beauty bible

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

The mountain wind howled, and Li Ling rode the horse with a cold expression, but his eyes were slightly dull.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Ling got off his horse with a "wow--".

Standing beside the tall black horse, Li Ling looked back.

The night was deep and the forest was dark.Under the cover of heavy forests, the Zhiyuan Villa, which was full of flames, could no longer be seen.

Li Ling tied the horse to the big tree beside him with shaking hands, and sat down leaning against the big tree with his hands on his chest.

In terms of friendship, Li Ling and Qin Huo were far from deep, but at this moment, Li Ling felt a little empty.

She couldn't speak, so she raised her fist with her right hand and punched the cold ground one after another!

Li Ling gritted his teeth and stared at the ground.

get away!

get away!

why? !

Why does she always have to run away!

Li Ling clenched his hands into fists, feeling angry and resentful, but he didn't know who to blame.

Feeling uncomfortable and cold in his heart, the night was silent, Li Ling's face was pale, and his eyes were a little pale as he stared at the full moon in the dark night.

In the silent mountain forest, I suddenly remembered a clear "ding".

A mechanical sound rang in Li Ling's ear.

"Netizen 'Prince of Killing Insects' tipped user 'Li Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao seven jumps' 10000 star coins, and informed the whole community."

Li Ling was slightly taken aback, and when he looked up, he saw a translucent screen jumping out in front of his eyes.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Ling suddenly understood.

This is the reward for that live video.

It turned out that although the Great Universe Live Broadcasting Company had blocked her, and even the hemisphere of the live broadcast was invisible, the reward would appear in front of her eyes, and it would still be announced by the whole community.

Li Ling sighed, looked blankly at the words "Prince Killing Insects", and then looked at the reward of 10000 star coins, and felt no surprise at all.She didn't have the mood to explore, what exactly did the "Prince of Killing Insects" see that made him think he could reward 10000 star coins.

The translucent screen flashed, and another line of words appeared.

"'Prince of Killing Bugs' requests to be added as a friend, do you agree?"

Li Ling was stunned.

Hasn't this live broadcast hemisphere already blocked her?Is there a function to add friends?

Li Ling's mind was empty, she hesitated for a while, then raised her hand and agreed.

"Prince Slaughter has been added as a friend, you can chat with private messages."

On the translucent screen, a text-style chat screen appeared.

Li Ling stared blankly at the empty chat screen. For a long time, there was no message from the other side.

In this strange, apocalyptic world, she actually relied on an invisible live broadcast hemisphere to add a netizen from an alien planet as a friend.

At this moment, the live broadcast hemisphere is like a mobile phone connecting to another world.

Li Ling was stunned for a while, but there was still no message from the other side. Li Ling raised his hand and tapped on the translucent screen, unable to resist typing in the message.

"Hello, Prince Insect Killer, thank you for your reward. I'm in a bad mood today, I added you as a friend, can I chat casually?"

Soon, a word popped up on the chat screen: "Okay."

Although the other party added himself as a friend, the other party's desire to chat seems not strong.

Li Ling didn't know what kind of person "Prince Killing Insects" was, and only regarded him as a strange netizen.Li Ling's face was ashen, and he slowly typed a line of words: "Prince Killing Insects, if one day you reached the bottom of your life, with a bleak road ahead and a bleak heart, how would you cheer yourself up?"

This time, Prince Slaughter also recovered very quickly: "There will be no trough in life."

Seeing such an answer, Li Ling smiled bitterly.

This "Pesticide Prince" could reward a small live broadcaster like her with 10000 star coins so easily. It is obvious that the other party is a rich second generation in the country of big stars who is not short of money. Maybe, he really has no low point.

"Okay!" Li Ling replied: "So, do you have any advice for people who have encountered a low point in life?"

After a while, the chat screen squatted for a while, and a line of words popped up: "Sleep, wake up and fight again!"

Li Ling lowered his head and smiled bitterly again.

The night is windy, the past is irreversible, and the future will continue.

This answer is indeed concise.

Li Ling replied: "Thank you 'Prince of Killing Insects'. Maybe you are right. Good night, I'm going to sleep, we will talk when I have time."

Prince of Insecticide: "Good night."

Li Ling turned his head and glanced at the direction of Zhiyuan Villa, feeling empty in his heart.She found a shelter from the wind, took out the clothes in the package, arranged them on the ground, wrapped herself in the pile of clothes, and closed her eyes.

The cold wind blows.

Li Ling seemed to have had a dream. He dreamed of a bookish young man who said to her with a smile, "Xiaosheng Qin Huo, from the capital, nice to meet you."


Xia Qi was sitting in his study room. He looked at the translucent light screen in front of him with a cold face. On it were the chat records of "Prince of Killing Insects" and "Li Tiao, Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump, Jump, Seven Jumps".

Xia Qi spoke with a cold expression on his face, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Qin Jun, go to the Drug Control Bureau and send me all the past records of zombie viruses."

"Yes! Marshal!" The tall, thick-backed black-faced man replied.

Xia Qi said coldly: "Have you found out? Does this blacklisted user have any connection with interstellar pirates?"

Qin Jun shook his head: "Not at all. The only record of this blacklisted user's appearance is that he appeared on a small planet in Fangzhu City, Haiyu Province. According to the video record, it was just an underage girl."

"Anyone contacted?"

Qin Jun nodded: "Yes. It's a junior military training partner named Cang Xiaojun."

A cold light flashed in Xia Qi's eyes, but his voice was very calm: "So bold? Did you enter the military area directly?"

Qin Jun frowned: "Yes. Do you want to arrest Cang Xiaojun?"

"No. Don't show any traces, monitor," Xia Qi said again: "What did Dr. Shui say? Why does the Great Universe Broadcasting Company have an anonymous channel?"

Qin Jun shook his head again: "Dr. Shui only said that this is impossible! He has been staying in the laboratory to observe the specific data for three days and three nights."

"Let him go," Xia Qi's expression calmed down: "At the beginning, he himself told me that the intranet of the Great Universe Broadcasting Company was built by him alone, and there would never be any problems! This is him slapping himself in the face .”

Qin Jun showed a smile on his face: "Dr. Shui is going crazy now..."

"Also, go invite an expert on the blood-sucking tribe and ask him if there is any connection between the zombie virus and the blood-sucking tribe?!" Xia Qi waved his hand and signaled Qin Jun to go to work.

"Yes! Marshal!" Qin Jun performed a military salute, relying on his good relationship with the marshal, hesitantly asked: "...over the vampire clan..."

Each branch of the human race has its own racial characteristics.The pure race of humans is the most inclusive, the soul-body race is mysterious, the blood-sucking race is arrogant and furry, and the orc race doesn't care about any etiquette...

All in all, contacting vampires is a troublesome job for soldiers like Qin Jun who love to fight on the battlefield!

Xia Qi glanced at him: "Business matters!"


(End of this chapter)

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