The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 407 Magic Holy Land

Chapter 407 Magic Holy Land
The first ray of sunlight in the morning pierces the thick night, bathing the earth in the ocean of light again, and the continuous mountains, shining bright light, awakens all sleeping things.

Samuel Stern slowly opened his eyes, and looked around blankly. His memory was still stuck in the hearty battle last night. The last memory was being punched back by the Kamen Rider. Then there is a shuddering strong current, followed by
Before the memories in his mind were completed, Samuel Stern discovered the environment he was in. His body was hard, his palms touched, and he felt smooth metal, and he was lying on this metal plate of about six square meters. Standing up with his hands on his hands, he looked around, only to realize that he was locked in a place surrounded by white walls and the ceiling, not to mention the door, even the windows could not be seen.

"What kind of place is this?" Samuel Stern was full of question marks. There were silver-white metal rings on his wrists, ankles and neck. They were extremely light and looked like plastic. The strength to easily break the fine steel shackles did not cause the metal ring to deform to the number ten.

Just as he was about to touch the wall, he stretched out his palm when a slightly stiff synthetic voice suddenly sounded in the room: "I suggest you not to do this, otherwise your safety will not be guaranteed."

Samuel Stern's hand stopped immediately, and he slowly withdrew his palm. His green eyes scanned the surroundings, trying to find out where the loudspeaker was. The sound made him understand that he should be locked up. The wall' is probably a laser internet cafe.

There are two types of defensive and lethal. The defensive is an energy grid. Unless your power exceeds the power of the laser generator, you will never want to escape from the laser prison. The lethal laser, even steel, will It is instantly melted, and of course the production and maintenance costs and energy consumption are dozens of times that of the former.

"Who are you?" Samuel Stern couldn't find the speakers and monitors, so he simply yelled into the void, trying to figure out who locked him up, Ross or the Avengers?
It's just that he didn't get any response to his words, the voice didn't mean to answer his question, it made Samuel Stern yell a few times, then stopped, and when he was about to rush out here with his own strength, he was shocked to feel something in his body. It's empty, I can't feel any gamma energy, only my physical fitness is much stronger than ordinary people.

"How is it possible?" Samuel Stern tried several times with a face full of horror, but it was still the same. There was no gamma energy in his body, neither the skin nor the eyes glowed anymore, only green remained, Samuel Earl Stern was about to go crazy, standing there desperately trying to mobilize the gamma energy, but to no avail, his gamma energy, which was so powerful that it could fight against Iron Man and Kamen Rider, really disappeared. .

At this moment, the white wall on the left suddenly disappeared, allowing Samuel Stern to expand his field of vision, and saw Stark and Banner standing three meters away. In front of the U-shaped steel gate, he stared intently at the constipated Samuel Stern.

This room was [-] square meters in size, but there was only one cage that held Samuel Stern, and the rest of it was empty, without anything, or waiting for other devices to move in.

The frenzied Samuel Stern immediately calmed down after seeing Stark and Banner. Even though his nostrils were still panting heavily, he was no longer as irritable as before. His green eyes After sweeping at Stark and staring at Banner again, he grinned and said, "Stark, Bruce, how are you all?"

Stark folded his arms in front of him and said, "It's not very good. I worked all night to build this room for you."

Samuel Stern raised his arms, showed off the metal rings on his wrists, and said, "Are you going to raise me forever?"

"Maybe." Stark said casually: "You are surrounded by laser nets. If you accidentally touch it, you may die. I also specially built an energy-absorbing device for you to absorb the Gamma on your body. Horse energy, are you satisfied?"

"Very satisfied," Samuel Stern nodded, green eyes glanced at Bruce Banner, and said, "I really want to see what your cage looks like, it must be more beautiful than mine."

Before he finished speaking, the white wall reappeared, blocking Samuel Stern's sight and words, and he could no longer see or hear what was going on outside. Samuel Stern had an indifferent attitude , Lie directly on the floor, close your eyes and meditate.

After Stark turned on the shielding function of the laser net, he turned and walked outside. Banner shook his head, and then walked out. The thick U-shaped iron door opened, allowing the two to walk back along the corridor. After closing it again, the light went out, leaving the room in darkness.

After Banner, who had been silent all this time, walked out of the gate, he said, "He will try his best to break free. We don't know much about his abilities. Can those few devices really limit him?"

"At least he can be held for a long time." Stark, who was walking in front, said without looking back: "My newly synthesized Apollo Metal 21 has extremely high energy conduction efficiency, even if there is a little gamma energy on him, it will Absorbed immediately."

"and then?"

"Then wait for someone from the Pentagon to come."

Banner couldn't help but stop, and said, "Are you really going to hand over Samuel Stern to the military?"

"In a legal sense, we don't have the right to detain people," Stark finally turned around and said seriously: "I know what you're worried about, I just ask one question: Why is there a super soldier plan? "

"Win World War II."

"However, 50 years after the end of the war and the end of the Cold War, the military suddenly invested more than ten times its funds, mobilized countless manpower and material resources, and researched super soldiers at all costs."

Banner pursed his lips and turned his gaze to the side. He was recruited by the military to join the super soldier program. When he joined, the military had spent a lot of money on research for ten years, but the results were poor, but there was nothing important about it. The meaning of withdrawing capital, on the contrary, is to increase capital investment every year, which means that super soldiers will be produced even if they are desperate.

Originally, Banner didn't understand why, but on the space carrier, Nick Fury's words let him and Stark know the reason, but is it really good to discuss this?

Stark didn't care about Banner's silence, and continued: "The battle of the contract, the Chitauri army, no, a single army has caused human beings to pay a heavy price. If the Avengers were not at the forefront, I am afraid that the contract will be broken." will be wiped off the map.

