Zhan Yue

Chapter 1273: Silly daddy

On the mountain, a ripple of golden light passed by.


Another voice laughed and said, "Could it be that you think that being under the Ventiu Mountain is just a hard work, and there is still leisure to chat with an old friend? If the wind is not heard, your Wendao golden body is about to be half refined, and you still don’t know it. Life and death?"

It's Fan Yi.

The sound and breath of the wind disappeared completely, hidden in the depths of Ventiu Mountain.


I frowned. Fan Yi is probably the seat of the Venqiu Mountain now, right? Our national service, Xuanyuan Empire’s white-clothed Qingxiang was so pressed on this territory belonging to the alien demon territory, it is indeed a shame to our national service, nothing to say, my next effort is to turn a blind eye to the wind. Go back to your home country at any cost!


Stepping on Ventiu Mountain, the system automatically deducts 20 Charisma points, which is indeed a bit too much. Generally speaking, the channels for players to earn Charisma points are still quite rare. Basically, they are some S-level and SS-level low-level main tasks, except In addition, there are some version activities. Players with the top rankings can also get a certain amount of charm value. But to sum up, the total charm value of most mainstream players at this stage is actually not high, just like 100-200, which is really capable. There are definitely not too many people who are willing to spend 20 Charisma points into Ventiu Mountain at once.

Therefore, Lin Xi does not come to Wenqiu Mountain. After all, Charisma is a good thing. It can increase the player's chance of receiving advanced tasks, increase the player's goodwill with the NPC of the camp, and even increase the chance of the player's attack limit. In short, In terms of attributes, the charm value belongs to the "rare" type, and it is never too much.

Step into the state of white clothes, be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years, how about the first place in the national service battle list, after all, the level is too low, like a player like Feng Canghai, my level is directly lower than that of others by 20+ level. Suppression is too strong, once you are besieged, what is the best combat power? The chance of being dropped by seconds is far better than before!

Yufeng Qiangqian, just walked over the mountains and forests. After I walked a short distance, I saw a group of mountain charms appearing in the mountains and forests, with all kinds of forms, and the level was 275 mountain and sea level monsters. The monster divisions are quite dense, which is suitable for players to team up and strategy. It really deserves to be the "golden map" in Lin Xi's eyes.

Soon after, a player leveling team appeared in the field of vision. It came from the national server. There were 20+ players in total. The lowest level was 255. They were all players from the Dragon Knight Palace Guild, led by Ghost Walkers, many of them Human equipment has shown red luster and dense traces of cracks. This is a sign that the durability of the equipment is about to bottom out. If they want to come, they spent 20 Charisma points to enter the Ventiu Mountain. They are really desperate to train until the equipment is rotten. gone.

Pack them up? It seems that there is no need, let them practice well, anyway, the 275 level monster is not my leveling target, it is slightly lower.

Continue to travel along the mountain range, and fly for about half a minute. There is a heavy footstep on the ground ahead. Looking down, he is a stalwart mountain giant, just like a small hill. Similarly, with a thousand-year-old tree as a mallet, he carried it on his shoulders, and when he looked at me, his eyes were even provocative.

The 285-level mountain-sea-level quasi-boss can be regarded as the overlord of this area, but it is definitely not a perfect leveling target. It is too difficult to kill, but the benefits may not be as expected, that is, some desire for mountain-sea level equipment. Players from will come to attack this kind of quasi-BOSS. As for me, there is no shortage of mountain and sea equipment, so I won't use it at all.


After flying forward for about three minutes, I didn’t meet any national server players at all along the way. On the contrary, I saw a lot of leveling teams in India. There was even a team of 50 people attacking the mountain giants, accompanied by heads of mountain giants. Everyone looked happy, and it seemed that they should be properly harvested.

Soon after, overlooking the earth, a group of dense monsters appeared on a flat mountain. They were strands of white sword-shaped spiritual objects. They looked like clusters of brilliance clustered in the mountains and forests. Looking down, I couldn't help but laugh. This level is more suitable for me, and the monster attributes are also suitable, here it is!

Exiled sword spirit, level 295 mountain and sea monster, very high attack and attack speed, but very low defense, vitality and blood, and the skill is a small range of sword intent shuttle and sword killing. It is the type that can kill opponents in seconds. As for me Well, wearing three Wuyue suits and fighting monsters at level 67, this level of determination to upgrade the will is evident.

Either you die, or I die!


The body swept down and turned into a brilliance, bursting into the sky among hundreds of exiled sword spirits, and directly entered the state of shadow transformation, with the sound of the wind + the grass and the woods + fish in troubled waters three times in a row, and then he waved the blade of the Vulcan." "Chichichichi" slashed randomly among the monsters, and at the same time, Thor's blade turned into a blue vortex, strangling around the body quickly, coupled with the origin flying sword Baixing's out of the body to kill the enemy, killing a line at every turn, , All kinds of damage figures exploded all at once.

The level was suppressed at level 67. If nothing else, the total damage was at least suppressed by more than 50%, which means that my damage was halved, but it was still fierce and messy, especially when the 30% real damage effect appeared. Ignoring the level suppression, directly hitting super-high damage of 100W-200W, plus the sputtering effect and the horror bonus of shadow transformation, for a while, this large pile of 295-level mountain and sea-level monsters could not help me, they fell. Qi and blood can't keep up with the blood sucking speed at all!

