Chapter 399 Arrival
Greer leaned back on the sofa, knocked on the armrest of the sofa, and said: "You are right, it has nothing to do with anyone, it is just the basic morality and conscience of a human being, even if it is hundreds of cats Dogs can’t just watch them die, let alone people.”

Dr. Banner took out his glasses from his jacket pocket, lifted his clothes and lowered his head to carefully wipe his myopia glasses. He said, "Is the radiation protection layer of your steel suit ready? Do you want me to take another look?"

"I asked Jarvis to send the design drawings to your mailbox." While talking, Stark began to click the virtual button on the phone with his right hand.

"Start making the steel suit now?" Greer was a little puzzled. Just now Stark said that those soldiers were in danger, so why did he want to make the radiation-resistant steel suit again? We should start with the design drawing and wait until it was finished. I'm afraid I can't even collect the corpse in time.

Banner smiled, put on his cleaned glasses, and said, "Stark must have already made a steel suit that can defend against high doses of gamma rays."

Stark grinned, didn't answer the question, and turned to talk about this mission: "Greer and I entered the underground base. Because time is limited, we can only change it to Mark25 and add a radiation protection layer."

"Mark25!" Greer and Daisy looked at each other. It seems that when they fought with the Mandarin a few days ago, they used the steel suit of Mark17. Why did they jump from 17 to 25? The speed rocket can't keep up.

Stark stood up, stuffed the phone into his pocket, and said seriously: "This time we will, as the Avengers, rescue the soldiers trapped in the base. Greer and I are responsible for entering the base. , I will connect to the control center of the base, and when the time comes, Daisy, you will control the various gates and cameras of the base, and take a complete picture of the heroic rescue of the trapped soldiers by the Avengers, and I will put this on the official website of the Avengers."

"The Avengers has an official website? When did it happen?" Stark's words successfully raised questions from the three people.

Stark put his sunglasses back on and said, "Tomorrow!"

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a Quin-type transport plane took off from the empty Kennedy Airport and flew towards the northwest at full speed. It has been half a month since the first terrorist attack, but the terrorists have not been found. The whole of North America has only resumed some important flights so far, and more than [-]% of the planes are parked in hangars.

This is also why Stark chose to use a stealth-oriented battle suit that is extremely stealthy and both attack and defense are war scum last time, because there are indeed many procedures and procedures for reporting for flight and applying for routes, and the matter is urgent. You can only use the stealth suit to fly black.

In the Quin-type transport plane, Stark and Dr. Banner are inspecting Ghana Curry's rather large Mark26, which was originally code-named Mark25 Impactor, and it was used by Stark to help with construction, such as building a particle accelerator before. If it weren't for Greer's help, it might take a month if it wasn't for the light particle accelerator. After all, it would be really slow to dig walls, drill the ground, and lift heavy objects by one person.

Therefore, in his spare time, Stark designed and manufactured the Mark25 in a boring way. Unfortunately, he encountered this unexpected incident just before the completion of the project. He simply took it, made changes to the interior, and replaced some parts. A thick anti-radiation layer is added to the space.

In such a short time, Stark will have time to do this, and there is no time to rewire to install powerful weapons. Fortunately, there are two-handed handheld rock drill manipulators, which are enough to smash high-grade military concrete, barely able to be a guest weapon .

It is also very suitable for this mission. After all, it is a military base, and the separation wall is ridiculously thick. The Mark26 hand-held rock drill manipulator may come in handy.

Stark and Banner worked hard all the way, and finally completed the inspection work. The time was urgent, and they came in a hurry to install the radiation protection layer on Mark25. The inspection could only be done on the road. Fortunately, there was no problem. Otherwise, at the altitude of 26 meters, the Mark[-] cannot even be repaired.

They rushed all the way, hurriedly and slowly, and finally arrived at Rose's temporary camp before four o'clock. Originally, the vicinity of the special secret base in the swamp was barren, but now there was a temporary camp with an area of ​​nearly [-] square meters. The tents continued, and several roads and two airports were rushed to repair.

