The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 381 Anti-Hulk Armor

Chapter 381 Anti-Hulk Armor

When Greer and his party came to Stark's underground studio, Stark was sitting on a simple chair, staring at the holographic projection in front of him. The collection of antique cars that originally occupied most of the basement area had long since disappeared. gone.

The ramp passage for the cars parked here was also blocked. Compared with the last time Greer came here to help build the particle accelerator, the basement can be described as a big change. Almost all the fancy things have been cleared out. The equipment under it is all related to the steel suit.

The door of the basement opened, Stark turned his head, greeted Greer and Banner, then turned his head and continued to look at the holographic projection in front of him, and waited until Banner got closer before speaking: "Doctor, I have a suggestion."

"I also have an idea." Dr. Banner glanced at the virtual screen in front of Stark, smiled, and said, "It seems that we have an idea."

Greer and Daisy interrupted the 'expedition' after hearing the words, and walked towards Stark. The holographic projection showed a slowly rotating 3D model, and it was still a simple model with only lines and no filling. Is the Iron Overlord.

I just heard Stark say: "The steel battlesuit was originally designed as a high-altitude assault individual mecha. It deals with conventional weapons such as tanks and helicopters, rather than against superhumans or even gods. The size limit determines the strength of steel. The suit is not known for its strength."

"So you want to use this as a prototype to design a large-scale, powerful armor for land warfare." Dr. Banner said aside, knowing that Stark wanted to make a large steel suit to deal with Hulk Yes, but he still had a smile on his face, and he didn't look unhappy at all.

"Anti-Hulk armor?!"

"It's just one of the purposes." Stark stood up, walked to the coffee machine, took a cup of coffee for himself, and said, "After the contract war, I have been upgrading and developing new steel suits, focusing on speed. , offensive, stealth and other multi-purpose models, large-scale armor is also planned, the strength of the hammer is not small, and there. "

Stark's words stopped suddenly, the coffee cup slipped from his hand, fell to the ground, and shattered, the coffee spilled all over the floor, but Stark ignored it, staring blankly at the front, and the figure appeared in his mind Huge Leviathan monster like a mountain.

All human creations are insignificant in front of it, and it is just a transport ship without any weapons. If it is full of weapons like the train flying in the air mentioned by Nick Fury, I am afraid it is not just Manhattan. , the whole twist will be blown to the ground.

Banner and the others listened rightly, but Stark, who was facing away from them, made no sound. Instead, he accidentally dropped the cup in his hand, but Stark stood still in place strangely, making the three of them very upset. It's strange, Banner yelled in doubt: "Stark, Stark"

As if waking up from a dream, Stark's body trembled. He turned his head, grinned at Greer and the others, and said, "I just thought of one thing. Large armor can be powered in sections, using a modular approach. Assembling, not only the dressing speed is fast, but also the maintenance and transportation will be much more convenient.”

Stark chattered a lot about his thoughts on the Hulk armor, and Dr. Banner interrupted from time to time to say a few words. Stark didn't have the expression when he just turned his back on everyone, and Banner seemed to be Forgetting the previous unhappiness, the two of them just discussed like no one else.

Greer looked quite speechless and talked about his design and manufacturing opinions on the anti-Hulk armor with great interest, as if it was not used to deal with him. Wait a minute, it is really not used to deal with Banner, but Hulk. Ke, the last thing Banner wanted to be.

Just as the discussion between Stark and Banner was on the rise, Jarvis' voice sounded: "Sir, Mark17 assembly is complete!"

The floor three or two steps away cracked into several pieces, which rotated and retracted to the side, revealing a bottomless hole below. The hydraulic platform carrying the Mark 17 slowly rose up, just to completely plug the opened hole, leaving nothing behind. A little gap.

"It seems that we have to wait until later." Stark stood up, walked towards Mark17, and said as he walked, "Doctor, you should stay in this villa for now, it should be safe here."

"As long as he thinks, no place in this world is safe," Dr. Banner said with a half-smile, "It's safer for me to follow you."

"No problem!" Stark's kung fu has reached before Mark17, and the integrated Mark17 automatically opens, allowing Stark to walk into it, and then the armor closes, tightly wrapping Stark inside.

Compared with the previous steel suits, the most conspicuous part of the Mark17 is the huge chest, which is more than twice the size of other steel suits. There are four strap-like structures extending from the chest, passing through the shoulders and the side of the abdomen. The backs are linked together to create an X-shaped look.

From the appearance, the armor thickness of Mark 17 is three times that of Mark 16, and the output power of the arc pulse gun in the hand is also the strongest. The defense and attack power are absolutely superior, but the speed and flexibility are huh. The way of opening and closing.

It seems that in the war of twisting the contract, Stark was very stimulated by being helpless in the face of the Leviathan behemoth. He developed the Mark 17, which specializes in attack and defense, and even wanted to build a larger anti-Hulk Armor, in order to obtain stronger strength and attack power.

On the air bus, Coulson stood in front of the screen with a serious face in his room, and said to Deputy Director Hill on the screen: "Sir, the Poughkeepsie incident is not the Avengers Civil War as reported on the news. , but someone attacked Bruce Banner to turn him into the Hulk, and the Kamen Rider is stopping the Hulk.”

After listening to Coulson's report calmly, Deputy Director Hill said, "Agent Coulson, what are you trying to do by saying this?"

"I think it is necessary to clarify for the Avengers, so as not to let these false news continue to circulate." Coulson immediately said: "The Avengers are the heroes who saved the world, and they were established by Director Nick."

Before Coulson could finish speaking, Deputy Director Hill interrupted him, saying: "Agent Coulson, the Avengers have never been approved by the World Security Council, the war of breaking the contract just happened at the right time, you The so-called Avengers Alliance was established under the leadership of Tony Stark and has nothing to do with Director Nick."

"But it is an indisputable fact that they saved the world."

"The twisting people have always been grateful to them."

"But now people all over the world are condemning them."

(End of this chapter)

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