Zhan Yue

Chapter 1415: Full server shutdown

In the afternoon, Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi went online one after another. Yilu's online rate reached its peak again, and most of them were in the abyss map, but the bug that could not return to the city in the abyss made everyone panicked, and the guild chat channel has long been there. There was already a lot of complaints. I didn't speak, nor should I speak more, just let Qing Deng, Kamei, Haotian and others try their best to appease.

A deer chat group.

Lin Xi said: "A bug in the abyss?"


I nodded: "The player will not be able to return to the city for the time being. The preliminary prediction is that the return to the city system will be closed. As for why this is happening, I don't know yet. It will not be detected until the S-level permission of the Destiny Master System is obtained."

"It won't affect too much, right?" She was a little worried.

"do not know."

I don't know anything at the moment, and said: "If it's just a program error, you can correct it, but if it is the method of star linkage, I am afraid it will not be so easy to solve."


Lin Xixiu frowned: "Then what should I do now?"

"Go online, take everyone to continue fighting the abyss, and the matter will be resolved."

I thought for a while, feeling a little worried in my heart, and said, "Lin Xi, just stay in the layer where you are, and don't go deeper."

"Got it."

In fact, Lin Xi and I know that if it is really the hands and feet of Starlink, then the deeper the abyss, the closer to the "answer" and the more dangerous it will be. I would like to ask so many players in the national server, who is there? Is it more suitable than me to approach that "answer"? Although Lin Xi was worried, she didn't stop me, she knew she couldn't stop it.

Now it's just that the player is trapped in the abyss and cannot return to the city. What's next? If Starlink has already penetrated into the main brain, come up with a setting that prevents players from being offline, and the offline must hurt the brain nerves, can the national service pay the price? In other words, can we humans afford this price?

Three o'clock in the afternoon.


A message came from my sister Ouyang Yeyan: "The s-level authority of the main brain will be delegated to you in five minutes, but after the board of directors discusses it, there is a time limit. The problem must be resolved within 72 hours, otherwise the authority will be withdrawn, and the group cannot risk it. With such a big danger, give the supreme authority to a certain person, do you understand?"


I nodded: "Our R&D department now has a bunch of wastes. I don’t even know that Star Alliance has entered the mastermind. What is the use of holding the highest control right in my hands? To put it ugly, I am not caring about my sister and Dad’s face, I used StarEye to crack the firewall of the main brain system. Do I still need to ask for permission? It’s like taking off my pants and farting."

My sister smiled awkwardly: "It's all right, you just let it go and do it, my dad and I will carry it on the company."

"Well, I'm going to be busy!"

Turn off the communicator and start with the s-level authority in a few minutes. I immediately used my mind and two. My body was cooperating with Xiaojiu's monsters, but the soul was suddenly separated. I crossed my fingers and pushed forward, summoning a virtual keyboard in front, laughing. Said: "Star Eye, start to work, enter the main system immediately!"


A golden "S-level authority" word rose up around the body, countless complicated procedures were fleeting, and I had entered the main brain system with the star eye, and with a "swish", the whole person seemed to be in a slave place. In an unseen huge world, the four directions are vast, the mountains and rivers are connected, there is no end in sight, and there is an old man with white beard and hair in the sky. He is condensed from countless data. It is the concretization of the destiny master brain system, just like a world. The gods are general.

"Ouyang Luli!"

He opened his eyes and stared at me tightly, and said, "You entered the system, what happened?"

I frowned: "Don't talk, I'll check it first."

After speaking, he snapped his fingers: "Star Eye, first scan some main systems to see if there are any traces of being invaded by Star Alliance."


A few seconds later, Stareye replied: "The main system has been scanned, the firewall is intact, the data structure is stable, and there is no trace of intrusion."

"Got it, scan the map of the abyss."


In front of me, with a "swish", a 99-story abyss structure appeared in front of me. The whole body was originally a blue structure color, but when the star eye began to scan, from the first floor, the abyss was about more than The 70 part has turned into a rust-like color, and it is obvious that the main program has been "corroded".

"Scanning is complete."

Star Eye said: "The map control system program has been tampered with, and the tampering Fang Technology comes from Starlink. At present, the ‘Return to City’ program of the map has been closed and locked."

I was slightly startled: "Is there a way to change it back?"

"Not for the time being. The map control system is currently in the hands of Star Alliance. We don't have the authority to modify it unless we can completely regain control of the map."

"Got it."

I flew like a butterfly with both hands, and had already begun to rewrite the abyss map control system, and commanded: "Star Eye, use the s-level management authority to delete the redundant program added to the map by Starlink."


At this moment, a phantom appeared in the wind. It was a phantom with a scepter in hand. It was silver-white. She was the leader of the Star Alliance. She was also a woman. She smiled and said: "Ouyang Luli, I heard Master Lianyin mentioned you before. In fact, why bother? You don't really think that one person can fight against the entire Star Alliance, do you?"

