Zhan Yue

Chapter 1420: Super small 9

"It's so poisonous..."

I felt a chill in my heart, and said, "Lin Hai is not a woman, but he is more poisonous than a woman."

Sura gave me a blank look and said, "First of all, let’s talk about your plan. After all, you are in the light, and I and the big tengu are in the dark. We are constrained everywhere in the Northern Territory. We must plan and move, otherwise it will be quite similar. Trouble, if you don't know your plan, it will be even more difficult to cooperate with your actions on the'general trend'."

"Actually, there are no plans for the time being."

I frowned: "I am also waiting for an opportunity."

"Wait after the opportunity?" Sura asked.


I beckoned: "Come here with your ears."


Although they were in the lake of heart, the two of them were still cautious. When Sura was in the ears, I whispered a few words, while Sura heard a grin, leaving me for a few steps, standing on the lake of mind, but still He chuckled and said: "Okay, those of you who come from another world have indeed used the rules to the extreme. In that case, I know it in my heart. As for whether I can cooperate, it's hard to say."

She was a little sad, and said: "After all, there are many smart people in the Northern Territory. Lin Hai is a strategy man who seeks to gain momentum, and Fan Yi is a man who is so smart that he is full of holes. The two have thrones. The assassination is impossible, and the dog chain of the big tengu is still in the hands of Lin Hai. In short, there are too many difficulties."

I nodded: "Indeed."

"and also."

Sura looked at me with a pair of beautiful eyes and smiled: "If these plans really want to succeed, they are still too reluctant, unless it is... your good senior sister can detect the demon during this time and truly become A human world’s ascending realm great fairy sword, so our chances of winning will be greatly increased, I mean, you know?"


I frowned and said, "Sister Yun, can I detect the demons of the heart? I don't count it. It depends on her. It's a matter of course, there is no way if there is no water."


Sura said, "Anyway, I have counted, and I'm leaving."

She turned to leave.

I clasped my fists and bowed to her, and said, "I, Ouyang Luli, thank you for the world human race!"


Sura turned around, her face was peach blossom, beautiful, and the corners of her mouth smiled and said: "After talking so much, you are not afraid that I lied to you. In fact, it's just my Sura's setting to deceive you into the game. After all, no matter what Killing you, the Great Flowing Fire, or killing Jing Yunyue in the Dragon Region is a big profit for the Northern Territory Alien Army. Each of our thrones can increase their luck."

I shook my head and smiled: "Is it a scam? I can smell it, so you don't have to worry about it."

"with your's."

She raised her thumb in front of her chest, swept her body, and left the heart lake in a blink of an eye. When I felt it, she was already in the flame plain ten thousand miles away.

Withdrawing from Xinhu, when my mind returned, Master Xiao Chen’s voice came in my ears: "Your plan is too bold, but once it succeeds, it will have a once-and-for-all effect. As for the probability of success, Actually, Master is not very optimistic."

I smiled slightly: "Enlighten Master, for all great things, the success rate is not high at the beginning. If I don't try it, then boil the bullfrog in warm water, and we will lose in the end!"

Xiao Chen smiled: "Okay, let go and do it!"


The master's breath returned to the sky floating map, and I once again walked to the unlucky monsters in front of me with my double-edged blades, kill them, for the experience value and equipment, I can only wrong you!

The abyss opens at noon on the third day.


With a ray of golden light raining down, I leveled up in the abyss again, now it is level 340, and the level difference between the monsters in front of me is only 15 levels, so the upgrade speed has also dropped quickly. This is an unavoidable thing. Once I waited to level 350 or so, any monsters encountered were actually "leveling" leveling, and the experience value would be reduced to an unbearable level. Therefore, to upgrade to level 355 in the later stage, I had to go through it slowly. It's time for water milling.

However, level 340 is already very powerful, enough to disregard the whole server.

Ahead, the black-clothed boy with double swords danced wildly, and the "chichichi" bursts of fierce light almost instantly disintegrated the three wolf armor men, and when I opened the Eudemons panel to check the attributes, the ruins of Hydra 'S attributes really shocked me, at this moment, it is already a bit too strong—

Ruins Hydra (returned to the market-level boss)

Level: 308

Attack: 154000308000

Defense: 246400

Qi and blood: 3080000

Skills: Transformation, slaying, trampling, Qisheng Qisheng, Sword Gang, resurrected, Broken Moon, determined to sword intent, galloping force, drinking blood, flying sword, dragon shape fission

Strong attributes and many skills!

This is probably the label of the boy in black. With the increase in level, he has actually obtained a lot of new skills, which made me a little suspicious, said: "Xiao Jiu, dragon shape, fission, what are these magical powers?"

The black-clothed boy turned and respectfully hugged his fist and said: "Enjoy the master, this is some magical powers obtained after the fusion of the real dragon bloodline and the real dragon's aura. If the master wants to see it, Xiao Jiu will show it to the master."

"it is good."

