beauty bible

Chapter 121 Wasn't It Just To Get You To Reward Her? !

Chapter 121 Wasn't It Just To Get You To Reward Her? !

Li Ling remembered again that she already had star coins in her account, which was enough to pay off the money she owed Cang Xiaojun.Of course, she still owes the hospital money.

Only when he thought of this, did Li Ling accept the "live video broadcast" at all.

It's a pity that she is a blacklisted user at this time, and she can't even transfer money to Cang Xiaojun except chatting with the insider "Prince of Killing Bugs".

Li Ling typed: "Prince Killing Insects, can I chat with you in the future?"

Insect Killer Prince: "Yes. I will reply immediately if I am free."

Li Ling felt relieved: "Prince Slaughter, it's a pleasure to meet you, we'll talk when we're free."

Prince of Insecticide: “Let’s talk when we have time.”

Li Ling closed the chat screen, took out a flatbread from the package, and ate half of the thick flatbread with the water in the water bag.

Li Ling stood up and looked back at the direction of Zhiyuan Villa. She untied the rope that tied the black horse, and got on the horse: "Drive!"

Chatting with a distant netizen whom he may never have the chance to meet in his lifetime, Li Ling easily let go of his defenses.

With such a long distance, it is impossible for the other party to hurt her.This gave Li Ling a strange sense of security.

In this world, Li Ling goes on the road alone, and there are always one or two moments when she starts to become a little negative because of loneliness.

Sometimes, you don't need any encouragement, you just need to know that there is another person in this world who can chat with you, and that's good enough.

Li Ling drove towards the east, her heart was still heavy, but compared to last night, she was already in a much better mood.Among them, the strange netizen "Prince of Killing Insects" contributed a lot.


Netizens who have been watching "Live TV" have of course seen Li Ling's two sentences "Live hemisphere" and "Live hemisphere open".

Then when Li Ling spoke again, the live video went black.When the video returns to normal again, it will already be the scene of Li Ling eating a big cake...

Countless netizens have question marks in their heads.They couldn't understand at all, what is it that the heroine of the TV series knows about "live hemisphere"?

It's like the protagonist of a TV series is interpreting the story in an antique scene. Suddenly, the heroine starts calling "Director—"!
This is too dramatic!

Netizens were confused, and many netizens even thought it was a mistake during the shooting of a "live video".It was precisely because of a mistake that the video had to be blacked out, a part of the screen was cut, and the shooting was re-started after everything was adjusted to normal.

Because of this, many netizens gave this "live TV broadcast" a bad review.

There are also one or two netizens who noticed the scene where Zhou Yichi "discovered" the live broadcast of the hemisphere, combined with the words of the heroine now...

An unusually bold idea appeared in their minds—this can't be the real world!

Could it be...that the heroine really got a live broadcast hemisphere and then accidentally came to an "unknown" planet?And all the scenes they saw were actually the heroine's real experience in that world? !

At the beginning, the advertisement of the Great Universe Live Broadcasting Company: Anywhere in the universe, you can connect to the Internet.Who doesn't know when this advertisement comes out?

Could it be that this "live TV broadcast" really happened in a "world without the Internet"?Only the heroine accidentally got the live hemisphere? !

When a netizen raised this question, other netizens laughed at his whims.

Some netizens speculated: "This is a TV series with a lot of brain holes. Many things in it are not logical at all. I suspect that the background story of this drama may be that the heroine got the live broadcast hemisphere, and then unexpectedly In an ancient martial arts world without Internet... Drama friends, don’t be fooled! Don’t be too many TV dramas where the protagonist accidentally comes to an ‘unknown’ world! It’s just that the filming technique of this drama is very interesting, and the authenticity of this meme It's just increased!"

In the end, this conclusion was accepted by most people.


In the tall and clean study room, Xia Qi's eyes fell on the translucent screen. He looked at the words "Prince of Insect Killers, it's nice to meet you. Let's chat when we have time." He didn't speak for a long time.

A man in his sixties with a round bald head and fair skin sat on the side of the study room, looking at the translucent screen in front of him, and his hands quickly clicked on the screen.

