The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1056 The Disappearing Cosmic Spirit Orb

Chapter 1056 The Disappearing Cosmic Spirit Orb

In the vast void of the universe, new sleepers and tracks are constantly appearing out of thin air, combined to form a track, a purple tram whizzes by, and after the tram passes, the track disappears immediately, just like the Milky Way Express train in an animated movie It seems that it travels between the past and the future, and soars in the starry sky and the universe.

Little Daisy grew up in the village since she was a child. All she can see are forests, grasslands, sky, stars, and the magnificent void of the universe. For her, everything makes her very curious and screams Yes, but when this kind of scenery is repeated for several days, it is no longer attractive.

Fortunately, the electric train 2.0 is no longer a stuffy tank car with nothing but a shell, but a fully functional luxury bus. In addition to the cockpit, there are dining areas, entertainment and leisure areas, living areas and bathrooms, etc. The living space is spacious without feeling cramped at all.

This is a brand-new electric train - electric thunder, which almost consumed the quantum energy in Greer's body, but what surprised Greer was that the quantum energy was slowly recovering after consumption, or he could absorb the quantum energy. quantum energy.

This discovery made Greer extremely pleasantly surprised, which means that he may have some connection with the quantum realm, just like the ancient one mage used spells to absorb the energy of the dark realm, as long as he can figure out a way, he can continue Constantly extracting the energy of the Quantum Realm.

And being able to continue to extract the energy of the quantum field means that he can continue to build new electric trains, and constantly improve the functions of electric trains, such as opening the combat mode, as well as the various weapons that are required to be loaded in the combat mode, and attack Enemy energy.

Of course, for the most important function of traveling through time, Greer has no idea for the time being. He has no idea about the supercomputer named 'DenMind' following the "Classical Records" that can be used to travel between time. clue.

Even if you have a clue, if you want to realize it, you will consume a huge amount of quantum energy. Anyway, before you find out how to absorb the energy of the quantum field on a large scale, you will definitely not be able to provide it. It is better to honestly improve the electric train - Dianlei , to accumulate experience for the subsequent implementation of new electric trains.

"Where are we going?" Little Daisy stood by the window, looking out at the void of the universe, her expression was a little sluggish. After watching the same scenery for a long time, she was already a little bored.

"Go to a very interesting place."


"Well, it must be very interesting." Greer cast his eyes out of the window. In the void of the universe far away, a gray-white planet was quietly floating there. planet.

A long time ago, a brilliant civilization was born on this planet, but because of the loss of control when researching the power gem, the power of the power gem exploded, sweeping across the entire planet, and the city and civilization that had been developed for countless hours were instantly transformed into one The ruins, and all the creatures on it were reduced to ashes, and there was nothing left.

After that, the environment of this planet became extremely harsh, with dead ashes everywhere, and even grass could not grow. Only Auroni, the lowest level in the universe and the strongest reproductive ability, could live on this planet. Because of its vitality, it is more tenacious than the cockroaches on the earth.

After the electric train arrives on this planet, you can feel the desolation of this planet even more. From a high altitude, no matter whether it is a mountain or a plain, it is all black and gray, without any greenery, or even other colors. The dark sky makes people feel like stretching out from the netherworld.

"It's so scary here." Little Daisy stepped back in fear, and didn't even dare to approach the window, because the outside was just too scary.

"So you stay in the car, I'll rescue you later." Greer said, picked up the Den-O Knight Pass that looked like a ID case, and aimed at it with the red and purple Kamen Rider Den-O symbol on it. Little Daisy, after the knight pass was opened, there was already an extra knight ticket inside.

On the back is the symbol of Kamen Rider Den-O and complex and dense ancient characters. On the edge is a string of codes, while on the front is a picture of Little Daisy, her name, and the date she is going to: January 1999, 1.

"Take this well." Greer handed the unlimited ticket to little Daisy, and told her to take it well and never lose it, and the electric train also stopped, the roaring train and the loud noise The siren reverberated on the silent planet Morag, scaring away many cowardly Auroni.

The door slowly opened, and Greer got off the train with the Electric King Knight Pass. The door closed behind him immediately, and then the train rumbled forward, flew towards the sky, rushed into the air and disappeared, and entered the Absolutely safe desert of time.

"Where did the star-lord find the temple where the cosmic spirit ball is placed?" Greer stood on the barren ground, looking around, not knowing where to find it, and finally decided to throw a stone to let God To decide which direction he should go first.

But it is actually very easy to find. After all, the Cosmic Spirit Orb is not in a cave, but hidden in a certain ruin, which is much easier than finding a certain mountain.

After traveling long distances on the planet Morag, the dense dust clouds covered the sunlight, making the land always so dark and desolate. There were no other creatures except Auroni, which were not much bigger than mice.

Walking down the ruins of the cities, Greer had a deeper understanding of the situation when the planet was destroyed. Indeed, as he guessed before coming, the planet was indeed destroyed in an instant, leaving many things intact. The state before destruction.

Greer originally thought that the former Morag Star was a planet that developed technology, but he walked down the ruins one by one, but he found a lot of complex patterns composed of mysterious runes and lines, engraved on the stone walls, and smeared. There is a layer of gold or silver, which acts as a benign energy conductor.

These are not unfamiliar to him at all, they are magic circles at all, maybe not called this name, but they are definitely used to manipulate energy, a bit like a circuit board, different symbols represent different command symbols to complete different instructions.

This allowed Greer to change from eagerly looking for the cosmic spirit ball to archaeologically looking for the mysterious past of Morag in the ruins. At the same time, he also had a deeper understanding of the original situation in his mind. The elders wanted to gather their power to manipulate the power gem, but out of control led to the destruction of civilization.

