The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 1057 Asgard that has not (past) (goed)

Chapter 1057 Asgard that has not (past) (goed)

Little Daisy lay on the window, looking at the wonders in the distance with amazement: a boundless continent suspended in the universe, surrounded by clouds of the continent, and a round sun above it, emitting bright rays of light, bringing The endless light and heat of this continent.

What's even more peculiar is that there are hundreds of millions of tons of water around this continent, quietly suspended in the universe, and at the edge is an incomparably spectacular waterfall, which cascades down thousands of miles, but has just left the bottom of this continent. , the water disappears.

In short, the existence of this continent can subvert all the current human theories about astronomy and planets. After all, according to the human theoretical system, when the weight of matter reaches a certain level, it will appear spherical under the action of gravity.

But the weight of this continent is far more than that of the moon, but it has not collapsed into a spherical shape, and it still maintains a flat shape. It is very and particularly strange, and it does not conform to the laws of science at all.

So fortunately, this continent is far away from the earth, otherwise human science would not be able to develop so fast, because they are busy arguing all day long.

One faction insists that the sky is round and the earth is like this, because the sky and continents are like this, and the other faction insists on the planetary theory because the moon is spherical, and the two factions who firmly believe that they are the truth can fight from human brains to dog brains.

Although, I have been to Asgard several times before, but I always walked on this big road. It is the first time to see this continent from a distance. Greer wanted to take a picture of it. This is definitely a spectacle of the universe. scenery.

Thinking in his heart, his hand suddenly sank, Greer looked down, and there was a magenta camera in his hand, which made Greer's eyes widen in astonishment, he clearly remembered that he did not bring this camera, And the hands were empty in the last second.

But as soon as the idea of ​​'photographing' popped up in his mind, this camera immediately appeared in his hand.

Greer was completely confused, and he didn't understand what was going on?
Why did the camera appear across time and space when he thought of it?He obviously kept it on Castle Dragon's bookshelf and never touched it again.

There is also this camera, which appeared very strangely. A Loki who claimed to be from 2012, held a cosmic Rubik's Cube to rescue him from the death planet Vormir, and then claimed to be entrusted by someone, and brought a camera, and then Like a madman, he said something like 'memory has been modified', and ran away while talking, and has never been traced since then.

After that, Thor searched for the "resurrected brother" more than once, but there was no news. Thor still took time to participate in the expedition to Thanos before coming here.

That Loki appeared mysteriously, and disappeared quite furtively, just like that kind of completely ignorant situation, I don't know why he came and disappeared.

Greer's thoughts were churning, he couldn't help raising the camera, and took a photo of Asgard in the distance. Obviously, the camera was not equipped with an automatic washing device, but after the photo was taken, a photo appeared .

Even weirder things are yet to come. The developed photo is quite weird, as if the original photo was torn into pieces and then glued together out of order, making the photo look fragmented.

But if the brain's concrete thinking ability is strong enough, or if the photo is cut up and put together into a normal shape, it can be found that the photo was cut along two meandering lines.

Holding up the photo to look at it, Little Daisy's voice sounded beside her ear, saying: "There are so many boats, they are coming."

"Huh?" Greer was stunned, and looked out of the window, only to see a lot of small white boats flying out from that continent, some of them were speeding on the sea, and some were flying in the air with wings , there are several Asgardian soldiers standing or sitting on each ship, some are carrying spears, some are holding bows and arrows, and some are operating a powerful energy cannon.
In short, cold weapons and hot firearms dance together, armor and energy shields are all there, and it looks like a space-time disorder, but it is the norm in Asgard. As the domain of gods that rule the Nine Realms, they are good at absorbing To absorb the strengths of the Nine Realms to strengthen oneself, so that one can become the overlord of the Nine Realms.

"They are here to welcome us." Although Greer said so, the vigilance in his heart doubled. He brought little Daisy to the cockpit, sat on the mechanical electric speed bird, and started to give the electric motor. The train slows down.

The other hand is on the button to enter the desert of time. Once Asgard starts to attack, let the electric train rush into the desert of time.

After making all preparations, Greer dared to drive the electric train to continue approaching Asgard.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, and small white ships stopped at the edge of Asgard's sea, and the weapons on them were aimed at this mysterious aircraft that was close to Asgard. As long as Odin gives an order, all arrows will be fired, and the opponent will be turned into a hedgehog.

But Odin, who was riding an eight-legged horse and holding the Eternal Gun, didn't say a word, just stared at the UFO that was getting closer and closer. A strong man with a feather-shaped helmet eagerly wanted to rush over.

On the other side of Odin stood a gloomy and handsome man, standing expressionless, without even a knife in his hand, in stark contrast to the heavily armed people around him, he looked like a spectator, while the surrounding Everything seems to have nothing to do with him.

Seeing the aircraft that was similar to the vehicle on Midgard getting closer, Thor couldn't hold back his warlike heart, and began to swing the hammer in his hand, and Odin also looked up, but the sound he sent was Not an order to attack, but: "Get out of the way."

"???" Now let alone Thor, even Loki, who has been making a cruel character, turned his head, his eyes were full of surprises, and he didn't understand why Odin wanted to let this UFO approach. The opponent was hostile, and once they approached to fire, they didn't even have time to react, let alone defend.

"Why? Father!" The violent Thor was the first to question, but Loki didn't say a word, and the soldiers faithfully carried out Odin's order. The 'air force' formed by the small white ships moved closer , giving way to the sea of ​​Asgard.

Odin pulled the reins, turned the eight-legged horse back to the train, and said, "Your mother told me that this is not an enemy."

"How does she know?" Thor was at a loss,
"???" Greer had the same question mark on his head, and he started to slow down the electric train. Otherwise, if he rushed past like this, he would definitely be regarded as a mess, let alone the other side was waiting in full force, and he couldn't just rush over like this up.

