Zhan Yue

Chapter 1419: Ice and Snow Emperor


Lin Lu sneered, her body slowly disappearing into the gale, as if she didn't intend to fight with me on the 99th floor of the abyss.

Holding a double-edged sword in my hand, I looked at Xiao Jiu who was fighting with the monster in front of me. I felt a little fascinated and said to myself: "Why is she afraid of not doing it?"

"It's too close to the Dragon Realm here."

The white bird in the Lingxu smiled and said: "If I didn't guess wrong, your Senior Sister Yun has already pinched a sword tactic and is ready to use the sword at any time. As long as Lin Lu really dares to kill you, then the ascendant realm will continue. All have to retreat from the Sanshe Sword Light will come at any time."

I knew it clearly: "That's it..."


Regardless, continue to kill monsters.

Above the ground, there are burning sounds everywhere. The ground at the bottom of the abyss is cracked, and the flames from the abyss continue to move upwards. If you are not careful, you will be burnt about 1% of blood, so When fighting monsters, you have to pay attention to the position, otherwise it is easy to cause the blood volume to be unsustainable due to the rising of the ground fire.

Until the morning, there were a lot of Abyssal Warhorses and Fragmented Chapters. In addition, there were several 280-level skill books, all of which were stored in the package, plus a full-level weapon, Thunder Rage Slash. In fact, these equipment , The skill book is nothing to me, but it is already absolutely top-notch when it is taken out, enough for players in the national server to break the head.


Lin Xi went online and asked in a private chat: "If you are not tired, just lie down on the sofa for a while, and I will accompany you."

"How can you be tired in the realm of transforming gods"

I raised my eyebrows and said, "Besides, I have to continue to fight online. The oil and water on the 99th floor of the Abyss is so plentiful. You may not believe it even if you tell me your daughter-in-law."


Lin Xi smiled and said, "Come on, let me open my eyes."


I shared my parcel space with her with a "swish" and said with a smile: "The one on the left is the seal stone of the Abyssal Warhorse and the abyss fragments needed for my mission, and the one on the right is the skill book and equipment dropped on the 99th floor of the abyss. , How about it, do you still think I need to take a break off the assembly line? Mainly, I am not tired."

Lin Xi opened her beautiful eyes and was stunned: "Nearly 800 abyssal warhorses and...what kind of ghost is this Thunder Rage Slash? Has all the weapons of the full level mountain and sea dropped, my God..."


I nodded and said, "This is the map details of the 99th floor of the abyss, isn't it amazing?"

"Can I go?" She had a pair of beautiful eyes.


I smiled against my will: "But Shen Mingxuan, Ruyi, Kamei, and Gu Xiaoman will definitely not be able to stay on this map. They will be beaten in a blink of an eye. Even Kamei will not work. The monsters here are all level 355. Ruins-level full-level monsters are super-dominant. Passive skills increase damage. Once activated, they are very cruel."


Lin Xiliguo smiled, as if she got the answer she wanted, and said, "If this is the case, I won't be embarrassed to take everyone to continue mixing 55 levels. I don't consider going deeper for the time being."

"Well, come on!"

Turning off the communicator, I grinned. In fact, on the 99th floor of the abyss, I am the only one who can mix in the whole server. Without him, my level is enough. I receive less level suppression and the equipment is the strongest in the whole server. What’s more important is that there is a boss-level Eudemons Ruins Hydra to assist in the fight. Xiao Jiu fits in such a cruel leveling environment. These factors add up to me in order to be mixed here, and I have to bring a copy. The cautiousness that can only attract 50 monsters at a time, without this attitude, I am afraid that he would have died a layer of map long ago.

As for Lin Xi, if she really came to the 99th floor alone, she would attract less than 20 monsters each time. Maybe she could rely on the power of the White God, Heavenly Sword Umbrella, Archangel Sword, and White Deer to practice, but if she exceeds 20 monsters, No way, they will be killed. Although White God’s protective power is strong, it can still be stronger than my God Transformation Realm. Besides, Lin Xi is low in level, crushed too much, and the damage may be doubled, White God The same can't hold it.

Killed until about 6 o’clock in the evening, when Lin Xi and others were off the assembly line for dinner, accompanied by the death of a wolf soldier, another top weapon fell to the ground with a "patter", it was a bow tire. Glowing with golden light, the bowstring is surrounded by ice and snow. When it is held in the hand, it only feels extremely cold. When you stretch out your hand, the attributes are floating in front of you, and the master's full-level famous brand weapon is released.

Bingxue Tiandi (mountain and sea level)

Attack: 49507250

Agility: 588

Strength: 582

Stamina: 580

Spiritual power: 579

Special effect: long-range blood sucking 11

Special effects: fast, attack speed 185

Special effects: not unique

Special effect: When the arrow hits the target, it will cause a 50 splash effect on the target within 45 yards around it

Special effects: Ice Soul is intriguing, when it hits the target, it reduces its attack speed and movement speed by 35

Special effect: Ice Apparition Guardian, when causing damage to the target, 15 of the damage caused will be transferred to Ice Apparition Guarding itself

Special skill: Ice storm, summons a frost arrow rain, causing continuous arrow rain to the specified 300×300 yard range, causing 400 damage per second, and reducing the target's attack speed and movement speed by 70 for continuous 25 seconds, consumes 100 special effects, and has a cooling time of 120 minutes

Special effects: Sunder armor, ignoring the target's 45 defense

Additional: Increase the attack power of user 328

Additional: Improve user 325's defense

Biography: Ice and Snow Heaven Emperor, from the extreme cold world in the abyss, these Ice and Snow Heaven Emperors are cast from the skulls of the ice and snow sages and the abyss ten thousand years of cold iron. They contain extremely strong ice and snow rules and powers that can freeze everything, in the legend. , Once you get the Ice and Snow Emperor, you can get the approval of the Ice and Snow Elves and become one of the rulers of the ice and snow rules in the world

Required level: 355

"Tsk tut!"

