beauty bible

Chapter 431 Relics

Chapter 431 Relics
Li Ling raised his hand and touched the center of his brow.

There seemed to be nothing between her white and smooth forehead, but Li Ling knew that there was something between her brows and some mysterious ability.

Li Ling didn't know when, his eyebrows had a mysterious ability.But Li Ling felt vaguely in his heart that this mysterious energy was related to that fellow named Zhou Wei.

Because there was only one time when Zhou Wei traveled from the Holy Land of the Soul Body Clan to the fellow Zhou Wei, Zhou Wei said the words "golden soul".Besides, only Jin Zilu knew that Jin Cancan had been possessing her all the time.

Speaking of which... that fellow named Zhou Wei really helped her and saved her life.

Li Ling had always thought that Zhou Wei was also a deceitful and deceitful fellow, but it was Li Ling who wrongly blamed her.

Li Ling secretly said in his heart: I'm so sorry!Fellow!Thank you so much!Zhou Wei!Thank you for saving my life!

It was because of the mysterious power between the eyebrows that when Jin Cancan wanted to take away Li Ling's body, Li Ling took her away instead.

Not only did Li Ling not lose this body, but instead she got the body, memory, ability, and inherited memory of the female prince of the soul body clan.

Li Ling sat paralyzed in the golden pool. The water was not cold, but was exactly the same temperature as her body, which made her feel extremely comfortable.

At that time, in the high-tech Jinlin City, after Li Lingfan seized the golden glow, she felt very uncomfortable.

It's as if the body and the soul are fused, and it seems that she swallowed the female prince of the soul body race who is much stronger than her in one breath, or it seems that many inherited memories and golden memories are stuffed into her mind at once.

Anyway, it is very uncomfortable.

At that moment, Li Ling just wanted to return to this golden pool.

It's a bodily instinct.

It's like being extremely tired, and the body will tell itself that it should sleep.

When Li Ling got everything golden, Li Ling felt that she was very uncomfortable and could hardly breathe. She needed to return to this golden pool immediately.

So, at that moment, Li Ling almost didn't think about it, and reflexively returned to the spaceship of the Soul Body Clan.Li Ling told the people in the spaceship that she was very uncomfortable and that she needed to go back to the Holy Land of the Soul Body Clan.

After finishing speaking, Li Ling chose to jump into the medical cabin and began to fall asleep.

If at that time, Li Ling was still online with a little sense, she could have discussed with that Jin Zilu and asked Jin Zilu to teleport her to the holy place of the soul-body clan.

But at that moment, Li Ling felt so uncomfortable that she had no intention of discussing or bargaining with Jin Zilu. She just wanted to return to the golden pool immediately.

But now, Li Ling woke up.

She feels much more comfortable.

It's like falling asleep after being extremely tired. When you wake up, it may not be the most clear and comfortable moment for your mind, but your mind has been restored.

Li Ling's body was extremely comfortable. She raised her hand and looked at the delicate and tender palm.

A black light flashed slowly in her hand.

Li Ling looked at the little black light in her hand. She got everything golden. She knew how powerful this little black light could be.

Li Ling slowly retracted his hand, and the black light slowly dissipated.

Sitting in the golden pool, Li Ling showed a wry smile on his face: "...I am very strong, very strong...but, I have taken away Jin Cancan. Now I am in the Holy Land of the Soul Body Clan, and I will be with you as soon as I go out." All the soul-body clans meet - they know that I killed their highness and occupied her body, how will they react?!"

Li Ling didn't feel guilty or embarrassed about taking away Jin Cancan's body.

At that moment, either she died or Jin Cancan died.

Survival is instinct.

Li Ling didn't want to die. In order to survive, she accidentally took away Jin Cancan, causing Jin Cancan to lose her life directly and dissipate.

Li Ling sighed slightly.

Having obtained all the memories of Jin Cancan, the female prince of the soul body tribe, Li Ling has a clearer understanding of the ins and outs of everything.

Every Highness of the Soul Body Clan was born in a golden pool.Jin Cancan is no exception.

