The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1055 The Moment of Parting

Chapter 1055 The Moment of Parting
The Skrulls who were once shrouded in the dark cloud of despair looked at the bright lights in the spaceship and the restarted various high-tech equipment, tears filled their eyes, and there was a feeling that the dark clouds had finally dissipated and the light had landed again.

Not only them, but Talos was also very excited. Because of the lack of energy, they can say that they tried their best to save money. First, they closed various entertainment facilities, then closed non-essential instruments, and finally even moved people out of the spaceship. .

But today, they finally realized the heroism of being full of energy again. They don’t need to calculate energy consumption accurately, can use various instruments and equipment at will, and return to modern life instead of primitive people. cave life.

But Talos was not overwhelmed by the joy. After gaining enough energy, the first thing to do was to organize the weapons and quickly restore the spaceship's weapons and equipment to obtain counterattack capabilities, instead of being almost unarmed as before.

There are only a few energy guns and two shuttles available, it is extremely miserable, so I will fight against a commando like Minerva who has no heavy weapons, and encounter a large force with heavy weapons led by Yon Rogue There is no power to fight back at all.

If it weren't for Greer and Carol Danvers attracting Yon Rogg's attention, Talos and the others would have been bombed by the aerial bombardment without even slag. The dense firepower to drown the enemy is engraved in Kree It is a hobby in people's bones that they often use fleets in outer space to plow and bomb the surface of enemy planets, and then send ground troops to 'harvest corn'.

The Skrulls began to migrate into the spaceship in an orderly manner. At the same time, the traces of life in the cave were erased and restored to the original ruins. The silent spaceship returned to its former noise.

Once the Skrulls abandoned their home planet and fled in a hurry. Everyone had fear and even despair on their faces. During the days of fleeing, the air pressure inside the spaceship was very low, and there was no hope in sight.

Later, the energy was almost exhausted, and it had to be diverted to the earth, and even moved out of the spaceship and lived in a dark and damp cave to save energy.

That was the most desperate moment for the Skrull people. The road ahead was dark, and there was no hope at all. Some Skrulu people even committed suicide in despair, and they really reached the edge of the cliff.

That's why Talos gave it a go. Without any assurance that Carol Danvers' memory could be awakened, he reluctantly implemented the plan, just for a glimmer of life.

Talos was very grateful to God for standing on his side, so that everything went smoothly. Carol Danvers recovered his memory, stood on the other side of Yong Rogg, and defeated the chasing Cree , also found the Rubik's Cube and the Light Speed ​​Engine.

Now, the Cosmic Cube has filled their spaceship with energy, and the light speed engine will take them away from the clutches of the Kree to find a new home.

After some preparations were made, the power furnace of the Skrull's spaceship was activated, and a large amount of energy was delivered to the anti-gravity engine, causing the huge spaceship to rise slowly from the ground. The scene was extremely spectacular, but in the middle of the night In the desolate wilderness, there is not even a ghost, let alone the audience to witness this moment.

No, there are still people. A car is parked on the cliff of the nearby winding mountain road. Nick Fury is standing beside the car with a cat in his arms, looking at the spaceship taking off in the distance, while beside him are standing Looking at Phil Coulson, looking at such a huge spaceship in astonishment, he said, "Sir, what is this?"

"The end of the old era, the beginning of a new era." Nick Fury said without thinking, and successfully exchanged Phil Coulson's doubts. He didn't understand what Nick Fury was talking about until The spaceship disappeared into the night sky before Nick Fury turned and walked towards the car, saying, "Let's go, Coulson, we still have a lot to do."

Phil Coulson had a rare humorous sentence: "Are you talking about forming the Men in Black?"

"No, it's about taking a longer-term view. You can't just focus on the earth. The crisis will also come from the universe." Nick Fury said and sat in the passenger seat, while Phil Coulson was confused, I didn't understand what the officer was talking about at all, and why I knew there was a spaceship going to take off here, so I ran all the way to take a seat in the middle of the night, and asked him to keep it secret and not to tell the outside world.

And in the spaceship flying out of the atmosphere, Carol Danvers and Greer stood by the ship window, looking at the gradually receding earth. Placed in an exquisite instrument, there are pipes of different thicknesses connected around it, which are filled with faint blue energy, which is sent to the light speed engine, making the spaceship faster and faster.

When the earth shrank to the size of a soybean grain, Carol Danvers turned his head and asked Greer next to him, "What are your future plans?"

"Go find Thanos!"

"You have a grudge against him?"

"Well," Greer nodded, and said, "Actually, I'm from the future. Well, I don't know if it's the future of this time and space. Anyway, in my place, Thanos has become the overlord of the galaxy, carrying out the so-called purge. Plan. It is to kill half of the life on the planet to ensure that the planet will not perish due to exhaustion of resources."

"What?" Carol Danvers felt as if she was listening to a story from the Arabian Nights, not only because of what Greer said came from the future, but also because of the more nonsensical killing of half of the lives to ensure the continuation of the race. Mental patients can't even come up with theories.

"Isn't it crazy?"

"Like crazy."

"But he just did that, and a lot of people went crazy with him." Greer was also full of helplessness when he said it. It's fine for Thanos to be crazy alone. After all, his planet is destroyed, and the entire race is left It's normal to be crazy.

But generals such as Obsidian Five also went crazy with Thanos, and felt that Thanos' theory of killing half of the tyrant made sense.
These people must have never been to school, not only illiterate, but also have no common sense of life.

"." Carol Danvers was quite speechless. She couldn't understand it at all. She thought that the brainwashing of the Supreme Intelligence and the offensive of public opinion were powerful enough to turn fighters from other planets into Cre star fighters. that's it.