I weighed the bow in my hand. The attributes are indeed overbearing. In terms of price/performance ratio, this Ice and Snow Emperor did not lose to the previous Thunder Rage Slash. After all, this is a super slow bow. Marksman, it can be said that it is effortless to completely abuse the reloading players of the same strength. The two special effects of Ice Soul Inspiration and Ice Soul Protection are enough to make him invincible. In addition, a super large-scale ice is added. Soul rain stunts can even take advantage in large-scale team battles. Such a war bow is already invaluable. Once it falls into the hands of players such as Purgatory Dawn and Clear Eyes, it is simply invincible.

As for our Shen Mingxuan, the Phoenix Destroying Bow she currently uses is also of the mountain and sea level, but it seems to be a bit inferior to the Frozen Emperor. Even if the Phoenix Destroying Bow can be upgraded to level 355, its attributes are not as good as those of the Frozen Emperor. For the same mountain and sea level, the evaluation scores are definitely very different.

Well, let Shen Mingxuan keep this bow. Your own people are the priority. Even if Lin Xi already has a ruin-level longsword, the Thunder Rage Slash will belong to her. Imagine Lin Xi’s graceful and petite figure. It seems to be particularly pleasing to the eye with such a huge and murderous weapon like Thunder Rage Slash.

Continue to kill. With the drop of a full-level weapon, I have begun to become more motivated. After this wave of raids on the 99th floor of the abyss, the overall strength of Yilu players may be upgraded by a notch. Especially the promotion of top players. Once they reach level 355, the top players cultivated by Yilu will make the entire server tremble!

Thinking of this, I looked up at the sky, the abyss was too deep, there was only a glimmer of starlight left in the sky, and most of the entire space was corroded. All kinds of data and rules were constantly annihilated and reorganized, making me sigh. After a while, if there was no collapse of the wall of heaven, and the appearance of Starlink, this game was just a game, that would be great. My Lin Xi and I would play a game in a real sense, without distraction, and enjoy it.

Maybe, we are now bravely advancing in the tide of national warfare.

At this moment, in the sound of "Zizi", a ray of fire-red vines extended from the cracks at the bottom of the abyss, revealing majestic vitality, the vines had grown nearly three meters high in an instant. Immediately afterwards, the fiery red flowers bloomed, and there was a strange atmosphere everywhere, and at this moment, an almost inaudible voice came from my ear: "Xiao Chen, immortal long, can you help seal Lu Li’s Lingxu Aperture? Hole, after all, his heart lake is like a living room, he can set up a mahjong table at any time."

The voice of this talk is like Sura, Queen of the Fire Demon!


Master Xiao Chen’s voice was very low and deep. The next moment, a touch of immortal energy engulfed me, and suddenly my body seemed to have disappeared from this world, and I could no longer hear the sound of Xiao Jiu fighting not far away. , Immediately afterwards, the entire Xinhu Lake was also sealed, and even the ties with Senior Sister Yun and Shiratori were also cut off.


Sula's figure appeared in the lake of the heart, wearing a long dress and fire-red boots walking step by step on the surface of the water, and reflected under the water surface was a majestic throne, which was wrapped in UU Reading www.uukanshu.com With monstrous rules of death and luck, Sura is a monster after all.

"Are you surprised?"

Sura looked at me and smiled: "At this time, you are at the bottom of the abyss. In fact, you are the farthest away from the material world. It is also the most difficult point for Lin Hai to perceive in this world, so I will come. See you here."

With a touch of self-confidence, I appeared in front of Sura and nodded: "Actually, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Sura showed a smile: "Wait for me to give me a hug"

I have a black line: "Waiting for you to surrender."

Sura smiled and said with a smile: "Stop joking, be serious."

"Well, let's talk about it."

"I have been in secret contact with the bereaved dog several times." She said.

"The Lost Dog"

I frowned: "You are talking about... the big tengu"


"How is he now"

"Very bad. The physique is pierced by deep-cold iron chains everywhere. At present, Lin Hai is ordering people to build a large formation. He wants to extract the ancestral spirit energy in this mourning dog. After that, the Northern Territory can refine it. It's your own big tengu, the kind that can swallow all the luck of the mountains in one go."

Surah’s beautiful eyes were like water, and he smiled: "I know that the four mountains and rivers of the Xuanyuan Empire are the masterpieces of you, the Great Flowing Fire, but you can imagine that if there are ten big dogs using their natal magic powers at the same time, opening their mouths to absorb Beiyue and Xiyue In front of the mountains, Lin Hai, Filtuna, and Charles are blocking the Ascendant Realm. In this case, can your four-mountain weather still hold on to the mountains and rivers?"

She smiled and said, "I'm afraid, even if your good senior sister is desperate for a sword, it will not be able to save the Xuanyuan Empire."

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