Chapter 400

In the wilderness, the uneven ground is covered with weeds and bushes. Suddenly, a motorcycle speeds past, and the hurricane blows up a lot of grass clippings and dust, forming a wind parallel to the ground behind the car. The tornado, and then fell powerlessly.

On the motorcycle five meters above the ground, Greer was rushing towards the secret base at full speed. There was almost only a black spot left on the steel suit in front of him, but in the communication channel, the two were still discussing the 'performance' just now.

"How did I behave? I fully demonstrated my rebellious and self-willed character"

Before Greer could finish speaking, Stark interrupted him: "No, it's not that good, why did you say 'go to sleep first', it's daytime, you should say 'go play a game', little Kids always love to play."

"Children? I have long since left the category of children."

"Hmm! Okay, BOY!" Stark said, reducing the output power of the thrusters, and at the same time adjusted the flying attitude with his hands and the jet device on his abdomen, changing from parallel to vertical, and slowly landed. In an instant, he bent his legs to relieve the force of falling to the ground.

Stand up straight, turn your head and look around. The entrances of the secret base, large and small, have all set up defensive lines. Thick steel plates and sandbags form bunkers. Armored vehicles and teams of soldiers have built two walls according to the size of the entrances. After reaching the four lines of defense, the muzzle of the gun was pointed at the closed iron gate.

The iron man who fell from the sky made all the soldiers turn their heads to look at this side. Most of them were envious. They probably thought that they would be able to wear such a cool battle suit sometime. Compared with the steel suit, what? Digital camouflage and auxiliary exoskeleton equipment are all rubbish.

A colonel with two bars and three stars hurried over. His behavior made other soldiers envious. Not everyone can have such an opportunity to observe the steel suit up close.The colonel raised his hand habitually, wanting to salute, but when he raised his hand, he realized that Stark was not from the army, so he quickly changed it to shaking hands, and said some words of welcome and thanks for his help.

Stark shook hands, and learned about the situation with the colonel. By the time Greer arrived on the motorcycle, he had already understood the current situation in sevens and eighties.Compared to warmly welcoming Stark, the colonel hesitated for a while, then took two steps forward, and reluctantly greeted Greer.

Stark is no stranger to the military. The armored vehicles parked nearby are all produced by Stark Industries. They are seen almost every day in newspapers, magazines, and TV.But the Kamen Rider is really strange, I have hardly seen it, and I don't know what to say, so I just greeted him in a formulaic manner.

Greer nodded to the colonel, raised his hand slightly, and the Machine Decader hovering half a meter in the air flashed on the surface, and quickly collapsed inward, shrinking into a ball the size of a fist in just one or two breaths. Light, condensed into a thin card in Greer's hand, swung his left hand down, and inserted it into the knight card box.

This move successfully shocked the audience, the eyes of the soldiers who got close almost popped out, and the colonel's mouth was so long that he could swallow a fist. Isn't this close-up magic a little too close? It's like a magical drama like.

The two men wore armors of very different styles, and under the watchful eyes of a crowd of soldiers, they walked towards the entrance of the base. Compared with the base entrance, which was spacious enough to pass a truck, the two figures looked extremely small, and they were even smaller than the iron gate in front of them. It's as big as a steel plate.

The heavy iron door was opened by remote control, and the vertical and horizontal steel pillars inside were slowly drawn back, and then the iron door was slowly opened under the action of mechanical gears. The interior was extremely dark, and an iron door separated the light. And darkness, it feels like the difference between the world and hell.

The iron door was only opened a crack, and the steel suit began to call the police: "Sir, a small amount of gamma ray radiation has been detected."

Jarvis' report made Stark's face a little dignified, and he said in the communication channel: "Greer, it seems that the radiation situation is more serious than we thought."

"I want to know why there are no lights." Greer walked into the passage without any scruples, and the darkness around him made him frown. He and Stark were not afraid of the dark, but those soldiers couldn't do it in the dark. Even if they are wearing night vision goggles, their field of vision is not as good as during the day.

A lot of damaged searchlights can be seen in the passage. Obviously, Ross and the others have also tried the strategy of step by step, pulling wires and lights from the outside to light up the map. Unfortunately, they failed to block the offensive of the mutants. If it is breached, the camp that is so deep will become a rootless duckweed.

Stark, who also has his own 'halo', walked beside him and said: "The power system in some places is overloaded, causing the transmission line to fail. It should be caused by Samuel Stern activating the gamma ray machine. The lines here cannot To supply machines that consume so much energy."

"How do you bring people out? One by one?"

"Jarvis will show you the way, and I'll fix the electrical system."


