You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 164 I’Ll Accompany You!

Looking into Su Chen's calm yet terrifying eyes, Shen Wanwan's breathing suddenly stopped, and his whole body seemed to have fallen into a dark abyss.

He couldn't help but take a step back, his face full of fear, "Senior...Senior..."

His voice trembled, obviously frightened to the extreme.

Su Chen put his hands behind his hands and looked at Shen Wanwan quietly.

As time passed by, the strong men of the Shen clan did not dare to breathe at this moment, their foreheads were covered with cold sweat, and their hearts were beating so hard that they could not stop.

Su Chen just stood there, doing nothing, but the sense of oppression that pervaded his body made everyone in the room feel suffocated.

After another moment, Shen Wanwan's psychological defense was finally broken by fear. He didn't hesitate anymore, turned around and ran away, very fast, and disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye.


The strong man from the Shen clan was stunned when he looked at the direction in which Shen Wanwan was running. They didn't expect Shen Wanwan to run away like that, and even run away!

Shen Lang frowned, feeling a little uneasy.

If Shen Wanwan ran away, it would be detrimental to him.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Su Chen.

Su Chen's expression was as calm as water. He didn't take action or pursue him, he just looked calmly at the direction in which Shen Wanwan fled.

At the same time, Shen Wanwan, who had already fled thousands of miles, ran desperately towards one place, not daring to stop at all. He ran hundreds of millions of miles before he stopped.

He was breathing heavily, and the fear on his face never disappeared. He glanced back and finally felt relieved when he saw that no one was chasing him.


At this moment, a sword sound suddenly sounded in his mind, and then, a sword energy shot straight into the sky from his mind!

Shen Wanwan's eyes widened, filled with unwillingness.

He had just forgotten the sword energy in his mind because of fear!

In this way, he died in unwillingness and fear, and the breath of life completely disappeared.

And when he died, the sword energy that soared into the sky from his mind suddenly flew back, and then the sword energy directly penetrated Shen Wanwan's body, and then disappeared.

On the other side, Su Chen still had his hands behind his back and his face was expressionless. It seemed that nothing could cause any waves on his face.

The strong men of the Shen clan in the field could not stop trembling at this moment. They looked at Su Chen, the fear in their eyes almost condensed into substance. Some people's eyes turned white and they were scared to death.

Everything that happened today really scared them enough.


At this moment, a sword cry sounded in the field, and the sword cry reached everyone's ears instantly.

Listening to the sound of the sword, everyone's face was ashen and their eyes were full of despair. But after waiting for a while, they found that their heads had not fallen off.

Someone seemed to see something at this time and exclaimed: "Clan leader!"

This exclamation instantly woke up the people who were still in despair, and then, their eyes all looked at the same place.

I saw a body floating there, and a sword energy was stuck in the chest of the body.

Looking at that body, the minds of all the powerful men of the Shen clan went blank and froze in place.

"The clan dead?"

"The patriarch is actually dead!"

"He is a fake immortal! How could he die!"


The place was boiling, and everyone's faces were filled with disbelief.

After the disbelief.

They all looked at Su Chen, their eyes almost filled with fear, and their breathing stopped.

It was the clan leader he killed!

It's definitely him!

False fairy!

What a fake fairy!

He killed the fake immortal like a chicken!

Damn it!

That’s a fake fairy!

Someone's legs weakened and they collapsed to the ground. At this moment, Su Chen left a huge shadow in their hearts. I'm afraid they will never forget the man in white for the rest of their lives.

This man in white is really too outrageous!

It’s so outrageous!

The great emperor should be killed like an ant, and the fake immortal should be killed like a chicken!

Damn it!

Su Chen glanced at the frightened strong man from the Shen clan, and then looked away.

This is the effect he wants.

Shen Lang was obedient. He completed the tasks assigned to him by Su Chen very well, and he was still respectful when he met Su Chen for the second time, so Su Chen didn't mind giving him some rewards.

Su Chen looked at Shen Lang, "The next step is your business."

Shen Lang looked excited and without hesitation, he knelt down directly towards Su Chen and said gratefully: "Thank you, thank you, senior!"

To be honest, he felt like he was dreaming at this moment.

Break through the pseudo-immortal!

Become the head of the Shen clan!

He could only do this in a dream, but at this moment, he actually did it when he was not in a dream!


He was full of gratitude to Su Chen!

It was like Su Chen gave him a second life, opening up a different life for him!

Su Chen shook his head, "You deserve this, you don't have to kneel down."

Shen Lang quickly shook his head, "No, senior was a great favor to me when he let me go, so I should complete the task assigned by senior. But now, senior, you not only allow me to break through the pseudo-immortal, but also It is my duty to be the leader of the Shen clan, and even if I kneel for the rest of my life, I will never be able to repay your kindness!"

After listening to Shen Lang's words, Su Chen's mouth twitched and he was speechless.

Doesn't this guy talk too much? But although there is a lot of nonsense, the person is not bad.

At this time, Lin Fan came over, looked at Shen Lang, and said quietly: "You chased me back, but you were so ruthless. I almost died because of you several times."

He almost said this through gritted teeth.

Shen Lang looked embarrassed and did not dare to look directly into Lin Fan's eyes, "This...I can't help it. It was senior who asked me..."


Su Chen looked at Shen Lang and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Shen Lang trembled all over, and a chill surged into his heart. This scared him so much that he quickly covered his mouth, not daring to say another word.

Su Chen nodded, with a smile on his face.

Lin Fan's mouth twitched slightly at the side, and then he looked at Su Chen with a resentful look.

He didn't even need to think that the reason why Shen Lang went to death to target him must have been under Su Chen's instigation.

Su Chen straightened his body, and there was no look of guilt on his face.

Lin Fan rolled his eyes. He was speechless for his master.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Okay, I'm not doing this for you, okay? Look at that look in your eyes."

Lin Fan said: "Do you know that you almost lost sight of your disciples several times?"

Su Chen smiled and said, "Then your improvement is also very obvious, isn't it?"


Lin Fan wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to refute it, because Su Chen told the truth. In just a few years, he had become the Nine-Star Emperor. This speed of improvement was not small.

Knowing that he could not defeat Su Chen, Lin Fan turned his head and stopped talking.

Su Chen looked at Lin Fan and smiled slightly, "Okay, I admit that I was indeed too cruel to you. It was my fault, so I will accompany you in the next opportunity."




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