I didn’t expect that there would be someone who could let other people follow him to slaughter half of the lives, and there are people who call them good people. It can only be said that the universe is too big, and there are all kinds of people, not only lunatics, but also crazy people with lunatics Fool.

Carol Danvers took a moment to say, "So you're going to him for cosmic peace?"

"If I say that his consciousness became higher after slaughtering one planet after another, he felt that it was too slow to save those planets that did not need him to save, and planned to collect six infinite gems, and then use the gems to wipe out half of the life in the universe at once ,Do you believe it?"

"What?" Carol Danvers was stunned. There are often large and small wars and frictions between civilizations in the universe, and there are many people who slaughter stars at every turn, just like this time on Cree Star. In the war with the Skrulls, didn't Kerry just want to kill all Skrulls?

But like Thanos, there is no hatred, no conflict of interest, just for the reason of "I am saving you", he will kill half of the life on the planet, let alone see it, he has never heard of it, Not to mention that this guy still dislikes that such a stupid killing is too slow, and wants to wipe out half of the life in the universe at once.

This is no longer what the word crazy can describe.

"Are you sure?" Carol Danvers couldn't imagine what he heard in his ears. It was really incredible. How could someone want to do this and kill half of the life in the universe? Ordinary people kill a chicken It takes a long time to prepare mentally, this is the life of the whole universe in billions.

Greer simply raised his right hand, opened his palm, and a small stone emitting purple light kept spinning in his palm, saying: "This is the power gem among the infinity rough stones, from the one where I am Time and space brought it here, so there should be a power gem in this universe.

And I came after Thanos in the time and space I was in, but I don't know where he is, whether it is at this point in time, addition to looking for the trouble of Thanos, I also want to use the infinite gems of this universe as much as possible. Collect as much as possible, in case those infinite gems are no longer there, it means that he is also here. "

Carol Danvers was dumbfounded when he heard that, the villain traveled through time and space to go back to the past, and wanted to collect artifacts to endanger the world, so the hero of justice traveled through time and space, looking for the villain, and in the process, extremely artifacts, and then Defeated the villain in one fell swoop and won the victory
Is this making a movie?
"." Carol Danvers was silent for a long time before saying, "Are you sure?"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have come here. Living in the original world is quite comfortable," Greer said, sighing, and said, "Actually, I don't like fighting, not at all. What I like most is Live in a castle with your loved ones, and then go skiing, build a snowman, and occasionally go to a scenic place.”

Carol Danvers is speechless again, is that asking too little?But it's too high.

Just living in a castle can eliminate 90.00% of the [-]% of people, and traveling around, skiing, and building snowmen are more demanding than living in a castle. After all, everyone has to work hard to earn money for living. Going to Barry Square to feed the pigeons and coming back at night is something that very few people can do.

"So." Carol Danvers rearranged his thoughts and said, "You are going to find him, and then collect those infinite gems by the way."

"That's right!"

"With a child?" Carol Danvers glanced back at little Daisy who was running around curiously. With a child, is it a parent-child activity?

Greer called Little Daisy to come over, stop running around, there are pipelines everywhere, don't touch some key button at a critical moment like in the movie, so that the plot will be delayed for a few 10 minutes, said: "Because the only history I don't want to change is her."

"Her?" Carol Danvers felt that she couldn't understand again. Anyway, since Greer started talking about the past and the future, she didn't understand much.

"my girlfriend."

"Huh?" Carol Danvers' eyes on Greer changed instantly.

"I mean the future."

"Oh!" Carol Danvers nodded knowingly, but Greer always felt that she was dubious, thinking about it, what time travel and reverse time and space sounds outrageous, if not for personal experience, Greer didn't believe this happened either.

Greer feels that the sky is about to be chatted to death. How do you feel that there is a big gap between Carol Danvers at this time and her in the future? Maybe the current Carol Danvers has 20 years less experience, but she looks the same It is exactly the same as 20 years later, there are no signs of aging, and the skin is still as good. How much cosmetics and skin care products can be saved with this eternal youth.

The topic ended there, and both of them fell into silence. After a while, Carol Danvers asked, "So are you going to find Thanos? Do you know where he is?"

"I don't know, but as long as you look hard, you will definitely find it. After all, he is not an unknown soldier." Greer is too confident that he can find Thanos. The rise of a power is definitely not silent farming, but It is to continuously invade and plunder, and this kind of behavior has nothing to do with being low-key.

"What about you? What are your future plans?" Greer really wanted to bring Carol Danvers to fight Thanos together, with one more helper and one more hope of success.

"I want to protect the Skrulls to find a suitable home, and then go to the universe to trouble the Kree people," Carol Danvers looked at the Skrulls who were rejoicing because they set sail to find a new home, and said : "But now I am quite interested in the Thanos you mentioned, but I have to wait until the Skrulls are settled, and then I will bring the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to meet you."

"Yeah!" Greer nodded. Carol Danvers said that it was protection, but it also meant surveillance. Watching the Skrulls arrive at their new homeland, and then take away the energy core of the light speed engine, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, Jeans The Kuru cannot use the light speed engine to invade others.

After all, the innocence of the Skrulls was also said by the Skrulls themselves. Only the Skrulls and the Kerrys know the real situation, but Carol Danvers does not intend to get involved , she just wanted to send the Skrulls away from the earth, and then find a place for these refugees to prevent them from dying in their wanderings.

After leaving the solar system, it was time for the two parties to part ways. Greer once again summoned the electric train, took little Daisy away from the Skrull spaceship, and rode the electric train towards Skuru. The Lu people drove in the opposite direction.

(End of this chapter)

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