The two separated at a corridor crossing in front of them. Greer found the elevator shaft to the left, opened the elevator door with his hand, jumped straight down, and fell ten meters before grabbing the support frame next to him for buffering, and then continued to fall , and so on, and soon reached one of the floors where soldiers were trapped.

At this time, in a high-level laboratory on this floor, more than 20 soldiers are lying all over the place. The only light source in the room is the flashlight that comes with the helmet. In order to save power, the light is not turned on unless necessary. , and only open one at a time.

The difficulties brought by the darkness are far more than other situations, which is why the trapped soldiers cannot rush out, and the rescues have failed many times. Mutants have far more vision than ordinary people, and they can be said to be like fish in water in the dark, while soldiers cannot do it , not even special forces.

The soldiers fell into despair after many failed attacks, so they could only hide here timidly. Every time there was any movement outside, they were frightened out of their wits, for fear that mutants would break through the iron gate and rush in. Now their only hope of survival is 'someone is outside. Find a way to save us, to come home alive'.

In the dark world, they encourage and support each other to survive in such a low voice, share extremely limited food and drinking water, and take turns to keep watch at night to listen to the movement outside, while others lie down and reduce their activities, just living day by day.

They have heard intense gunshots more than once, but each time the gunshots gradually weakened and went away, never reaching this level, hope is also turning into despair little by little, but no one dares to say 'stop Rescue' words and vocabulary, for such words would be terrible.

The darkness is always silent, and the breathing of the people next to you can be clearly heard. Suddenly, there was a muffled sound of smashing the ground from the direction of the iron gate, followed by a beast-like roar. The sound was already very weak through the iron gate. But in the ears of the soldiers, it was no less than a thunder on the ground.

Everyone, even if they were asleep, opened their eyes in unison, grabbed the gun next to them, and the night watchman quickly turned on the flashlight, and the other soldiers quickly ran to the ring room made up of tables, chairs and other things with the help of this light. On the defense line of the gate, the muzzle of the gun pointed directly at the iron gate.

Everyone didn't dare to breathe, for fear that the loud breathing would attract those terrifying mutants. They hoped that this time it would be the same as before. The mutants just passed by and left soon, but the screaming roar became more and more loud. The sound is loud, the distance is getting closer, and the tone is different, obviously there is more than one mutant.

"Could it be mutants fighting?" This was what all the soldiers thought in their minds. After all, if it was a rescue, there must have been gunshots. Now there are only different screams of mutants. Apart from mutants fighting, I really can't think of anything else.

Every scream made the hearts of the [-] or [-] soldiers tremble. They were still in the dark, and the terrifying monsters were fighting outside. If they hadn't strengthened their psychological quality after seven days of living in darkness, some of them might not be careful. Fire escape.

Another scream sounded, and it sounded like it was just outside the door, the farthest was only three to five meters. All the soldiers curled up their index fingers, ready to stuff them into the triggers at all times, so as not to pull the triggers nervously. After the fight, he left, and whoever fired a shot attracted the attention of mutants, but he was going to be wiped out by the group, and he couldn't be too cautious about fatal things.

After this scream, there was no sound outside, and it was silent for a few seconds, but the bad words to these soldiers were as difficult as centuries, and their breathing stopped, and the eyes covered by the darkness were full of panic, fear, worry... even Some soldiers fought with their teeth gritted. They would rather charge against the artillery fire than face the monsters in the dark. This is like an illusory ghost, but it can frighten many people.

At the most tense moment of the soldier's spirit, footsteps sounded outside, 'Da!clatter! 'It beat on their hearts like a drumbeat, making their whole bodies tremble. This state is very worrying. If you shoot, the bullets can hit the ceiling.

The sound of footsteps stopped in front of the door, everyone stopped breathing, waiting for the judgment of fate, the dark cloud of despair gradually spread, slowly covering everyone's heart
At this moment, a voice came from outside the door: "Jarvis, is this here?"

N number of question marks suddenly popped up in the minds of the soldiers who were so nervous that they were about to explode. They extremely doubted whether they were hallucinating, otherwise how could there be the sound of someone talking, but then there were a few rhythmic knocks on the door, that voice Still continuing to say: "People inside listen, stay away from the door, I will open the door and rescue you out"

While Greer shouted and knocked on the door, he also inserted the card in his hand into the driver at his waist:

"Attack Ride Faiz Blaster!"

A six-pointed star magic circle appeared on the right hand side, and the arm reached into it, pulled out a red suitcase, and quickly stretched it out, turning into a sharp blade nearly two meters in length.

(End of this chapter)

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