Zhan Yue

Chapter 1274: Heads are rolling, 1 fly is invincible

"Yifei player? Hahahaha~~~"

A mage wiped his tears and laughed loudly: "Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, are Chinese players really stupid? A yifei player would dare to challenge Wenqiu Mountain? With this kind of intelligence, I now quite doubt that the Chinese theater is How can you resist the alien demon territory with your own strength for half a year, relying on the tribute pig brain to burn the hot pot for the kings of the alien demon army?"

Hey, he is actually a Chinese expert, knowing that Chinese people love hot pot.

I hovered in the wind, just looking at them with a smile.

What happened to the Yifei player? Yifei players have eaten your rice? Why do you look down on my first generation players?

When they had enough cursing, I buttoned my ears and said, "Did you curse? A bunch of trash?"

"court death?"

The Fire Wolf held his long sword and said awe-inspiringly: "If you have the means of flying with the wind, you think you are terrible? Just rush into the ghost gate with all your life?"

I touched my neck: "Waiting for you to kill, why do you say so much!?"


The Fire Wolf gave an order, and a group of people were hunting from all directions. Although the level of this group of people was high, obviously the PK skills were quite average. The offensive formation had no tactics, and they rushed over. Before they approached, I had already taken preemptive action, and under the shadow of the transformation, I directly greeted him with a loud voice.


An Indian Assassin player's pupils trembled, and said: "This person's ID is a bit familiar!"

"July Liuhuo, how come you are familiar with it!?"

The fire wolf flew back out of the range of the rumbling wind, and while waving his hand to brush off the flames on his body, he frowned and said: "But how can this skill hit people so painful? Isn't it greatly suppressed by the level?"

He was suddenly astonished: "No, the fire in July? Is it the man who has been missing for more than three months in the Chinese war zone?"

The assassin nodded repeatedly, already speechless.

At this moment, I was downwind, and the blade of Vulcan instantly shattered the chest of a knight. The blade of Thor turned into a chain of lightning and shuttled through the necks of three players, both of which were critical strikes + weakness damage, two of them He fell to the ground instantly, and for a moment, his eyes were full of dazzling, even some frightening battle prompts beating out——


Combat Tip: Congratulations on successfully killing the player [Unforgivable Crimes] (Indian server), and successfully inherited 10% of the experience points obtained by [Venqiu Mountain] this time, for a total of 261772378 points!


Combat Tip: Congratulations for successfully killing the player [Liar Appreciator] (Indian server), and successfully inherited 10% of the experience points obtained by [Venqiu Mountain] this time, totaling 300278821 points!


Combat Tip: Congratulations on successfully killing the player [Who will forgive whom] (Indian server), and successfully inherited 10% of the experience points obtained by [Venqiu Mountain] this time, for a total of 299973772 points!


There is such a setting! ?

I should really take a good look at the map setting of Venqiu Mountain. No wonder Lin Xi suggested that I come to Venqiu Mountain to level up. My feelings are not pure leveling, but to imprint here to **** blood!

The opponent team, obviously has finished leveling and is ready to return to the city, so they went to a deeper map to prepare for the next Raiders, so they were "full of experience" and loot this time. As a result, It happened that I met such a tricky "Yifei" player, and the end was destined to be extremely bleak.


After a shadow jump, instantly penetrated the body of a swordsman to complete the kill, and another large amount of experience points were obtained, and the experience bar brushed and jumped. This feeling is not to mention how cool, and just In the next second, the blade of Vulcan with the edge of the enemy hunter shattered the chest of a paladin, took a step back to avoid the trajectory of the second tribulation skill, raised his hand, and the blade of Thor engulfed the thunder and lightning. Turning over, "chi" penetrated the mage's throat.

In less than a minute, the opponent’s dozens of people were gone. Several assassins drove a strong escape, and the fire wolf, as the leader, even sheathed the long sword and was hit with invincible effects. Turning around at the moment he rode his horse to escape.


Fire Wolf roared while escaping, "We will settle this account with you. If there is a species, don't leave on Ventiu Mountain!"

"Wait for you to kill, see or leave!"

I laughed, Yufeng chased and killed. With the speed of my sword flying, Fire Wolf's horse speed increased ten times and couldn't escape. Just when his invincibility effect was only 3 seconds left, I smiled slightly: "You don't return to the city immediately after driving Invincible? You have to run, you can't get away now, right? Are you stupid?"


He was stunned, and suddenly turned around and smashed a scroll of city return, but unfortunately it was too late, and the invincibility effect disappeared at the moment when the countdown of the scroll of city return was about to end. I was directly hit by the three disasters of karma + Thor's Blade. The strangulation of him just pierced his chest and fell heavily from the horseback, giving him nearly 5E experience points, which was interesting.

I searched for the loot in the woodland. It was not bad. There were two prehistoric-level equipment. Most of the 255-level equipment could be sold for a little money, so all of them were in the bag. At this time, Lin Xi’s news came, let me eat offline. lunch.


