The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 409 Manhattan Earthquake

Chapter 409 Manhattan Earthquake

The ancient master explained in detail the magic power of magicians, the qi of qi practitioners, the electricity of humans, the divine power of Asgard, etc., and perfected Greer's understanding system of these different powers.No matter who it is or what kind of civilization it is, it needs to consume energy in order to maintain its own existence.

In other words, the foundation supporting the universe is energy. The simplest example is that people will die if they don’t eat, and the universe will also die without energy. Many races such as Asgard and Frost Giants have learned through groping for a long time How to use energy.

This is like writing, different regions and ethnic groups have their own writing, and countless races in the universe have also created different ways of using energy.Some are self-strengthening, some are using external objects, and some are dual cultivation
The biggest difference between a Qi trainer and a magician is that one builds a magic circle in the body and uses Qi as energy to bring powerful power to himself; while the other builds a magic circle outside the body and uses magic power as energy to cast magic circles. Powerful magic skills.

The above is Greer's own understanding. Master Gu Yi's words are mysterious and mysterious, which kind of means "Buddha smiles at a flower". I have said everything that needs to be said, and the rest is to realize it by myself.

In the final analysis, the strength of Mandarin is based on the condition of "Qi". The greater the fighting intensity, the more Qi will be consumed and the faster it will be. Different.

This is the second breakthrough point of the Mandarin. The first one was discovered by Greer early in the battle, that is, the sum of strength, speed and defense is certain, and the enhancement of a certain attribute , it will reduce the other attributes.

There is also a third point, which Greer is not sure about, that is, since the Qi trainer has set up a magic circle in the body, what will happen if the Qi explodes in the body, do you light the explosive barrel?

I came to Karma Taj full of doubts, and left with more questions. Some questions were answered, but more philosophical questions were also generated, such as time: past, present, future In what way did it exist, and for what reasons did it change?
Saying goodbye to Mage Ancient One in the palace where the three great temples gathered, Greer couldn't help but glance at the Eye of Agamotto placed on the stone pillars engraved with densely packed symbols, turned around and walked towards the Temple of Twisting Covenants At the moment of stepping into the space door, Greer couldn't help but said: "Casillas will attract Dormammu, this is the future I know."

After finishing speaking, Greer walked into the space door, and returned to the Temple of the Contract in an instant. Turning around, Mage Ancient One stood on the stone steps with a calm expression, as if he hadn't heard Greer's words, Greer Without saying anything more, he raised his hand and waved to the right, closing the space door.

The passage spanning tens of thousands of kilometers suddenly turned back into a wall, and the countless symbols and lines of light radiating around it also dimmed with the closing of the space door until they disappeared completely, making this room return to being ordinary and unremarkable at all. It cannot be seen that there is a space gate that can span tens of thousands of kilometers in an instant.

"I hope this reminder is useful." Before Greer finished his soft words, he felt the floor shaking under his feet, followed by the whole room shaking, and at the same time, there was a dull sound in his ears, as if a subway was speeding from underground Same thing.

"Earthquake?!" Greer's first thought was this, but he didn't panic. The Gardran Castle Dragon in the New York Temple is not afraid of even a magnitude [-] earthquake. Can't shake the air.

The earthquake stopped after only four or five seconds, and the magnitude of the vibration was so small that none of the items placed on the window sill fell down, which shows how low the magnitude of the earthquake was.Greer didn't take it seriously. After all, it was a natural disaster, and it couldn't be stopped by manpower. Ordinary people would still panic and have their hearts pounding for a while, but now Greer can easily escape even in the face of a major flood. , so after the earthquake ended, I walked out of the room and continued to work on my own affairs.

But Greer's ease does not mean that other people can also relax. After the earthquake stopped, many people hurried out of the house and came to the open space outside. It's human, everyone has panic on their faces, for fear of a stronger earthquake.

The New York City government also acted immediately to quickly determine the magnitude of the earthquake and whether it caused damage, etc., and fed back this information to the citizens through television, radio, and mobile phone text messages, and notified the police station to go to the streets to maintain order.

For a while, the LED screens on the streets of Manhattan, where scaffolding can be seen everywhere, rolled out earthquake information to appease the citizens. This was only a weak earthquake and did not cause any damage to Manhattan. Citizens, please rest assured.
Indeed, according to the information released by the government, the earthquake was so small that even a doze off could not be felt, and only a small number of people ran outside. Even many construction workers continued to work on scaffolding without noticing the earthquake.

As a result, the turmoil caused by the earthquake passed quickly. Two hours later, Manhattan returned to calm. Except for a small number of people who insisted on setting up tents outside, most people returned to their homes and continued to work and live.

But this does not mean that it is over. The earthquake bureau's report on Manhattan was encrypted and sealed before it could be released. Then the revised earthquake report was requested to be released, and the real earthquake report was sent to a higher level. government department.

An earthquake less than magnitude 90 is indeed not worth mentioning, but the key point is that the epicenter of this earthquake is only [-] meters from the ground, which is lower than many skyscrapers in Manhattan. An earthquake with a focal point of more than [-] kilometers is called extremely shallow Earthquakes, these types of earthquakes are common on Earth and occur every year.

But no matter how close it is to the ground, the source of the earthquake must be more than ten kilometers away. How could it be only 90 meters, and there are still hundreds of thousands of miles away from the lithosphere. There is no condition for an earthquake to occur. It aroused the attention of many parties, and people were quickly sent to investigate, trying to figure out how this earthquake, which was less than [-] meters above the ground, was formed.

In the Trident building, Nick Fury also received the report of an abnormal earthquake in Manhattan. Only the island of Manhattan felt the tremor. New Jersey, Queens, and Brooklyn did not feel any tremors. Therefore, the source of the earthquake was 90 meters underground in Manhattan. rice.

