“How can it be?”

“How could he solve these curse spirits so easily?”

Seeing Qi Ming widen his only exposed red eye, his heart was filled with deep shock and disbelief.

You know, these wolf-shaped curse spirits are at least level two, even if she saw them, she might not be able to solve them so easily.

Who would have thought that the young man in front of him killed these dozens of wolf-shaped curse spirits as easily as cutting melons and vegetables.

While strolling in the garden, he quickly killed them.

“Ye Ran, let’s go, something is wrong here!”

The short-haired girl’s hands and feet were weak, and there was an obvious tremor in her words.

At this point, the situation had obviously gone beyond the content of the intelligence.

Not only did the curse spirits above level 2 appear, but there were far more than one.

Something was wrong, that level 2 curse spirit must have mutated!

“Ye Ran, there is a flaw in the intelligence. That second-level cursed spirit is very likely to have mutated. It is not something we can solve. Let’s go!”


However, at this moment, the hairs all over the girl’s body stood up instantly.

She felt her body was icy cold.

At some point, a white hand silently rested on her shoulder.

The white hand was so fast that even the afterimage could hardly be seen.

However, just as the owner of the hand was about to take advantage of the situation to break Jian Qiming’s neck, a brilliant silver light like an avalanche suddenly poured down from his arms and body.

The sharp wind whistled and the face was painful!

The owner of the hand was caught off guard and his arm was instantly cut off by the sword light.

“Who allowed you to touch my people?”

Jian Qiming was stunned in the spot as if she fell into an ice cave, and suddenly she felt a strong arm holding her slender waist.

Then, she was brought to the opposite side by the boy as if she was flying in the clouds.

“Human, you are very strong.”

The cursed spirit whose arm was cut off was tall and strong, with twisted black runes like tadpoles engraved on his milky white skin. He had three big grinning mouths on his face and four claw-shaped eyes on his head, looking ferocious and terrifying.

His right arm, which was cut off by the Sword of Promised Victory, was dripping with black dirty blood. In the blink of an eye, it was wriggling back to its original state. Ye

Ran, who was holding the mouthless loli, suddenly shrank his pupils.

“This degree of recovery……Are you a special grade cursed spirit?”

“Bingo, the answer is correct, but there is no reward.”

The special curse spirit waved his arms with a grim smile, and suddenly chanted in a low voice:

“You killed my children, I will kill you here to pay for my children’s lives”

“Descendants of Death: Domain Expands!”……………

“problem occurs!”

“The tent set up in Area 24 was destroyed! ?”

“Someone has unfolded the field of life!”

At the same time, on the roof of a skyscraper not far from the black building, a tall lady with a scary scar on her face, wearing a red and white witch costume, looked at the spreading black field in the distance, frowning.

The information of the cursed spirit in Area 24 was originally level 2.

But looking at the current situation, it is obviously not weaker than level 2, and may even have reached the level of special grade!

“Teacher An Utahime, the intelligence request for assistance from District 24 has been sent out, and the Demon Exorcism Bureau is sending people to provide assistance.”

Behind the tall lady, a beautiful lady in a suit with a samurai sword in hand and long blue hair hanging down to her waist put down the phone in her slender hand and reported to the miko lady in an orderly manner.

“We are in trouble. For the first time, a special-grade cursed spirit has appeared in Tokyo, and it is even more powerful than the one in Kyoto.”

An Utahime was calm on the surface, but she was anxious in her heart.

With the revival of the weird, it is becoming increasingly difficult to conceal information about the supernatural world from the general public.

In order to ensure safety, the people above even transferred some of the sorcerers from the Kyoto Prefectural High School of Curse to Tokyo. They were afraid that something might happen in the densely populated capital.

But now, things have developed to the worst extent.

The power of the special-grade cursed spirits is beyond doubt.

Even if all the sorcerers from the High School of Curse come out, they may not be able to defeat these powerful monsters.

“Where’s Gojo Satoru? Get him here quickly!”

“No, I can’t get in touch with him. I don’t know why I can’t get through to Mr. Gojo Satoru’s phone!”

Miwa Kasumi dialed the number, but found that there was a constant dead tone in the channel.

“Damn it! Damn it!”An Utahime couldn’t help but curse out loud.

What on earth is going on with Gojo Satoru?

He disappeared at the critical moment!

“Teacher, what should we do?”

Miwa Kasumi looked at the black area that was spreading rapidly like a tide, and felt as if her heart was being tightly grasped by an invisible hand, and even her breathing seemed to stop instantly. The strength of the special-grade cursed spirit was so strong that it would be difficult to wipe it out even in the face of intercontinental ballistic bombardment.

If such a monster was allowed to kill indiscriminately in the downtown area, the whole of Tokyo would probably be doomed.

“We can’t act rashly. Let’s stay here quietly and wait for help.”

Reality is helpless.

As a teacher, it is impossible for An Geji to let her students die.

Facing the special-grade curse spirit, there seems to be no other way except waiting for help.

However, just when both of them were unwilling to give up, two flesh-colored deformed tentacles suddenly shot out from the black tide in the distance, pulling them into the ink-deep dark tide.

The expansion of the field includes the elements of the barrier technique. If the expansion of the field is compared to a cage.

Then the extension of the field is water, which is a liquid that only wraps itself in it.

After the special-grade curse spirit pushed the extension of the field, the two girls, Miwa Kasumi, suddenly fell from reality into the illusion.

Surrounded by extremely high-rise dormitory buildings.

Countless water pipes are spread all over these high-rise buildings.

Some are intertwined between buildings, some are crawling on the walls, and some are piled up in the corners……Others were like sharp weapons stuck in various places, which looked very abnormal.

A thunderous roar sounded in the distance.

Miwa Kasumi swung the samurai sword in her hand, cut off the flesh-colored tentacles on her body, and looked at it with Ange who landed lightly.

But she was shocked to find that two strange figures she had never seen before were fighting for life and death at an extremely alarming speed.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!

The two strangers were fighting fast, and the sound of the collision was as dense as a rainstorm, without a moment’s pause.

The huge wave of magic power and the vast ocean of cursed power were connected together, making the surrounding brilliance as dazzling as a thousand suns.

The aftermath of the lightning flashed, echoing the fluttering torch flames. It was so fast that even the sword-shaped arm shadows could not be seen.

Ye Ran and the special-grade cursed spirit were both wrapped in a ball of light, and the battle situation was even difficult to see with the naked eye.

“How did you get in?”

A petite figure wrapped in silver light approached Miwa Kasumi and An Utahime, startling them both.

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