Every time Greer thinks of this, he is very thankful that he has the experience of using the Eye of Agamotto and the spell to control the Time Stone, so that he can use the same method to manipulate the Power Stone. The power gem that controls the most violent, I'm afraid it has been smashed into scum by the out-of-control power gem.

And this trip to the ruins made Greer realize more deeply how dangerous the Infinity Stones are. None of them are good people, and all of them are dangerous.

Not to mention the most berserk power gems, the lesson of Morag is right in front of us; the most mysterious soul gems are located on the planet Vormir, which is called the planet of death; even the most stable and cheapest space gems, Also did something to teleport the Red Skull into space.

So you really can't underestimate any infinite gem. When you think you are controlling the infinite gem, you may have been controlled by the power of the infinite gem.

Feeling emotional, Greer walked through the ruins one by one, smashed a wall with violence, and entered the rooms suspected of hiding the cosmic spirit ball, but found nothing in the end, until in the ruins of a vast city, he saw A house with dense patterns engraved on the surface, and a large number of magic circles are also engraved on the two wide-open doors, and the rooms inside are also filled with magic circles.

In the center is a stone pillar separated by half a meter up and down. It looks almost exactly the same as the stone pillar used by Asgard to seal the ether particles, but the stone pillar used by Asgard is several times larger than this. This may be because of the power gem and the universe spirit ball. A layer of protection, so there is no need for an exaggerated seal.

"Where's the cosmic spirit ball? How about a big cosmic spirit ball?" Greer stood in front of the stone pillar, looking at the empty space between the stone pillars, at a loss. He searched hard in Morag for so long, and finally found it. place, but there is no cosmic spirit ball in it. Didn't he find a lonely place?

But what makes Greer even more disturbed is that there are deep slash marks on the two gates, which were obviously cut open by violence, and the marks are by no means ordinary swords, but it reminds Greer of Thanos The tyrant's warblade that was as huge as the door panel.

"Did Thanos really come to this time and space?" Greer stretched out his hand to caress the huge gap, and clenched his left fist involuntarily. The most worrying and most fortunate thing happened.

Fortunately, in this time and space, Thanos doesn't have to worry about him making troubles in other time and space, but he is powerless. What worries him is that there is nothing he can do about gathering so many heroes, and now he is alone, wouldn't it be even worse? hard to beat?

It's just that no amount of worry and worry will help. At present, only you can stop Thanos from collecting infinite gems in this time and space, so you must act and never let Thanos succeed.

There is no need to worry about the Ancient One, Greer has already informed about the "future", she will be more careful about the Eye of Agamotto, and there is no need to worry about the space gem, Carol Danvers is guarding it, and when it arrives When the Kuru find a habitable planet, Carol Danvers will take away the Rubik's Cube.

Then there are reality gems, mind gems, and soul gems left. The soul gems are nowhere to be found. Gao Feng, you can only get it by sacrificing the person you love the most, but you still can’t do anything, so you can only start with ether particles.

And the ether particles are sealed in a dark place by Asgard, so do you want to remind them there?Now Odin is still there, and has not yet entered sleep to restore power, so as long as Odin can strengthen management, it will be difficult for Thanos to get ether particles.

Thinking of this, Greer was no longer interested in wasting time here, and immediately turned around and strode out of this worthless room, took out the knight pass, and immediately heard the familiar siren sound in his ears, followed by the "rumbling" ! Amidst the sound, a purple train rushed out of the void, arrived in front of Greer in two or three breaths, and precisely aimed the car door at the position where Greer was standing.

'Crack! '

The purple car door opened slowly, allowing Greer to jump up in one step, greeted little Daisy, and ran to the cockpit, riding on the mechanical electric speed bird, twisted the accelerator, and the electric train started immediately, It rushed to the atmosphere of Morag full of thick dust at an extremely fast speed.

"Let's go, Asgard!" Greer waved his hand imposingly, and the electric train rushed out of the atmosphere of Marag star, and re-entered the dark and star-filled, lonely and noisy universe. Void, heading in the direction it came from, preparing to return to the Nine Realms and go to Asgard.

He didn't intend to contact the current Asgard at the beginning, because he wanted to collect infinite gems, which is definitely what Asgard doesn't want to see, and the light ether particles are what Asgard can't let anyone take away , so as not to attract the hidden dark elves.

But the situation is different now. Thanos who came to this time and space has already started the journey of collecting infinite gems. Asgard must be strengthened. Otherwise, once Thanos collects infinite gems, it may not only be Greer The time and space in the world are in danger, and maybe this time and space will also suffer.

Once again, the electric train is moving forward at full speed in the universe. The speed is amazing. Even those spaceships that use space jumps are probably not much faster than the electric train. The energy supply of the field can give the electric train an extremely fast speed, and it can travel the whole universe without going to the space jump point.

Another few days passed, and the electric train returned to the Nine Realms again, but this time it did not go to the earth, but instead went to Asgard, which is located at the highest level.

According to the world view of Asgard, Asgard is located at the highest point of the Nine Realms, floating above the clouds, and the flowing water falls on the ground, which becomes snow and rain, and the stars and the sun revolve around Asgard , surrounded by a bottomless abyss, a little fall from the cliff will fall straight to the root of the world tree, and the body will be smashed to pieces, without any possibility of survival.

Although it is not the first time I have seen Asgard, every time I see this extremely huge land floating in the universe, it can bring people a great sense of shock.

This continent is surrounded by a star. When the sun rises, Asgard becomes day, and when the sun sets, it becomes night. There are mountains, plains, and rivers. The endless ocean, attracted by gravity, sticks to this continent and will not drift away.

In short, this continent satisfies all the requirements of a round sky and a round place. People can't help but think, have those who insist on the theory of a round sky and a round place ever been to Asgard?
(End of this chapter)

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