Zhan Yue

Chapter 1416: Wake up

At night, seven o'clock.

There is still a lively and extraordinary scene in the abyss map. There are many players on the 2045 floor map, and they are fighting each other. On the first floor, nearly half of the people gathered on the map. It has reached the point of crowding, and a large part of the players have been discouraged. It's online. Weibo and WeChat Moments are full of verbal criticisms of the Tianming Group. Such a simple map bug has not been fixed. Many players are scolding the Tianming Group's technical department for raising a group of wine and rice bags.


When I was killing a stranger, a call was connected. The call from the channel was obviously from a member of the Tianming Group. When I connected, the other party was straightforward: "Hello Lu Li, I am the technical director of the group's R&D department, and my name is Huang Runsen. , If you are not busy now, let's talk"


I know this person. After I left the R&D department, it seemed that this "Dahneng" took over my previous job. It is said that he has served in the R&D department of large companies such as Tencent, Alibaba, and JD. That is a well-known figure, but it is a pity that he has encountered such a tricky thing now.

"The mastermind S-level authority has been given to you."

Director Huang said: "So our R&D and operation departments can only be anxious here. Technical maintenance is no longer possible. Can you talk about the current situation of the Abyss Map? I will also have a description for everyone and an explanation on it. , Even if there is anything that needs my help, I will know everything I can say."


I nodded: "The current situation is that the control program of the Abyss Map is in the hands of others. I am fighting for it, but the results are not very good. It should be impossible to gain control in a short time."

"other people"

Director Huang was taken aback: "Who is the hacker who cracked our program?"

"That's it."

I was a little speechless. The director actually didn’t know anything about Star Alliance. He said, “I know that your R&D and operations are under a lot of pressure, but there is no way. The main brain system is indeed hacked in your hands. , The abyss map was also lost in your hands."


He had a miserable statement: "The firewall system on our side didn't even have any alarms. It just broke in like this. What's the matter, it's a hundred years of advanced technology than mine."


I smiled: "I am busy now, you have other things"


He said in a deep voice: "Since you hold the mastermind's S-level program, there are actually many things you can do. For example, although you can't regain control of the abyss map, you can use the mastermind's position to issue instructions. Some instructions may be conveyed into the map to increase your chances of winning. These instructions are designed through nested programming, and they are also the result of the optimization we did at the beginning."

I felt relieved: "Thank you this time. Your words may be really helpful. I'll go ahead."

"Well, I wish you well!"

After closing the call, I directly instructed Stareye: "Call up the real-time image of the first floor of the abyss for me to see."

"Yes, Skywalker."

In the next second, there are densely packed real-time images on the first floor of the abyss. Countless players are crowded together. Many of them are ragged and tattered. There are even some female players whose robes and piercings are all durable and white. A large area of ​​the skin was exposed, causing many people to look at it again and again, and the whole layer was about to become a mess.

Without supplies, this is a very serious problem.

"Skywalker, what are you going to do" Star Eye asked.

I said in a deep voice: "Through the mastermind's s-level authority, 100 replenishment points are refreshed on the first floor of the abyss. Each replenishment point must be equipped with an equipment repairer, a potion dealer, an equipment reclaimer, and a grocer. Can it be done?"


Star Eye said: "The program has been written by itself, but players who are close to the rock wall need to get out of the way, otherwise the supply point cannot be refreshed."

"Got it."

I nodded lightly: "After the program is written, tell me to load it instantly after I nod. Don't give the leader a chance to close the program. After the replenishment point is refreshed, you immediately encrypt the replenishment point program. You must try to keep this 100%. Supply points."

"Yes, Skywalker."

As a result, in less than a minute, the program was written, I immediately opened the system announcement system, spent 5000rmb, and sent a system announcement


System Announcement (Players' July Liuhuo shouting): The players who are trapped on the first floor of the abyss pay attention. The Destiny Technology Department is trying to solve this tricky bug. Now everyone’s plight is already understood, although they cannot return to the city for the time being, But we decided to refresh 100 supply points on the first floor of the abyss. Various supply NPCs will appear. Please leave all players within 10 yards of the rock wall to give NPCs room to refresh. Please cooperate immediately after hearing my call. Everyone's rights in the game are also for the future of the national server, please hurry up!

