Chapter 380 Error
Greer turned to look at Stark and asked, "Mr. Stark, have you caught up with those people?"

Stark shook his head with a grim expression, and replied very succinctly: "I lost track." Without explaining in detail, his steel suit known for its high speed failed to catch up with the slow, snail-like car. It's obviously frustrating.

Coulson said from the side: "SHIELD will investigate to the end."

"There should not be many people and organizations that can use armed helicopters and a large number of armed personnel." Greer said from the side: "I suggest you check General Charros, he has always missed the Hulk."

"We will investigate." Coulson said standard diplomatic rhetoric. No one present believed that S.H.I.E.L.D. Anyone meddling in the affairs of the army.

As a result, no one from the Avengers side spoke, and Coulson did not leave. A group of people just stood in the cabin, looking at each other in silence.Fitz and Simmons on the second floor felt that the scene was extremely embarrassing, but they were really heartbroken to be able to stand there all the time.

Fitz's attention was on Greer and Stark, and he really wanted to dismantle their two armors to see the internal structure and materials, while Simmons looked at Dr. Banner, wanting to study Hulk's armor very much. How does body size enlarge and shrink?It's really against biology.

At this moment, the cabin door on the second floor opened, and Ward walked over and said, "Your program seems to have found something? Can you go over and see if you understand?"

Fitz and Simmons left in a hurry. Ward glanced down inadvertently, took a panoramic view of several people, and then turned around and followed Fitz and Simmons into the cabin. Within 2 minutes, Fitz ran out in a hurry , shouted: "Sir, we have found Killian's satellite."

Before Coulson moved, Daisy ran first, Greer followed closely, and pieces of Mark16 armor on Stark's body squeezed to one side, and opened from the middle, allowing Stark to walk from Walking out of it, Coulson originally wanted to go, but he didn't move when he saw the situation. He stayed with Dr. Banner and occasionally said a few words in a soft voice.

When a group of people came to the living room, Fitz and Simmons were constantly typing on the virtual keyboard in front of the holographic projection, trying to obtain login permissions, but the result was that the login was prohibited, which made Fitz and Simmons very troubled. Xi was about to step forward to help, but Stark had already pulled out his mobile phone and pointed it at the holographic projection.

In the next second, an intrusion alarm appeared on the screen, and then the alarm was dismissed, and the holographic projection automatically started to work, and the virtual keyboard in front of Fitz and Simmons completely lost its function.Stark tapped the paper-thin phone screen and said, "Your firewall is not bad, at least you have called the police."

Fitz glanced at his mouth secretly, and murmured in Simmons' ear: "We must ask Coulson to recruit a network expert later."


Fitz pouted at Greer, who was holding Daisy, and said, "It's impossible, he's an Avenger, I really didn't expect Kamen Rider to be a child."

"The feeling of being shattered."


While Fitz and Simmons were whispering at the side, Jarvis had already cracked Killian's satellite encryption, and began to download all kinds of information transmitted by this satellite. After working for a long time, there was no result. After Stark arrived for half an hour, everything was solved. Who is the protagonist?
S.H.I.E.L.D.'s network speed is really impressive. In just half a minute, more than 100 G of content was downloaded. Stark opened a folder, opened a video inside, and played it on the big screen.

A young man with only half of his left arm appeared in the screen, and people outside the camera kept asking him some questions, and he answered these questions; more than ten video files were changed in a row, all of which were such question-and-answer videos.

"It's a psychological investigation," Banner's voice came from behind the crowd. Looking back, Dr. Banner walked over with Coulson in a suit that didn't fit well. He ignored everyone's eyes and walked directly to the big screen. He said in a somewhat indifferent tone: "Many human experiments will screen the experimental subjects, such as super soldiers. Not only do they need to undergo various physical examinations, but they also need to undergo multiple rounds of psychological evaluation and long-term observation before making a decision."

"During World War II, Dr. Erkins set up a training camp in order to select a person suitable for injection of super soldier serum, and eliminated thousands of people round by round."

"In the end, the weakest Captain Rogers in the training camp was selected by Dr. Erkins. Dr. Erkins commented that a great heart is hidden in a weak body."

Simmons and Fitz sang together and talked about the contents of the Captain America and Roaring Commando exhibition area of ​​the World War II Memorial.

Dr. Banner did not continue, but continued: "These questions are all about evaluating the psychology of these people, and the screening is very strict."

Stark continued to play the downloaded video data, and found the psychological and physical examination reports of the first, second, third, and sixth rounds. The pass rate was only [-]%, and all participants in the evaluation were Disabled people are either missing arms or legs, and most of the people who passed the final pass have joined the army.

Skip these evaluation videos and materials, and save them for later analysis. Stark opened a new folder, which is full of experimental recording images. Disabled people who have passed several rounds of tests followed with smiles and hopes. A group of experimenters in white coats walked into the shabby laboratory, which was so shabby that there were no windows and glass, and the walls were slags. The old house couldn't be any older.

These physically disabled people talked to the camera about their excitement and what they were going to do after they recovered, and then the camera turned, and Killian, who was bearded and poorly dressed, spoke impassionedly about the experiment. The great significance of it will heal countless physically disabled people and restore them to health and self-confidence.

After the words were finished, the first batch of experimenters were led onto an iron frame, bound firmly by shackles and belts, and then one by one in white coats began to inject them with medicine, slowly pushing the syringe The medicine in the bag, his eyes are fixed on the body monitor next to him.

After injecting several medicines, the five test subjects finally changed. Pain appeared on their faces, and they howled loudly. Their skin also began to turn red, and the short-sleeved shorts they were wearing began to twist and break. The broken limbs of the people who participated in the experiment surged like magma, and the broken limbs grew rapidly.