Countless data flashed across the screen in front of the bald old man.

After a long time, the bald old man frowned more and more. He stood up and shouted, "This is impossible!"

Xia Qi closed his chat history, turned to look at the bald old man: "What do you see?"

Looking at Xia Qi's calm gaze, the bald old man looked timid. He didn't dare to look at Xia Qi, and sat back in his seat: "Anyway, it's complicated."

"Oh," Xia Qi nodded: "I won't listen to academic data that is too complicated. Dr. Shui, I believe you, just tell me your final conclusion."

Dr. Shui was a little embarrassed, he took a sip of water from the table on one side, collected his thoughts, and said slowly: "You know, very early on, we discovered all kinds of things in various networks. Vulnerabilities, so you funded me to create a live intranet."

Xia Qi nodded.

Dr. Shui sighed: "When I first created the live broadcast intranet, what I paid most attention to was the breadth of the network and the protective network. I always thought that no one in this world, except for the mysterious race of the Soul Clan, would be able to break through me. Protective net established.”

"No one will question Dr. Shui's ability on the Internet." Xia Qi affirmed.

Dr. Shui blushed: "I also assured you that there will be no anonymous channels for interstellar pirates, traitors, and criminals on the intranet during the live broadcast... Unexpectedly, an anonymous channel actually appeared, and you even met it." .”

"It just so happens," Xia Qi said lightly: "You know. I never use my own information channel. I always randomly intercept any information channel on the live broadcast intranet to transmit information. The blacklist user function is turned off, and I use their When using the signal channel, it will not affect any operations of the other party, nor will the other party’s signal fluctuate, and no one will notice it.”

"Yes, that's very good. This way, the confidentiality of the transmitted information is higher," Dr. Shui nodded, and continued: "I have been studying the data of this 'Li Jump Jump Jump Jump Jump Jump Seven Jumps' user for a long time, and I have to Come to two conclusions."

Xia Qi: "Tell me."

"First," Dr. Shui's eyes lit up: "I doubt it! The other party is really on an 'unknown' planet!"

"Oh?" Xia Ji started to move his body and sat upright: "Are you serious?"

"Yes!" A gleam of red light appeared on Dr. Shui's face: "I said at the beginning that the live broadcast intranet I created can theoretically connect to any place in this universe! It is precisely because the other party is in an 'unknown' A place where there is no network signal, so her signal channel is always very weak."

Xia Qi was silent, he pondered for a moment, and said: "If this is the case, the risk assessment for her can be appropriately lowered. But if she can appear on such a planet with the live broadcast hemisphere, it is worth studying."

"Yes!" Dr. Shui licked his lips: "There is a second point. Regarding the anonymous channel... I tried to reversely search and locate her position in the universe through the information transmission source, but! I was protected by another The net bounced back!”

"Heh..." Xia Qi's eyes flashed a trace of surprise: "There is still a protective net in this world that you can't break through?"

"Yes! Yes! The opponent's protective net is very powerful! It is even stronger than the protective net of my live broadcast intranet! It is that powerful protective net that not only prevents me from exploring the planet from which the signal comes from, but also sets the user's information channel For 'Anonymous Channel'!"

After looking at Dr. Shui for a while, Xia Qi said: "You mean...on an 'unknown' planet, a planet without any technological civilization, someone's network protection ability... surpassed yours?"

Dr. Shui touched his head and looked frustrated: "That's why I said this is impossible! I have attacked that protective net hundreds of times, and failed every time! And the other party seems to have updated the protective net, and adjusted it in real time to make the protection The net is stronger! What's even more painful is that that person seems to have adjusted the protective net according to my attack style. I can't do anything anymore!"

Xia Qi thought for a moment: "Is it possible that the interstellar pirates accidentally found a hidden 'unknown' planet when they were fleeing in the interstellar space, and then they settled down on that planet?"

Dr. Shui had a question mark on his face: "If that's the case, wouldn't it be enough for the interstellar pirates to quietly colonize that planet? Why do they do live broadcasts?"

"Won't it be for you to reward her?!"

(End of this chapter)

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