The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 408 The Indifferent Future

Chapter 408 The Indifferent Future

Casillas ran back after hearing the words of the ancient master, and continued to teach the group of apprentices who had not yet started how to sense and use magic. Big Brother' role.

Greer asked hesitantly, "He is."

"Iker Casillas, as I named him, fell as a child one winter more than 30 years ago in front of one of the gates of Kama Taj leading to the outside world. I discovered his magical talent and brought him In order to stay, he is a very outstanding disciple."

"Are you sure?" Greer really wanted to ask this question. In the movie, it seems that this guy jumped backwards, causing the temple to collapse, Dormammu's invasion, and even the ancient mage was stabbed by this guy. It's cold.

Greer hesitated for two seconds before saying, "You said that the Eye of Agamotto is a gem of time, so can you see a person's future?"

"When you see the future, the future has already changed. In scientific terms, it's 'Schrödinger's cat.'"


It is really weird that a supreme being who has won the highest honorary title in the magic world actually talks about science. Although Kama Taj is not isolated from the world, nor is he in another world, but he is full of science, which is really not suitable for a magician set up.

Master Gu Yi smiled, looking at the sweaty 'Future of Karma Taj' on the playground, and said: "Kama Taj is not a place isolated from the world, there are Internet, TV and many household appliances here, Master It's not old fashioned."

Greer has an attitude of "you can do it if you think it's okay", and his attention is still on Iker Casillas who has begun to guide the newcomers. Although there is no "black eye", it seems, it should be the summoning of Dormammu in the movie villains.

"Then have you tried it? Use the time stone to see a person's future to determine whether he can become a mage of Karma Taj. After all, very dangerous." Greer slapped Casillas on the sidelines Did Master Ancient One really not know about the matter, or did he deliberately launch Doctor Strange and let him make his debut?
After all, the ancient mage who has lived for such a long time can be said to have survived the wind and rain, and the big rivers and rivers have come, but he was planted in the small ditch of the disciple. Wait a minute, it seems that Odin is also planted in the ditch, or himself Of the children, one threw him in the earth nursing home, and the other let him die directly, which was worse than Gu Yi.

The ancient mage turned his head and glanced at Greer, then turned and left the training field full of rookies. Greer took a last look at Doctor Strange who was still drawing circles and Casillas who was diligently teaching newcomers, and followed Gu A mage left here.

Leaving the training ground, Master Ancient One took Greer to visit Karma Taj's library with thousands of magic books and the equipment warehouse with various magic tools. The VIP tour group of Taj Day Tour' is equipped with a supreme master guide, who will introduce in detail the various attractions of Karma Taj and the non-famous people who have lived.

But Greer is really not in the mood to play. He originally asked the Mandarin about something, but he saw Casillas, who was even more uncomfortable. How many times stronger, even the crisis of Thanos is not worth mentioning.

After all, Thanos is just a tyrant in the universe, and Dormammu is the ruler of the dark dimension. It seems that he is the only evil villain who has not been eliminated, and he has not even won or gained the upper hand.Doctor Strange was abused from the beginning to the end, and he didn't even hit Dormammu's first blood, no, he didn't even touch Dormammu, relying on the time cycle of the Time Stone, he made Dormammu retreat.

Thinking about it this way, Greer suddenly realized that Dormammu seems to be really big and big trouble. Maybe, before Thanos comes, the earth will be swallowed by Dormammu first. A little unreliable, annoying the enemy, is it considered a victory?

Greer, who was full of future enemies, ignored the introduction to Karma Taj by Guyi guide. When he finally recovered, the two came to the highest point of Karma Taj. From here, they can clearly overlook the Karma Taj among the mountains, and Mount Everest covered in snow and ice in the distance.

Even though the altitude is so high, you can’t feel any chill. There are so many people who climb Mount Everest every year, but no one finds this large building complex, and there are several doors connecting the five continents. The magic lies in This moment appeared heartily.

Standing on the top of this high mountain, Master Gu Yi finally spoke and talked about the question Greer asked in the training ground: "Humans often say that standing high allows you to see far, but in fact, the higher you stand, the more details you can see. The less. Infinity gems have incredible abilities, but they are very dangerous. Every time you use a time gem, you will create time branches. Each branch is not exactly the same. When you use the time gem to see a person's future, this future will be It’s no longer a certain future.”

"You mean the future has changed?"

Master Gu Yi slowly shook his head and said, "I don't know!"


Greer really wants to find a dictionary at this moment, to find out how to interpret suspenseful words, um, maybe Zhou Yi should be found.

"Human society uses law to maintain order and evidence to convict a person, but if a person may commit a crime in the future, should he be convicted first?"

"Uh" the words of Mage Ancient One made Greer feel very familiar. It seems that he was thinking about this question some time ago. Why Mage Ancient One also thought so seems to make sense. After all, she has the time gem, so don't make it too easy to see the future , it is not surprising that such doubts arise.

But if this is the case, it means that the ancient one may know that Casillas will betray her in the future, blow up the magic temple, attract Dormammu and other things, so why is she indifferent and even died in Casillas? Yas' hands.

Wait a minute, Greer suddenly thought of the dark magic she had mentioned when she met the Ancient One last time. Could it be that she really wanted to seek death on purpose to launch Doctor Strange?Otherwise, a fool wouldn't do that if they knew the result and bumped into it by themselves.

"As I said, the moment you see the future, the future has already changed," Master Gu Yi said, with his hands behind his back and looking up at the magnificent Mount Everest, "The future is never uncertain, every minute and every minute Seconds change."

"I probably understand." Greer nodded thoughtfully, just like Doctor Strange used the time stone in the movie "Reunion III" to see 14000605 results of fighting Thanos, and only one was won of.I am afraid that so many futures are still not all the futures, but the futures seen by Doctor Strange, and there are more futures that have not been seen by Doctor Strange.