I continued to crackle out the codes one by one, frowning and saying: "Otherwise? I just give up and let you fish?"

"Sooner or later."

She leaned forward with a lovely smile, and said with a smile: "Little guy, if I were you, I wouldn't ask for trouble. Just imagine, even if you saved this abyss today, you corrected the procedure and went back. It looks like justice has won. Once evil, but what will happen later? We can continue to control the map you can see, and even the code of Fanshucheng can be tampered with. You, Liuhuo Great, are just a bunch of data. How can we fight with us? "

I gritted my teeth and continued to work.

She smiled slightly, stretched out her hand to pat the face of the old man who was floating in the air, and said with a smile: "This old guy, in front of you humans, does exist like a god, self-program evolution, self-deduction, self-optimization activities, Amazing artificial intelligence, but so what, his eyes are blind, he has never seen the leader, and even his birth is related to the Star Alliance."

She looked at me meaningfully and smiled: "Don’t you think that the earth’s technology can really develop 100 realistic online games? Dreaming... From the design of the main brain program, we have been deliberately guiding The team led by your father is going where it should go. Why did the young talents in the team disappear after the research and development is completed? Are they really silly? A big mistake, because they weren’t originally. Human beings will naturally disappear when completing tasks."


After hearing these words, my mind went blank for an instant. If this is the case, there will be countless Star Alliance’s "buried" in the main system of "The Moon". They actually set this game long ago. Waiting for a person like me to show up and compete with them on the map they set.

This in itself is an unfair contest. I can appear here because of "accidents". The appearance of Master Xiao Chen is an accident. The appearance of Sister Yun may also be an accident. The fire of Ark civilization The fall of is even more an accident, and I became the strongest sun flame of mankind, stepped into the realm of transforming gods, etc., all are accidents, but these accidents combined, are they enough to make me beyond the control of the other party, this I don't know.

"Do you want to fight?"

The female leader smiled brightly and said, "That sister is playing with you."

I looked up at her: "Then you are really not a good sister."

She chuckles: "Maybe it's possible to show affection? The leader and humans can also love each other, just right, your personality and appearance, your sister can accept."

I frowned, wishing to smash her pretty face with a punch.

It’s a pity that in the main brain system, this female leader and I are in a dichotomy. I have s-level permissions, and she has corrupted half of the system programs and holds a lot of hidden data. Starlink’s technology also If you don't lose to the Ark too much fire, I may not be able to take advantage of it.


She raised her hand, and a huge "keyboard" appeared on the sky in front of her, and then the guide began to work. The slender fingers of jade onion in the air repeatedly clicked, and suddenly Star Eye had just repaired a path. The programs evaporate one after another, like rain water falling on the red iron block, and in a blink of an eye, the repaired part is corroded again.

"carry on."

I ordered Stareye to continue to fight for control of the abyss map, while constantly loading the correction program I just wrote. The rest of the work can be done by Stareye. I have nothing to do, I only see the entire abyss. On the data structure map of, there are constantly appearing scenes of data colliding and annihilating each other. The two sides started a veritable tug-of-war with the abyss map as the battlefield.

I keep repairing and cracking the control program of the abyss map, and the female guide keeps adding new firewalls to the control program to resist my cracking, which is inextricably killed for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~Shoo! "

The primordial spirit returned to the body, and I wielded the double-edged blade to kill the monsters again. No matter what, I left it to Star Eye. It made no difference whether I was in the main brain system or not.

"Oh, surrender now?" Her voice came from her ear: "Sister is amazing, isn't it?"

"Take a break."

I wielded my double-edged blades and smiled and said, "Hit a little more baby before hitting you!"

"Tsk tusk, sister is waiting for you"

Five o'clock in the afternoon.


A piece of news came from Lin Xi: "It’s not so good. Too many players can’t return to the city. They are all trapped in the abyss level. Now the abyss level is almost overcrowded. Many people have worn out equipment and ran out of supplies. If you come down, you can only be killed infinitely by the monsters that have been refreshed. This is too bad!"

"Oh, I see."

After another while, Feng Canghai sent a message: "Lu Li, many people have run out of ammunition and food. You are a member of the Tianming Group. Now the player’s complaint mailbox should have exploded long ago. There is no official game. A way?"

"There is no way, the Star Alliance is disrupting the situation, and I am thinking of a way."

"Well, then I won't bother you."

After a while, the mythical dawn of purgatory also sent a message: "This bug is really too tricky. If this continues, most players will have to go to the underground line and give up the abyss map. This is equivalent to the country. Players can only be forced to "downtime" in the game for a week, and the cost is too great."

"I know, I will find a way."

"it is good."

Nowadays, the national server is indeed full of grief. All the elite players are trapped in an abyss map. They can't walk away, but they want to attack but are powerless. No pop-up windows, timely updates!

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