"Success, success!" Killian and the experimenter shouted excitedly. Just as they were celebrating, the skin of the three test subjects became more and more red, the iron frame was scalded red, and the skin cracked. There was a magma-like red light in the gap.

Killian's smile turned into panic in an instant, and he shouted loudly: "It's out of control, evacuate quickly."

Immediately after that, there was a burst of chaotic footsteps, and the three experimental subjects lost their human appearance more and more. The red ones looked like a pile of magma, and finally exploded with a bang. The video ended here. Don't think too much, the experiment must have failed The fate of the experimental subject can be imagined.

The video clips that were opened later were all video records of experiment after experiment, but the number of people in the experiment was reduced to one person at a time, and the places selected were all dilapidated places. All the selected experimental subjects were scrapped.

The recorded video of the experiment taken from different angles has been downloaded for hundreds of gigabytes. I saw all kinds of people blew themselves up. The success rate of the experiment was less than half, but it still stunned everyone watching the S.H.I.E.L.D. Limbs grow out in just two to three seconds. If the problem of self-explosion is solved, it will definitely be a great product that will benefit mankind.

Jarvis has already downloaded all the videos, all of which are experiment and evaluation videos, which can only prove that Killian is conducting a very inhuman self-explosion experiment. As for whether the successful experimental subject becomes a superman, it is not reflected in the video. Not to mention that Killian has been linked to terrorist attacks.

Greer turned his head to look at Coulson, and said, "It's not that there are no fragments of explosives, these are fragments of explosives."

Coulson immediately began to report this major discovery to the headquarters, and attached several videos of Killian's experiment explosion as evidence, and applied for investigation and arrest of Killian.

"Going to California, I'm going to change my armor," Stark said, picking up his phone and facing the screen, "Jarvis, prepare to assemble Mark17."

"Sir, the repeller hasn't finished the test yet." Jarvis' persuasion routine was interrupted by Stark: "I'm not about to test it?"

"Okay, sir!"

"I want to go down too," Banner said, "This plane can't make me toss like an aircraft carrier."

Coulson laughed and said nothing, the topic was too unpleasant, especially since they were still on this plane.

Soon the airbus arrived in California and parked in an open space not far from Stark's villa. Stark put on Mark16 and flew directly to the villa, ready to change into the latest attacking steel suit Mark17 .

Banner, Greer, and Daisy found a restaurant for dinner together. After a big fight, their physical strength was severely exhausted, and they needed to replenish their energy in order to have the strength to deal with Killian's hopeless soldiers.

The news was broadcasting on the TV in the restaurant. As soon as the food was served, the news was broadcast to Poughkeepsie, a small town in the north of New York. The Kipsey situation.

From above, it can be clearly seen that there is a large open space near the Hudson River in the town, which is full of various ruins and sundries, but there is no complete building, especially the large swamp. conspicuous.

Fire trucks and ambulances shuttled back and forth on the road, carrying out emergency rescue work, and then the camera switched to shooting on the ground. An on-site reporter held a microphone and spoke seriously about the approximate casualties caused by this man-made disaster. figures and losses.

Then I interviewed a group of small town residents, all of whom said indignantly that the Hulk of the Avengers and Kamen Rider were fighting in the small town, and some people yelled at the camera, demanding compensation for his house and car; temporary residence They cried loudly, cursing loudly the murderer who made them lose their loved ones, and grabbed the policeman who was maintaining order and asked why they didn't catch the murderer.

Dr. Banner's ten fingers clenched the knife and fork tightly, his hands trembled unconsciously, and his breathing became a little heavy. Greer waved his hand, and sent out a thin beam of lightning, which directly short-circuited the wires, and the TV screen suddenly went black. The crying and scolding disappeared immediately.

Greer buried his head in eating the steak on the plate, and said in a muffled voice, "It's not your fault, doctor!"

"Really? Is it really not my fault?" Dr. Banner asked back, then lowered his head, and cut the steak on the plate vigorously with a knife and fork.

Daisy turned her head and glanced at Greer, she didn't say a word, she just lowered her head and wrestled with the food on the plate, the three of them just finished the lunch without eating anything, walked out of the restaurant, and then walked forward Ten or so steps away, the screen outside the building at the crossroads was still playing news, with the headline 'Avengers Civil War, Innocent Town Destroyed'.

"Is it really not my fault?" Dr. Banner whispered again, standing there, looking up at the news broadcast on the huge screen, one corpse after another was lifted out of the collapsed house, The cries of the wounded in a makeshift camp.
No matter which TV station it is, they are all broadcasting the Hulk and Kamen Rider in the Avengers, fighting in Poughkeepsie, causing huge economic losses and casualties, leaving thousands of people homeless.

After the contract-breaking incident, the hero praised by everyone instantly turned into a scolded villain. Some people launched condemnation posts on the Internet, enumerating the casualties and economic losses caused by these so-called superheroes when they fought again and again. It's all a transformation in just a few hours.

Obviously, there are people behind this who are fueling the flames, in order to discredit and stigmatize this uncontrolled superhuman group. After all, these people have terrifying power and incredible abilities. What else do people play?With such a high popularity, if you run for congressman, governor, etc., can you be elected casually?
People with various purposes joined in, and used various means to promote this event, create public opinion, heighten the atmosphere, contact TV stations openly and secretly, engage in some similar projects, and find some brick-and-mortars called beasts to appear on the show. Analyze from various aspects, whether the so-called superhero behavior meets the legal requirements, whether it is an urgent need of the people, and whether it is really beneficial to the public.

This is why the Poughkeepsie incident has only been known for two or three hours, and it is still a story with the beginning and the end. There is no news at all that someone attacked the Hulk at the beginning. Reported from Hulk vs. Kamen Rider.

(End of this chapter)

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