As a result, he was ready to stop the electric train outside Asgard and negotiate in the past alone, but Asgard moved out of the way and let him pass.
Greer really wanted to ask them: what do you want to do?
If you welcome it, why did you bring up the army and look like you are about to fight, why do you give way if you don't welcome it, and let this be a grand banquet?

Although he was being polite, Greer was not ignorant. He controlled the electric train and began to slow down, slowly approaching Asgard. Enter the waters of Asgard.

Thor, holding his beloved Meow Hammer, strode on the rainbow bridge that seemed to be made of ice, the red cloak fluttering behind him, and his eyes were fixed on the car that had entered the sea of ​​Asgard. On the train, he has fought in the battlefield for hundreds of years, and he claims to be well-informed, but he has never seen such a strange aircraft.

It looks like Midgard's vehicle, but it can navigate in the universe and operate on the sea. The reason is that the track keeps appearing in front of it, and the track disappears immediately after the car leaves. It looks quite weird. , Thor had never seen anything like this.

Not long after, the train stopped, the door slowly opened, Greer came out, and saw Thor holding a hammer and his eyes wide open, standing at a distance of less than three meters. On the Rainbow Bridge, staring at him non-stop.

And behind Thor, Odin is riding an eight-legged horse with white hair and snow, and Loki is walking beside him unhurriedly. The family of three looks so harmonious. A wonderful show, let alone the throne in the end, even Asgard and others are gone.

"Guests from afar, welcome to Asgard." Odin concluded the matter as soon as he opened his mouth. The tense army was already on the way to withdraw. Greer had already figured out how to answer the question, but finally This sentence, on the contrary, made Greer full of questions. What he wanted to ask the most was: Why are you not surprised?
"Uh, thank you, that me." Before Greer finished speaking, Thor said impatiently: "Who are you? What do you want to do in Asgard?"

"Thor," Odin's old voice sounded, and the eight-legged horse stepped on the rainbow bridge and said 'da!clatter! ’, slowly moved over, and said: "Asgard has just experienced a war, and it is indeed not very friendly to outsiders now."

"War." Greer finally understood why the Crees and Skrulls took turns making trouble on the earth, but Asgard did not respond, except for the self-governing treaty of the earth reached a long time ago. This is the war that Odin was talking about.

"That's right, war," Odin said, staring at the void of the universe in the distance, "The enemy came from outside the Nine Realms and launched a surprise attack on Asgard. They just suddenly withdrew their troops not long ago, ending this war."

"We should chase them down and wipe them out completely." Thor said angrily, "Let everyone know that Asgard is not easy to mess with, so that we can deter those who are about to move."

"Before the war, a qualified king should consider how to end the war, rather than initiate a war."

Thor argued unconvinced: "But they provoked it on their own initiative, Asgard should"

The two fathers and sons once started a daily argument, but compared to later, when Thor dared to call Odin 'old man', now Thor is much more polite in arguing.

"That." Greer had to interrupt them and asked, "What kind of war are you talking about?"

Greer was very confused. He hadn't heard from Thor that Asgard had encountered other land battles other than the Dark Elves and Frost Giants, but from what Odin said, Asgard hadn't learned from the other side. Whatever benefits you get in your hands, you may also suffer losses.

Before Odin and Thor spoke, Loki, who had been standing by the side, suddenly said, "You haven't said why you came to Asgard?"

"Just to remind you, take care of the ether particles, someone is collecting the infinity gems, and the power gems are gone."

As soon as Greer finished speaking, Odin, Thor, and Loki all focused their eyes on Greer, then Thor and Loki turned their heads to look at Odin, and finally turned their heads to look at the There is a huge golden palace like a pan flute, and there is an Odin treasure house in it, which claims to store countless treasures of the universe, including a golden glove inlaid with six infinite gems.

The well-informed Odin was also shocked by the news, with his mouth slightly open, and it took him a while to make a sound: "How do you know this?"

"I just came back from the Marag star where the cosmic spirit ball, no, the power gem is hidden. The door of the storage room was destroyed, and the cosmic spirit ball was gone."

Odin seemed to have thought of something, his face suddenly became very serious, and suddenly he galloped towards the end of the Rainbow Bridge—Bifrost, and shouted while running: "Heimdall, open the Rainbow Bridge to the Lost Land .”

Heimdall, who was standing on the high platform made of gold, heard the order, and immediately inserted the long sword in his hand into the center of the platform. Lightning bolts splashed out from the guardian sword inserted into the center of the platform—Bult Steel, and struck all around. Clock-like mechanical gears.

Let these mechanical gears rotate quickly, driving the spherical Bifrost to rotate, and finally all the energy is concentrated on a conical sharp corner at the top of the Bifrost, turning into a colorful beam of light toward the In the distance, a nebula that is so dim that it can barely see its light shoots away.

This colorful beam of light emitted from Asgard crossed the vast cosmic void at a speed exceeding that of light, penetrated the dense dust outside the so-called Lost Lands, and arrived in this vast and boundless dark nebula A huge piece of land suspended in the void of the universe, the area is not much smaller than that of Asgard.

Odin ran extremely fast, leaving Thor, Loki and Greer behind. The three stood on the Rainbow Bridge looking at each other. They didn't understand why Odin was so excited all of a sudden, and why did he go to the "Lost Land".

"Where is that lost place?" Greer asked this question, and Thor and Loki shook their heads in return. It was the first time they had heard of this name.

So, Thor immediately went to Bifrost, and wanted to ask Heimdall, who had been guarding the Rainbow Bridge for a long time, what exactly was this lost place, and why Odin paid so much attention to it.

(End of this chapter)

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