For a time, in the real-time screen, countless players were far away from the rock wall outside the abyss, but the crowd that was originally crowded was even more crowded, and some people were even squeezed to fall down, but there is no other way. After everyone left the rock wall, I immediately ordered: "Star Eye, it is now, immediately load the refresh program!"


The main brain system lights up slightly, and the program has been successfully loaded. In the next second, countless white lights fell from the sky and fell in every corner of the abyss system. All 100 replenishment points were refreshed successfully. There was a replenishment point about two or three miles away. Enough national server players use it. Of course, the virtual resources consumed are from the Destiny Company and have nothing to do with me.

After taking a deep breath, I extracted all the coordinates of all 100 replenishment points, and then sent a system announcement to announce the coordinates of 1,100 replenishment points so that everyone can go to the nearest replenishment point.

Looking at the abyss, all the players’ faces burst into smiles, and the feeling of fear and despair was wiped out. Since it can be supplied locally, it would be great. After all, the players don’t know that the entire map has actually been taken by others. Controlled, everyone is fish on the chopping board, so it's just a leveling session.

The problem is only temporarily resolved.

"Tsk tsk..."

In the ear, the voice of the female leader came: "Fortunately, you can figure it out. Can you change the data in the map and encrypt it for more than a thousand layers at once. It does not give me the opportunity to cancel the refresh. Ouyang Luli is Ouyang Luli after all. It’s really not easy to make adults Lianyin deflated, but this is a chronic death. Is it useful for you to do this?"

"What do you want to do?"

I frowned and said, "Life on earth is innocent. Since your Star Alliance wants to save the entire world, why do you treat this group of innocent lives like this? Is it really a decent villain?"

"It's okay to tell you."

She faintly said: "In fact, this trial of the abyss was originally an opportunity given to the players by the wind. Unfortunately, we gave it to us. After so many players entered the abyss, they couldn't leave. I can’t do without, and I’m telling you, the time-limited process has been turned off by me, and the abyss will not disappear after seven days, and all players will not be able to leave. Their panic, fear, and despair will accumulate little by little. It just so happens that we What Starlink needs this time is the emotions of despair and fear to complement part of the rules of the Wall of Heaven. As long as we have enough fear, we will unlock the map on our own."

As she said, she smiled and said, "To be honest, do you think we care about the life and death of these ants?"

I was a little helpless: "Do whatever you want, anyway, I won't let you succeed."

"You are in the realm of transforming gods, you are free, anyway, we can't control your coming and going."

In fact, it is true. I think it’s too simple to leave this picture. I hold the dragon mirror in my hand and go straight to the sky. The restriction of a map can’t stop me, but I’m leaving Lin Xi, what do they do, what about the players in the national server? So I can only stay here, and we all share adversities together~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lu Li. "

A voice resounded in the Lingxu, it was a white bird. She was sitting on the sea of ​​clouds with her hands resting on the back of her head. She looked very comfortable, with strands of divine power flowing all over her body. The strength of the Valkyrie had recovered at least 50%. She smiled and said: "Since this is a game map, there must be rules for the game map when it was originally designed. How do you think a game map can be considered as a clearance?"

I was struck by lightning in an instant, and slapped my hands: "Wonderful! Shiratori, you really wake up the dreamer with a single word."

The corners of her mouth lightly raised: "Idiot, haha"

How to pass a game map is of course to go to the end of the map, see the final guardian boss of the map, solve the boss, and then get some kind of props, or some kind of glory, then this map will be cleared. , And the abyss is a map created by the main brain system on its own, and it must follow this game mechanism. Instead of constantly confronting the female guides on the 91st floor, why not go to the 99th floor to see the highest view of this map?

Perhaps, when I got there, the answer had already appeared!

"Down the abyss!"

The figure shook, and he entered the invisible state again, but this time I no longer use the white clothes skill. Although the white clothes have a strong priority, the monster levels and ranks below are too high, and it is still easy to be insight, so this The second-use extinction stunt, my highest level of concealment method, the kind that can't even be detected by the throne boss!

Passed through an entrance before, returned to find and entered the 92nd floor.

Look for the next entrance, and mark the coordinates of the previous entrances and exits one by one, so that if you need to go back, you don't need to take too many detours.

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