Hearing this voice, the old man's face turned ferocious, and then he disappeared from the spot.

All the powerful men of the Tomb of Gods clan looked at each other and then disappeared.

The old man and a group of powerful men from the Tomb of Gods clan appeared in the sky.

Not far away, a man in white clothes was watching them calmly. He had a slender figure, a picturesque face, and his snow-white silver hair was like a piano string, trembling gently in the breeze.

The old man stared at Su Chen, exuding murderous intent, "You are so brave!"

Su Chen looked calm and said nothing.


"court death!"

At this time, a middle-aged man among the strong men of the Tomb of Gods snorted coldly, and then he stamped his right foot violently, and his whole body turned into a stream of light and headed towards Su Chen.

The old man's face was expressionless and he didn't stop him.


The sound of a sword was heard by everyone present. Under everyone's gaze, the middle-aged man's head soared directly into the sky!

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the strong man from the Tomb of Gods clan suddenly shrank, and his expression became more solemn than ever before.

The old man looked at the middle-aged man and was not surprised at all.

Can the people who dare to come to his god’s tomb alone be ordinary people? He would be surprised if the middle-aged man could kill Su Chen.

However, he was still a little shocked in his heart. You must know that the middle-aged man is not weak in strength and is also an immortal. However, he was still defeated.

Not even the ability to resist at all!

So at this moment, he had put away his contempt in his heart.

Su Chen looked at the old man and said calmly: "I'm here, come and kill him."

The old man's expression was indifferent, and then, a terrifying force suddenly erupted from him, and the whole world was instantly destroyed by this terrifying force.

So scary!

Su Chen was as calm as water, with no waves in his eyes.

The old man did not rush to take action, but ordered: "Kill him!"

As soon as the words fell, all the powerful men of the Tomb of Gods clan rushed towards Su Chen without any hesitation. A terrifying aura swept through the world, and the entire time and space boiled at this moment.


Suddenly, a word rang out in the world, and as the word fell, an extremely terrifying force pressed against all the powerful men of the Tomb of Gods clan.

All the strong men of the Tomb of Gods clan were crushed to the ground by this terrifying force on the spot!

Including the old man!

At this moment, the world was unusually quiet.

The strong men of the Tomb of Gods clan were immediately stunned. Their minds were blank and they were frozen in place.

Someone trembled: "Fuck...fuck!"

At this moment, everyone in the venue was stunned.

Kneel down!

They just knelt down!

Just kneel down like that!

Damn it!

They all looked at Su Chen, with disbelief and endless fear on their faces.

This is a fucking boss!

How did the clan leader provoke him?

Damn it!

Don't want to die?

Do you dare to mess with such a big guy?

are you crazy!

The old man's whole body was trembling at this moment, his clothes were already wet with cold sweat, his face was as pale as paper, and his eyes were filled with fear.

He never expected that Su Chen would be so defiant.

One word made him and all the powerful men from the Tomb of Gods kneel down, and they didn't even have the ability to resist!

At this moment, he regretted it, extremely regretted it!

Oh my God!

Why did you let me provoke such an existence?

Damn it!

My God Tomb clan is finished!

The old man lowered his head and looked ashen.

He knew that the Tomb of Gods clan was finished.

The Tomb of Gods clan was destroyed in his hands.

He became a sinner of the Tomb of Gods clan!


The old man suddenly raised his head, with excitement on his face, and shouted, "The God's Tomb clan is facing the disaster of annihilation at the moment. Please come to help us, the God's Tomb clan, survive this crisis!"


As his words fell, thirteen terrifying auras suddenly rose into the sky from within the Tomb of Gods clan.

next moment!

Thirteen old people suddenly appeared on the sky. These old people were very strange. They had no flesh on their bodies, only a layer of skin, and their pupils were black, like black holes. Even so, the terrifying aura emanating from them was It's suffocating.

The old man looked at the thirteen old men with an extremely excited expression, "Ancestor!"

In the field, the strong men of the Tomb of Gods clan looked at the thirteen ancestors curiously. This was their first time meeting the ancestors of the Tomb of Gods clan.

They didn't hesitate and shouted in unison: "Ancestor!"

The sound was deafening and resounded through the sky!

The thirteen ancestors looked at the people kneeling on the ground and frowned.

One of the ancestors looked at the old man.

The old man trembled all over and lowered his head silently.

The ancestor asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

The old man was silent for a moment, and then told what happened before.

After listening, the eyes of the thirteen old men gradually became cold.

An ancestor said gloomily: "Trash!"

The old man lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

The thirteen ancestors looked at the old man coldly, and then looked at Su Chen.

"Fellow Taoist, how about letting this matter go as it is?" an ancestor said.

Su Chen chuckled and said, "If I didn't have the strength, would you let it go like this?"

Hearing this, the expressions of the thirteen ancestors instantly darkened.

"I don't know what's wrong!"

An ancestor snorted coldly, then clenched his five fingers, and then punched out. In an instant, countless terrifying punches swept out like huge waves!

Su Chen folded his hands and looked at the punch calmly. He slowly raised his right hand and waved it gently.

next moment!

Countless punches were shattered in an instant, and the ancestor who punched was directly thrown away by an invisible force. On the way, his physical body slowly disappeared, and finally disappeared completely in the world.

Damn it!

Seeing this scene, the remaining twelve ancestors widened their eyes and their heads buzzed.

Flash sale?

Such a dick?

The strong man from the Tomb of Gods clan had a lump in his throat and looked at Su Chen with fear on his face, his body trembling uncontrollably.


Killing their ancestor instantly with just one swing!

Damn it!

Why are you so awesome!

The old man's face was pale, and the fear in his eyes almost condensed into substance.

He really didn't expect Su Chen to be so awesome!



Why did I want to die?

What a fool!


At this time, the twelve ancestors ran in all directions at the same time without any hesitation!

Su Chen's terror has far exceeded their understanding. If they don't run away, they will only die!

At the same time, they had scolded the old man to death in their hearts. If it weren't for the old man, how could the Tomb of Gods clan have provoked Su Chen?

At this moment, they all wanted to crush the old man to ashes!

Su Chen said coldly: "Kneel down!"


The twelve ancestors knelt down on the spot!

It’s over!

The faces of the twelve ancestors turned pale, and their hearts were filled with despair.

Looking at the twelve kneeling ancestors, everyone in the venue was stunned!

Kneel down?

The ancestor also knelt down?

At this moment, they were really confused.

Originally, they thought that no matter how bad the twelve ancestors were, they would not be forced to kneel down immediately. However, their idea was completely wrong!

The twelve ancestors still kneel!

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