The Quinjet transport plane had just landed on the ground, and Ross's convoy had already arrived. The rear hatch opened, and Stark and Banner walked out. Ross greeted them enthusiastically, and stretched out his hand to them, but Only Stark shook his hand briefly, and Banner didn't even look at him.

Ross didn't seem to feel such a bad attitude, and he was still full of enthusiasm, with a look of 'sorrowful and pitiful', and he said no nutritious diplomatic words, such as 'thanks to the Avengers for coming to help' , 'The trapped soldiers and their families will be grateful to you', etc., pile up like no money.

If someone who has no grudges and is not deeply involved in the world will really be moved by his enthusiasm, good words and high hats, he will be willing to work hard for him. It is a pity that these two preconditions, It doesn't fit Stark and Banner at all, Ross talked for a long time, Banner's face was indifferent all the time, Stark was smiling, but he didn't answer the question at all.

Ross still didn't care, and turned to other things: "Let's go to the command room. How do you two want the army to cooperate? Let's discuss a countermeasure as soon as possible. It's getting dark, and it will be very troublesome to go down."

"No," Stark shook his head, and said, "Stop risking the lives of the soldiers, and leave everything to the Avengers. I contacted the Kamen Rider, and the two of us will enter the base and rescue the victims. sleepy soldier."

Rose's smiling face froze for a moment, but he insisted on sending troops to act together with the Avengers, while Stark had a pitiful attitude of "don't use ordinary people's soldiers to take risks", and insisted that the Avengers Go alone to save people.

The difference is huge. The military and the Avengers are acting together. Doesn’t it depend on the propaganda?When the time comes, "the military and the Avengers join hands to rescue the soldiers", even if the output is 1, it can be advertised as half of the output or even the main force.

So Stark firmly disagrees with Ross's suggestion of picking peaches. Kamen Rider is more than enough to deal with those mutants. Even Greer can accelerate to the place where the soldiers are trapped in an instant. Why bring a group of soy sauce? Not to mention, it will also affect Stark's plan.

Stark agreed to rescue the soldiers without any conditions, and let Daisy hack into the control center of the base, secretly filming the whole process of the Avengers saving people, isn't it just to start the name of the Avengers?A person saved 100 people or a teacher saved 100 people, which story is more shocking and eye-catching, the answer is self-evident.

The two reached a stalemate over the issue of cooperation or going it alone. Stark was not in a hurry, but Rose was in a hurry, and there was nothing to talk about. After two or three minutes, Rose had to surrender. His cards were almost zero. He turned his head to look at Banner, and said with a smile: "Banner, I know there is a deep misunderstanding between us, and I don't want to defend myself.

Again, those soldiers are innocent, I beg you to find a way to alleviate the symptoms of gamma ray radiation in these soldiers as soon as possible, I have gathered some people who understand gamma rays, I hope they can help you, Come up with a plan as soon as possible. "

"I will." Banner said indifferently, he didn't want to talk to General Ross at all, after nearly ten years of fleeing, there were several decades in his life, he was almost an enemy, why bother to pretend to be harmonious look like.

Ross didn't care about Banner's attitude, picked up a large walkie-talkie in the hand of the adjutant next to him, and shouted loudly: "Betty, how is the preparation of the laboratory? Dr. Banner has arrived, start this laboratory as soon as possible."

From the microphone of the walkie-talkie came a voice that could be heard clearly by the people around: "The equipment has been installed, it is being debugged and checked, and it can be started in 10 minutes." This voice was very familiar to Banner, it was Betty, Betty Ross, his favorite woman.

"Did you call her here?" Banner stared at Rose with vicious eyes.

Ross said with a smile: "Not only Betty, but also the gamma ray experts from the military. You haven't seen each other for a long time, right?"

"Hehe!" Dr. Banner just wanted to say 'nonsense'. He was hunted all the time and fled everywhere. Even Betty couldn't meet him, let alone his former colleagues.Betty used to be a member of a military experiment team, and Bruce was the one who led the experiment. It was a matter of course for the two of them, but unfortunately, an accident made everything completely cool.

