In the early morning of the next day, the ship sailed back to the dock of Magnolia Town, and the group returned to the guild at night.

""How is it, how is it, who has become an S-class wizard?" Everyone in the guild asked curiously.

Makarov walked to the bar and said,"Now I announce that the person who will become an S-class wizard this year is, Ye!"

Makarov's announcement was like igniting dynamite in the guild, and the atmosphere was instantly heated up to the extreme. After all, except for Gildarts who became S-class, no one in the guild has passed the S-class exam for a long time, not to mention that Ye is still so young, arguably the youngest S-class wizard.

To become the second S-class wizard in the guild is simply too enviable. After becoming one, you can take on S-class missions, and the commission money starts at 500wJ.

And having one more S-class wizard in the guild means that the strength of the guild has been enhanced, and high-quality commissions will continue to come in. The guild will become more famous as it completes more tasks, and its members will also have face when they go out.

"Ahem, let's have a party to celebrate Comrade Ye's promotion to S-rank!!!"

Oh!!! Oh!!!

Ye looked at the members of the guild, all of whom were sharing their joy with him. Seeing them laughing, he was very glad that he could come to this guild, and he vowed to protect this smile. Then he ran over to drink and brag with them, talking about how he easily dealt with Laxus and Gildarts. As these words fell, the atmosphere at the scene was further ignited.

"Fight, you bastard!"

Then a big fight started.

————————————Time dividing line——————————————

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye it has been 3 years since Ye became an S-class wizard.

In these three years, Ye has grown into a handsome and resolute young man (although he has always been haha). During these 3 years, not long after Ye became S-class, Natsu picked up an egg and thought it was a dragon egg, but it turned out to be a cute cat with wings"named Harpy".

In the second year, Laxus also became an S-class wizard as he wished.

What is incredible is that the duel between Laxus and Ye also destroyed an island.

Because of this, the president was preached by the Council for a long time and wrote tens of thousands of self-criticisms.

In the second year, Erza and Mirajane also took the S-class assessment, and Mirajane lost.

Erza became an S-class wizard, which made Mirajane complain to Ye for a long time.

Of course, their relationship also developed rapidly in these three years, but no one broke this relationship, which made the old people in the guild and Mirajane's sister very anxious.

Due to the existence of Night, Gildarts took the 100-year mission directly after finishing Night's assessment, so Night was responsible for all subsequent assessments.

Until today in the third year, the guild received a very urgent commission. Makarov saw the commission and directly called Night, because the commission was that there was a riot in the Monster Forest, and requested all the major wizard guilds to form a coalition to suppress it as soon as possible.

So the next morning, Night went to the base of the Blue Pegasus alone, and the coalition prepared to ride on Pegasus's Christina to the Monster Forest.

"Ah~! I don't want to go at all. I might as well sleep in my own house. I'm so sleepy coming here so early in the morning."

That's right. After several years of hard work, Ye has bought the manor he had always dreamed of, although it is relatively small. Mira and her two siblings also live in it.

Ye came to the gate of the gathering place and knocked on the door.

Yes, knocking. Before leaving, Makarov specifically instructed not to destroy the gates of other guilds, otherwise he would be dead when he returned! The one who opened the door was a big bald head. Yes, it was the ace of the Snake Princess Scale, Jura Regis

"Come to Laye, sir."

"Long time no see, Jura."

Suddenly a dwarf jumped out.

"Long time no see my dear Ye, Men!"

Ye got goosebumps all over the floor when he heard this statement. There is no doubt that it is the big trump card of the blue Pegasus, Ye Ye!

Ye grabbed Ye Ye's head with one hand.

"If you yell again, I will crush your head."

Ye Ye waved his limbs in the air and struggled hard, but it was no use. His head was still tightly grasped. He had no choice but to give up struggling.

"You are still as rude as before, put me down quickly."

Ye threw it away and said,"It's just the few of us." Jura stood up and said,"Yes. After this discussion, we decided to use Pegasus's Christina to quell this riot."

Ye said helplessly,"Okay, let's go. It's getting late. Let's quell it early and go home early."

Ye and his group got on Christina and headed for the Monster Forest.

Open the panel.