Comfortable and invigorating!

It’s been a long time since we’ve spawned monsters like this, and the speed of killing monsters today is really not what it used to be. Vulcan Blade can focus on releasing skills, while Thor’s Blade’s auxiliary kill is even better than Vulcan’s Blade, blue. The lightning vortex keeps rotating around the body, strangling the blood bars of a group of monsters in a blink of an eye. The next moment is the time for profit. One by one extremely terrifying experience points jumped up. When I glanced at the experience bar, my heart beat faster. Just sweeping around 100+ exiled sword spirits actually soared 21% of the experience value of this level!

Obviously, this is the result of leapfrog killing monsters.

Although the previous version, the official has confirmed that the experience augmentation algorithm for killing monsters with too many levels has been fixed, but the premise of that modification is that someone will take the training, in order to prevent the full-level players from bringing the level 1 players, which is too fast to upgrade. Quickly, in case someone turns the training into a profession in the game, so that novice players lose the experience of leveling alone, which is fatal for a game.

I am different. All the killing damage is done by myself, so the system will also default that this is a 100% operation done alone, and there is not a lot of experience. The higher the level 67, the increase is as much as the bonus. How much, there is a scene in front of you, less than 5 minutes to increase 20% of the experience value of this level, is there a faster upgrade speed than this?


Take your heart, let me level up right here, first raise my level of 238, otherwise, in the case of the national service now that the players are walking all over the floor for the second time, sometimes the weight of going out and talking will be reduced a bit. Up.

As a result, before 12 o’clock noon, the level had already risen to 243, reaching the level of the second ascension of the catastrophe. At this time, the keen perception directly sensed that there was a player coming not far away. , So he immediately stepped back into the state of white clothes, and thus entered the invisible state, hovering in the wind, leaving a group of remnant blood on the ground exiled sword spirits looking around in the mountains and forests at a loss.

In the forest, a group of Indian players came, and the level was quite high. The highest one was even a Level 261 Second Ascension Swordsman. The ID was called Fire Wolf. The average level of the remaining dozens was also around Level 257, one by one. The look was awe-inspiring.

"what happened?"

The swordsman named Fire Wolf rode on a fierce horse and stared at the group of exiled spirits in front of him with awe-inspiring eyes, and said: "It seems that someone just finished fighting monsters here, and left without killing the monsters? "

"Most of it was killed."

A sharpshooter sneered: "Maybe it was destroyed by the monster group, right? This exile sword spirit's attack hurts the blood mother high. Who can hold it for an average team?"


The fire wolf searched the ground and frowned: "If it was destroyed by a monster group, it stands to reason that there will be traces on the ground, at least a few bottles of potion can be exploded?"


An assassin walked out of the void and said lightly: "It is very likely that Invincible has returned to the city."

"This explanation makes sense."

Fire Wolf sneered: "Check it, which team of our printing service has practiced in this area?"


A rickety middle-aged mage holding a fire staff shook his head and said: "The attack of the exiled sword spirit is too high, it is too easy to cause a spike effect, so the last time I cleared my eyes and extended the ink, I told all our guild people. After that, forbid anyone to come to the area where the exiled sword spirits are refreshed to practice level, let these exiled sword spirits go to harm the Chinese people."


Fire Wolf couldn't help laughing: "So, those self-righteous Chinese players were killed and returned to the city invincible?"

"Is such that."

The middle-aged mage sneered and looked at the direction of a group of remnant blood exiled sword spirits, and said: "The last version really proves how people in the Chinese war zone died. Tsk tsk, stupid! The one who held his lips and teeth all day A set of combined vertical and horizontal statements, I really thought that we could not defeat the Alien Army without their help? As a result, we sent seven main army groups to come over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was called by the Alien Army. With a falling flower and flowing water, the player camp is even more miserable. Even the T0 of Lin Xi, Feng Canghai, and Purgatory Dawn were beaten by the king several times."

The fire wolf chuckled: "The forces are like water. The Chinese people have not understood their own truths. Do they really think that they can't negotiate trades in the domain of different demons? As a result, our Daxiang dynasty took advantage of the trend, not only I saved my own strength, and let the people in the Chinese war zone suffer hardships on the Venturi side. They deserve it! One by one clamored to take advantage of the situation to destroy our Daxiang dynasty, are they destroyed?"

"Huh, Chinese players, stupid~~~" Someone shook his head and sighed.


I volleyed out of the white clothes, hovering in the wind with my double-edged blade, and smiled slightly: "At least the territory of the Chinese theater is complete, what about you? The Daxiang dynasty has fallen, and nearly half of the territory has become the territory of the alien army, a group of bereaved dogs You have the face to talk here, yelling at the Chinese war zone that treats people with courtesy?"


The fire wolf looked up at me with surprise in his eyes. In a blink of an eye, he burst into laughter, and his tears fell from his laughter. The blade pointed in my direction: "Dear brothers, have you seen it? Are you teaching us how to be human? Hahahahaha, it's so funny~~~~"

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