After learning about the list of candidates for the S-level assessment, the members of the guild began to discuss who would be promoted to the S-level, while Ye continued to eat as much as he could.

Suddenly, a girl came up behind Ye with her hands on her hips. Ye, who continued to eat, felt a sharp gaze on him and looked back.

Ye said: Mira, why are you looking at me like that? I'm still eating. Mira said angrily: It's already this time, and you're still eating.

Suddenly, her tone changed and she asked arrogantly: Have you chosen your partner?

Ye suddenly realized: Oh, you're talking about this, no...⌓‿⌓

Mira suddenly became shy and said angrily: What is that look in your eyes? Now I'll give you a chance to beg me, maybe I will be your partner.(´^`)o.

When Ye was about to say something, Mira immediately said: Don't refuse! I didn't take you on the first mission, this time I want to go with you!

Ye was distracted and murmured: Mira, are you secretly in love with me?

Mira's face instantly turned red, not knowing whether she was shy or angry.

"Baka, go to hell!"

After saying that, he punched Ye in the face, and Ye was hit without any defense and had a close contact with his big meal. Mira ran away after the fight. At this time, Makao and Wa Kaba, who were watching the fun, said with an auntie smile

"There is something wrong with you two. Being young is good. Tell me what you did. I think Mira is shy.(˵¯͒〰¯͒˵)"

Ye looked at the two gossiping people and said unhappily:"What does it have to do with you two? Just drink your big bar and don't interfere in the affairs of young people!"

Then he began to clean up the mess.

Suddenly, the door of the guild was opened and someone said hurriedly:"Oh no, oh no!"

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong!"The bell rang quickly.

Ye stopped what he was doing and asked,"What's going on? Wild beasts have entered the village."

Makao and other old members of the guild smiled knowingly.

"It can't be called a beast, it should be a real monster."(✧∇✧)

Ye scratched his head and thought:"It can't be him."

Suddenly, the door of the guild turned into dust.

An uncle with a magnetic voice said:"Long time no see, everyone"

"Oh!!! Gildarts, you're back."

Gildarts looked at the scene in front of him and suddenly saw Ye. His eyes were slightly dazed for a moment.

"It seems that a lot of new members have come in while I was away."

Makarov looked at Gildarts and looked at Ye, with a slight smile on his face, and said,"Gildarts, how did the mission go?"

"Of course it was completed successfully."

Makarov said happily:"To celebrate Gildarts completing the task, let's have a party!"

Oh!! Oh!! Let's have a party!!

Ye looked at the man in front of him and couldn't help but feel a little excited

"It seems that he will be the level for the S-class wizard assessment. I really want to fight him!"

Then he joined the revelry.

At night, everyone in the guild got drunk and trembled back to their homes. At this time, Gildarts found the president.

""That boy named Ye should be one of the participants in the S-level assessment this time."

Makarov said drunkenly:"Yes, how do you feel?"

Gildarts smiled and said:"A very good boy. Although I didn't feel that he had any magic power, there is an extraordinary and huge power in his body."

Makarov took two sips of wine and said:"You said this, I asked that brat, according to him, their clan is born without magic power, but there is a power called Qi. This brat is not very old, but he is proficient in all eighteen martial arts, and his talent is enviable. What's more terrifying is that his body is as strong as a dragon. Sometimes I doubt whether this kid is a human. You will have a hard time in the next exam. I'm not sure if you can suppress this brat."

Gildarts laughed:"Hahaha, that's the best. I also really want to know where the strength of this little guy lies."

Come on, drink!

The door of Ye's room was violently opened early the next morning.

""Damn it, Ye, I knew you were still sleeping."

The girl angrily rushed to the sleeping boy lying on the bed, trying to wake him up.

Ye felt a shake and blurted out:"Is it an earthquake?"

The veins on the girl's forehead bulged(ꐦÒ‸Ó)

"Earthquake, it's time to gather at the dock. Do you still want to take the test?" Ye slowly opened his eyes and looked at Mira in a daze, then turned his head and looked out the window in a daze.

Suddenly, his eyes opened (very wide), yes! I still have to take the test, my money is waving at me(✧∇✧)

Mira looked at the boy in front of her speechlessly(≖_≖ )

The two hurried to the port terminal, only to see that everyone was waiting for him. Ye said embarrassedly:"Sorry, sorry, I was delayed by helping an old lady cross the road."

Mira looked at Ye so shamelessly and distanced herself from him.

The president looked at the shameless Ye in front of him and didn't want to say anything more to him.

"Now that everyone is here, let's go."

Laxus looked at Ye who looked relaxed and said something harsh.

"You can be so calm now. Later, I will let you know the difference in strength between you and me."

Ye pinched his nose and said,"Okay, okay, I'm looking forward to it."

Laxus snorted and ignored Ye.

