The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1082 Creatures

Chapter 1082 Creatures
The electric train stopped shrinking, because the four-dimensional locator showed that they had reached the predetermined fourth dimension, that is, a certain space on the same coordinate axis as Janet, and the next step was to go to the coordinate point.

However, Greer keenly discovered that since entering this so-called quantum void, the electric train began to absorb the surrounding energy unconsciously.

What happens when a hole suddenly appears in the bottom of a sand-filled glass bottle?

The answer is that the fine sand will all leak out from the small hole.

But now, breaking into the electric train full of unknown energy has become such a loophole.

With the absorption of quantum energy, the electric train changed quietly. On the fiery red shell, a flame-like phantom ignited, entwined on the fast-moving electric train, looking like an ornament. It is particularly conspicuous in the void.

Not only the flames, but the whole body of the electric train is gradually shining with golden light. With the flames, the splendor cannot be described in words. It looks full of science fiction and makes people linger.

It's a pity that this is the Quantum Void, there is nothing around except some colorful luminous objects like islands, no one can appreciate the beauty of the electric train at the moment, and the two people in the electric train are also busy , Greer always pays attention to the coordinates, so as not to miss the location of Janet.

The laws of the real world do not apply to the quantum void. The biggest feature is the discontinuity of the coordinates. For example, you are at 1 now, but you suddenly reach 5 when you move forward, and you return to 2 when you move forward. It is very messy, but it fits well. Features of the quantum realm: discontinuity and randomness.

But this feature greatly increased the process of Greer looking for Janet, making him have to concentrate on looking at the screen of the [-]D locator so as not to miss the area where Janet is. Overwhelming their communications, and constant attempts to reach the mother.

The quantum communicators manufactured by Stark are, after all, manufactured in the real world based on paper-based data, and there is no data on the quantum void. As a result, after the electric train entered the quantum void, the communication quality plummeted , intermittently makes people quite worried about losing contact.

But at any rate, they can still maintain communication with Stark and the others, but the contact with Janet has been interrupted since entering the quantum void. Hope has tried for a long time, and in the intermittent communication, he got Stark Their help, but all kinds of suggestions have been tried, but to no avail, and communication with Janet has never been restored.

This made Hope quite anxious, but the lack of communication cannot be solved by anger and anxiety. She also understands that the correct approach at this moment is to collect enough data, then return to the real world, and complete a new round of upgrades after thoroughly understanding the Quantum Void Optimize, create a communication device suitable for use in the quantum void, and then come in.

But Hope had already arrived at her mother's side, but wanted to go back again, and in the many contacts with her mother, although her mother's tone was very calm, she could feel the bad condition of her mother, the sooner she rescued her mother from the sea of ​​suffering, the less suffer a little.

The electric train is still moving forward, and more strangely shaped islands appear in all directions, all exuding colorful light, dyeing this vast and boundless quantum void with colorful colors, but this light shines on the electric train. When it was nearby, it was blocked by the flames ignited on the electric train and the golden light that glowed, making the electric train a self-contained area around it, which was not affected by the colorful light.

This makes the electric train the only thing that maintains its "self-color" in the quantum void, forming a sharp contrast with the colorful surroundings.

I don't know when, on those colorful 'islands', some wriggling unknown objects appeared, and more and more, but the two people in the electric train were paying attention to their own affairs, and didn't have the energy to observe carefully Environments and colors are extremely complex in all directions.

I don't know who started it first, but when Greer found it, he saw a lot of colorful candies coming from the six-sided islands, it looked like countless colorful candies pouring down, the momentum was very amazing , but with the eyesight blessed by Kamen Rider Den-O's armor, he can clearly see that these colorful substances are actually composed of countless flying insects.

The reason why they are called flying insects is that these 'creatures' have fat stomachs like insects, but their wings are too small, completely disproportionate to their bodies, just like a person with palm-sized wings flying freely.

So small, it feels like fins instead of wings, not flying, but swimming in this ocean where the quantum energy is 'water', so they become colorful, just like the oxidation effect, only the quantum energy enters The outward appearance of an object.

Greer thought to himself, but was dissatisfied with the movements of his hands. He hastily pressed a button on the instrument panel of the mechanical electric speed bird, and shouted: "Battle mode, turn on!"

Following Greer's loud shout, the electric train underwent drastic changes. The top and side armors of each carriage were opened in unison, revealing quadruple gun barrels, missile launchers, and ejection devices. , and ultrasonic generators for attack.

It was too late and then too fast, in the blink of an eye, the electric train completed the conversion of the combat mode, and immediately launched an attack against the unknown and various flying insects flying out from the islands, up, down, left, right, front and back. attack.

Greer doesn't know what these things are, but he definitely can't let them get close. With such a large number, just a collision is enough to knock over the electric train, not to mention these weird bugs, who knows what will happen ability?

'Boom!Tom!Tom! '

'call out!call out!call out! '

Groups of free energy light bombs, tracking missiles, close-range gravity collapse bombs, and deterrent missiles that can release supersonic waves are all launched in one go, flying in all directions, rushing into the flying insects and exploding.

'boom!boom!boom! '

There was no sound, and the explosion of colorful flames could only be seen through the gaps between the flying insects, engulfing a large number of strangely shaped flying insects, causing a large gap to appear in the dense flying insect swarm, but was immediately caught by the flying insects behind. Filled with flying insects.

It's just that the electric train's attacks continuously fired missiles and ejected bombs, and the crazy explosions wiped out countless flying insects every second, making it impossible for the flying insects to rush to the vicinity of the electric train no matter how they rushed forward.

And on the island where a large number of flying insects rushed out, larger figures appeared on the edge one by one, watching the electric train in the distance with strange 'eyes', their powerful legs jumped up suddenly, driving the huge The body rushed towards the electric train.

(End of this chapter)

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