The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1080 Departure, Quantum Realm

Chapter 1080 Departure, Quantum Realm

As time passed day by day, Stark and the others visibly became sluggish. After all, there were only four of them, and the instrument needed to run 24 hours a day, so as not to miss possible weak signals.

People are getting more and more tired, but the harvest is completely zero. People start to wonder if there is something wrong with the equipment, or the plan is wrong. Of course, the biggest possibility is that Janet is gone long ago, and they are just doing useless work.

Although everyone kept such a guess in their hearts, Hope could guess it, but she really didn't know what to say other than thanking them, so she could only help them to relieve their burden and fatigue.

No way, Jarvis is useless at all. After all, it is just a smart system. No matter how much information it has, it is in the database. If there is no record in the database, it will not be known, and the Quantum Realm is precisely the unknown.

This is the same as when Stark was looking for a replacement for the toxic palladium element. Jarvis could only help calculate the combination of known elements, and the new elements could not help at all.

Just when everyone was about to give up, Stark drank coffee to refresh himself and found that there was something wrong with the subatomic frequency signal wave. He quickly put down the coffee, moved closer to observe carefully, printed out the fluctuation just now, and observed it carefully. several times.

It was discovered that when the matrix antenna scans to 0125 o'clock, the signal wave will have slight undetectable fluctuations, which is within the error range, but Stark always feels that this may not be an error.

So he began to adjust the scanning range without hesitation, no longer scanning like looking for a needle in a haystack, but aiming at that area for precise scanning.

The sky was already full of stars outside, but Stark didn't feel sleepy, staring at the instrument display screen with eyes with heavy bags under his eyes, clenched his right fists unconsciously, and whispered in his mouth: "Come on ), please (come on).”

This is the only discovery for such a long time. If it is indeed an error, then Stark really doesn't know what to do. The quantum field is a subject he has only touched, and even smart people need time to learn Those predecessors' knowledge needs to be thought and understood and studied in depth, but what is most lacking now is time.

Just as Stark subconsciously held his left wrist and moved slowly, the signal wave on the screen jumped again, and this time the beating range was extremely large, it was absolutely impossible to be an error, so Stark stopped broadcasting immediately. Domain Search, an exhaustive scan for this.

With the further contraction of the signal wave, the amplitude of the signal fluctuation became larger and larger, and Stark realized that there should be some kind of law, so he asked Jarvis to analyze it immediately. Although Jarvis could not deal with the unknown field, he had data, but can use the fastest speed to draw conclusions.

As usual, Jarvis quickly gave the answer: "I think it's Morse code, sir!"

"It's that simple?"

"Yes, sir, it's as simple as that."


A loud bell sounded at the Avengers base in the middle of the night, waking up the people who were still asleep. In the soft voice of Jarvis, who were dizzy and swaying, they walked along the connecting corridors to the brightly lit vast training area. field.

Stark woke them up with one sentence: "I might have found Janet."

While several people were still digesting this sentence, Stark drank the cold espresso in one gulp, while Jarvis described in detail the whole process of Mr. Stark discovering the abnormality, and showed The cyclical 'Morse code' fluctuations of the signal wave translate to exactly 'SOS'.

It may be a coincidence that it happened once, twice, three times, and now it has reached the eighth time.

"It must be Mom, she is asking us for help." Hope was very excited. Since the search for Janet began, she has lived in the Avengers base, and took out all kinds of materials that Dr. Pim regarded as precious. All the instruments in Dr. Pym's laboratory were also moved here.

These things are all dead things, and keeping them is nothing but dust, but taking them over may save his mother. Hope made a decision without thinking too much.

And now that I finally see the results, how can I not be excited?

Banner, T'Challa, and Su Rui also stepped forward immediately after listening, and began to check the various systems and program algorithms to make sure that this signal fluctuation was not a coincidence. After a lot of work, they did not find any probabilistic errors, that is to say This is indeed a distress signal from somewhere.

But the signal disappeared half an hour later, and it lasted two hours in total since it first appeared, which also made everyone speculate that the probability field of the quantum realm where Janet is may shift once every two hours , resulting in a change in the arrangement order of imaginary numbers, and the communication is interrupted.

But now that we have made contact, it means that we already know the characteristics of the 'needle'. One-time search algorithm, benchmark positioning, I believe that contact will be re-established soon.

Although the night was dark, it couldn't stop the enthusiasm of several people, and they immediately threw themselves into work, the sound of keyboard tapping was endless, and the vast and exquisite eight-element directional antenna matrix was swinging up and down, left and right, back and forth at a very slow speed, adjusting From the angle of reflection, carefully 'listen' to the 'sound' from the extremely small world.

During the search, several people were also discussing how to establish a connection. Judging from the current situation, Janet is likely to be in a very special state in the quantum field, that is, energy discontinuity, position uncertainty, state overlay etc.

So Janet can live, probably because she is in a very special state, that is, a situation beyond time, neither in the past nor in the present, both in the past and in the future, barely able to use Schrödinger's cat for an inaccurate explanation.

Stark has already done the most difficult thing, and the next job is much simpler, nothing more than re-searching, and completing the communication device that can connect to the quantum field according to the model established by Stark based on the Mobius ring , and then you can connect with Janet.

In the case of basic theories, models and relevant research materials, it is much easier to manufacture related products, especially the participation of a group of top smart people on this planet, the progress is naturally rapid, and the finished product is quickly produced. tested.

During this period, they received the same 'SOS' signal at different times, making Hope and the others more certain that it was indeed Janet sending them a distress message in some way, which made Hope very excited , It can be said that tears filled the eyes.

