【Small circle:"?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"?"】



【Xiaoyuan:"What happened? Why did the other person fall to the ground directly?"】

【Kanae:"Same question, what did Lord Su Mo just do? Rin, did you see it clearly?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"No, I didn't see anything."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Is it because the speed is too fast? Did Erica see it?"

Faced with an incomprehensible scene, everyone was stunned.

No matter how hard they thought, they could not imagine how this battle ended.

Even though Su Mo killed the mythical beast wild boar in seconds before, at least there were basic moves at that time, and they could guess how Su Mo won.

But now, they saw nothing.

Toosaka Rin suspected that Su Mo used his super-fast skills, so that the battle ended before it could form an impression in people's eyes.

If that was the case, Erica, who is now at the peak of the second level, should be able to catch some movement, right?

However, facing everyone's inquiries, Erica shook her head blankly.

【Erica:"No, I didn’t see anything either."】

As she spoke, she took a step forward in disbelief and observed Tony's condition.

【Erica:"There are no injuries. She looks weak but has no signs of fighting."】

After summarizing this information, she came to an extremely incredible conclusion

【Erica:"Could it be that Lord Su Mo didn't actually do anything?"

Such a conclusion is obviously too difficult to understand.

【Xiaoyuan:"How can you defeat the enemy without taking any action?"】

【Kanae:"I don't understand, I don't understand at all"】

This level of battle is beyond their worldview.

You said that even the Sword King himself could not understand it.

"What happened? What did you do just now?"

Unable to stand up, he simply sat cross-legged on the ground, and then looked at Su Mo in front of him with a confused and incredible face.

Not only the girls in the chat group, but even Tony himself didn't understand why he was defeated inexplicably.

The curse power in his body was still there, but he just couldn't listen to the command, and even the authority was dormant.

"I just tried a little bit of the mythical ritual."

Facing the defeated Sword King, Su Mo was very patient and answered his questions casually.

As for whether the other party could understand him or not, it was not his concern.

""What is the Mythology?"

As expected, Tony, who is an idiot in spells, was completely confused.

Only the members in the chat group had some impression of it.

【Toosaka Rin:"I think I've heard of this name before.……"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Oh, right! When Master Su Mo came back from the underworld, he seemed to have released related products."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Found it!"The Foundation of Mythology", the price is... one million?!"

Seeing the price, she was shocked again.

As expected, it is something produced by Master Su Mo, and its preciousness is always beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

【Xiao Yuan:"Is this another new power developed by Brother Su Mo?"】

【Kanae:"Suddenly it makes sense."】

【Xiaoyuan:"But I'm still curious, why is it so amazing?"

Su Mo didn't mind explaining everyone's questions, whether it was Tony's or Xiaoyuan's.

After all, to him, this knowledge was just the basic problems he had already overcome, and it was nothing.

Not to mention that he was being selfish, if someone could really understand this knowledge and apply it, he would be even happier, because it meant that someone could keep up with his thinking and become a qualified assistant.

Knowledge should be circulated and shared. The meaning behind this sentence is actually that only when knowledge is circulated and shared to the maximum extent can more creativity, efficiency and productivity be generated.

"Mythology is a special technique based on mythology and centered on the godhood. Its power generally exceeds that of the same concept spiritual technique."

"Its core principle is actually very simple. It is nothing more than utilizing the natural bonus obtained when driving the godhead and its own related spells."

Su Mo summarized it succinctly.

For example, the spell [Hermes Boots] used by Erica now can only have the strongest effect at the Sanctuary level. Even if she obtains the spell power of the God Slayer level, she cannot break through this limit.

But if Erica becomes a God Slayer and happens to kill Hermes himself and possesses the other party's godhead.

Then, even if the godhead she usurped is only related to fraud and has nothing to do with the concept of"Guardian of Travelers", she can easily deduce the spell [Hermes Boots] to the God Realm level. The reason is very simple. If she wants to use this spell without the godhead, she needs to ask for power from the mythological base. It is different for her who has the godhead. She can directly ask for power from her own godhead.

Without an intermediary to make a profit, the power of the spell is naturally different.

"The fundamental difference between mythological techniques and conceptual spiritual techniques is actually just the driving force of the godhead."

Su Mo shook his head, obviously not thinking that there was much to say about this technique.

After understanding the underlying principle, you only need to detect the boundary range of the godhead's influence, and you can use the godhead you already have to upgrade the original conceptual spiritual equipment to a conceptual divine equipment, or a mythological technique.

This time, Su Mo's narration was very easy to understand.

Although Xiaoyuan and Kanae were still a little confused, Erica and Toosaka Rin understood it.

Although not thoroughly, they also roughly knew its underlying principle.

In the Type-Moon world, the twin-tailed girl shook her head and showed a look of realization.

【Toosaka Rin:"No wonder the price of this"Mythic Ritual Construction Basics" is only 10,000 more expensive than the"Conceptual Spiritual Equipment Construction Guide""】

If viewed alone, a price of one million may be a lot, but if you compare it to the concept spiritual suit, you will quickly find the problem.

The myth ritual can be said to be a completely upgraded version of the concept spiritual suit. If it is really a superior replacement, the price should be at least 9.99 million.

【Toosaka Rin:"If I'm not mistaken, the mythological rituals are currently only available to special beings such as gods and godslayers. Others can't use them, right?"

Seeing this speculation, Su Mo nodded approvingly.

【Su Mo:"That's right. At present, this technique can only be used to weave the corresponding mythological formula under the premise of possessing the godhood.】

【Su Mo:"Unless the problem of weaving the godhood can be solved, it is impossible to reduce the universality of this technique to the level of conceptual spiritual equipment."】

Conceptual spirit equipment is a technique that anyone can learn with just a raise of their hands, but mythical techniques cannot do this. At most, they can only strengthen the control of the godhood holder over his own power.

Even for Su Mo now, the godhood is still a black box containing many secrets.

Hearing Su Mo's words, others may think that Su Mo is just being modest, but Toosaka Rin sees a surprising possibility from Su Mo's tone.

【Toosaka Rin:"For now?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Although I think it's unlikely, I still want to ask"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Lord Su Mo, you are not really planning to study the method of weaving godhood out of thin air, are you? This is equivalent to creating gods out of thin air!"】

The pretense of killing gods is already exaggerated enough, and what is even more exaggerated is creating gods.

The former only borrows the power of gods, while the latter is the creator of gods. The two cannot be compared.

Hearing Toosaka Rin's question, the other people in the group were also stunned.

They had never thought of this possibility. Can humans create such an existence as gods?

No matter how powerful Su Mo is, isn't this idea a little too crazy?

However, in the face of this question, Su Mo just shook his head calmly.

【Su Mo:"Weaving a godhood does not mean creating a god out of thin air."】

【Su Mo:"But what if we create gods out of thin air?"】

【Su Mo:"Gods were born from myths, and myths were born from humans. From the very beginning, humans have the ability to create gods."】

【Su Mo:"Since the basic principle is feasible, the only thing left is the means to achieve it."】

After reading Su Mo's words, everyone in the group was shocked again.

It was such a crazy idea, why was it so hard to refute it after he said it?

What they dared not even think about was a path to success in Su Mo's eyes.

【Toosaka Rin:"Is this the boss's worldview... As expected of you!"】

【Kanae:"Although I didn't quite understand, I roughly understood that Master Su Mo is very powerful!"】

【Erica:"A concise summary"】

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