beauty bible

Chapter 432

Chapter 432
Sitting cross-legged in the golden pool, Li Ling gently raised his left hand.

On the left wrist, the blood-red bracelet and live broadcast hemisphere are still there.

When Li Ling transmigrated into Li Jingjing, she couldn't take off the blood-red bracelet.

But now, as long as she gently raises her hand, she can destroy this blood-red bracelet until nothing is left.

In the past half a year, Jin Zilu was able to control the blood-red bracelet through the built-in program of the blood-red bracelet, and Jin Cancan was able to forcibly use the blood-red bracelet with his own ability.

Only Li Ling, she can only activate a small number of functions of this blood-red bracelet.

Li Ling raised his right hand and gently brushed the blood-red bracelet.

At this moment, Li Ling had already erased Jin Zilu's control over the blood-red bracelet.

From now on, Jin Zilu can no longer lead Li Ling through this blood-red bracelet and monitor all of Li Ling's actions.

At this point, the blood-red bracelet can be regarded as an ancient and incomplete bracelet.

Li Ling opened the blood-red bracelet.

A translucent light screen appeared in front of Li Ling's eyes.

Networking, camera, communication, binding with identity, binding with funds, storing all arbitrary network is just like any bracelet.

Li Ling sighed softly.

The earth 5 years ago had already invented such a bracelet, but at that time, people on earth had almost no time to use the bracelet, and they encountered the doomsday.

5 years ago, the pure-bred human race in the universe did not have a big universe live broadcast company, and all official networks were not so powerful and could not spread throughout the universe.Therefore, even if people on earth invented something similar to a bracelet at that time, they could not connect to the Internet.At that time, the people on Earth had no chance to come into contact with the high-tech pure races in the universe, let alone seek help from the pure races in the universe.

Li Ling saw an electronic document "Beauty Bible" stored in the bracelet.

In Jin Cancan's memory, it was because of the martial arts secrets in the "Beauty Bible" that her soul and body overlapped slightly with Li Ling's body.

According to Jin Cancan's speculation, it is impossible for Jin Zilu and others to create martial arts with such a strange function... Perhaps, even Jin Zilu himself does not know that the "Beauty Bible" has such a strange function.

"Beauty Bible" has never been practiced or tested by anyone since its creation.No one knows what will happen to the "Beauty Bible" in the end.

Why does practicing this martial art cause Li Linghe's body to fuse with a part of Jin Cancan's soul?Jin Cancan didn't know either.

Jin Cancan only knew that she and Li Ling were partly fused in the "Beauty Bible".She and Li Ling can only live as one.

Jin Cancan always thought that the one who survived would be her.

Because she is much stronger than Li Ling.

But Jin Cancan was not the last one, and the one who survived was actually Li Ling.

Just when Li Ling seized Jin Cancan, when Li Ling got everything from Jin Cancan, Jin Cancan's soul and Li Ling's body were completely fused together.

Now, Li Ling still has Li Jingjing's body.Li Ling can also transform into a soul-body clan.But Li Ling can no longer possess the bodies of other races, nor can he take over any body.

This is already somewhat different from the people of the Soul Body Clan.

All soul body clan members can use their soul bodies to transform into physical entities, just like ordinary humans.

The members of the Soul Body Clan can also possess humans, any intelligent creature, and even non-intelligent animals.Of course, they can leave at any time without harming the life of the possessed person.

The soul clan members can also seize the bodies of possessed humans.Once the body is taken, the original human being dies, and the soul clan completely takes over the body.But at this time, the soul clan can still leave this body and exist independently or possess other people.The person whose body was taken away will leave only a corpse.

Li Ling's current situation is that Jin Cancan's soul is possessed by Li Ling, and Jin Cancan failed to take Li Ling away, but was taken away by Li Ling instead.Li Ling's body and soul were fused together, and she could no longer abandon this body and possess other people, let alone seize the body.

Li Ling murmured: "It sounds like the soul-body clan is possessing humans, just like the soul-body clan is wearing a piece of clothing. The difference is that I can't take it off anymore."

I don’t know if it’s because Jin Cancan is too powerful. After Li Ling took away Jin Cancan’s body, she clearly knew that she was Li Ling, but she couldn’t help but think about the problem in the spirit clan’s way of thinking, as if she had become Just like a member of the Soul Body Clan.

Li Ling looked down at the "Beauty Bible" document lying quietly on the translucent screen.It is because of the "Beauty Bible" that the previous Jin Cancan could not "take it off" and that the current Li Ling "cannot take it off".

Li Ling exhaled, and clicked on the "Beauty Bible".

The translucent screen flickered.

The electronic version of the martial arts secret book "Beauty Bible" did not appear on the screen.There is no line of data to rate Li Ling's beauty.

A faint white glow flickered on the translucent screen.

Li Ling was slightly taken aback.

In an instant, a little white light from the translucent screen rushed into Li Ling's eyebrows!
The white glow between Li Ling's brows brightened!
Li Ling's body stiffened!Keep your eyes shut!
Around Li Ling, golden liquid poured into Li Ling's body quickly!

For a moment, only a shallow layer of golden liquid remained in the golden pool.

Li Ling knew that she was sitting paralyzed in the small golden pool, but her consciousness seemed to have come to a black space.

Li Ling looked down at his hands, transparent and golden hands, and transparent and golden body.She looked around, and it was pitch black, as if there was nothing.

Suddenly, a man's figure flashed in the sky in the black space.

It was the face of a somewhat familiar, handsome man.He hung high in the black space, with a faint white glow all over his body, looking down at Li Ling.

Li Ling wanted to open her mouth, she wanted to call out the man's name.

She has seen this man.

She traveled to that fellow Zhou Wei's bar in the Holy Land of the Soul Body Clan, and she had seen this man when she was drunk.

Li Ling still remembered that Zhou Wei called this man with extraordinary temperament——Hua Feng.

Li Ling wanted to open his mouth and call out these two words.

But no matter what, she couldn't open her mouth and couldn't say these two words.

Seeing his body knelt down involuntarily, Li Ling murmured devoutly and confusedly: "Father God..."

(End of this chapter)

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