You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 136 The Tomb Of Gods Clan Is Destroyed!

The old man looked at the twelve kneeling ancestors, his face turned pale, and he trembled: "How could he... be... so terrifying?"

At this moment, his heart was filled with despair, and there was no hope of living in his eyes. Not only him, but everyone in the field was also the same.

Su Chen's terror made everyone present despair!

An ancestor suddenly looked at the old man and said angrily: "You bastard, you actually provoked such a terrifying existence, I am really angry!"

He almost shouted these words.

The other ancestors and everyone in the Tomb of Gods clan also looked at the old man with resentment, and there was even a flash of murderous intent in their eyes.

If it weren't for the old man, how could the Tomb of Gods clan have provoked Su Chen?

Damn the old man!

The old man lowered his head, not daring to look at the people of the God's Tomb Clan. He clenched his fists and trembled all over.


He became a sinner of the Tomb of Gods clan!

If it weren't for Su Chen's suppression, he would have wanted to blow himself up immediately.

Because he really has no face to continue living!

Su Chen's eyes fell on the old man, he took a step slowly, and then said calmly: "Looking for me?"


A sword light flashed across the field, and in an instant, tens of thousands of heads rose into the sky. This scene was like gorgeous red fireworks, beautiful and terrifying.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Tomb of God clan trembled violently, breathing rapidly, as if they were about to suffocate, and the fear in their eyes almost overflowed.

One sword!

Kill tens of thousands of strong men with one sword!

What a fool!

The twelve ancestors were also frightened. Their bodies were stiff, as if they were fixed in place by fear and could not move.

The old man slowly raised his head and looked at the tens of thousands of heads. His eyes widened, his lips were tightly closed, and there was disbelief in his eyes.

At this moment, his heart was bleeding. You must know that the tens of thousands of people Su Chen killed were all from the Tomb of Gods clan. He spent countless time and resources to cultivate these people. However, at this moment, these people They all died before his eyes!

At this time, Su Chen took another step and said coldly: "Tear me into pieces?"


Another sword light flashed from the field, and then hundreds of thousands of heads rose into the sky!

Hundreds of thousands of heads are floating in the sky. This time, they are more gorgeous and terrifying than before!

Everyone's face is filled with endless fear!

Since then, there are only twelve ancestors and old men left in the field.

The twelve ancestors were scared out of their wits at this moment.


Too cruel!

They never expected that Su Chen would be so cruel, killing hundreds of thousands of people without any hesitation!

Simply devilish!

The old man's face turned pale, tears fell from his eyes, and there was confusion and endless regret in his eyes.

The Tomb of Gods clan was really destroyed in his hands!

It was destroyed in his hands!


Su Chen took another step.

The old man stopped breathing, looked at Su Chen, shook his head wildly, with pleading in his eyes, "No, please don't!"

Su Chen ignored the old man and spoke calmly, "Make my soul into a soul lamp and burn it for billions of years?"


The sound of swords resounded, and the eyes of the twelve ancestors widened, with unwillingness on their faces, and then, their heads shot up from their bodies!

The old man was like a thunderbolt, and his whole body was frozen in place like a statue.

"It's's all gone..." The old man lowered his head and kept repeating these words.

At this time, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Su Chen, with hatred in his eyes, and said angrily, "You devil, if you want to kill me, just kill me. Why do you want to kill people from my Tomb of Gods clan? What did they do wrong! "

The sound was so loud that it could be heard for millions of miles around.

Su Chen put his hands behind his hands, his expression was calm, and he could not see any joy, anger, sorrow or joy. He said calmly: "Please clarify, they died because of you."

Die because of me?

The old man's face was pale, and there was confusion in his eyes. "Yes, it seems that they did die because of me. The Tomb of Gods clan was destroyed because of me. They were destroyed because of me... Poof!"

The old man spat out a mouthful of blood, and then laughed loudly, "Hahaha! The Tomb of Gods clan was destroyed because of me! Hahahahaha..."

Smiling, his voice suddenly stopped, and then he fell to the ground, and his life breath completely disappeared at this moment.

Die with your eyes open!

Su Chen looked at the old man calmly, then turned and left.

Go down to the fairy world.

Su Chen returned to Ye Lingxi, and Ye Lingxi had also woken up.

Ye Lingxi said blankly: "Brother, what just happened?"

Su Chen looked at Ye Lingxi, smiled slightly, then reached out to touch Ye Lingxi's head, and said softly: "It's okay."

Ye Lingxi rolled her eyes, "Oh~"

She wasn't stupid, she definitely knew what had just happened, otherwise she wouldn't have suddenly become unconscious. However, since Su Chen didn't want to talk, she wouldn't ask again.

Su Chen smiled and said, "Lingxi is so good."

"Hehe." Ye Lingxi chuckled.

The two chatted like this for a while.

Su Chen suddenly said: "You should walk the rest of the way by yourself."

Ye Lingxi's face froze and she said in a panic: "Brother, you don't want me anymore?"

As she spoke, mist gradually rose in her eyes, as if she was about to cry in the next second.

Su Chen shook his head, "Why don't I want you?"

Ye Lingxi said aggrievedly: "Then why?"

Su Chen did not answer immediately, but asked: "Is your goal to surpass me?"

Ye Lingxi nodded without hesitation, "Yes!"

Su Chen said: "Then since you want to surpass me, you can't always stay with me. If you stay with me, you will become dependent and dependent, and you will never be able to surpass me in this life."

After listening to Su Chen's words, Ye Lingxi fell silent.

Su Chen added: "Only by experiencing all kinds of hardships and countless lives and deaths can people progress and become stronger. If you stay with me, you will never be able to experience hardships and life and death. How can you become stronger? How? Beyond me?"

Ye Lingxi remained silent and did not speak.

Looking at Ye Lingxi, Su Chen smiled slightly, "But if you don't want to surpass me, it doesn't matter. I will protect you."

Ye Lingxi clenched her fists and shook her head, "No!"

Su Chen smiled and said, "Why?"

Ye Lingxi replied: "I don't want to hide behind brother forever, I want to protect brother!"

"Hahaha!" Su Chen laughed, "Brother, I believe in you!"

Ye Lingxi nodded heavily, "Yeah!"

As she said that, she suddenly threw herself into Su Chen's arms, holding back her tears, and said in a trembling voice: "Then...then I'm leaving."

Su Chen smiled, reached out and rubbed Ye Lingxi's head, "Don't worry, I'll teach you a sword skill before I leave!"

Ye Lingxi looked up at Su Chen and blinked, "What kind of sword skill?"

Su Chen smiled slightly, and then pointed at Ye Lingxi's eyebrows.

Ye Lingxi suddenly felt a memory suddenly appear in his mind.

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