Soon, after the wine was full, Ye Zhao was Qiqi and ready to go.

"So, let's go! My father-in-law is too, and it is better to do less bad things in the future. I think your master Wu Tian doesn't want his disciples to be full of evil either!"

"I see, little leaf. Then, Kiki gets rid of you. When things are done, be sure to check back!

"No problem!"

Ye Zhao spoke, and then took out the Divine Yan chariot from the space belt of the God King's dress, ready to go.

This is the treasure that Ares put into his belt with the other gods when Ye Zhao left the Saint Seiya plane.

The chariot itself can accommodate about two or three people, and can soar between heaven and earth by absorbing the small universe of the driver.

As for the speed, it depends entirely on the strength of the user's small universe.

In other words, if a bronze or silver Saint Seiya drives a chariot, the speed is the speed of sound and several times the speed of sound.

The words of the Golden Saint Seiya, that is the speed of light.

The powerful Lord God can ignore any environment and travel the universe at divine speed.

And when the wheels of the chariot roll, it will release the Ares Flame, with a terrible temperature and burning power, enough to burn the space to the point of distortion.

Even at absolute zero, the Flame of Ares can burn out, which is quite terrifying.

Those who sit in the chariot can control the flame of Ares and achieve the integration of attack and defense.

In the past, when Ye Zhao traveled, he was either alone or accompanied by Ling Yue, so he couldn't use it.

But now it's different, there is an extra Kiki around her, and she has no skills. Although her physique is good, she is a little stronger than ordinary people, and if she uses the Shenyan chariot, she can take care of her to some extent.

Of course, Ye Zhao did not use divine speed to hurry, but just walked on the ground at the speed of an ordinary car.

The Bull Demon King asked Kiqi to follow Ye Zhao out, in addition to seeing the world, he wanted her and Ye Zhao to cultivate a relationship.

Ye Zhao, he himself also wants to see the terroir of the Blue Star of "Dragon Ball", so he is not in a hurry...

A few days later.

"Ye Zhao, look... Is that what you mean by Karinta?

"Ah, that's it!"

Ye Zhao said with a smile, the Shenyan chariot was speeding at speed, and soon it was under the Karin Tower.

Speaking of which, Ye Zhao and Kiqi have also visited a lot of places in the past few days.

Although when I watched the "Dragon Ball" anime before, I didn't feel much, but after walking through it in person, his understanding can be regarded as more profound.

In short, it is a word - drought death, waterlogging death.

At this point in time, Blue Star's humans are living at two extremes.

Urban residents are technologically advanced, prosperous, and have good public security, as if all people are rich.

And in rural towns, everywhere lives like a slum, thieves and bandits are rampant everywhere, and there are bullies who are on the wrong side.

Just like the Bull Demon King, he is the bully in the area of Frying Pan Mountain.

Even, because of his good strength and reputation, he himself has taken textbooks, and even the bandits and bullies in the surrounding area have to bow down when they see him.

This kind of world with a huge gap between the rich and the poor, and even turbulent warlords, if it were placed in other worlds, I am afraid that there would have been constant war.

That is, the strange plane of "Dragon Ball" has a strange sense of harmony, and the people have their own lives, basically they are at peace with each other.

And after playing for a few days, Ye Zhao also decided to start doing business.

This Karinta was their first stop.

"Stop, who are you?"

Just as Ye Zhao and Kiki got out of the car, a man in Indian attire also walked up to the two, holding a spear and questioning.

"Don't be nervous, we're here to climb the tower! I am Ye Zhao, she is my fiancée Qiqi, meeting for the first time!

"So it is, it's a warrior who climbs the tower, and when we first met, I am Brah, the guardian of the Karinta!"

Brah opened his mouth and said that no matter who the other party was, as long as it was someone who dared to climb the tower, Brah felt that they were all warriors worthy of respect.

According to legend, the immortals on the Karin Tower guard the super holy water, and as long as they can drink it, their strength will increase several times.

Therefore, in these long years, many martial artists have come to admire them.

It's just that most of the people either didn't climb up and fell from mid-air, or they didn't get super holy water from the immortals, and they basically ended in failure.

And most of the losers' fate naturally ended in falling to death.

But in any case, as long as you dare to climb the tower, you have the courage to gamble with your life.

This kind of warrior, Bra, the tower keeper, is still very respected.

He also tried to challenge once, but failed. He felt lucky to be able to get down from the tower safely without falling due to exhaustion.

Ye Zhao glanced at Bra, and then at Bola's son, Wupa, who was hiding in the tent, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise slightly.

"Kiki, are you going to go up with me, or are you going to stay here first and wait for me to come down?"

"Of course, I went up with Ye Zhao, didn't Dad say, let me follow you."

"I know, let's go up the chariot together!"

Ye Zhao opened his mouth and said, if there was no Kiqi, he wouldn't mind climbing up himself.

Anyway, idle is idle, just play as a mountaineering.

If Kiki wanted to follow, then it would undoubtedly be much more convenient to take the chariot.

Although the top of the Karin Tower is in mid-air, the Shenyan chariot can fly in the sky, and it is naturally not a big problem to climb a tower.

Soon, the two of them got into the chariot again and galloped up the pillars.

Bra was stunned, if you look at it from the bottom up, Ye Zhao and Kiqi are like riding a rocket, the scene is quite spectacular!

A few seconds later, the two reached the top of the tower.

"It's so tall, I can't see the people below at all!"

Kiki looked down, but she couldn't see anything else except the map-like earth.

If the white clouds were thicker, then she couldn't even see the map, she could only see the blue sky and white clouds, and the sun, and nothing else.

"Ye Zhao, what are we going to do next, looking for the Karin Immortal you mentioned?"

Kiqi asked, in the past few days, she has learned a lot of things with Ye Zhao. And there are many secrets on the earth, he also heard about it from Ye Zhao.

Among them, naturally include the Karin Immortals and the Celestial Gods.

"Yes, but don't look for it, it's already here!"

Ye Zhao looked at the entrance of the stairs, where a white cat with combat power on both feet and holding a crutch was also squinting and staring at them.

"First meeting, tower climber!"

"Are you the Karin Immortal, it's really the same as Ye Zhao said, it's a cat!"

Kiki said with a smile, there was no malice in her words, only surprise.

And the Karin Immortals were not angry, after all, this was originally a fact.

Although it is a fairy cat, it is also a cat!

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