The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 398 Enemies Everywhere

Chapter 398 Enemies Everywhere
Stark lowered his head, supported his head with his hands, closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths before he stabilized his emotions, and continued: "The battle of the contract, those of us with abilities beyond ordinary people gather together to fight against aliens. There was a large army of people, and then they went their separate ways.

Although several of us formed the Avengers Alliance, we still do our own things, including me, who don't know what the Avengers Alliance can do.Go to the streets to fight crime, or an army of aliens, or people with superpowers? "

Stark's words echoed in the room, and all three of them were silent. This question has always existed in the hearts of everyone since Stark started the team of the Avengers. , and the temporary team pulled up by Nick Fury.

After the Battle of New York, this temporary team was disbanded. Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Widow were in S.H.I.E.L.D. This folk team is actually a mess.

Greer lives in his own castle, and occasionally visits the Stark base; Banner can't wait to stay in the laboratory 24 hours a day, eagerly learning new knowledge that has been left behind for nearly ten years; Parker has to work during school and spare time Being Spider-Man and falling in love is a busy time; even Stark didn't care much about the team he pulled up, busy with his own company, steel suits and other work.

The biggest reason for this is that they are grouped together just to avoid being "single-killed". Banner's situation is a lesson from the past: the military is interested in you, what will happen?

With such an example before, how could other people not worry about it? The hero wears a mask to protect his relatives, but Nick Fury’s wave of summons let Parker, Banner and the others know that disguising and hiding are in God’s eyes. In the eyes of the Shield Bureau, it is nothing at all.

Therefore, after the contract war, Parker, Banner and the others, a group of pure poor with no background, power or money, gathered under Stark's banner to protect themselves. Naturally, no one thought about gathering together for such a purpose. Together, what can be done.

Even if Greer has always thought about gathering the Avengers to fight against Thanos and investigating AIM, it is what he wants to do, not what the Avengers do.

Not to mention Parker, who spends most of his time in class, has a relationship with Gwen in his spare time, and goes out to fight for justice from time to time.

If Stark hadn't given Parker an intern job at Stark Industries, I'm afraid Parker would have to allocate more than half of his spare time to work. It can be said that Parker is the busiest person in the Avengers, and he is also the youngest Yes, how could it be possible to consider the future of the Avengers.

Because of this, Stark is now seriously talking about the question of 'what can the Avengers do?'. None of the three people on the opposite side answered the question. No one has thought about it. Naturally, no one can answer this very important and complicated question. The problem.

Stark did not continue to ask in an aggressive manner, and gave Greer, Banner, and Daisy a buffer time, making the room fall into dead silence.

This silence lasted for two or three minutes before it was broken by Stark himself, who continued to say in the tone just now: "A few days ago, we fought a one-sided war in Miami, and my steel suit was easily destroyed. Shredded and almost died there.

At that time, I felt as if I had returned to that dark cave two years ago. My life was in the hands of other people, who could kill you with a single move. This feeling was very bad, no, it should be said very bad. "

Stark raised his head and took a deep breath, and then let out a long breath, saying: "I haven't had a good sleep these past few days. When I close my eyes, it's him who tore my steel suit with a wave. I can't sleep. , I got up and worked, trying to make a stronger steel suit to fight against him."

"He should be a Mandarin, laser, freezing, including the spirit that disturbs Hulk's sanity, are all the skills of the ten rings in his hand." Greer finally spoke, saying: "During the battle, he once mentioned The word 'Qi' is a bit like Thor's divine power, Qi can make him have great strength, speed or defense."

"Qi? Divine power?" Stark looked at Greer and asked, "Thor's Asgard has many gods, so how many people master 'Qi'?"

"This." Greer thought for a while, flipped through his memory, and finally shook his head: "I don't know, the Mandarin just mentioned 'qi' to me, and I'm not sure what it is."

"That's the problem," Stark spread his hands, and said seriously: "This world is full of too many mysteries and unknowns, gods, supernatural beings, magicians, aliens, and now there is another kind of The power called 'Chi', oh, and the military's super soldier program.

"You should also have your steel suit." Banner interjected.

Stark nodded, and continued: "Compared with these superhumans, ordinary people are really too weak." Stark took out his mobile phone, grabbed both ends and pulled it out, revealing a palm-sized, thin The paper-like screen, when pressed against the TV, the standby TV will be turned on, and the data on Stark's phone will be played.

Boundless buildings are shown on the TV screen, and among these tall and short buildings, there is a large piece of unsightly scars. Looking closer, it is a barren land composed of a large number of ruins and deep and shallow holes. I saw a lot of construction machinery coming and going.

Stark pointed to the TV screen and said, "Miami, this used to be a bustling residential area, but now it's turned into ruins." As he spoke, Stark pressed a button on his phone again, and the screen flashed and changed to construction Manhattan, Chinatown, Flushing
The locations of the successively changing pictures are all places where Kamen Rider, Iron Man, Hulk and others fought.The damage caused by each battle is extremely extensive, and the solid reinforced concrete is extremely fragile in front of them, not to mention the more fragile human beings, who are almost killed and injured.

Looking at the pictures played by Stark, Greer couldn't help but frowned, not understanding what Stark was trying to say. This scene is a bit familiar. It seems that in the movie "American Team 3", Ross, the Secretary of State, also revenged himself. The critics released such destructive images, and then left a book as thick as the "Sokovia Treaty".

