You Are My Gravity

Chapter 364: charming

Zhou Ping held the phone, silent, or silent...

She frowned and wondered, what on earth did Xu Mu ran over in the middle of the night?

Is it because she just heard the wrong voice on the phone, so she came?

Could he be...

Zhou Ping suddenly felt very distressed.

Xu Mu waited for a while and couldn't hear Zhou Ping's voice, and couldn't help asking: "Hey... are you still listening?"

After he asked, Zhou Ping spoke, "I'm already asleep, you can go."


Xu Mu hesitated and said, "But...the car is out of gas."

Zhou Ping...

She was a little angry and said: "The car is out of gas, why did you get here?"

Xu Mu honestly replied: "It just happened to be here."

Zhou Ping said, "What a coincidence..."

I really thought she would believe it?

"It''s a coincidence. I was a little anxious when I went out and didn't look at the gas gauge. Then... can I get in?"

Zhou Ping said decisively: "No!"

Xu Mu hurriedly said: "Ms. Zhou, please, let me go in. I think the sky is a little gloomy, maybe it will rain in a while..."

"What are you afraid of raining? You have a luxury car. If you let you in, we will be alone in the same room. For the reputation of King Xu, I don't want to affect Mr. Xu's future."

After speaking, Zhou Ping hung up the phone and mute the phone.

She didn't turn off the machine, because she was worried that something might happen in the hospital. Qin Se couldn't live in town, so she called her.

Xu Mulian yelled twice: "Hey...Ms. Zhou, hello..."

He put down the phone and let out a long sigh.

He has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, if there is anything that can affect his future, then he is really a fool.

Xu Mu sighed again...

Why is this person different from a person?

Isn't Zhou Ping completely disliked by him? It shouldn't be!

Xu Mu turned on the camera of his mobile phone and looked at himself. Although he was not young anymore, he was...still pretty!

He was also voted by netizens last week as the most attractive male star in the entertainment industry.

Many netizens said that they couldn't meet the real person Xu Mu. After meeting his real person and meeting his eyes, they would be deeply infatuated with him.

Why, when I get to Zhou Ping, it's useless at all?

Could it be that Zhou Ping automatically blocked his charm?

Xu Mu is anxious, what should I do? How can I get in?

When he made a call, he heard Zhou Ping's voice with a crying voice, he should have just cried.

In his understanding, Zhou Ping was definitely not a person who would cry easily. Something must have happened.

Therefore, he came over in a hurry.

As a result, I couldn't get in.

Xu Mu called again, and sure enough, no one answered it.

After waiting for an hour, it crackled and raindrops fell and hit the car window glass.

Xu Mu looked upstairs, the light was dark early.

Xu Mu suddenly became a little worried.

If it continues like this, it is estimated that...when this period of false love has passed, he won't even have an excuse to come.

So...or else, he will add more fire, when the time comes, the fake... can also come true?

Anyway, he has so many fans!

Xu Mu touched his nose, a guilty conscience flashed under his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

So Xu Mu turned on the phone camera again, took a picture of the raindrops on the car window, and posted a Weibo.

And the accompanying text: Asking for help, when you usually make your wife (girlfriend) angry and are locked out, how did you get in in the end?

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