You Are My Gravity

Chapter 365: Don't persuade

After posting this Weibo, Xu Mu quickly replied in the comment area: Please answer seriously, if the method is useful, thank you!

After he posted this post and restored it, his comments were already overwhelmed as soon as he refreshed it.

Xu Mu hurriedly followed that reply and replied: Hurry, get me up!

Then Xu Mu began to refresh frequently, expecting to see a comment that was answered seriously.

But... it's all in... DISS him!

#完蛋了, I may not love Old Xu anymore. I saw him being locked out by the shepherd's wife, and I actually wanted to say-it's closed well, finally someone will clean him up#

#Hahahaha, no more, I can’t help it, the phone I laughed fell off, why, I don’t feel a little distressed...this stalk can make me laugh for ten years#

#牧少女V5, Shepherd’s wife is great, shepherd’s wife, we love you... Please be polite and clean up old Xu! #

#我掐指一算, I know that Lao Xu has been locked out of the door for a long time in anxiousness, hahaha...So I don’t have my face, and I openly ask for help on Weibo. It stands to reason that I should feel sorry for you, but ...Why can't the corners of my mouth rise up? #

#老许, you have today too! #

Seeing these replies, Xu Mu really wanted to throw his phone. Is this still his fan? Still?

After swiping it again, Xu Mu found that the official blog of his biggest support club also came to join in the fun.

#笑了了, here's a serious sentence, now it's finally possible to crush the rumors that Lao Xu and her husband are in a fake relationship all day long? Take a look at our old Xu, in order to enter the door, we don't have to face, but I still want to say that she did a good job! #

Xu Mu gritted his teeth and said again: What about your humanity?

However, what these people said is true. As soon as his Weibo comes out, no one will doubt the authenticity of the relationship.

What he wanted was the result.

But soon Xu Mu finally got a useful one.

#老许, listen to my advice, at this time, whether you are right or wrong, it can only be your fault. Men don’t want face at this time, face is important and wife is important? What's more, you are at this age. She is willing to help the poor and support you. You are content, hurry up, run into the rain, and then show your life's strongest acting skills, cry bitterly to her wife for mercy, please forgive her... …#

#Rainy days are most suitable for bitterness! Old Xu, come on, we wait for the good news of your victory! #

Xu Mu touched his chin, these people are really...

He quickly replied: Are you afraid that I am really sick?

Soon fans flocked to reply.

#It’s better for you to be sick, so you have a reason to rely on the shepherd's wife, acting like a baby with pity and sympathy#

#老许, don't persuade you when you work hard! #

#Is it the only one who hoped that she could see through Lao Xu's tricks? #

Under this comment, many netizens lined up to reply: #No, you are not alone. #

Xu Mu shook his head, turned off his phone, and his fans changed.

It's not the cute and innocent kids anymore.


Try it.

But... Zhou Ping doesn't answer the phone now, how can she let her know that she has been caught in the rain?

Xu Mu thought of coming alone...

He pushed the car door.

Raindrops fell on his face in an instant, and the cold wind blew over him, and he shivered.

However, he got out of the car decisively.

After he got wet, he called Qin Se.

When I was a child, Xu Mu, who was standing in front of the door, trembling in the wind and rain, heard the sound of the door opening.

Zhou Ping looked at Xu Mu with a dark face, "You... come in."

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