The underground line is in the woodland.

The lunch was very rich. Auntie cooked a lot of delicious dishes and brought it to the whole table today, while Shen Mingxuan opened a bottle of red wine and smiled: “Drink less, as the studio’s first celebration of the return of A Li.”

"Yes." I nodded and smiled.

Lin Xi looked at me: "Soon in the morning?"

"Soon, it's level 244, and it's level 6 in one morning."


Shen Mingxuan murmured.

"The people printing clothes on the Venqiu Mountain accounted for the majority. After all, they were close to them, and after the Battle of Xiangcheng, the printing clothes side gained a lot of system benefits, opened up a lot of new maps, and recovered all levels. So, the momentum of Yinfu is quite strong now. You have to be more careful when leveling at Mount Ventiu." Lin Xi said.

"It's too late."

I grinned and said: "I have already fought with the people from Yinfu in the morning, and I have scored a lot of experience points, otherwise the upgrade will not be so fast."

"Just know."

She is too lazy to say something: "Then eat more and keep up this afternoon."


I was holding my job, thinking about some things, and said, "Lin Xi, are there many attributes added to the second tribulation? Compared to the first tribulation, how much is the hidden attribute improved? Is the skill of the second tribulation stronger? "

Lin Xi thought for a while, and said, "The added hidden attributes are actually the same, that is, some hidden attacks, defenses, and resistances are added. I don't think the difference is much from a flying catastrophe. As for the skills, it's not very good, just a little bit. Amplifying skills are incomparable to the skill book of a tribulation and soaring. There are no more buggy skills such as swordsman, murderous awe-inspiring, and shadow of the shooting, and even the second tribulation skills of some professions are just passive. That's it."


She showed a trace of suspicion, but when she saw that I didn't say anything, she didn't say anything.


In the afternoon, the war is approaching.

I just went online and smashed a scroll back to the city and returned to Fanshu City. Then I ran back and forth between the drugstore, blacksmith shop, and warehouse clerk. Lin Xi was also online. Seeing that I was busy, I didn’t say anything, just Embracing the sword of the archangel, leaning against a willow tree and watching me busy, a pair of beautiful eyes filled with smiles, until I stopped by the warehouse, she came over and said: "Why are you back? Qiu Shan has 20 charm points!"

I raised my eyebrows: "Am I someone who lacks those 20 charm points?"


She smiled gently and said, "Then what are you up to now?"

I patted my chest and said, "All the equipment was repaired, and a batch of advanced poisons and life potions were added. In addition, I brought a skill book that can be learned at level 250, and then I will learn it directly in Venturi Mountain."

"Just to cope with the siege of the Indian server players?"

She said leisurely: "If this is the case, why don't you go directly to the Second Flying Tribulation Ascension? After becoming a second flying player, your strength can still be improved."

"No need."

I shook my head: "When I was fighting with them this morning, the people in Yinfu looked down on me, thinking that I was a first-flyer player and nothing. If I was already a second-flyer player by the end of the afternoon, what would you think of others? Me? I feel that if I go to Dujieshan to do the second Dujie mission, maybe the people who print clothes will not come to kill me again. Wouldn't it be a lot of happiness and gain."

Lin Xi gently twitched the corners of her mouth, her beautiful eyes were speechless, and she put a thumbs up in front of her chest, her eyes seemed to say, "The player in India may not be a human, but you are a real dog."


At one o'clock in the afternoon, I sent Ventiu Mountain again on time, and again spent 20 Charisma Points, but with my current reserve of 684 Charisma Points, 20 points are really nothing.

Stepping into Ventiu Mountain, still flying to the location where the morning battle took place in white clothes, a whirl fell down, first cleared a few monsters on the ground, and then continued to move south, towards the entrance of the printing suit. Go, if you don't come to chase me, I will send it to the door. This is the end of my benevolence, right?

"Dogday, it's finally here!"

A voice came from the front hillside like thunder~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was the fire wolf, who had dropped 1 level, and spent another 20 Charisma points to enter this map of Ventiu Mountain, followed by a hundred Many players from the guild that Firewolf belonged to each had their eyes cracked, wishing to eat me in one bite.

"Still still a Yifei player!"

Fire Wolf drew out his long sword and shouted in a low voice: "Brothers, go up together and kill him!"

Everyone rolled in.

I smiled slightly, with the blade of Vulcan in my right hand and the blade of Thor in my left hand driven out of thin air. The cloak behind me hunted in the wind, and fell from the sky like a sharp blade of thunder and fire. In the next three Within minutes, the heads were rolling, and all the more than one hundred Indian players, including Fire Wolf, were strangled, with no survivors.



A Falcon rider standing on the treetop panicked, leaned on Falcon’s back and yelled in panic: "Hurry up! Go back and inform the players of All India Server that this Chinese war zone’s Yifei player has killed mad. Now, if you don’t get rid of him, it will be a shame for us! Send the news to Qingmou Tuomo, hurry!"

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