Greer and Daisy in the cabin looked up at each other almost at the same time. Do you really want to say that politicians like to engage in 'beauty tricks'?Nick Fury is like that, and Ross is like that.Betty Ross is here, even if Bruce Banner hates General Ross, he can't beat her father or scold her father in front of his girlfriend. This trick is really unsolvable.

"It's cruel enough." Greer turned his head and looked at General Ross, who was chatting and laughing from the window. Those who can be promoted are not simple characters. Talking to people and talking to ghosts are just beginners. The advanced ones are "I Dig a hole for you, you still have to jump down, and you still jump willingly, and you can't speak ill of me.

With such means, such shamelessness, and such a thick and dark school, no wonder he will be able to become the Secretary of State in the future, just because he has a few brushes.

"I've passed too." Greer stood up and buckled the decade Neo driver around his waist. The silver-white metal belt slid out, and instantly bound the decade Neo driver firmly to his waist. The knight The card case also automatically floats on the left belt.

"Transform!" Raising his left hand slightly, a card appeared in the palm of his hand, and Greer inserted it into the decade Neo driver at his waist:

"Kamen Ride faiz!"

The ruby ​​of the decade Neo driver lights up, and a faiz symbol formed by the aggregation of stripes and stripes emerges. A photon blood vessel extends from the decade Neo driver, combining to form a network, and then covered by a silver-white metal plate, wrapping Greer in Among the faiz armor.

His fists collided, and Greer walked out, turned his head worriedly and said: "Close the hatch later, as long as someone you don't know wants to come in, don't think about it, just attack directly."

"I see." Daisy said as she turned her vision back to the screen in front of her. Her task was equally important. To invade a military base with multiple firewalls on the network, the alarm would not be triggered. If Jarvis hadn't shared it , she really doesn't have much confidence.

Ross was having a good chat with Stark, and from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of another person coming out of Stark's Quinjet transport plane, with silver metal armor on his body and red photon blood vessels all over his body, Ross has seen it in the video more than once Such a Kamen Rider.

Ross seemed to have forgotten the unhappiness of Chinatown. He greeted him warmly and said words of welcome, but in exchange for silence, Greer looked in the direction of the secret base after stepping off the Quinjet transport plane, without saying a word from the beginning to the end. , with a look of 'I'm too lazy to talk to you', showing more aloofness than Banner.

Stark made a helpless expression at Rose, and said: "You see, people with strength are like this, and I can't control them, I can only give some suggestions, and it's up to them to listen to them. In July, the Police Department complained that Spider-Man had robbed them of their jobs. I said it several times, but Spider-Man would not answer. So I am really not the leader of the Avengers, and no one listens to me.”

"Yeah, it's very difficult to manage a powerful person." General Ross immediately took up the conversation, and said something like "the abominations in Chinatown don't listen to him like this, and wanton destruction" and so on. It's quite big, and it's all for Greer to hear. After all, the grudge between Ross and Kamen Rider originated from the battle in Chinatown.

When asking for help now, it is natural to say some soft words to resolve the hatred, so that people can work hard instead of paddling. As for what will happen after this matter is over, that is another matter.

"I'll go back to sleep, and I'll come back after you finish talking nonsense." Greer was about to turn around and return to the Quinjet transport plane, perfectly interpreting the "maverick" rebellious boy, vividly and vividly interpreting Stark's just Said 'no one listens to me'.

"No, no, it's over," Stark hurried forward, trying to stop the 'Kamen Rider from going back', and said: "There is no need to wait any longer, we will set out to rescue the soldiers trapped in the base."

As he said that, he took the lead back to the Quinjet transport plane, and when he came out, he had already put on the Mark26, and shouted to Greer: "Go!" At high altitude, General Ross was completely denied a chance to speak.

Greer inserted the card in his hand into the driver at his waist, summoned the motorcycle, sat on it, twisted the accelerator, and jumped out immediately, and ran a long distance in the blink of an eye. Dr. Banner and the stunned Ross ran away before they finished talking about working alone and cooperating.

(End of this chapter)

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