You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 250 Who Is The Immortal Emperor?

But to be honest, he really didn't expect that his father actually still had power in the immortal world, and he seemed to be pretty awesome.

Smiling and shaking his head, he looked at Yan Qingwu, "Dad asked you to come?"

Yan Qingwu nodded, "Yes, the palace master asked me to pick you up after he learned that you had come to the immortal world."

After saying that, she looked at Su Chen curiously.

After being in Xuandian for so long, he had heard that the master of the palace had a son. She didn't believe it at first and only thought it was a rumor.

She didn't believe it until the palace master came to her not long ago and asked her to pick up Su Chen.

Along the way, she was very curious about what kind of person Su Chen was. Until she met Su Chen, her first impression of Su Chen was


Not ordinary handsome!

She has never seen such a handsome man!

What followed was shock!

What was shocking was that Su Chen was still able to act very calm when he saw her and these tens of millions of powerful men from the Xuan Palace.

Logically speaking, Su Chen should have been scared first, then shocked after learning his identity, and then excited.

But she didn't see any of this on Su Chen's face, she only saw peace!


Very peaceful!

It was as if nothing in the world was enough to cause him any disturbance.

Is this really what a young man should do?

Yan Qingwu looked confused.

Su Chen suddenly said: "Get up."

Yan Qingwu nodded and stood up immediately.

Su Chen then looked at the tens of millions of powerful people in the Xuan Palace, "You guys should get up too."


Tens of millions of strong men shouted in unison. The voice was so strong that the whole world was trembling.

Countless people felt that their ears were about to be shattered, and they quickly covered their ears.

But Su Chen acted calmly.

This made Yan Qingwu on the side even more shocked.

Faced with tens of millions of powerful people, he behaved so calmly. Is this really a young man?

She even had a ridiculous thought at the moment, that is, had Su Chen been taken away by an old monster? Otherwise, how could we have such a terrifying and peaceful state of mind?

At this moment, she became even more curious about Su Chen.

At this moment, the hunchbacked old man squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, and said to Su Chen: "That... Young Palace Master?"

Su Chen looked at him, put his hands behind his back, and said nothing.

The hunchbacked old man smiled awkwardly, and then said: "Young Palace Master, what happened before was a misunderstanding. Please don't blame me. I am here specifically to deal with this reckless dragon."

Hearing this, the young man in the distance suddenly became furious, "You bastard! You have lost your star power..."

Before he could finish speaking, the hunchbacked old man suddenly appeared in front of him.

The young man was shocked. Before he could react, the old man had already pinched his neck and slowly lifted it up.

The hunchbacked old man looked gloomy and said coldly: "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you!"

The young man trembled all over, with fear on his face, because he really saw murderous intent in the eyes of the hunchbacked old man!

And it’s very strong!


The hunchbacked old man snorted coldly, then a smile appeared on his face, and he turned to look at Su Chen, "Young Palace Master, please leave this guy to me, Xingchen Palace, so you don't have to worry about it."

Su Chen had no expression on his face, then turned around and closed his eyes tightly, "Kill them all."

Hearing this, Yan Qingwu was stunned and asked, "Have they all been killed?"

Su Chen opened his eyes and looked at Yan Qingwu calmly, "Do you want me to say it again?"

The voice was so cold that Yan Qingwu couldn't help but shiver, and a chill poured into her heart.

This shocked Yan Qingwu, with a look of disbelief on her face, but looking at Su Chen's eyes that were gradually becoming colder, she did not dare to hesitate, spread her right hand, and a long sword appeared in her hand.

Then, she raised her head to look at the tens of millions of powerful men in the Xuan Palace and ordered: "Kill everyone in the field!"


After saying that, a terrifying power surged out of her body, and the next moment, she disappeared directly from the spot.

At the same time, after receiving the order, tens of millions of powerful men from the Xuan Palace turned into streams of light and all started to kill the powerful man from the Star Palace!

In an instant, countless screams, begging for mercy, curses, etc. resounded throughout the world!

The strong men in the Star Palace simply did not dare to fight against the strong men in the Xuan Palace.

Their momentum had long been shattered when the powerful men from Xuan Palace appeared.

So at this moment, they are running away and begging for mercy, but no matter whether they are running away or begging for mercy, it is of no use. On the contrary, they will die faster this way! .

Tens of millions of powerful men from the Xuan Palace crazily slaughtered the powerful men from the Star Palace as if they had no emotions, and even the powerful men from the Purple Thunder Sect were not spared!

In just a moment, the world became a river of blood, and countless broken limbs and corpses fell from the void.

The air was filled with the strong and pungent smell of blood. This scene was so shocking that it made my scalp numb!

The old man in blue robe and the old man in plain robe were also lying quietly on the ground, without any breath of life.

At the same time, the hunchbacked old man was frantically resisting Yan Qingwu's attack. He glanced at the powerful men from the Star Palace who kept dying, and then said angrily: "Do you Xuan Palace really want to start a war with my Star Palace!"

Yan Qingwu's face was expressionless, she raised her hand and stabbed out with a sword. This sword contained extremely terrifying sword power.

The moment the sword was drawn, the space-time was torn into countless pieces.

So scary!

The expression of the hunchbacked old man changed greatly. He did not dare to be careless. He raised the crutch in his hand and pointed it sharply at the sword.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying force surged out of the crutch.


With a loud noise, the old man spat out a mouthful of blood, and the crutch in his hand cracked and then shattered!

next moment!

He was directly knocked away by that sword!

After flying for millions of miles, he reluctantly stopped. Looking at an arm that had been chopped off, his eyes were full of horror.

He can't beat him!

Can't beat it at all!

He used all his strength to hit the cane just now, but he still couldn't resist the terrifying sword!

At this time, he suddenly looked at Yan Qingwu in the distance, his face pale and his eyes filled with fear, "You are at the ninth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm!"

The peak of the ninth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm!

You know, the hunchbacked old man is only at the first level of the Immortal Emperor Realm!

Fighting between the peak of the ninth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm and the first level of the Immortal Emperor Realm, what is the difference between fighting an ant?

Yan Qingwu's face was expressionless, and she ignored the hunchbacked old man and prepared to take action again.

"This time it's my Xingchen Palace's fault, but please give me, the Xingchen Immortal Emperor, some respect and let the people in the Xingchen Palace go. After that, I will go to the Xuan Palace in person to apologize!"

At this moment, a vast and deep voice suddenly sounded in the field.

This voice contains an extremely terrifying imperial power. It is not loud, but it spreads throughout the entire fairy world!

The entire fairy world was shocked, and even some taboo existences woke up at this moment and looked towards one place.

"Immortal Emperor?"

"An Immortal Emperor has appeared!"

"This is... the Star Immortal Emperor!"

"Xingchen Immortal Emperor is apologizing! How is this possible!"

"What happened? You can actually get an Immortal Emperor to apologize!"


The entire fairy world is boiling at this moment!

Yan Qingwu stopped her movements and looked up, her brows furrowed slightly, her expression solemn, but not fearful.

Immortal Emperor?

It was as if they had no mysterious palace.

Su Chen put his hands behind his hands, slowly raised his head, and said calmly: "Xingchen Immortal Emperor? Who do you think you are?"


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