From the beginning to now, you have always been toyed with and applauded by me, Dior!

"JOJO, just use your blood!"

Use the blood and sacrifice of your Joestar family to help me continue to reach the top of my life! !


"coming soon."

Outside the script world, even Pucci couldn't help but stare nervously at this scene at this time.

It wasn't that they were worried about George Joestar, it was that they couldn't get to Jonathan in time.

Block the critical blow from Dio for Jonathan.

After all, in reality, George Joestar is also Jonathan's father.

And he is not a scumbag like Dario Brando, but George Joestar, a true gentleman and father. He was prompted by Pucci and the others' special arrangements in the world of the script.

For example, the Japanese who sold poison to Dior told him that Dior's face and the three moles on his ears would bring unimaginable good luck to Dior, and that it was impossible to just let him go.

It will definitely make him different from others. He pays attention to Dio, who seems to be helpless. At this last moment, he knows that he is physically weak and cannot stop Dio, so he chooses to use his own body to block Jonathan. knife.

So the real question is...

"Although the audition was successful, the audition and the actual performance are two different things."

"Just like when people face acquaintances and strangers, the latter will obviously be much more reserved in attitude than the former."

"Successful training alone does not necessarily mean that you can still successfully control the role template of this vampire in a completely stealth shooting that accommodates many subconscious..."

Akira Shinbo sighed and told the truth that most of them were worried about.

"To be honest, I still don't understand why, Supervisor Pucci, you set the difficulty level of this vampire template so high?"

"Because only this template is the most suitable vampire template for Dior. Other vampire templates may not necessarily give Dior the same feeling," Pucci replied.

After all, there is no super strength, no super speed, no ability to control every cell in the body to use the vaporization freezing method, and a vampire with piercing eyes.

What kind of vampire is this?

If it weren't for the stand-in setting, it wouldn't appear until the third part.

And if it is placed in the first film without Jotaro Kujo, it would be too supermodel.

Pucci wanted Morita to add time stop when modifying the vampire template.

"You can just watch here with peace of mind, Nanze."

Looking at the body of Dior who was supposed to be shot by a gun in the script world, it was Pucci who suddenly disappeared from this scene. His originally slightly panicked mood became calm again and said with a smile: "Dior How well he fits this vampire template will definitely surprise you!”





Chapter 18 UREEYYYYY————

Palms stained with George Joestar's blood.

It was rubbed directly by Dio without hesitation, and it was already on the face of the stone ghost on his head.

Although it is not Jonathan's blood, it is a bit of a pity.

But even to the end.

Despite all his resourcefulness, he still could not foresee this unexpected situation, and was almost defeated by this unexpected situation.

Isn't it just proving to him that the human species really has its limits?

And his choice is the right answer without any mistakes!

Puff puff puff——————! !

...This is the stone ghost face that thirsted for blood. Several tentacle-like claws suddenly stretched out from its body and pierced into the back of Dio's brain.

Dio was the last thought that came to his mind.

Then, there was silence.


Hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry...

Eat eat eat eat eat eat...

Kill kill kill kill kill...

Dior's spirit at this time was completely filled and dominated by this hunger from the instinct of life!

Poop after poop, in a continuous cycle, violated Dio's remaining consciousness.

It seems that it wants to completely knock Dio to the ground here and convert him into its slave.

And from then on, Dio slowly became a hungry monster who re-existed in this world just to satisfy his appetite!

.......This is also after Shuhei Morita listened to Pucci's suggestion and produced this template.

I feel that it is impossible for anyone in this world to be able to control this template, or why they can control this template so quickly.

Although if this template is used as the theme.

To create a story about when a human being suddenly turns into a monster that can only eat people, between the human morality that comes from the mind and the instinct of the monster that comes from the body.

It would be interesting to think about the story of how he is constantly being tortured by his dual identity of human and monster as he keeps conflicting and colliding in the same body.

But I know the script of "Phantom Blood".

Knowing the character DIO, Shuhei Morita doesn't look like he has human morals.

He can definitely say that the script for "Phantom Blood" was not at all.

Dio, who uses this vampire template, is not the protagonist of the entire plot!

But if human morality and human reason are not used to suppress this monster's instinct.

So Dio, whose memory was temporarily blocked by the complete stealth device, leaving only his subconscious mind for interpretation, would he really not be swallowed up by this vampire template, causing the plot of "Phantom Blood" to completely collapse?

Even Shuhei Morita, who made this template, couldn't answer the answer to this question.

Because of the solution above.

It was the only way he could think of that could resist the intrusion of the vampire template on the actor's subconscious and allow them to use the template normally.


Why resist?

——[I see, do you want me to become your slave? 】

——[Yes, yes, yes, yes...]

——[Okay, let’s start quickly! 】

——[......! ? 】

——[As long as you can give me the power to dominate this world and stand on top of everyone! So what if I become your slave? 】

Dio's consciousness sneered like this.



What Dior can read from it is this meaning.

Probably the other party had never thought that Dio would respond to it in this way, and indeed opened the door of consciousness to welcome its arrival.

This script is wrong! ?

——[There is nothing wrong, or in other words, is there anything surprising about this? You are me and I am you. The relationship between us is just that when the consciousness of "I" has begun to block "I" from moving forward, another new consciousness that can drive "I" can continue to move forward. 】

——[...Is it just that simple? 】

——[Yes, it’s just that simple. Or do you not want to be on top of the world? 】

--【......I think. 】

——[So, don’t you want to dominate humans? 】

——[...I think about this too. 】

——[So, is there anything to worry about? 】

In this unknown space, Dio's consciousness continued to ask questions.

It caused ripples of time.

It also made it a bit intermittent at the beginning, but the further it went, the more determined it became.

Even the tone, which was beginning to resemble Dio's voice at this time, was transmitted.

——[...No, no more. 】

——[Then tell me again, who are you? 】

——[I am you! You are me! We are all...Dior Brando! ! 】



"Why, why did he come to life!?"

"You were hit by so many bullets...!!?"

Incomprehensible things are constantly happening in front of all of them.

The first was Spitwagen, who first discovered that Dio's "corpse" was missing.

Then he wanted to stick his head out of the window to check whether Dio's "body" was accidentally washed away by the heavy rain. His head was strangely separated the moment he stuck out the window. Come on.

Finally, it is now.

He had obviously aimed at the head of Dio, who was still alive and appeared in front of them again, and shot.

Judging from the obvious bullet holes on Dio's head, and the blood that was constantly leaving from the bullet holes.

Spitwagen shot in place of Jonathan who was unable to take action, and he undoubtedly blew off Dio's head.

But why...

Why is Dio not dead yet? ?

Not only was he not dead, he also licked the blood from his forehead with a perverted look! ?

"Poor and weak! Poor and weak!"

Chapter 19 Finally released

The wicked also need a savior for the wicked.

Before Shuhei Morita, he never understood what this sentence meant.

After all, "villain" and "savior" don't look like words that can be combined together.

But when he saw Dio...

After seeing the scene of Dio in the script world standing up again after wearing the Stone Ghost Mask...

Then he understood.

There is a villain called DIO!

There is a type of villain called Dio Brando!

Once "Phantom Blood" is aired, this new type of villain named after DIO will surely sweep the entire industry! Redefine the villain!

Morita Shuhei is so convinced now.

Because unlike other villains who can be understood by the audience.

DIO's "evil" is not the kind of evil that would beat up a teacher and send him to the hospital, nor is it the kind of evil that would eat without paying... etc. It is a simple evil that can be detected with the naked eye.

It is a more special kind.

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