【Toosaka Rin:"Wow! What a strong aura!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"I can see Master Sumo fighting again."】

Seeing the tense battlefield, Toosaka Rin forgot about her sister for a moment and focused on the battlefield in front of her.

【Kanae:"Although I am also looking forward to seeing this kind of mythical level battle, it is Lord Su Mo who is doing the fighting, so it feels like it will be over soon!"】

【Xiao Yuan:"Yes"】

Today, no one is worried about Su Mo at all for a mere God Slayer-level opponent.

Su Mo's victory is inevitable, but what is uncertain is how fast the victory will come.

【Toosaka Rin:"Would you like to guess how many moves Master Su Mo will use to decide the outcome this time?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Let's make a bet!"】

【Xiaoyuan:"Then I can only gamble on two moves."】

【Kanae:"I don't seem to have a choice, but I actually want to take a gamble"】

Having seen how Su Mo killed Mekal in seconds, they felt that no matter how strong the Sword King was, he was not an obstacle.

While they were chattering about it, Tony had already taken action.

He just took a step forward lightly, and then casually swung the sword down.

A sharp silver light flashed, and in just a moment, the sky and the earth were misaligned.

The line extending along the tip of the sword formed a huge canyon.

The earth turned into gullies, and the sea was cut in half like jelly. A huge amount of water poured down, and a huge amount of yellow sand fell into the bottomless crack, but it could not fill the gap.

Looking down from the sky, this sword directly cut a huge scar on the earth.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the group suddenly fell silent.

【Toosaka Rin:"She can cut the ground and the sea with one sword. How can this blonde with seaweed hair be so strong?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"As expected, a God Slayer is still a God Slayer!"

The others also nodded.

【Kanae:"It is indeed a god-level power"】


【Toosaka Rin:"However, I still reserve my opinion. To deal with him, Master Su Mo only needs one move."】

【Toosaka Rin:"If this Sword King is my enemy, I will definitely surrender immediately and say that the opponent's power is too great."】

【Toosaka Rin:"But if this Sword King is the enemy of Master Su Mo, then I can only say that the young man needs to continue practicing."】

【Madoka:"Hahaha, Sister Rin's metaphor is really interesting!"]

Kanae thought about it and found that it was true.

Although she was shocked by the power of the Sword King, who could change the world with a wave of his hand, once she knew that the other party was Su Mo's opponent, she couldn't help but feel that he was not good enough.

There was no way, in front of Su Mo, it seemed that there were not many people who could do it.

On the battlefield.

Tony cut the land and the sea with his hands, he did this not to show his strength, but for another reason.

""Just watch me fight with my best friend!"

He said to Erica.

He just wanted to draw a line to isolate the battlefield from interference.

This trick might be useful for ordinary magicians, or Erica, who was originally a great knight.

But facing Erica now,

"What did you say?"

The Hermes boots on her feet flashed, and the Knight Ji moved directly behind Su Mo, looking at the Sword King in front of her with an unfriendly look.

"If there is an order from the Lord, I will naturally withdraw from the battlefield. But if the Lord does not order, you alone cannot stop the protagonist's gift."

"It seems that you have become much stronger too!"

Dong Ni ignored Erica's words and looked at her in amazement.

Then, he gave up chasing Erica away and turned his attention to Su Mo.

"As a senior, I can let you attack first!"

Obviously, his perspective is the same as that of almost everyone in the magic world around the world. They all think that Su Mo is just an ordinary new God Slayer.

Generally speaking, because of the difference in the number of powers and the difference in experience, people generally believe that the older the God Slayer, the stronger he is.

As a martial arts fanatic, although he realized that Su Mo was not simple, he still wanted to let him attack first and see what kind of power Su Mo had.

Anyway, he has the powerful defensive power of [Steel Protection], and ordinary powers can hardly cause serious injuries to him.

Faced with this request, Su Mo just shook his head slowly.

"No need."


"I'm ready."

Before he finished speaking, a Buddha-like halo appeared behind Su Mo.

On the halo were written various Persian characters and various incarnation symbols.

Soon, these mysterious symbols merged together to form an orange-red long sword.

This orange-red long sword seemed to have intelligence and automatically floated around Su Mo's body.

Mythology - Sword of Victory

"Oh? You use a sword too?"

When Tony saw the orange lightsaber, his eyes lit up.

Although he didn't know what effect it would have, it didn't matter. He would just chop it first.

Thinking of this, he could no longer bear it and raised the sword in his hand.

"Then I'm going to start!"

He took a stabbing step. He was quite accomplished in swordsmanship and planned to close the distance directly to play his advantage in hand-to-hand combat.

However, facing the Sword King who was full of fighting spirit, fully prepared, and seemed to be ready for a hearty fight, Su Mo just waved his hand casually, withdrew the thick orange-red long sword, and restrained his own magic.


Just when Tony was full of doubts and couldn't help asking questions, he suddenly felt a strong sense of powerlessness.

Not to mention raising the sword, he even lost the strength to stand up.

The magic power that was aroused in his body was like a stone sinking into the sea, without any response.

He almost fell to the ground, and only managed to stand firm by relying on the sword in his hand.

This state was undoubtedly a complete defeat, with no room for resistance.

At this time, Su Mo's faint voice reached his ears.

"Start? No, it's over."

Tohsaka Rin, Madoka, and Kanae's speculations were all wrong.

Su Mo, who successfully defeated the Sword King, didn't seem to have used even a single move.

Seeing this scene, everyone, including Erica, was stunned.

How could this be possible?!

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