"Oh, it looks like I hit a nice thing!"

"yes! Tyrannosaurus, this stuff is delicious! Kiki, Xiaoye, wait a minute, I'll cook it! The

Bull Demon King spoke, and then took the axe and led the Tyrannosaurus into the kitchen.

The axe was not only his weapon, but also his cooking utensils, and it was very easy to use.

Ye Zhao really wanted to help, but he was also eating dinosaurs for the first time, and he didn't understand how to cook.

If the omniscient and all-powerful can perfectly exert his ability, he can naturally master the cooking method in an instant, but now he can't, and he can only cook it himself.

However, Ye Zhao was not idle.

With good meat, good wine can not be less.

At this time, Ye Zhao also took out the wine magic bottle.

After the Bull Demon King made a big meal, the two of them also ate happily together, eating and drinking, and they were very happy.

And Ye Zhao was also at this stall and told them about his own affairs.

"Unexpectedly, Xiaoyezi, you turned out to be a god! No wonder you can call the wind and rain, it's amazing!

"It's not really a big deal, it's just a god whose power is limited." If it is a supergod, maybe there is no trouble in this regard!

Ye Zhao said, and his mind couldn't help but think of the "Saint Seiya" plane, about the setting of Saturn.

If it is Saturn, with his super-god power, then no matter what plane universe it is in, the power will not be limited by the law. He can even quickly turn against the guest and directly dominate the universe, instead of slowly adjusting and planning his own development like Ye Zhao.

"No, it's not like that, Ye Zhao, you are already very powerful!"

Kiki said with a smile, the more powerful Ye Zhao was, the more correct her vision was.

"By the way, Xiaoyezi, what are you going to do next?"

"To learn some things from this universe, I should go to the gods of this planet." Moreover, there are many interesting things on this planet, and I am afraid that I will stay on this planet for a long time to come!

"So... Xiaoyezi, if you don't feel troublesome, can you take Kiki out for a walk. She has been staying in this frying pan mountain since she was a child, just in time to go outside and see the world!

"Yes, there is no danger anyway!"

Ye Zhao agreed happily, for him, as far as the current Blue Star is concerned, it is really not a danger. The most powerful Celestial God Bike, from the previous causal induction, he can also roughly understand its strength, I am afraid it is a little stronger than the Bronze Saint Seiya.

Of course, the energy system of the Dragon Ball plane cannot be simply compared with the energy system of the Saint Seiya plane.

On a micro level, Saint Seiya is actually better.

Atomic-level destructive power, which is extremely rare in the Dragon Ball plane, but in the Saint Seiya plane, anyone who has mastered the small universe can do it.

And atoms can only be regarded as the foundation, powerful gods, even able to destroy protons smaller than atoms.

In other words, in terms of subtlety, Saint Seiya is a little better.

But this does not mean that the plane of "Dragon Ball" is not good, not to mention other things, the god's imperial skill - destruction, in Ye Zhao's opinion, is the ultimate destructive power.

It is a power of total destruction from one to zero, destroying, and even being able to completely eliminate the very existence of a thing.

This is a very incredible power, even in the Saint Seiya plane, most Lord Gods can't do this kind of thing!

As strong as Hades and the like, when facing objects that they cannot completely eliminate, the most they can do is banish their targets to the void.

Hades himself cannot completely erase the existence of a thing.

Otherwise, Pegasus would not be reincarnated in holy war all year round!

And when it comes to micro, nature cannot exclude the power of macro.

There is no doubt that from the external performance, "Dragon Ball" seems to be better.

After all, all kinds of earth-destroying explosion scenes are countless in the "Dragon Ball" anime.

But when it really comes to it, Saint Seiya is actually not bad.

It's just that the powerhouses in the plane of "Saint Seiya" have strong micro-control, so in terms of visual performance, "Saint Seiya" is indeed a lot worse than Dragon Ball.

But if you compare the real situation, it is not difficult to find that "Saint Seiya" is actually stronger than "Dragon Ball".

Not to mention anything else, in terms of speed alone, just the Golden Saint Seiya has reached the speed realm of light.

The powerhouse of "Dragon Ball" is actually unable to fight in the realm of lightspeed at all.

Although teleportation can exert a better ability to move than the speed of light, it cannot be judged by speed at all, it can only be regarded as a superpower.

Besides, "Dragon Ball" has teleportation, and "Saint Seiya" plane actually has it, which is not an advantage at all.

Although angels can move faster than light, they are only moving, just like vehicles, and they can't reach that kind of realm in battle.

Of course, this does not mean that the powerhouse of the Saint Seiya plane can crush the powerhouse of the "Dragon Ball" plane by speed.

If you evaluate the strength and weakness from various perspectives, the two actually have their own advantages and disadvantages.

In fact, judging from the supergod and the king with the highest combat power, the supergod is undoubtedly superior.

At least, Ye Zhao didn't think that the whole king could obliterate the supergod who had an immortal calamity.

This immortal calamity is not comparable to an immortal body, it is already a characteristic that far transcends the external form and even the concept of the individual.

Moreover, judging from the realm of domination, the whole king is even more incomparable to the supergod.

All kings have only created 18 universes, and what the supergods have mastered is infinite time and space, infinite multiverse.

It can be said that the size of the whole king is far less than that of the supergod.

All in all, Saint Seiya is better than Dragon Ball.

If Ye Zhao is in the seventh universe, even if it is a restricted state, there are only a few who can threaten him.

Of course, this is not the reason why Ye Zhao can casually wave.

As the absolute ruler of the "Dragon Ball" universe, Quan Wang can sense changes in the universe even if he usually does not pay much attention to the universe.

If he let the king know that there was a foreign god like Ye Zhao in his universe, he might make some trouble.

Although the whole king can't erase the super god, it is probably no problem to erase Ye Zhao, the restricted upper lord god.

Although Ye Zhao has the invincible divine skill endowed by the system of the Light of All Rule, he can play a role under the erasure of the whole king, and he actually has no bottom.

If it is erased before the light of the full cure is cast, it will be really troublesome....

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