“You are the one, why are you in the realm of life?”

Angeji’s eyes were alert, while Miwa Kasumi simply drew out her samurai sword and pointed the sharp tip at Mizaki Ming.

“Calm down, I’m not a cursed spirit.”

The short-haired girl’s body was spinning with silvery Moon Spirit Marrow Fluid, forming a thick silver shield that protected her very tightly.

Seeing Qi Ming’s muffled voice coming from behind the shield,

“I am a civilian demon hunter, that is my companion, you must be careful, this special cursed spirit is a monster born from the resentment of women after abortion”

“Do you see those wolf-headed curse spirits? They can shoot out umbilical cords from their mouths. If you get hit in the abdomen, you will give birth to a dead baby curse spirit with your own abilities.”

“Oh, this cursed spirit has revealed its own spell?”

Angeji temporarily let down her guard.

In a spell battle, the effect can be improved by revealing the information of the spell during the battle.

If what the girl with heterochromatic eyes said is correct, we must be wary of those wolf-shaped cursed spirits.

The three girls gathered together and watched the battle between Ye Ran and the special-grade cursed spirit with shock.

The movements of the two people in the field were too fast and too accurate.

The offensive was like mercury leaking on the ground, penetrating every hole, but the defenders were able to fight back one by one, like a mirror image.

Who is this mysterious boy who has never been seen before?

He can almost suppress this cursed spirit without any spell power.

“”Release the magic power!”

Ye Ran shouted angrily.

The invisible wind king barrier suddenly burst into dazzling magic waves.

Like lightning, it quickly cut off the arms of the special-grade curse spirit.

This invisible sword, relying on the wind entangled in the sword body to change the refractive index of light, makes the shape of the sword invisible, and it is difficult for the enemy to grasp the attack range of the sword. Although it is simple, it can play a huge role in hand-to-hand combat.

“Ahhhh, damn it! You human, you deserve to die!!!”

The special-grade cursed spirit’s arms were empty, and turbid blood spurted out, dyeing the sky red.

In this unwilling howl, a pure and extreme negative curse power was also released.


A deafening roar sounded, and the storm formed by the curse crushed everything.

The ground, which was already sinking, completely collapsed this time and split directly into countless pieces. Ye

Ran held the Sword of Promise of Victory and rushed out of the tornado formed by the mud mist.

He frowned and looked at the deformed monster attached to the water pipe of the high-rise building.

I saw that the layers of flesh and blood kept shuttling and wriggling on the water pipe, and then slowly gathered together to form a bloody flesh ball like a female uterus organ.

“Give me back my child, human!”

The ball-shaped monster that looked like a small building screamed.

“With a”boom” sound, she fell from the air, stirring up countless smoke and dust, and rushed towards them in a very strange but very fast way.

Her mouth was spewing out wolf-shaped curse spirits in a disgusting way.

The growth rate of these wolf-headed monsters was simply unbelievable.

While running, they grew to the size of a calf. From time to time, the petal-like mouthparts shot out flesh-colored umbilical cords, obviously paying attention to the three people, Jian Qiming, who were not far away.

“New Yinliu Simple Field!”

“Technique:”Solitary Confinement Area」!”

The experienced Kasumi Miwa and An Utahime have been paying attention to the battlefield.

Knowing that they must not be hit by the cursed spirit’s umbilical cord, they both used their best tricks.

The suit girl’s sword can generate a simple field with a radius of 2.21m centered on herself.

The witch’s technique”Single Forbidden Zone” can temporarily increase the total amount of cursed power and output of any magician within the range of the technique, including herself.


The black simple domain suddenly expanded and surrounded the three people.

With the increase of the teacher’s magic power, the speed of Miwa Kasumi’s sword swinging also increased suddenly. When the sword shadow flowed, it was like water that could not be poured in, and it cut off all the flying umbilical cords.

“”Hey, be careful!”

At this moment, the short-haired girl’s anxious cry suddenly came from behind.

Sanlunxia looked over subconsciously, only to find that the special-grade cursed spirit suddenly broke into pieces, turning into countless blood-colored umbilical cords and rushing towards her frantically. If she was hit, she would definitely be finished!

However, just as the girl in the suit turned pale and her body tensed, a deep voice suddenly sounded behind her.

“Seal·ThirteenDecision·Start! (Noble Phantasm Release·Thirteen Constraints!)”

Time seemed to have come to a standstill at this moment.

In the eyes of the three women, a terrifying magic power as huge as the abyss suddenly erupted from the Holy Sword of Stars in the hands of the young man.


The violent wind rose uncontrollably from the surroundings.

The Wind King’s barrier was lifted.

Ye Ran tightly grasped the golden light, and the dazzling brilliance was blown away invisibly, revealing the gorgeous sword body of its original body.

At the same time, thirteen shadowy knights in armor appeared behind him.


Merlin, Bedivere, Gareth, Lancelot, Mordred, Galahad….

Among these knights, a knight wearing silver armor suddenly stepped out.

It was Bedivere.

“I admit that I must be with someone who is stronger than me……!?”Bedivere looked solemnly around the battlefield and immediately pronounced his verdict.

“No, you are wrong. I don’t need your recognition at all.”

The words were suddenly interrupted, causing the Silver Knight to fall into a moment of shock.

But then, before she even had time to react, she was torn into pieces by the roaring torrent of magic power.

As the words were recited, the silver-white surface of the holy sword was coated with a layer of golden brilliance, and countless runes of various sizes appeared on it.


The light of dawn pierced through the darkness.

The torrent of magic power collided with the huge wave of curse power.

The two powerful forces instantly annihilated the surrounding atmosphere and created a vacuum area of 100 meters.

The escaping energy distorted the light and shadow.

The fierce collision seemed to turn the space into broken glass. Any matter seemed vulnerable in this vortex.


At this moment, the domain was broken on the spot, and it exploded into dust all over the sky, revealing the bright sky outside.

The figure of the special-grade curse spirit was trapped in the dazzling magic light stream and turned into countless fragments.

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