You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 249 Young Palace Master!

And with the appearance of these millions of powerful men, this space and time could not bear their breath at all, and began to be annihilated and shattered.

Looking at the sudden appearance of millions of strong men, everyone in the field had nothing but fear on their faces!


They have never seen so many strong men!

There are as many powerful golden immortals as dogs!

Immortal Lord and strong men are everywhere!

That’s fucking outrageous!

Millions of powerful men looked at Su Chen, their eyes filled with murderous intent. The intense murderous intent filled the entire world, which was extremely terrifying.

Su Chen looked calm and put his hands behind his back. Nothing could cause him to make waves.

The old man raised the corner of his mouth and sneered: "Boy, have you seen it? This is the power of the Star Palace! It's not something you can imagine!"

Su Chen was expressionless and did not speak, but slowly raised his right hand.

The old man frowned, feeling faintly uneasy in his heart.


But at this moment, the world suddenly changed, and then, waves of extremely terrifying aura emerged.

next moment!

Tens of millions of strong men wearing black armor suddenly appeared on the scene!

The moment these tens of millions of strong men in black armor appeared, they surrounded the millions of strong men in the Star Palace.

The overwhelming momentum spreads to the nine heavens!

Seeing these tens of millions of black-armored warriors, everyone in the venue was excited.

"Damn it! Where did this strong man appear from?"

"These tens of millions of black-armored warriors are all at the level of the Immortal Lord, and among them there are tens of thousands of Immortal Saints!"

"Awesome! Which force is this? The background is so awesome!"


The faces of the surrounded Star Palace experts turned extremely pale at this moment, their eyes were full of fear, and their bodies were trembling uncontrollably.

There is no other reason, just because they saw the killing intent that was almost condensed into substance from these tens of millions of black-armored strong men!

There is another reason, that is, the aura of these tens of millions of black-armored warriors is too strong!

It's so strong that it seems to be able to overwhelm the entire fairy world!

Extremely horrified!

If these tens of millions of black-armored warriors attack them, they will only be slaughtered!

Even resistance is a luxury!

There's nothing you can do about it, you know, these tens of millions of black-armored strong men are all at the Immortal Lord Realm at the lowest level!

The lowest level of powerful people in the Star Palace is just a Golden Immortal. In addition, there are only millions of powerful people in the Star Palace, and there are tens of millions of black-armored powerful people!

Forget it if you can't compare in quantity, but you can't compare in terms of strength.

Isn’t this the only way to get slaughtered?

So at this moment, the powerful man in the Star Palace doesn’t even have the thought of resisting! There is only one idea, and that is to escape!

That's right, escape!

Now only by escaping can they have any hope of living.

However, these tens of millions of black-armored strong men surrounded them tightly, how could they escape?


They feel extremely desperate!

The young man lying on the ground was also frightened by the sudden appearance of the black-armored strong man, "This...are there so many strong men in this human realm?"

At this moment, the hunchbacked old man's face also looked heavy, gloomy and confused.

He knows these tens of millions of strong men in black armor!

After a moment of silence, he looked at the tens of millions of black-armored warriors and asked, "Are you from Xuandian?"


At this moment, the time and space in this area suddenly boiled, and the whole world was shaking violently. The next moment, a woman appeared in the field.

The woman is wearing a long purple dress, with a curvy figure, skin as smooth as gel, and a veil on her face. Although only half of her face can be seen, it can be seen from just the upper half of her face that this woman has a peerless appearance!

Looking at the woman, everyone in the room looked shocked.

"Who is this woman? I actually feel the aura from her that is no less than that of the hunchbacked old man."

"Let me go, why are the bosses showing up one after another? This is outrageous!"

"Yeah, I've never seen so many big guys!"


The hunchbacked old man was more solemn than ever at this moment.

He felt a strong sense of crisis from this woman!

This shocked him!

You must know that he is a strong person in the Immortal Emperor Realm. Anyone who can give him this feeling must be a strong Immortal Emperor Realm, and he must also be strong in several small realms. It is impossible for monks below the Immortal Emperor Realm to give him this feeling. A sense of crisis!

This woman is definitely stronger than him!

The hunchbacked old man stared at the woman and said in a deep voice: "What do you mean by Xuandian?"

The woman seemed not to have heard anything and flew towards the ground. Soon, she arrived in front of Su Chen.

The hunchbacked old man watched this scene with his brows furrowed and a hint of uneasiness in his eyes.

The woman looked at Su Chen with a flash of surprise in her eyes, but this surprise was fleeting.

Under everyone's gaze, the woman knelt down directly towards Su Chen and respectfully shouted: "Xuandian Yan Qingwu, pay homage to the young master of the palace!"


And at this moment, the tens of millions of black-armored strong men who were standing upright all knelt down and said, "Greetings to the Young Palace Master!"

The sound was so powerful that it swept through the entire fairy world!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the venue was stunned. They all stood motionless in place, as if they were petrified.

Kneel down!

The woman in the purple skirt and the tens of millions of strong men in black armor just knelt down before the man in white, and they called him Young Palace Master!

Damn it!

Is the identity of this man in white so awesome?

At this moment, everyone looked at Su Chen with deep awe and respect in their eyes besides fear.

The young man felt like he was struck by lightning, "I...I'm stupid!"

He was dumbfounded!

Really stupid!

He knew that he might have kicked the steel bar!

It’s over!

The young man's face was pale, with no trace of blood visible, and the fear in his eyes was clearly visible.

The hunchbacked old man was completely confused.

What he was confused about was nothing else but the fact that the woman in the purple skirt and the tens of millions of strong men in black armor were actually called Young Palace Master Su Chen!

Young Palace Master!

The young master of Xuan Palace!

Damn it!

The hunchbacked old man couldn't help but trembled when he reacted. At this moment, his heart was filled with fear!


That was a force that even his Star Palace was afraid of!

Just because Xuandian slaughtered a taboo force countless years ago and also beheaded an Immortal Emperor!

This is something even his Star Palace can't do!

But now, the people in the Star Palace are actually called Young Palace Master Su Chen!

Young Palace Master!

Do you understand the preciousness of the Young Palace Master?

That is the future heir to Xuan Palace!

So at this moment, the old man is numb!

His mind was racing, thinking about what to do next.

If it is not handled well...

The Palace of Stars is in danger!

Su Chen was also slightly startled.

Young Palace Master?

When did I become the young master of Xuan Palace?

But soon, he reacted, and a smile appeared on his face, "I was wondering why dad is so busy every day. I see, it's hidden deep enough!"

In fact, he has never investigated his father's identity because he felt it was unnecessary.

Investigate your father's identity?

Damn it, isn’t that crazy? My father is doing some research!

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