Before Greer asked, Stark took the lead in explaining: "These places are the places where we used to fight people with superhuman strength. In just two years, so many superhuman powers have appeared. Criminals, I am afraid there will be no shortage of them in the past and the future, the past has passed, but we can participate in the future."

Dr. Banner scratched his head and said, "So your idea is that the Avengers Alliance formed by superhumans will deal with criminals with superhuman strength?"

Stark nodded, and pressed the button on the phone again to convert the picture on the TV into a picture of the Mandarin taken by the Mark 17 that fell apart into parts during the battle. He tried hard to hold back the inexplicable 'fear' in his heart, and said : "I think in Miami, everyone has seen how powerful Mandarin is. Just one person is no match for him at all. Is he the only criminal with such super strength? Enemies are not only on the earth , and extraterrestrial"

"Like Loki in Asgard!" Daisy interjected.

Stark pointed Daisy with his index finger and said, "But is Loki the only bad guy in Asgard? Is Asgard the only alien civilization outside the earth? Remember what Nick Fury said? The earth-shattering battle that happened 30 years ago?"

As soon as Stark's words came out, everyone couldn't help but glance at Greer who was sitting on the sofa, making Greer helplessly spread his hands and said: "Don't look at me, I'm also confused, no Recall a little memory about that battle."

"So it's not impossible or a small probability for an alien army to invade the earth." Dr. Banner stood up, pacing around the sofa with his arms folded, and said, "The Avengers have powers beyond ordinary people. , when the earth is facing a crisis, it will naturally become the first line of defense."

Daisy said: "It may also be the last line of defense."

"And there are many things worth remembering on the earth, such as the artifact left by Loki - the scepter that can attack and control people, and the shield making material that is so hard that it will not be damaged by Thor's hammer from the front ——Zhenjin, still.” Greer almost stopped the car, and hurriedly talked about other things: “There are also enemies not only from this universe, but the existence of the Twisting Temple, the Xiangjiang Temple, and the London Temple is defense Powerful creatures from other dimensions invaded the earth."

"Other dimensions?" Stark and Banner's eyes lit up almost at the same time, and they suddenly became interested. The existence of other dimensions has always existed in mathematical models and formulas, and no evidence was found to prove the existence of other dimensions, but now Grid Riel actually said that there are creatures in other dimensions, which is the knowledge that every scientist wants to know.

"I remember I said before that in Asgard's world system, the nine kingdoms are nine different spaces, and the universe is composed of countless spaces." Greer thought for a while, and said: "Actually, this I don’t know much about it, I’m not sure if other dimensions are different spaces, but the existence of the Three Great Temples is indeed to defend against attacks from other dimensions.”

"Have you seen it?" Stark asked the question that he and Banner were most concerned about. After all, if you have really seen it, you can describe what other dimensions look like, which is very important for science.

"Of course, the space gates I often use are actually borrowing other dimensions to achieve space jumps, and the mirror space is a projection space attached to the main world. By the way, in the Asgard system, the concept of dimension and The earth is also different, I don’t know the details, I only stayed in Asgard for a few months, and they didn’t open Asgard’s library to me.”

Hearing Greer's words, Stark's worries deepened. Now not only are aliens from the universe, but also creatures from other dimensions, who have the idea of ​​attacking the earth, and he has no idea what other dimensions are like. , how to deal with it?

Banner sighed for a long time, and said with a wry smile: "I suddenly feel that ignorance is actually a kind of happiness. If you don't know so much, you don't have so many worries." A piece of fat, with countless pairs of eyes staring at him, always wanting to pounce on him and take a bite.

He somewhat understood Stark's feelings. This constant death crisis made it impossible for people to sleep well.

"Perhaps this is the duty of our Avengers, to guard this planet, to be the first and last line of defense for people living on this planet," Stark turned off the screen on the TV, and put his phone into In his pocket, he stood up and said: "Everything is just like what Parker often said, 'with great power comes great responsibility', we all have abilities beyond the reach of ordinary people, what should we do for this world, and what we should do in this world Stand up and fight for people in times of crisis."

"I agree with this point. Since you have this power, you should do something." Greer nodded, agreeing with Stark's words.

"Including the soldiers in the special base that rescued Ross?" Daisy poured cold water on it at this time, revisiting the question that Stark had said when he first arrived.

Facing the gazes of the three, Stark nodded slowly, and said, "I still say what I said when I came here. The soldiers shouldn't be responsible for Rose's mistakes. There are still people in their families waiting for them to go back. I I begged for someone to save me in the cave, and now those soldiers must be begging for the same thing. If you don’t have this ability, then that’s fine. If you have it, if you don’t do it, you won’t feel at ease. This has nothing to do with Ross and his The conditions are just what a human being should do, if you can do it, then do it."

Greer rubbed his forehead, feeling very tangled in his heart. In all honesty, Ross is in big trouble, which is really great news, but things are just like what Stark said, those soldiers are innocent, Everyone has loved ones, and when they die, the family must be heartbroken.

It’s fine if you don’t know about it, but since you know it all, just to ignore someone’s jokes and watch hundreds of people die, isn’t that too indifferent?

Thinking about it, Greer couldn't help turning his head to look at Banner, who had the deepest enmity with Ross, and saw that Banner also had a tangled face, without the previous resolute rejection. Presumably, he was also weighing people's moral and personal vendettas.Greer turned his head again and looked at Daisy, only to find that Daisy was also looking at him. The two looked at each other, and Daisy nodded to Greer.

Greer sighed, turned to look at Stark, and said, "Okay, I agree to save those soldiers."

(End of this chapter)

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