beauty bible

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

The spaceship Bingye 1957 finally arrived at the range of the galaxy where the soul body country is located.

The Bingye 1957 did not directly head towards the Emperor Star where the Queen was located, but diverted to fly to another extremely important planet of the Soul Body Race—the God-given Star.

The 1957 spaceship Bing Ye was carrying the female prince of the soul body tribe.With the Crown Princess on board the spaceship, the spaceship was naturally given a green light all the way in the interstellar space, without being blocked in the slightest.

Not long after, the Bingye 1957 traversed several galaxies and landed directly on the royal apron of the god-given star.

As soon as the spaceship came to a stop, dozens of people guarded a transparent medical cabin and went straight to the forbidden area of ​​the god-given star with solemn expressions.

After entering the forbidden area, two more members of the Soul Clan changed their forms and turned into translucent forms.They carefully lifted up the unconscious girl in the medical cabin and took her down to the Holy Land of the Soul Clan.

The holy land of the soul-body clan is in an independent space in a cosmic space.

This small space is independent of this universe.Unless this universe is destroyed, no attack energy will be able to enter this independent space.

In the Holy Land of the Soul Body Clan, there is only a huge blood-red lake and a small golden puddle.

Two soul-body men supported the girl to float to the place where the golden puddle was, and gently put the snow-white girl into the golden puddle.

The golden puddle was a small puddle with a diameter of one meter, and the water was not too deep. The girl sat in the golden puddle, revealing her entire face, neck and shoulders.

Sitting in the golden puddle, the girl's complexion improved significantly.

Before, the girl's complexion was white, her lips were pale, her brows were furrowed, and she was panting with difficulty with her mouth slightly open.But as soon as she sat in the golden puddle, her complexion calmed down. Except for her pale complexion, her whole face seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

Seeing that the girl's complexion improved, the two soul-body men breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while, the eyes of the two men standing in front of the golden puddle widened in surprise.

They saw that in the golden puddle, the golden liquid was flowing very slowly, and then slowly seeped into the girl's body.

The God-given star of the Soul Clan, the so-called God-given land, the so-called Holy Land of the Soul Clan, is the birthplace of all Soul Clan members.

Every individual of the soul body clan cannot rely on the mother to be born, they are all born in the pool water of the soul body clan holy land.

The huge red lake is the place where all the soul body clansmen were born, and it is called the birth pool.And the golden puddle is the birthplace of the soul-body royal family, known as the god-given pool.

Whenever the queen of the soul-body clan begins to age, a new highness will be born in the god-given pool of the soul-body clan, who will inherit all the rights of the soul-body clan.

Every soul body family has inherited memory.

The inherited memories of the Soul Clan royal family born in the God-given Pond and the Soul Clan members born in the Birth Pond are different.But every member of the Soul Body Clan knows that they are different.

The soul body race is different from all the races in this universe.

Their Soul Body Race has a real Father God.Their Father God is a true, great, creator god.

God the Father gave them life and gave them power.

Within the Soul Body Clan, there has never been a struggle for the throne.

Because they are the true divine right of the emperor.

The gods bestow the throne.

The Highness born from the god bestowed pool is the undisputed Queen of the Soul Body Clan.

In the inheritance memory, even a trace of information was vaguely revealed - this god-given pool actually contained a trace of the blood of the gods.

Maybe a billionth of a drop.Maybe a trillionth of a drop.

Divine blood is golden.Therefore, His Highness born in this god-given pool will have a weak blood of the gods in his body, and his soul body will also be golden.

That trace of divine blood was extremely weak, and could even be called "almost none".Therefore, the royal family of the soul body clan is not qualified to call themselves "descendants of the gods".But also because of this extremely weak trace of divine blood, the royal family of the soul body clan has a divine power and ability that is different from all soul body clans.

In the tens of thousands of years, countless soul-body clansmen have been born in the birth pool, but there are very few soul-body clan royals born in the god-given pool.

The people of the soul body clan are inherently stronger than all races in this universe, and they also have a longer life span.The clansmen of the soul body clan will have a lifespan of 300 years, and the royal family of the soul body clan will be stronger, and they will have a life span of 500 years.

But whether it is the birth pool or the god-given pool, for tens of thousands of years, no matter how many soul-body clansmen and royal families are born, the liquid in these two pools has never increased or decreased.

But this time, after putting Her Royal Highness into the god-given pool, the golden liquid was actually absorbed by Her Royal Highness? !
This is an unprecedented phenomenon for the soul body race for tens of thousands of years.

Such a phenomenon made the two men of the Soul Body Clan both startled and fearful.

What surprised them was that if the golden liquid was completely absorbed by His Highness the Crown Princess—would there be a new heir to the Soul Body Clan in the future?

What they were afraid of was that His Royal Highness was sitting in the golden divine water, and such a thing happened. Is this a miracle of God the Father? !

Among the soul-body clan, no one doubted the existence of the Father God, but the Father God had not shown any miracles for tens of thousands of years.

Everyone in the soul body clan knows that Father God is one of the most powerful gods, and he owns thousands of people in thousands of worlds.Among the thousands of people of the Father God, the Soul Body Clan is not outstanding, and the Father God may not even remember a small Soul Body Clan.

How could God the Father suddenly start showing miracles? !

Could it be... is God the Father very fond of Her Royal Highness the Empress Dowager?

The two soul-body clan men knelt down on the ground in awe, kowtowed to the beautiful girl sitting cross-legged in the god-given pool, then slowly ascended and left the holy land of the soul-body clan.

Only the girl was left sitting alone in the golden pool.

Bit by bit, the liquid in the golden pool slowly seeped into the girl's body.

Time passed slowly, and the golden liquid in the golden pool became less and less, and the water in the pool slowly dropped until it reached the girl's chest.

The girl slowly opened her eyes, a gleam of golden light flashed through her bright black pupils.

The girl looked down at where she was, with a dazed look in her eyes.

After a while, the girl's body slumped slightly and she sat back in the golden pool of water, as if she was taking a bath.

The girl looked at the dark surroundings, without any fear or strangeness in her heart.

In this small black space, the girl seemed to have returned to her homeland, especially sitting in the small golden pool, which made her feel extremely happy.

The girl raised her hand to support her forehead, and whispered with some disbelief in her tone: "...That Jin Cancan seems to be trying to seize me? Devour me? seems that I have taken my body instead?"

(End of this chapter)

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