The group got on the boat and headed for the destination.

At this time, Makarov gathered everyone and said,"The location of our assessment this time is on an island. There are many monsters living on it. The content of the assessment is very simple. You have to go to the island to find Gildarts and get his approval."

Laxus and Ye didn't know what they were thinking after listening to the rules.

After the boat docked, Laxus and Ye got off the boat. Laxus suddenly said,"Ye, I know you have a very strong perception. This assessment is too easy for you. Let's fight it out here, and the winner will go in to challenge Gildarts."

Ye looked at Laxus in surprise and said,"I didn't expect you to know me so well, but you are right. This assessment is too beneficial to me. I have found the location of Gildarts since I set foot on this island."

Laxus said seriously,"I knew it would be like this, so come on, let's have a match to see who is the strongest among the younger generation!"

Ye looked at Laxus who was in high spirits and said,"Come on then."

Mira and Felide looked at the two men who were ready to fight as soon as they got off the boat and unconsciously looked at the president.

The president looked at the two brats who were about to fight seriously and sighed slightly.

"Oh~ Forget it, let's just let them go."

Laxus took off his coat and started the duel between the two.

"Electric shock!"

Laxus was seen emitting lightning all over his body and a bolt of lightning directly hit Ye. Ye was in the lightning and said slowly:"You can't have only this ability?"

Laxus smiled and said:"This has just begun!"

""Lightning Fist"

Laxus gathered lightning in his hand and rushed towards Ye. He hit Ye with a straight punch, and Ye turned a few times in the air before landing on the ground safely.

Laxus looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"I should have hit you, but why are you not hurt at all?"

Ye looked at Laxus who was puzzled and said slowly:"Dissipation of force is a technique that can reduce physical damage to the minimum."

Mira and Felide looked at what was happening in front of them and asked the president.

"Grandpa, what's that trick?"

Makarov looked at what just happened with his extraordinary eyes and said:"That should be a skill. When Laxus hit Ye, Ye cleverly resolved Laxus' attack."

Laxus heard Ye's explanation and thought about how to deal with Ye. At this time, Ye said excitedly

"Don't worry, I won't use the power dissipation again, use your strength to satisfy me!"

Laxus looked at the arrogant guy in front of him and said angrily: You guy! Who are you looking down on! Lightning Spear!

I saw Ye rushing towards his electric current, and his hand with armed color directly shattered the lightning, and came to Laxus and punched.

Looking at the upcoming fist, Laxus activated the elementalization, but the scene he wanted to see did not happen, and the fist hit him.

Laxus flew backwards and stood up immediately.

"Why can you hit me? I've clearly turned into an element."

Ye looked at Laxus and exclaimed:"Oh my, I didn't expect you could really hit me. I thought the systems were different and it wouldn't work on elements."

Ye said seriously:"Your boring tricks can be ended now. Laxus, show your true ability. There's no need to hide it. I feel the violent thunder in your body."

Laxus laughed out loud after hearing what Ye said.

"Hahahaha, this was originally intended to be used against that uncle. I have never exposed it to anyone else, not even my grandfather knows about it. It seems that I really can't defeat you without it. Since you want to see it....."

The thunder on Laxus became stronger and stronger.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Thunder raged in the open space around Laxus. Thunder Dragon Slayer Mode"

"The roar of the thunder dragon!"

Ye said excitedly:"That's right! That's right! Please me!"

Ye gathered the energy in his hands.


The white qi and the yellow lightning collided with each other and a huge explosion occurred. As the explosion occurred, the two people rushed towards each other quickly.

"Thunder Dragon's Iron Fist"

""Armed Collapse Fist"

The two fists touched each other, and the yellow lightning and the black lightning raged wildly together.

Mira and Felide were dumbfounded looking at the two people in front of them.

Mira said angrily:"Damn Night! Stinky Night! , You have been hiding when fighting me. I didn't expect that there is such a big gap between him and me."

Makarov was very pleased to see the two people in front of him.

"I didn't expect Laxus to have grown to this level."

At this time, Gildarts came over.

"Hahaha, it's really exciting, the two of them."

Makarov exclaimed:"Why did you come here?"

Gildarts said indifferently:"It's too boring over there, it's more exciting here, both of you have surpassed the normal S-level strength, hahaha, the future of the guild is promising."

The two of them fought with punches and kicks, ignoring the injuries on their bodies, and became more and more excited!

Laxus jumped up

"Jaw of the Thunder Dragon"

Ye crossed his hands and held the Jaw of the Thunder Dragon, his feet also sank into the sand

"As expected of a dragon-slayer, your strength is really strong. I recognize your purity!"

Laxus said angrily:"I don't need your recognition!" Laxus tried harder, and at this moment, Ye raised his foot and hit Laxus in the chest. Laxus was kicked out instantly, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and slammed into the ground.

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