beauty bible

Chapter 120 Insiders

Chapter 120 Insiders
A rich netizen named "Prince of Killing Insects" tipped 10000 Star Coins to the user "Li Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao seven jumps".

This community-wide announcement is like a flashing advertisement.All of a sudden, countless netizens were attracted to enter this "live TV" account.

In just one night, the number of followers under the "Li Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao seven Tiao" account changed from more than 1000 to more than 1!

Generally, the big rewards of local rich netizens are given to well-known big live broadcast hosts, rather than a small broadcast host with more than 1000 people watching in a small community.Therefore, this wave of rewards is really a big advertisement for Li Ling's live broadcast account!

Even netizens in several nearby communities noticed this strange "live TV broadcast".Netizens looked through past videos, only to realize that this is a "brain hole-shaped" TV series.

No advertisements, broadcasting under small user accounts, wantonly renting venues for filming, 24-hour non-stop live broadcast, using professional newcomers, and constantly developing brain holes... All these gradually attracted many other netizens s concern.

With just such a tip, the number of fans of the user "Li Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao seven jumps" has increased tenfold!
Everything that happened on this live account, and because Li Ling was in the "blacklist" status, she didn't know anything about it.

Li Ling slept all night.

The next morning, before dawn, she woke up.

Li Ling lay in a daze for a long time, unable to fall asleep, and didn't want to get up for a while.

After a while, Li Ling remembered that netizen "Prince Killing Insects" from last night.Last night, her heart was so heavy that she forgot when she turned off the chat screen indiscriminately.

Li Ling thinks about it now, since she can even chat with a netizen online, then, can she operate the live broadcast hemisphere?
After tidying up his messy clothes, Li Ling stood up, turned his head and looked at the empty mid-air for a while, and then said, "Live broadcast on the hemisphere?"

A gust of wind blew through the forest, and countless leaves rustled.

Li Ling tried again: "The live broadcast hemisphere is on?"

There was no response.

Li Ling lowered his head helplessly.

According to the penalty measures for the live broadcast of the hemisphere: two months of 24-hour live broadcast, that is to say, she is always in the state of being broadcast live.

The live broadcast hemisphere is always on, and she said that "the live broadcast hemisphere is on" is of course useless.

A trace of irritability appeared on Li Ling's face. The appearance of the netizen "Prince of Killing Insects" last night made her think that she could finally get rid of the state of being "live-streamed" all the time. It turned out that was not the case at all!

Li Ling still remembers that after the live broadcast hemisphere put her on the "blacklist", he once said that all the functions of the live broadcast hemisphere would be turned off.

Now that all the functions of the live broadcast hemisphere have been turned off, how can she chat with the "Prince of Killing Bugs"?
Is it possible that this "Pesticide Prince" is some kind of super rich second generation? His account is in the live broadcast company or some kind of VIP user, and his authority is very high, so he can chat with "blacklisted" users like her?
Li Ling thought about it and decided that this was the only possibility.

The live broadcast hemisphere has turned off all her functions, but she can chat with the "Prince of Insects", not because she has been removed from the "blacklist", but maybe because the "Prince of Insects" is rich?
If he thought so, Li Ling tried to speak: "Prince of Killing Insects?"

In the blink of an eye, the translucent text screen that chatted with "Prince Killing Insects" last night reappeared in front of Li Ling.

Although he guessed like this, Li Ling was still very surprised when the facts were in front of him.

Li Ling was full of doubts, so she typed on the chat screen: "Prince Killing Insects, are you there?"

Almost a second reply: "Yes."

Li Ling thought for a second, then asked straightforwardly: "Prince Killing Insects, because of some problems, I am already a blacklisted user of a big live broadcast network company, and my live broadcast hemisphere has been turned off. Why, can you still contact me?" I?"

The screen paused for a few seconds before a line of reply appeared: "Actually, I am an insider of the live broadcast company."

Such an answer was really unexpected and in the process of cleaning up, Li Ling suddenly said: "...So that's the case! No wonder! No wonder I can still chat with you!"

This time, for a long time, Li Ling did not receive a reply.

Li Ling thought about it, and felt that although the other party replied in seconds, he might not like chatting, or was he at work?

Li Ling sent another message: "Prince Killing Insects, are you from the technical department? Technical brother?"

Because the way the other party spoke was so concise and concise, and because he called himself "Prince", Li Ling felt that the other party was probably a man who didn't like to talk much.

Insect Killing Prince: "No. I belong to another department. But I am very familiar with the technical department."

Chatting with a stranger, the other party's desire to chat is not strong, Li Ling was about to stop chatting, but she couldn't bear the confusion in her mind, so she asked again: "Prince Killing Insects, since you are an internal member of the live broadcast company Staff, I want to ask you another question. Now, when I am chatting with my live broadcast hemisphere still on? Now I am chatting with you while broadcasting live?"

Insect Killing Prince: "No. My authority is higher than the 'blacklist' function. When we chat, the live broadcast hemisphere will temporarily black out, and our chat screen will not be uploaded. If you turn off the chat function, you will return to the original status."

"So that's how it is..." Looking at the translucent screen, Li Ling murmured.

Li Ling was very impulsive. She wanted to ask Prince Zong, since the other party had rewarded her with 10000 star coins, could this 10000 star coins be used to repay what she owed to the live broadcast company?If it is possible, can the punishment of her 24-hour live broadcast be over? !

After hesitating for a while, Li Ling still didn't ask.

Since the other party is an insider of the Great Universe Broadcasting Company, isn't she asking him to break the company's rules? !

Li Ling was a little confused. She didn't know what attracted the "Prince of Killing Bugs" about the live content of her "live video broadcast", so that the internal staff of the live broadcast company gave her a tip and added her as a friend.

However, compared to this, Li Ling realized another useful information.

"Prince Killing Bugs" said that when she turned on the chat mode, while she was chatting with Prince Killing Bugs, her live video would go black.

Once chatting, the video screen will be black and the upload will stop.

This is interesting.

In other words, she can chat with the "Prince of Killing Bugs" at any time, and she can stop the "live video broadcast" at any time.

No one likes to be under the watchful eyes of others 24 hours a day.For this reason, Li Ling is also willing to chat more with a stranger.

(End of this chapter)

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