mid-air, a khaki-colored magic circle suddenly appeared under his feet, allowing Greer to step down with his right foot, and then jumped up again with the help of his right foot. At the same time, he raised his hand and pointed straight ahead. The brilliant light instantly converged into a complex earth magic circle.

A large amount of magic power gushed out from Greer's body, and finally gathered on the magic circle, making every line and every rune of the magic circle exude a bright luster, and an earth-colored earth-colored [-]-[-] centimeters in diameter was emitted from it. The light beam instantly hit a combat airship.

'boom! '

The black shell of the battle airship was pierced at once, and continued to impact the internal parts, and finally exploded in the cabin, and an internal flower came, blowing up this ten-meter-long battle airship to pieces, turning it into countless pieces. The burning steel fragments fell towards the sea.

Greer, who was in the air, just finished firing the beam, and a magic circle immediately appeared under his feet, allowing Greer to use his strength to jump up again, dodging several incoming laser beams, and propped himself up with his hands. The magic circle launched an attack again, blowing up the two combat airships into fireballs.

Greer just strode like this, using the magic shield as a 'stepping stone', jumping around in the air, attracting the attack of the battle airships of the invisible dark elves, and it didn't take much time and effort to find the invisible battle airships. He Fang, as long as the battle airship attacks, the position will be exposed, and Greer's magic shock wave will immediately fight back.

Standing on the bridge, Daisy watched Greer 'dancing on the tip of the knife', feeling very anxious, but the dark elf's combat airship in the invisible state flew extremely fast. But the attack frequency is very low, and most of the energy is spent on calculating the flight trajectory of the combat airship and its own attack angle.

"Where's Thor?" Daisy immediately thought of the strongest Avenger—Thor, didn't he return to Asgard?Why didn't I see his shadow?

Holding the Eternal Spear, Odin kept attacking the Dark Elf's battle airship. Hearing Daisy's question, he said, "He's suppressing the rebellion in Muspelheim, don't worry, Asgard's army will soon They will arrive and completely wipe out the invading enemy."

During the time he was speaking, balls of light bombs flew from the direction of Asgard land, and in just one wave, fifty or sixty combat airships were blown up in the air. It was a completely covering attack, and wiped out all the dark elves' vanguards in one fell swoop. up.A huge tin man over three meters tall was walking along the Rainbow Bridge towards Bifrost, but all combat airships within his sensing range could not escape its attack.

The sneak attack of the dark elves really caught Asgard by surprise. The vanguard once approached the city of Asgard and blew up dozens of buildings.But after reacting, Asgard's army showed strong combat effectiveness. It doesn't matter if you can't see you, just launch a cover attack.

Light bombs go forward one after another, like a fishing net, as long as the body is larger than the mesh, there is no escape, but the cover bombing can only be carried out in one area and one area. When attacking this area, the combat airships in other areas will have no impact on Asgard. The army launched a counterattack.

At the same time as the combat airships on the sea crashed, the winged ships belonging to Asgard were also hit, falling downward, hitting the stone building, and bursting into fireballs.

The two sides fought hard. Asgard has a lot of ships and has the advantage of home field - the assistance of fixed turrets, while the advantage of the dark elves lies in invisibility. Neither the naked eye nor Asgard's detectors can detect the darkness. The elves can only use extremely wasteful cover bombing, and the hit rate is less than one in a thousand, which is equivalent to fighting with a thousand ships in Asgard and one ship of the dark elves, and the numerical advantage is gone.

Fierce battles unfolded everywhere, and all Asgard's troops were mobilized. Except for the necessary guards everywhere, all others were mobilized to resist the attack of the dark elves.This made the defenses of other areas weaker, and soon a large number of dark elf combat airships launched attacks from these directions, but what greeted them was more intense firepower than the frontal battlefield.

Standing on the Rainbow Bridge, Odin received a report of dark elves appearing from other directions. A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. The dark elves thousands of years ago were so powerful that they were no match for Asgard. It is simply hitting a stone with an egg.

Asgard's defense system is strong enough that no invading enemy can break through it. Therefore, Odin has no fear. He didn't even call back the army that was fighting outside. He only relied on the army stationed in Asgard to resist the army of the dark elves. .

Greer didn't care so much, he was happily collecting points, and he was still using the energy of the Rainbow Bridge. It's not too beautiful to borrow flowers to offer himself.

Once again, he stepped on the magic shield and jumped up, and landed on the radiant rainbow bridge. At this time, the number of combat airships emerging from the bottom of the sea was not as large as before, and he had no time to take care of Greer. Naturally, there was no need to do it like before. Bounced and dodged.

"I'm going to play a big one." Greer said, spreading his feet, standing on the Rainbow Bridge, holding his breath, absorbing the energy flowing in the Rainbow Bridge, and converting it into magic power through the wizard's earth armor, allowing Greer to His armor glowed.

Especially the magic gem inlaid on the chest exudes a dazzling light, illuminating the surroundings like a small sun, causing Odin, who was a few kilometers away, to turn his head and look at Greer again, surprised in his heart. Since the last time he came to Asgard, this child's strength has increased too much, and he can gather so much energy.

"Come on!" Greer shouted loudly, and pushed his hands forward, all the magic power stored in the magic power gem was thrown out, and fell on the sea surface, each light spot rapidly expanded, and in the blink of an eye, it became a big one. A magic circle with a diameter of two meters.

'call out!call out!call out! '

Chains of magic power shoot out from the magic circle and intertwine with each other to form a huge net, covering the dark elf combat airships that 'snorkel' under the sea and soar in the air, and then the loose chains are tightened, The earth-type magic circles moved one by one, driving the iron chains to move with them, and carried out a net-like search.

Whenever the battle airship touched by the iron chains, it will immediately be besieged by the attached iron chains, wrapping the battle airship like rice dumplings, several iron chains work together, forcefully tearing the battle airship into several pieces, sinking It entered the bottom of the sea, was washed down by the undercurrent to the abyss of the world tree, and was torn to pieces.

In an instant, an unknown number of battle airships were torn apart. Anyway, no battle airship flew out of the area covered by the earth magic circle.And Greer's happiness blossomed, and the credits were 'crack!rub! 'The upward trend, the points that were exhausted due to the conversion of the wizard land form, once again skyrocketed by more than 9000, became more than 500, and in just over ten minutes, it took a long, long time to gain points on the earth. Points earned over a long period of time.

This made Greer overjoyed. Sure enough, war is the best way to earn points. I was dizzy, but it was painful and happy.

 I don't even know what I'm writing, I haven't been successful recently, MD, what kind of gods have you offended, and messed with me like this.

(End of this chapter)

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