After Jin Cancan was born, because she received inherited memories, she had an adult's way of thinking almost from birth, but she still has some childishness after all.

Jin Cancan was playing around in a spaceship, and then, one day, Jin Cancan ran into an interstellar pirate who was projecting a zombie virus to the earth.

The interstellar pirates saw the powerful Soul Clan's spaceship, and even saw the Soul Clan's female crown prince in the spaceship's signal communication.The interstellar pirates did not dare to offend the female prince of the soul clan, so they fled.

Jin Cancan was originally planning to continue chasing the interstellar pirates, but she accidentally discovered that humans on the earth did not die after encountering the zombie virus?

Jin Cancan became curious, so he left the spaceship alone, turned into red raindrops, and landed on the earth along with the zombie virus.

Then, it seemed that there was a mysterious force in her body, pulling Jin Cancan and letting her see Li Ling's blood-red bracelet.

In just a split second, Jin Cancan discovered that Li Ling's blood-red bracelet actually had a trace of a sacred object that looked like a soul-body clan.

In the inherited memory of the Soul Body Clan, the Soul Body Clan has a sacred object, which comes from the gift of God the Father.

However, that holy object has been left behind since the Soul Body Race came to this universe.

For tens of thousands of years, the soul body clan has never found their own sacred objects, nor have they found any clues.

For tens of thousands of years, all members of the Soul Body Clan thought that the sacred objects of their clan had been lost long before they came to this universe.Perhaps, the holy object bestowed by God the Father is still in the world of God the Father, or perhaps, the holy object was left in another universe.

But Jin Cancan discovered the blood-red bracelet that had a slight resemblance to the holy object!

The sacred object bestowed by God the Father is of course a treasure. Jin Cancan immediately gave up chasing the interstellar pirates, and instead possessed Li Ling. She wanted to find clues to the sacred object of the soul body clan.

Jin Cancan saw that the blood-red bracelet was an electronic device, so she forcibly opened the electronic device, but found nothing special.

Later, Li Ling was taken on a mission through time and space by a blood-red bracelet. Jin Cancan once suspected that he had met a god, a weaker but real god than the father god of the soul clan.

Jin Cancan boldly tried to return to Earth with a live broadcast hemisphere.

That "god" didn't stop.Jin Cancan suspected that this was not the real "god", and also suspected that the "god" was tacitly allowing her to do this.

So, later Jin Cancan tried to absorb the blue particles.

In fact, with Jin Cancan's natural strength, even if she absorbs the whole earth's blue particles, her strength will not increase in the slightest.For her, no amount of blue particles is just a good meal.

Later, "God" warned Jin Cancan not to absorb blue particles with lightning.

At that moment, Jin Cancan was truly sure that there was no god on this planet that was truly worthy of her fear.

At that time, Jin Cancan already wanted to give up Li Ling's body and go to the earth to search for holy objects by himself.

But at that time, Jin Cancan actually discovered that her body was slightly fused with Li Ling's body.

If they are separated by force, Li Ling will definitely die.

Jin Cancan was not sure, if Li Ling died, would that "god" do any "unforeseeable" actions.

Therefore, for the sake of the Soul Clan's sacred objects, and in order not to "snatch the snake", Jin Cancan endured it.She wanted to see where "God" would take Li Ling to in the end.

Then, there is the picture scroll clue of "Yuanjun Ji Li Xianzi", which is the underground high-tech city Jinlin City.

Only then did Jin Cancan realize that the so-called "holy object" was actually a stone?

In Jin Cancan's inherited memory, the sacred object given by God the Father to the Soul Body Race is a crown.

The Queen's Crown - Possesses extremely powerful power.It can destroy the sky and destroy the earth, and it can turn time and space.

Although Jin Cancan felt a little unbelievable in her heart, she was still eager to know the whereabouts of the holy object.

Her urgency and her ups and downs made her occupy Li Ling's body more thoroughly.Li Ling began to die.

And then... the white light on Li Ling's forehead released a mysterious and powerful force.

Let Li Ling swallow Jin Cancan directly.

Now... there is no gold in this world anymore.

Only Li Ling who got everything golden.

(End of this chapter)

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