The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 382 Public Opinion Reversal

Chapter 382 Public Opinion Reversal
"Freedom of speech, S.H.I.E.L.D. can't stop people from expressing their thoughts." Deputy Director Hill evaded the important point, and didn't have the slightest sincerity to discuss this issue with Coulson.

"This is the role of S.H.I.E.L.D." Coulson raised his tone twice, and said, "Don't forget that kid, he's still in his youthful rebellious stage, if he gets angry, drive his air car What if a train or a flying castle goes around the White House or the Pentagon?
Time to intervene?So why not do the work ahead of time?Make things so stiff, what kind of alien army will invade in the future, and then invite people? "

In the face of Coulson's unceremonious and accusatory words, Deputy Director Hill did not look annoyed at all, and remained calm. After listening to Coulson's words, he said, "Colson, you should know It's not that simple."

"Of course I know, most people won't attack Hulk just for nothing, and it's too late to hide."

"Then you should know it's a lot of trouble."

Coulson said with a smile on his face: "SHIELD is to solve all kinds of troubles, and this is exactly our duty."

"I will report to Director Ferry." Agent Hill hung up the communication after saying this. After the screen went dark, Coulson immediately breathed a long sigh of relief, and said to himself: "I thought I would be scolded. It seems that the headquarters has countermeasures."

Soon, dozens of surveillance images were transmitted from different locations and different computers to the network, and spread exponentially. In a very short period of time, the whole network became known, and the time spent was less than Halfway to the Poughkeepsie event.

The footage complements the missing first half of the Poughkeepsie incident, with gunships blowing up speedboats on the Mid-Hudson Bridge, attacking and crashing bridges, and a dozen or two armed men with heavy weapons in the small town of Poughkeepsie The whole process of madly attacking the Hulk.

Let the masses of melon eaters see Banner transforming into the Hulk, Iron Man saving the bridge, and Kamen Rider stopping the Hulk from raging...etc. The people who watched it climaxed and applauded loudly. It is obviously the same event, using different Editing techniques and presentation methods have become two opposite events.

The voices denouncing the Avengers suddenly subsided, replaced by topics such as 'How did the little fat man become a big fat man', 'Who attacked the Hulk', 'Who is stronger between the Hulk and Kamen Rider', etc. Analyzing the feasibility of a little fat man becoming a big fat man from different angles, many people posted that they had attended the "Little Fatty" class before and had been his student.

Soon, Lou distorted the whole Internet to search for the identity of the little fat man, classmates, colleagues, students, neighbors, leaders... insiders emerged one after another, and all kinds of inside stories were exposed, and Bruce Banner was investigated to the bottom. The name, previous exam results, work address, honors, and scientific achievements are all listed one by one.

In the evening, Bruce Banner became a global celebrity, and netizens from all over the world were discussing how a talented scientist with numerous awards and a promising future turned into a violent, crazy and uncontrollable Hulk.

While the whole people were discussing the reasons, another insider jumped out, exposing that Bruce Banner had participated in a secret military experiment with the purpose of making super soldiers, and posted a group photo of the laboratory members intimately.

Countless reporters swarmed like flies smelling fishy smells to interview the people on these group photos, and then, coincidentally, someone accidentally revealed the contents of the experiment and the accidents that happened, among them was Bruce Banner who became That accident with the Hulk.

In the middle of the night, some "netizens" found a sneak shot video of the army dispatching armed helicopters, vehicle-mounted machine guns and infantry to besiege the Hulk at Culver University in October 2010, and put it together with the Poughkeepsie incident.It is a coincidence that people can see at once that there are armed helicopters, both have vehicle-mounted machine guns, and both have infantry, and both attack the Hulk.

Ever since, people all over the world know that genius scientists turned into terrible monsters due to experimental accidents, and the military not only failed to compensate for the losses, but also wanted to arrest the victims, and more than once, it was exposed twice. If it weren't for the fact that the abomination in Chinatown is too different from the Hulk, someone would definitely count that time.

Early the next morning, the Pentagon, the White House, and military bases everywhere were besieged by reporters, carrying long guns and short cannons, and asked hoarsely: "Did Bruce Banner change because of an accident because he participated in a military experiment?" What kind of experiment did the military conduct to create such a terrifying monster?

As a victim, why is Bruce Banner frequently hunted down by the military?Could a Hulk-like monster that once appeared in Chinatown also be a victim of this type of experimentation?How many such monsters are there? "

Questions fell like meteors one after another. The military spokesman was dizzy and had to say some diplomatic words: "It is not clear. This matter is being investigated. It will be investigated and will be released to the public once there is a result. announced."

Don't say a word about anything else, especially about the military's super-soldier plan, and firmly deny it. If you can't get it wrong, just say some irrelevant words. In short, you will never dwell on this topic too much, even if you answer other questions. Never talk about it.

When Banner got up, he was surprised to find that before he went to bed, the Internet was overwhelmingly criticizing and scolding him, but now they all turned into solidarity with him, pity for him, sympathy for him, support for him, and even many lawyers posted posts and left messages saying that they could Help him file a lawsuit with the military and demand compensation from the military for losses.Because such well-known lawsuits have always been the favorite of lawyers, and they can increase their popularity. Whether they win or lose, they are advertisements.

Without washing his face or brushing his teeth, Banner hurried to Stark's room, knocked on the door frantically, and asked if Stark did it. He was able to reverse the public opinion overnight, which is definitely not ordinary people. It can be done, Stark with artificial intelligence Jarvis, it couldn't be easier to do it.

"No," the sleepy-eyed Stark denied, "It would take a while for Jarvis to collect such detailed information, so it should be S.H.I.E.L.D.."

"S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Banner was full of doubts, not understanding why S.H.I.E.L.D. did this.

Greer, who was also woken up, came over and said, "It's very simple. The world still needs the Avengers. The relationship is too rigid. What if aliens invade again? Even if we don't stand by and delay After a while, it will be a big loss."

(End of this chapter)

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