Age: 16

Height: 185

Hanma Yujiro: 67.5% (Hanma bloodline, Yujiro's martial arts, ghost back, force elimination, dress,)

Armament color: advanced (hardening, entanglement, external release)

Observation color: advanced (perception, super range, foresee the future)

Overlord color: advanced (deterrence, entanglement)

Kamehameha (according to the size of the qi added to oneself)

After three years of hard work, Ye finally upgraded all three colors of domineering to advanced levels, and Yujiro's panel is almost at 70%. I don't know why he didn't get any abilities at 60%, which made him unhappy for a long time.

————————————Time dividing line——————————————

After several hours of flying, Ye and his party had arrived above the Monster Forest. Looking at the dense herds of beasts below, they surrounded the city and the villages along the way were nowhere to be seen. There was only thick smoke and the ground stained red with blood.

Looking at this scene, Jura sighed,"It's really too cruel. There are too many monsters below. Can Christina really eliminate them all?"

Ye Yi came out and said,"Don't worry! As long as we kill the leading monster of the beast tide, the beast tide will naturally dissipate."

Ye opened his observation Haki and found that there were a large number of S-level monsters in the beast tide, and there were even one or two holy ten-level monsters. Can the existence that can command these creatures really be eliminated by Christina?

Ye said with a serious expression,"The situation is a bit wrong. The scale of this beast tide is too large. There is a great terror inside! I'm afraid that Christina is not enough."

Suddenly, he saw the garrison troops who were holding on tightly below.

"Let's go down quickly. The army below seems to be unable to hold on any longer."

"Go back to defense, go back to defense, the monsters are about to break through!! Captain, what should we do? We can't hold on any longer!"

"Everybody, grit your teeth and hold on! If this place is breached, our homeland will no longer exist. The Wizard Guild will be here soon. Hold on!!!"

Ah~!! Save me! Save me! I don't want to die yet!!!

Christina and her group saw the scene in front of them, gnashing their teeth and feeling extremely angry!!!

"A bunch of beasts"

"Kill these bastards with artillery fire overnight"

"No, Christina's bombardment is used to kill the leader, not now."

"It's okay, just leave it to me. You stay in the air to support the people below, and Jola and I will go first. Time is running out!"

Ye Yi thought about it for a while and decided to trust Ye Yi.

"Why haven't the damn coalition forces arrived yet? If this continues, the whole army will be wiped out."

A soldier suddenly shouted,"Captain, be careful behind you!"

The captain turned around after hearing the voice.

"How could it be? When! Damn it! No, even if I die, I can’t die so pathetically, come on, beast!!"

The captain fought with the invading monster for a short while before he was knocked away by the monster and crashed into the wall.

Puff! The captain spat out a mouthful of blood."Since...I am really weak, just like's over...Well."

The captain slowly closed his eyes to welcome the arrival of death.


The feeling of death did not come, and the captain slowly opened his eyes.

"Why am I not dead yet?"

A young voice came at this time

"If you want to die, it's still early."

The captain was surprised and said,"You are~!...military...Come...Adults?"

"Yes uncle, leave it to us next, Jura!"

""Rock Wall·Chain"

Layers of rock walls rose from the ground to block the attack of the monsters.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!...... boom!!!! boom!!!......

In just a moment, large numbers of monsters died under the gunfire. But countless monsters still rushed forward.

""Iron spikes on the rock"

I saw spikes coming out of the ground, piercing the abdomen of the monsters and further blocking their progress. Many monsters died under the rock spikes due to the charge.

Jiula came over and said,"Sir Ye, it's not a solution to go on like this. There are too many monsters and we will eventually be exhausted to death."

Ye smiled evilly,"You are right, Jiula, do you know where I was born?"

Jiula said in confusion:"I don't know about this, could it be!!"

"That’s right, in this forest."

I saw Ye jumping onto the rock wall.

"Beasts, your king is back, why don't you hurry up and pay homage to your king, all of you~ kneel down!!!" The domineering aura of the king was released instantly.~~~~~Buzz~~~~~.........

Ye, standing on the rock wall, was like a Shura, exuding a terrifying aura. Wherever he went, all creatures fell to the ground with white eyes.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the captain of the defending soldiers, Jura, and Christina were all stunned.

After an unknown amount of time, a soldier trembled in disbelief and said,"We won?"

With this voice, everyone came to their senses.

"We won!!!! We survived!(╥﹏╥)Oo!........"

The soldiers were all happy that they were alive, and when they saw the young man on the rock wall, it was as if they were looking at a god.

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