The Avengers, couldn't hold back a Chitauri force, so what about two Avengers?Three, four, does the earth still need to fear the alien army? "

"That's why you kept Samuel Stern, just to let the military have a sample reference to create the second and third super soldiers, and even build a super soldier army." Bruce Banner immediately I understand what Stark means.

Stark walked to the window, stared at the green mountains and green waters outside, and said, "Bruce, I'm 42 years old this year, how about you?"


"How long can we protect the earth?" Stark's question made Banner shake his head slightly. There are almost half a hundred people, how long can we fight, he understands Stark's meaning, the Avengers are now Still barely protecting the earth, but there are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings, no one can tell.

"Greyer and Parker are still children, and they should have their own lives. They should go to college, not fight on the battlefield." Stark turned his head, stared at Bruce Banner and said, "I don't hope that one day They died on the battlefield, and they still obeyed my call, and I will feel guilty for the rest of my life."

Banner sighed, and said, "I understand, Samuel Stern will deal with it according to your opinion."

Stark came over and patted Banner on the shoulder, and walked towards the elevator without looking back. Banner glanced back at the heavy iron door at the end of the corridor, shook his head, and walked towards his room.

Stark and Banner, who had been working all night to build Samuel Stern's prison, went to rest for the two elderly people, and the appointment began a busy day.Greer, who had rested all night and rejuvenated himself in the Temple of the Covenant, left the Temple of the Covenant again and came to the holy place of magic——Kama Taj.

Just after walking out of the space door leading directly to Karma Taj from the Temple of Twist, Greer saw the ancient one standing not far away with his hands behind his back, and there are two other fixed spaces in this room full of inscriptions The door, the center of the three space doors is a one-meter-high column on which an eye-shaped object is placed.

"The Eye of Agamotto—the Time Stone!" Greer murmured silently in his heart. Although he tried hard not to let himself look at it, his eyes just unconsciously glanced at the stone on the pillar engraved with inscriptions. The Eye of Agamotto, this is the gem of time, the gem of time that can make time cycle until Domamu, the ruler of the dark dimension, collapses.

The Ancient One mage said slowly: "This is the treasure left by Agamotto, known as the Eye of Agamotto, which contains the Time Stone among the six most mysterious Infinity Stones in the universe. Possesses the power of all-seeing, the ability to see through illusions, and observe the past and future."

"Uh..." Greer didn't know what to say for a while, should he cooperate and pretend to be surprised at this time, but it seems that his acting skills are never online, can he deceive this supreme mage who has lived for who knows how many years?Unless it's in a dream.

After the ancient master explained, he turned around, motioned Greer to follow, and introduced Kama Taj while walking, without talking about the time gem.Greer was quickly captivated by the Karma Taj scenery.

This piece of buildings is located in the foothills of the Himalayas and built on the mountain. The building materials are all wood, and there is no reinforced concrete. Doubt whether it has traveled to ancient times.

Walking along the wooden corridor for nearly 30 meters, I didn't see a single person. It was terribly deserted, but it also showed the vastness of Kama Taj. The area shown in the "Doctor Strange" movie may not be as good as the real one. One percent of Karma Taj.

Along the way, Mage Ancient One introduced who lived in these rooms, all of them were supreme mages of different generations, which made Greer really want to ask them all dead for so long, why do they still keep the rooms they lived in before they died, and There are also runes of unknown meaning engraved on the wooden board, what exactly are they for?For Greer's question, the ancient mage did not answer, but said that only the supreme mage could know, so Greer didn't ask any more.

Following Master Gu Yi, he turned several turns before stepping into a door. There was a slight sound of weapons colliding in his ears. When he walked in, he found that it was a very large martial arts arena, not the toilet-like table in the movie. , but a venue so vast that it can hold thousands of people.

Hundreds of people are here, some are practicing basic circle drawing, some are fighting with different weapons, and some are releasing magic at the target, it is very lively.

Before Greer could ask, Master Gu Yi took the initiative to introduce: "They are the future of Kama Taj."


Master Gu Yi nodded, and said: "Kama Taj has never been isolated from the world, and has been recruiting disciples, but magic is not something that can be learned by talent, nor is it learned to make a name for yourself or to make a profit for yourself, but to learn magic. It is to protect this planet, which can eliminate a large number of people."

Greer couldn't help agreeing. Many people have great power, and they can't help showing off or profiting for themselves. After all, it's not easy to make a fortune for a magician or something.People have worked hard to learn magic, and finally achieved something, but in the end it can only be used to protect the earth, or the kind that does not charge protection fees, so poor that they can't afford hamburgers, who can bear it.

Master Gu Yi suddenly pointed to a group of people in the corner who were practicing the most basic circle drawing, and said, "He is one of the people I selected."

Greer looked in the direction that Mage Ancient One was pointing at. A group of people with different skin colors were wearing the same coarse clothes and were trying to draw circles. What Mage Ancient One was pointing at was a tall white man, the detective Charlotte. .Uh, Stephen Strange.

The high-society doctor in a suit and leather shoes in the past is now full of beards, wearing the worst hanging ring, and drawing circles in the air with a serious face. Both hands are covered with scars, educating newcomers that speeding in a luxury car is just as dangerous. Something happened, sparks appeared in the apprentices next to him, but the front of him was spotless, it couldn't be more clean.

Greer really wants to take a camera now and take a picture of this scene. When he becomes Doctor Strange, then this will be a proper dark history.

Just when the idea of ​​a prank came to Greer's mind, a mage who was teaching his apprentices saw the supreme mage coming, ran over in a hurry, and saluted the ancient mage respectfully.

Ancient One nodded and said, "Cassilias, go."

"Huh?" Greer was taken aback for a moment, and immediately turned his attention to the mage named 'Cassilias'.

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(End of this chapter)

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