Lin Fan's eyes lit up and he turned to look at Su Chen, "Really?"

There was excitement in his tone. If Su Chen really came with him, then he wouldn't have to risk his life in the future!

With Su Chen here, who is he, Lin Fan, afraid of?

Who are you afraid of?

Su Chen smiled and said, "Really!"

Hearing this, Lin Fan laughed loudly and became extremely excited!

He can float!

Finally you can float!

No more worries every day!


Looking at Lin Fan who seemed to be going crazy, Su Chen's head was filled with black lines.

Is your disciple mentally ill? As for being so excited?

Shaking his head, he looked at Shen Lang beside him and said, "Let's go."

Without waiting for Shen Lang to speak, he turned and left.

When Lin Fan saw this, he quickly suppressed his inner excitement and followed him.

Looking at the two people leaving, Shen Lang knelt down and thanked him again, "Thank you, senior!"

After a long time, he raised his head, but Su Chen and the two had already disappeared.

He stood up slowly, then took out the bottle of elixir, and looked at the elixir with a smile on his face.

The strong men of the Shen clan in the field quickly looked away, not daring to look at the elixir in Shen Lang's hand.

Hundreds of thousands of corpses are still lying on the ground and they don't dare to covet them.

Shen Lang put away the elixir at this time, and then looked at the strong men of the Shen clan.

Seeing Shen Lang's eyes, the powerful men of the Shen clan quickly bowed respectfully and shouted in unison: "Clan leader!"

Looking at the strong men of the Shen clan, the corners of Shen Lang's lips raised slightly.

At this moment, he still felt like he was dreaming.

Shaking his head slightly, he stopped thinking and said, "Return to the clan."

After saying that, he put his hands behind his hands and turned to leave.

The strong men of the Shen clan quickly followed behind him.


On the way, Lin Fan asked curiously: "Master, what opportunity do you want to give me?"

Su Chen said: "You will know when you go."

Seeing that Su Chen didn't want to say more, Lin Fan nodded and stopped talking.

Soon, Su Chen brought Lin Fan to the tombstone.

Looking at the words on the tombstone, Lin Fan looked shocked, "Immortal Lord? What realm is this?"

As he said that, he looked at Su Chen.

Su Chen glanced at Lin Fan, and then explained the realm above the emperor.

After listening to Su Chen's words, Lin Fan felt a storm in his heart, which he could not calm down for a long time. After a long time, he said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect that there are so many realms above the Great Emperor."

Su Chen said: "So you still have a long way to go."

Lin Fan was silent.

To be honest, he had always thought that he had almost reached the pinnacle of the immortal world. However, after learning about the realm above the emperor, he realized how ridiculous his idea was.

If he goes to the fairy world, I'm afraid no one can defeat him and he will have to run away.


Lin Fan sighed.

Su Chen looked at Lin Fan and smiled: "You are still young, don't be in a hurry."

Hearing this, Lin Fan was silent for a moment, then nodded, "I understand!"

As he said that, he looked at the tombstone again. After observing it for a while, he wondered: "Master, where is the opportunity?"

Su Chen said: "Break the tombstone into pieces."


Lin Fan looked embarrassed, "It's not good to destroy someone's tombstone..."



Before he could finish speaking, Su Chen kicked him out.

After a long time, he limped back and looked at Su Chen with an aggrieved look on his face.

Su Chen's head was full of black lines and he said: "Do you want the opportunity? If not, just leave!"

Lin Fan quickly said: "I want it, I want it!"

Su Chen sneered: "Hypocritical!"


Lin Fan rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment and did not refute.

Su Chen said: "Why are you still standing there?"

Lin Fan nodded quickly, then came to the tombstone. Looking at the tombstone, he apologized: "I'm sorry!"

As he spoke, he punched the tombstone!



The tombstone cracked instantly and then exploded.


And at this moment, a bloody light suddenly emerged from under the tombstone!

This ray of light reaches straight into the sky!

In an instant, thousands of miles around were dyed red, and a series of frightening thunders resounded throughout the world!

Every sound of thunder shook the sky and the earth, countless mountains collapsed, the sea surged, and the earth cracked at this moment.

This moment is like the end of the world!

At this moment, the heaven and earth were torn apart, and strange auras came from within.

The movement here instantly shocked the entire Lower Immortal Realm, and countless creatures looked into the sky with horror in their eyes.

Just when they were wondering, a vast and piercing sound sounded.

"I am the Blood Moon Immortal. I fell because I was killed by a traitor. Although I fell, I am still unwilling to accept it, so I left my inheritance here. Anyone who passes the test can get my inheritance!"

This voice reached the ears of countless living beings!

At this moment, the entire Lower Immortal Realm was boiling, and countless people looked excited.

"This person's inheritance is definitely not simple!"

"Hahaha! I want this inheritance!"

"If I have this inheritance, I will rise completely!"


In an instant, countless terrifying auras streaked across the sky, and their target was the direction of the bloody light!

Wan Jian Zong.

In the main hall, an old man with white hair was sitting cross-legged in the air.

The old man wore plain robes and had a long beard. Although he was just sitting there doing nothing, the sword intent he inadvertently emitted directly tore the surrounding space and time into countless fragments!

At this time, the old man opened his eyes suddenly, and the terrifying sword intent suddenly swept out, and the whole earth suddenly trembled violently.

He raised his head and looked somewhere, frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he whispered: "Let Kenshin go."


A cold voice came from the hall.

The old man murmured in a low voice: "Immortal Lord?"

As he spoke, his expression became serious. After a moment, he shook his head, no longer thought about it, closed his eyes tightly, and continued to practice in seclusion.


Piao Miao Sect.

The mountains here are continuous, and each peak is extremely tall, soaring straight into the sky. Among these mountains, there is a peach garden. The peach garden is shrouded in clouds and mist and covered with green trees. It is like being in a fairyland, which is intoxicating.

There is also a lake in Taoyuan. The lake is crystal clear and fish are swimming. Next to the lake, a woman puts two jade feet into the lake and keeps shaking.

The woman has an oval face, red lips, and long and curved eyebrows, as soft as a crescent moon. She is beautiful, so beautiful that it cannot be described in words, and can only be described by the word perfect.

At this time, a beautiful woman suddenly appeared next to the woman. The woman's figure is curvy and her slender legs make people want to move.

The beautiful woman looked at the woman and smiled slightly, "Xun'er."

Gu Xun'er raised his head and looked at the beautiful woman, "Mother!"

Jiang Ying reached out and touched Gu Xun'er's head, "Are you going?"

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