At that time, it was only a few hours before the fight against Thanos, and there were more than 400 million results, and Casillas had lived in Kama Taj for decades, how many futures would there be?Countless, and the future is constantly changing.

So if there are countless futures, it is true that everyone may be a bad person, and everyone may be a good person. If there is a trial like this, I am afraid that all people must be killed to prevent the emergence of bad people.

Ultron seems to be right. If you want permanent world peace, then just destroy the person who started the war. There is no way to refute it.Greer quickly shook his head, throwing this terrible thought out of his mind, it was really terrible.

The ancient master smiled, turned around, looked at Greer who seemed to be thinking about something, and said, "So I don't use the time gem to see the future, the future is the future , because it is full of unknowns.”

"Then what if you return to the past from the future? Is the future you were in before certain?" Greer asked the question he had been buried in his heart all along. What exactly is the Kamen Rider that Nick Fury saw in the past? Is it him.

If yes, then did he lose his memory, or returned to the past from the future; if not, then who is that Kamen Rider?

Faced with Greer's serious inquiry, Master Ancient One slowly shook his head and said, "I don't know, the Infinity Stone is the most mysterious item in the universe, and the secret of the Time Stone has been constantly explored by the Supreme Masters of all generations. However, the time gem has not been fully grasped so far.

Going back to the past from the future, Karma Taj has no relevant records. I don’t know if the Time Stone can do it. I’m afraid only you can solve this secret. "

The Ancient One Mage didn’t know, which disappointed Greer. It seems that the Supreme Mage is not an omniscient Mage. Think about it. How long is the earth’s civilization? Compared with the infinite gems born in the big bang, it is definitely in the sea. A drop of water is completely worthless.

Master Gu Yi raised his finger and pointed at Greer, restrained his smile, and said seriously: "I only have one suggestion, don't change the future easily, the result might be even worse."

"Huh?" Greer didn't understand why the Ancient One mage said that, but he still nodded in front of the elder, with a look of 'I'll listen'.Since Master Guyi has his own way of dealing with Casillas, it is not easy for him to intervene. After all, this is a family matter, and it is a big deal to negotiate and kill him.

Greer quickly asked about the Mandarin. After all, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win every battle. The Mandarin tried his best to get rid of the fake leader of the Ten Rings Gang and the world-renowned terrorist Mandarin. No matter how you think about it, it is not as simple as cracking down on fakes. With a plan, it is estimated that it is inevitable to go to war with the Mandarin.

Regarding Greer's question, Master Gu Yi thought about it, and then said: "He should be a disciple of Kunlun, a member of Qi practitioners."

"Practicing Qi? Cultivating Immortals?" Greer was puzzled, isn't it magic?Why did you jump to the Xianxia channel?I got the wrong script.

Master Gu Yi nodded, looked to the northeast, and said: "Kunlun's Qi practitioners incorporate a kind of energy they call 'Qi' into their bodies to strengthen themselves, thereby obtaining a strong body, and even Can greatly prolong life, they call themselves 'immortals', live in seclusion, do not participate in the right and wrong of the world."

"You heard what people from Kunlun said. It has the characteristics of a cultivator."

Especially the last half sentence, you can find it if you open this Xiuxian novel. The absolutely bad words are said by the magician, just like when the ancient master said "Schrödinger's cat". .

"Yeah!" Master Gu Yi nodded, his tone still so flat, and said: "I once invited them to protect this planet, but they refused. Kunlun is not on the earth, and Qi practitioners have opened up an independent Space to live in, ordinary people can't find it at all."

"Uh..." Greer really didn't know what to say. Why is there such a big difference between the reality and the movie? Even the Qi practitioners who cultivated immortals ran out. Could this be the changed future that Master Gu Yi said? Must be good?He changed the future in the past, so there are so many villains, such as the Mandarin, the leader imprisoned by Stark, and the merged Inhumans
"This is not listening to the old man's words, is the loss in front of you?" Greer had such a thought in his mind, if the Kamen Rider in the past was really him who traveled through the future on the Den-O train, then the current series of The accident was definitely his own fault.

"Is the Mandarin sent by Kunlun?" This is the routine that Greer is most worried about. After hitting the young ones, the old ones will come out; after hitting the old ones, the old ones will come out. Rising up step by step, the standard template for the protagonist of a cultivating immortal novel.

"Kunlun doesn't get involved in the affairs of the world." Master Gu Yi shook his head slowly, and gave Greer a relieved answer. He was really afraid of hitting a Mandarin and ran out A large group of masters, brothers, brothers, sisters and sisters came to avenge him and stand up for him.

"As I said before, not everyone can become a magician. Unqualified apprentices will leave Karma Taj and return to a normal life. The same is true for Kunlun. They should be eliminated by Kunlun. There are many warriors and magic apprentices on earth, they can use their abilities, but they are not allowed to teach others."

"A lot? Elimination?" Greer was really scared to death. One elimination was so strong that the Avengers almost shut down. How strong should the immortals in Kunlun be? The earth is like this Hidden dragon and crouching tiger?Where did you go when you were fighting Thanos?
Instead, let the Avengers formed by a group of amateurs go up to the top, and they were almost wiped out, resulting in a life that snapped their fingers and destroyed half of the universe, and Kunlun. It seems that Iron Fist is related to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It sounds like the status is quite high. They didn't show so strong in the TV series, and they just hit a few gangsters. How come they are super gods here?
"Whether Qi practitioners or magicians, or human science, are all different ways of using energy." Ancient One mage began to 'science popularize' at the side.

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(End of this chapter)

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