The next moment, the boy in black drove back in a gallop, followed by exactly 50 greedy wolf armor men. Just as he stood still, he suddenly turned around, spraying a touch of real dragon breath all over his body, and in a blink of an eye There is a golden flying dragon that probes from the waist, spreads from the chest to the neck position, haunts the young man, indescribably mighty. At the same time, the young man screamed, his body trembled, and split out. Three black-clothed boys were killed, and they immediately entered the monster group!

Once changed to three, each clone has attack power, and the skills remain the same. A series of abilities such as Moon Breaking, Force Splitting, Flying Sword, and Seven Kills bloom among the monsters. The killing efficiency is instantly increased by three times. After the fission, There is a dragon-shaped buff effect on his clone again. At this time, he has a feeling of complete abuse when he kills a full-level monster.

I looked in a daze, when was the boy in black so good? It seems to be better than me. These skills have not been used. Why, are you afraid of my master's heart? When I think of this, I feel a little ashamed for no reason.

However, in this way, my monster killing efficiency has been greatly improved. Fission has a time limit, but within the limited time, the attack output has exploded, so it doesn’t matter. So the rate of level increase has picked up slightly, and the whole person’s My mood has improved a lot, so I went offline until after four o'clock in the afternoon.


On the side, Lin Xi, who was obviously online, reached out and grabbed my hand, and asked, "How did you go offline?"

I was a little embarrassed. I sat next to her, kissed the back of her hand, and smiled: "I feel sweaty, and my whole body is sticky. The magical powers of the state of transformation can really do not eat or sleep. The supernatural powers of the realm cannot take a shower automatically. I feel that my smell must be quite strong. I will take a shower and change into a new suit."

Lin Xi chuckled, "It's fine to know me, Ming Xuan and Ruyi, I have no embarrassment to say!"

"Oh, thank you all!"

I patted her hand and went downstairs to take a shower.

Instead of rushing to go online, she sat next to Lin Xi, consciously holding her two snowy legs on her own, and then playing with her mobile phone under her legs. Lin Xi did not resist and patted me lightly. Immediately, I continued to concentrate on taking Gu Ruyi and Shen Mingxuan to level up, but the content I want to read is very simple, nothing more than the influence caused by the abyss.

On the forum, there are still some bug comments about the inability to leave the abyss, but it is no longer the same verbal criticism as before. Most players have accepted this fact. Anyway, the game official has promised that when the abyss map version ends, the players will be You must be able to return to the main city, so everyone treats this picture as a "little black room", don't think of it if you don't play it in it for seven days.

And the speed of my strategy should be able to keep up. It is the third day and there are four days left. If Xiao Jiu can "full fire", there should be nothing to collect 999 pages of abyssal chapters in four days. That's too much of a problem. Afterwards, destroy the Abyssal Flame Demon, obtain the Abyss Key, and then close the map. As for the guide Lin Lu hidden in the map, he will definitely cause trouble for me. When the time comes, soldiers will come and cover the water.

At this moment, there is a feeling that everything is under control for no reason.


Lin Xi moved her legs and said, "Would you like to go out to eat later? Everyone has been busy for a lot of days, and we had an appointment with Zhafei, and went to have a sea fishing, pickled cabbage fish, etc.?"

"You can also change your taste." Shen Mingxuan said.

Gu Ruyi said, "I listen to everyone."

I thought for a while, and said, "A Fei said before that there is a small fish potsticker that is delicious. The fish is wild and the potsticker is firewood. It is said that the taste is quite authentic. It came from Hongze in Huai'an. UU Reading www.uukánshu.com, let's try it?"


Lin Xi smiled and said, "When you say this, I really want to eat."


I took a feel for it and said, "I will send a message to A Fei."

"Does the finger need to be charged to press the button?" Lin Xi said irritably.

I laughed, typed with one hand, and held Lin Xi's little hand that beat me in the other, so as to comfort me.

In the evening, half past six.

A farmhouse on the edge of East Tai Lake in Suzhou, five people, one pot, you can hear the sound of the lake beating the shore outside, and the air is blowing inside. The fragrant pot stickers and delicious fish taste exactly as Afei said. The same, very good, the taste is very different from those vulgar noodles on the pedestrian street.


Lin Xi looked up at him and said, "How did you find such a place? Strange..."

Shen Mingxuan smiled: "Naturally, I brought a chick to this place before."

A Fei scratched her head: "Shen Meimei can directly break her defense every time she speaks. That's not good. You can easily leave yourself alone for a lifetime. How can a boy dare to chase you!"

"It seems to be." Gu Ruyi pursed his lips: "The male players in the guild have not dared to chase Mingxuan anymore."

"The only one Shen Mingxuan can't break, should be A Li?" A Fei glanced at me.

"Not breaking defense?"

Shen Mingxuan glanced at me and said with a smile: "I'm afraid he can't help but use his fist in the realm of transforming gods."

I lowered my head and ate the cake, and didn't care about the little girl.

A Fei looked at me, then at Shen Mingxuan: "Did it break the defense this time?"

All of a sudden, several girls laughed.

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