[Fifth on the peerless list, the sweeping monk - nameless! 】

[Realm; Grand Master! 】

[Achievements: Fight against four grandmasters alone! 】

The fifth on the peerless list, the sweeping monk... nameless? !

This scene made everyone stunned!

After all, everyone in the world has a name, so why does this old monk have no name but can only be replaced by "Sweeping Monk"?

However, everyone's suspicion did not last long...

I saw that on the Dao Golden List that day, the picture flashed by and gradually became clearer.

Looking from a distance, it... seems to be a temple!

However, no matter the size of the monks or temples, they are far from comparable to the Shaolin Temple!

Even some of the more famous temples in Kyushu, such as Famen Temple, White Horse Temple, Lingyin Temple, etc., are much grander than others!

At best, this can only be regarded as a small temple, the kind that doesn't even have much incense!

And in this temple, there is a young monk who knocks wooden fish and recites scriptures...

Chapter 40 Under the Qingshan Temple, the young monk! three refuges

Qingshan Temple.

The long ancient bell floats in, mixed with the sound of wooden fish and the sound of monks practicing martial arts in the distance, forming a harmonious picture.

Among the many monks, there was a young monk with a handsome face and a monk's robe, which gave people a sense of tranquility and peace.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, after walking in the deep Prajnaparamita for a long time, he saw that the five aggregates are empty and survived all the hardships."

"Relics, color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, color is emptiness, emptiness is color..."

He was chanting sutras slowly and tapping the wooden fish gently. Even some people who did not understand Buddhism could feel the truth contained in the sutras!

Very intoxicating!

But for some old monks who have been immersed in Buddhism for many years, it was really shocking!

Although the young novice monk was simply reciting sutras, during the recitation, the context was ethereal and vaguely consistent with Buddhist principles...

Even if the Buddha is reincarnated, this is all he can do, right? !

"This little novice monk will definitely become a great monk in the future!"

At this moment, such a thought flashed through the minds of countless people throughout Kyushu!

If we say that Zhang Sanfeng was a restrained young man, he relied on the accumulation of time to reach his current situation.

Then this little novice monk is a real genius!

Even though he was born in such a small Qingshan Temple, his own light cannot be concealed no matter what!

Could it be that this is what the sweeping monk looked like when he was a child? !

Subconsciously, in everyone's mind, the old and rugged figure appeared in their minds, and they were slightly startled.

Then, the two figures gradually overlapped...

It seems that there is really some similarity? !

And when the entire Kyushu was lost in thought, the picture continued to flow, and suddenly a crisp, playful voice came...

"Little monk, I'm here again!"

The voice is very soft, mixed with some eager little steps, which can make people feel the unconcealed happiness and eagerness of the visitor.


Soon, a quirky-looking girl with a sweet face appeared on the screen of the Tiandao Golden List.

The girl is beautiful!

Not stained by dust, the light blue long dress is floating, just a glance is enough to make people stunning!

"... Feelings, thoughts, actions, and knowledge are also like this..."

Hearing the girl's voice, the young novice monk was still chanting sutras, the same way, the same way...

However, everyone clearly saw that the hand knocking on the wooden fish paused for a moment!

Although there is only a trace, there are so many strong men in Kyushu, which one is not a human spirit, how can they not see through the mind of a little monk who has not yet left the mountain?

Da Qin.

"It seems that the relationship between this young monk and this girl is extraordinary!"

Ying Zheng looked up at the picture of the Dao Gold List that day, and was slightly startled. Then he shook his head, sighed, and murmured softly,


"The so-called clear rules and precepts in Buddhism, I hope they have a good ending!"

Although the Qin Dynasty prohibited the spread of Buddhism and did not allow monks to build temples...

But in Kyushu, how can I really not care about this far-reaching influence on Buddhism? !

Therefore, Ying Zheng is very clear about the so-called "clear rules and precepts" of Buddhism!


Seeing this scene, Yingyun was also a little dazed.

That sweeping monk, does he have such an experience? !

In fact, to Yingyun, everything about this sweeping monk is also a mystery!

What's his last name?

Why have you stayed in the Sutra Collection Pavilion of Shaolin Temple for more than 40 years?

All of this is a mystery!

The key is, no one knows!

Big man.

"Qingshan Temple? The Tiandao Golden List gives too little information, otherwise... maybe we can find this temple and make friends with that great master..."

Liu Bang looked at the little novice monk on the screen, but what he was thinking about was the sweeping monk!

In any case, there is no doubt about the strength of the sweeping monk!

If he could be made loyal to the big man, that would be the best thing!


Tang Dynasty.

At this moment, the emperors of many dynasties were all staring at the picture of the Heavenly Dao Golden List, with some thoughts flashing in their eyes.

Some of them want to find Qingshan Temple and form a good relationship with the great master!

But more than anything, I still want to know how things will develop next!

After all, they know the ‘rules’ of Buddhism!


This can happen to anyone in Jiuzhou, but for Buddhist disciples, it can only be a luxury!

The picture flows…

"Little monk, why don't you pay attention to me?"

The girl's voice came again, still with a unique playfulness, talking to the little monk,

"Today, my father took me hunting, and we caught a little rabbit..."

"Little monk..."

It can be seen that every time the girl said a word, the picture flashed once...

And the clothes on her body gradually changed.

In a short moment, I don't know how many years have passed.

The little monk is still chanting.

"Color is emptiness, emptiness is color."

"Sariputra, it is the empty form of all dharmas, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increasing nor decreasing..."

The wooden fish was knocked, less heavy, and added a bit of length...

It can be seen that the little monk did not waste this time.

Just by listening to the sound of the wooden fish, you can know that his Buddhist teachings are becoming more and more profound.

However, surprisingly, this little monk has never set foot on the martial arts.

He is just chanting sutras!

To be honest, this is a bit of a waste of the little monk's talent!

So much so that many monks in Jiuzhou looked at this scene with a trace of pain in their eyes...

Now, if he doesn't set foot on the martial arts, it will be too late!

However, no matter how anxious these people are, the little monk in the picture is still chanting sutras silently, just like when they first met!

Similarly, every once in a while, the girl will come and tell the little monk some anecdotes and fun things, and she never gets tired of it.

And everyone also knows the girl's name - Qixiu!

A very light name.

And the little monk seems to be accustomed to the girl's presence. Although he is chanting sutras while knocking on the wooden fish, when Qixiu comes, there is a faint smile on his face...

Sometimes, facing some anecdotes told by the girl, he still stops chanting and comments.

Whenever the little monk speaks, he can attract the girl's laughter.

"Little monk, can you tell me a story too?"

When the girl told an interesting story, the little monk smiled faintly, and suddenly his eyes flashed, snatched the wooden fish, and said with a pout,

"Little monk, tell me one!"

"Little monk——"

The slightly soft voice echoed in the picture of the gold list. Not to mention that the little monk was stunned, the whole Jiuzhou was stunned.

After all, it has always been the girl who was talking and the little monk who was listening...


Looking at the girl's expectant eyes, the little monk was silent for a moment, nodded slightly, and said softly,

"Then I will tell you a story about the Three Refuges that the master taught..."

"Once upon a time, there was an old monk..."

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