After reading the report, Nick Fury showed no expression on his dark face from beginning to end. He directly forwarded the report and said, "Notify Agent Wu that the target is in Manhattan. Find it for me."

The intelligent program faithfully executed Nick Fury's order, sent the encrypted file, and backed up the task.

The outside world is changing, but the Temple of Rescission is peaceful. Greer left the temple again, went to the Stark Building, which is still under renovation, and told Stark the information he knew about the Mandarin. and Banner.

Banner listened the whole time, and his mouth was a little bit surprised. He never expected that the Eastern Immortal is not a myth. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing to be surprised about. After all, Norse myths do have people, and Thor is still in New York. Fight for the limelight.

Stark also had an indifferent face throughout the whole process, without showing any shock, and he was quite accustomed to it. He didn't ask until Greer finished speaking: "Is the Kunlun all over the earth acting recklessly?"

"Asgard sent Thor anyway."

"I don't know," Greer spread his hands, shrugged, and said helplessly, "Before today, Kunlun was just a mountain name to me. How many people, um, immortals, and strengths are there in Kunlun? I don't know, the Supreme Mage didn't say it, maybe I don't know, after all, no one will show their true strength without incident."

"Does the Supreme Mage not care?" Stark asked again.

Greer shook his head again. The Ancient One mage didn't care about it. Even if the Chitauri invaded in the battle of contractual contract, no mage appeared. It seems to be said in the "Doctor Strange" movie that the Avengers are Protecting the Earth on a physical level, the Sorcerer Supreme guards it on a magical level.

Stark clapped his hands and said, "Good, then we will deal with this Mandarin."

"He's not easy to deal with." Banner said aside, "And we don't even know where he is?"

"He will show himself." Stark said and pressed the remote control in front of him, and the window in the south instantly turned into a display screen, and a video began to play. The protagonist was still Mandarin, wearing the black robe as usual , Wearing ten rings, sitting on a seat covered with animal skins, under the dark tones, uttered his provocative declaration.

It is still to teach President Ellis, and there are many scenes of US military fighter jets, tanks, army, and navy bombing cities in desert oases in the Middle East, and scenes of people in the Middle East mourning and dying in the flames of war. Full of the meaning of rhythm.

After remembering the misery of the people in the Middle East, the second half of the class began. An air force base shot up a column of flames one after another, and a fighter plane parked in the hangar or on the runway was blown to pieces. , and finally a black mushroom cloud rising from the bombed oil depot.

The black smoke rising into the sky can be said to cover the sky and the sun. You can see the black smoke column rising from the American Imperial Air Force Base from far away. You don’t need to look closer to know that this air force base is absolutely useless. The people inside Even if they were not killed by the explosion, they would be killed by the shock wave generated by the explosion. It would be considered lucky if one out of 100 people survived.

In the best half-minute of the video, Mandarin became the absolute protagonist as usual, and said to the camera: "President Ellis, such attacks will not stop. Those places you think are safe are actually vulnerable. Warriors Take action, gather under the banner of the Ten Rings Gang, drive out the invaders together, long live freedom!"

The video stopped abruptly, Stark put down the remote control in his hand, and said: "This is a video that was intercepted two days ago, but outside North America, especially in the Middle East, almost everyone knows that the Ten Rings Gang is a terrorist attack. The initiator of the incident and called on the Arabs to unite against the oppression of the Western world, and launched another terrorist attack for this reason, blowing up the second air force base."

"Where there is oppression, there is resistance, the eternal truth." Greer didn't feel the same sadness. If it wasn't for the gang of the Mandarin, he would definitely not care about the Ten Rings Gang, even Stark would not get involved. If Happy hadn't been bombed in the movie, he would never have provoked Mandarin by publicly addressing the incident.

Stark was noncommittal, put down the wine glass in his hand, opened another document, and while bowing his head and typing on the virtual keyboard, he said: "Since last week, the production of oil fields in the Middle East has continued to decline. In just one week, , dropped to 70.00%, the reason is the same, the oil field facilities were destroyed. The police arrested some saboteurs, and they confessed that they were instigated by the Ten Rings Gang to launch a jihad.”

"The more developed countries are more dependent on oil, the greater the impact will be the decline in oil production." Banner explained from the side: "If the Middle East does not export a drop of oil, the global economy will collapse. Poor areas have no impact."

"Draw the bottom of the pot, it's ruthless enough." Greer was amazed at the Mandarin's strategy. This move really hit the seven inches of the developed countries. There is not enough oil, cars, planes, missiles, tanks, warships, etc. You have to lie down, what will you use to fight the guerrillas then.

Wait a minute, Greer suddenly thought of a question, how did Stark get these confidential-sounding information? I told him on purpose.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.? Or the Pentagon?" Greer thought of these two departments, but no matter which department it is, telling Stark this obviously wants the Avengers to go up and kill the Mandarin who is doing things. , to restore 'normal order' and oil field output in the Middle East, and to prevent a major crisis of global oil shortage.

This is a more terrifying and deadly crisis than the financial crisis. There is not enough oil, trucks cannot be driven, logistics and transportation are not smooth, and prices will definitely soar all the way; large-tonnage ships cannot be driven, and the global transportation industry must be cold. Many things There is no way to circulate globally, and there will be situations where things cannot be shipped out here, but they are extremely expensive there.

In the end, it is the civilians who suffer. After all, the rich and the like, there is really no difference between one piece and 1 yuan. They will definitely get sufficient supply, just like in "2012", even if it is the end of the world, they can Take pets and several wives on board calmly.

Greer picked up the drink on the side, sipped it in small sips, and said after a long time: "So it's time for our Avengers to appear again?!"

(End of this chapter)

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