The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1081 Quantum Void

Chapter 1081 Quantum Void
The reason for bringing Hope is that she needs to meet Janet, and use the second-generation Wasp suit to contact Janet who is probably still wearing the first-generation Wasp suit. Otherwise, Greer doesn't even want to bring her. I set off alone.

No way, the last trip to the Quantum Realm left a deep impression on him. A large amount of unknown energy filled every part of his body. If he was not a 'mortal', he would have survived by luck. After finding out how to control this Before this kind of energy method, I'm afraid it's just a 'waste'.

Even with the conversion of ether particles and the manipulation of magic power before, it took him a long, long time to slowly straighten out those quantum energy, and finally 'unsealed' the knight card box, and finally he was able to return to this point in time , otherwise I am afraid that I am still staying at the destroyed earth coordinate point.

Stark's voice came from the special quantum communicator: "Get ready, the quantum tunnel will open in ten seconds."

"Understood." Greer, who was wearing the Kamen Rider Den-O armor, nodded to Hope, who was wearing the second-generation Wasp suit, and raised his leg to step on the mechanical speed bird, saying: "Get ready, we are about to set off. "

Hope put his helmet on immediately, and stood in this luxurious and over-the-top sky train, waiting for the departure.

Except for the four people who need to be in charge of the quantum shuttle, the others stood far away on the lawn, looking at this set of steel crouching dragons, and uttered 'Woo!Woo! The whistle sounded, and then the wheels began to turn, and road sleepers and tracks appeared out of thin air ahead, on which the power train 'rumbled'.

The track is rising rapidly, so that the electric train running on it also climbs upwards, and jumps down from the open roof of the training hall. When Stark's countdown reaches zero, the electric train also rushes into the rapid rotation In the wearing quantum shuttle.

A tube of Pym particles inserted into the pantograph, along with the energy and power transmission pipeline, flows through every part of the electric train, so that the electric train that has just entered the quantum shuttle will shrink sharply. From a distance, it seems that No matter how many people enter a huge gluttonous mouth, it cannot be filled.

In a short while, the electric train completely rushed into the brightly lit quantum shuttle, and everyone hurried into the training hall. They saw the quantum shuttle spinning extremely fast, but they could no longer see the quantum shuttle. Trains up to [-] meters long.

Greer, who was sitting in the driver's cab, could see clearly that the quantum shuttle was only 20 meters long, but no matter how fast the electric train accelerated, it couldn't touch the innermost light. On the contrary, the light was getting bigger and bigger, and further and further.

And some things gradually appeared in the air, which became larger at a very fast speed, or in other words, the electric train was shrinking sharply. It seemed that the particles in the air became extremely large, and people could see their details with the naked eye. From smooth to bumpy to hollow.

As the volume continues to shrink, more and more things can be seen around, countless floating dust, which can only be seen under light at ordinary times, but at this moment it fills the field of vision, moving in various shapes and disorderly , It is estimated that if you take a breath casually, you will swallow countless.

No matter how small the dust is, it can also be enlarged to an unbelievable degree, making these huge monsters called dust appear various bacteria, waving fluff of various lengths and numbers, and swimming slowly, which looks a little strange. Being on the bottom of the sea, the feeling of countless swimming fish swimming back and forth.

But the shrinking didn't stop. Greer concentrated on driving the electric train. He clearly remembered that he was traveling through time and space, and it was even smaller than this. Is this just a microscopic world, not a quantum realm, and it needs to continue shrinking.

Hope in the back kept in touch with Janet and Stark, describing what he saw, while Jarvis gave the names and sizes of these bacteria according to the description, thus providing sample data to Hope, To determine how small you have become.

As for Janet, she has been saying: not enough, but to continue.

Hope couldn't help asking: "Mom, to what extent have you shrunk?"

"I should have surpassed the quantum realm. I call this the quantum void. It is very similar to space. There are many kinds of things floating around. It is very, very dangerous. You must find me as soon as possible, and then we will leave as quickly as possible." Jenny Te's tone was very serious, which made people wonder what it was like, and Janet, who had lived for 30 years, said it was dangerous there.

As for Hope, his heart is full of distress. It will definitely not be safe for his mother to tell her that it is dangerous there. It is impossible to imagine how her mother spent 30 years.

The electric train continued to shrink, and the bacteria had become unbelievably large, completely occupying the view of the cockpit of the electric train, and there were signs of unevenness on it, as well as holes, and finally a sparse mesh.
Unknowingly, there were no new things around, but it became strange, distorted colors everywhere, like a million-color mirror, but Greer saw it familiarly, and suddenly thought, this is not the ancient mage giving the new mage Happy eyes when let them see the 'real world'?

Could it be that the Ancient One or the previous supreme mage, reached the meaningless quantum void, understood the true meaning of the world, and thus developed the 'program' that drives the original world, that is, the spell, so magic appeared?
Don't know, can't verify.

But Greer felt that it was very possible, otherwise, how could what Happy Eyes saw and heard would be exactly the same as the eccentric world like a million-flower mirror at the moment.

Without a reference object, you can no longer feel the shrinking of the train, you can only see the countless three-dimensional Wanhua mirrors around you are constantly changing, until it seems to reach a certain limit, the Wanhua mirror stops changing, and the electric train 'collides' On one of the Wanhua mirrors.

The surroundings suddenly changed and became brighter. It was no longer a grotesque and distorted world, but a boundless void, with countless large and small 'islands' floating, and these islands were also strangely shaped, with different thicknesses and numbers. They are connected by different 'vines', a bit like the floating islands of Pandora.

It’s just that these unidentified objects such as islands and vines are painted in different colors and emit colorful lights. They are also the light source of this void. People can’t help but wonder what these objects rely on to glow?

Looking at the outside world, Hope said in surprise, "Is this the Quantum Void?"

"I think so." Greer nodded. He traveled through time and space to this world last time, and rushed into a certain cave. On the cave wall, he saw a very tiny city-like protrusion, and then Enter the time and space of 1993.

(End of this chapter)

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