The sudden death of her father caused her to lose her only family member. Scott, who had a good impression, also died to save her father. When Hope went to report the funeral, facing the crying daughter of Scott, she felt extremely guilty. It can be said that the mourning has reached the extreme. I thought it was over like this, but I never thought that there would be a chance to find and rescue the "dead" mother. It was like a person who was about to die of thirst in the desert and saw an oasis.

After the quantum communicator that gathered everyone's hard work and wisdom was built and got in touch with Janet, the information obtained by borrowing quantum entanglement was converted into text and displayed on the screen, and a sentence appeared: "I am Janet Van. Dyne."

Hope burst into tears on the spot, but covered his mouth and tried hard not to cry out. It took him a long time to adjust his emotions, and with excited heart and trembling hands, he slowly typed: "Mom, I am Hope, You always call me Gummy."

The mother and daughter, who hadn't seen each other for 30 years, were very excited to tell about the pain of lovesickness after parting through the screen, so Su Rui had to step forward to remind: "Hope, the probability field will shift in two hours, we don't have much Time, please get down to business as soon as possible."

"Sorry," Hope hurriedly apologized, raised his hand to wipe away the tears all over his face, and said, "I'll tell you right away."

"I can understand." Su Rui took two steps back after speaking.

Hope hurriedly asked his mother about the key equation of the Pym particle, and said that she and her partner had completed the quantum shuttle, only the Pym particle was missing, and entered the quantum realm to rescue her.

After that, there was a long silence, which made Hope very nervous, thinking that she had narrated too much about the friendship, which caused the probability field to shift, until the text appeared on the screen again, asking: Where is Hank?is he there

Hope typed out the news that her father had passed away with trembling hands. She knew how much the news had hit her mother, but she had to say that when her mother asked this, she obviously suspected that someone was using her name to set up Pym particles. secret.

After talking about the news of his father's death, Hope hurriedly typed up some little secrets that only his family knew, to prove that he was indeed Hope. After a while, new words appeared, very fast, all about The quantum information is more detailed and in-depth than the research information of Dr. Pym brought by Hope, it is simply a scalpel analysis.

This made Stark and the others very happy. Banner even put on glasses to look better. He was thinking in his heart that if they had these materials, they would not have spent so long. In the given time, we can achieve the current level, no, we can do better based on these materials.

Before reading it, Stark and the others had come up with a variety of ideas to improve and optimize the structure and algorithm of the quantum shuttle to make it work more efficiently, so after Janet provided all the information, Stark The four of Ke forgot their fatigue and immediately put into work, extracting Pym particles and optimizing and transforming the quantum shuttle.

After three months of continuous operation, the quantum shuttle finally stopped working, and started a comprehensive overhaul, upgrade and optimization to prepare for the next step into the quantum field, so as to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

During these three months, the other Avengers were busy contacting the scattered Captain Marvel, Thor, the Guardians of the Galaxy and other superheroes who once formed the Earth Expeditionary Force, so as to unite again and fight against the more powerful Sano. Sri Lanka fights to the death.

As a scientist, the greatest joy is to devote oneself to the unknown field, and strive for it all your life, and finally solve it, and then smile at Jiuquan. Now Stark and the others are immersed in such a hard-working but exciting science. researching.

The body is very tired, but the energy is full. The speed of consumption of coffee and other refreshing drinks has skyrocketed. In exchange, it has a brand-new quantum shuttle, and Pym particles that gradually meet the standards, and even successfully shrunk the object in a test.

Although Hope really wanted to optimize and upgrade the quantum shuttle as soon as possible, so as to get in touch with her mother again, but she knew that it was more important to complete the Pym particle and then rescue her mother, so she endured her longing and went to help Make Pym Particles.

When the Avengers base was covered by the first snow in winter, Hope, Stark and the others dragged their tired bodies and walked out of the laboratory, but their faces could not hide their excited expressions, holding a fingernail-sized Iron Man suit.

"We made it!"

A soft sentence made everyone cheer. It took eight or nine months, and finally... Finally, they successfully opened the key to a new world. This new world made them open a save point and have a new life. Chances have come.

Hope was also exhausted, but he didn't take a break right away. Instead, he used the upgraded and optimized Quantum Shuttle 2.0 to find Janet's signal for a long time, and told his mother the good news. They will look for it soon. her, bring her back.

The heavy work is finally over, so that Stark and the others can have a good rest for a period of time, and after recharging their energy, they start to produce a large number of Pym particles. The two richest people in the world do this, and they don’t consider the cost at all. They only ask Highest quality, making the best Pym particles.

When the thick snow began to melt, Stark, T'Challa and the others also produced enough Pym particles for the electric train to go back and forth twice.Yes, Greer is going to use the electric train to enter the quantum realm. Although this will consume Pym particles, it is the safest option. He has not forgotten that last time he rushed into the quantum world desperately and almost never came back.

The [-]-meter-long steel dragon was quietly suspended two meters above the ground, and the ceiling of the training hall had been opened, and the metal mesh laid above the quantum shuttle had also been removed, revealing the black hole below the 'shrinking tunnel' .

Rejected everyone's request to follow, because following the past will not be of much help, after all, it is a quantum realm full of unknowns, and no one knows what will happen, so if it is not necessary, I will never leave the electric train, so Many people are not powerful.

Disappointed, Banner could only install a large number of optical observations and detectors on the electric train with Su Rui to collect various data in the quantum field, watched Greer give Hope a ticket, and boarded the train. On the electric train.

(End of this chapter)

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