Yin and Yang Taoist Code

Chapter 12 Black Cloud

I came out of the teahouse and found a deserted place.

The Taoist priest asked Zi Yuan to return to the magic mirror first. Then he looked around and made sure that there was no one around. His right hand turned into a claw and he grabbed it in the air. As if he was grabbing something from the void, he saw a palm-sized wine gourd appear. In front of you. The wine gourd is no different from ordinary wine gourds. The dark yellow skin has some bumps and bumps, making it very inconspicuous. But at this moment, this inconspicuous gourd appeared silently and floated in the air. It was obviously not a mortal thing.

The Taoist priest pointed at the gourd and shouted "big". Hearing the sound, the gourd swelled up in the wind. It was only the size of a palm, and in an instant it grew to the height of a person.

Li Chuyi was not surprised at all. It was obviously not the first time he had seen him.

When the gourd grew to the size of a carriage, the Taoist priest ordered it to be harvested, and the gourd stopped growing.

The Taoist priest glanced at Li Chuyi and said, "Let's go." After saying that, he jumped onto the gourd.

Li Chuyi didn't say much, jumped up and landed on the gourd. The large and small potholes that were the size of a palm just now are now getting bigger as the gourd grows. The small one is the size of a washbasin, and the large one is a little bigger than a bathtub.

Finding a comfortable-looking pit in front of the Taoist priest, Li Chu sat down cross-legged.

The Taoist priest looked around and once again confirmed that no one had seen him, he made a change in his fingers and said softly: "Hide!" The gourd, the master and the disciple gradually disappeared in mid-air, and were no longer visible.

"Let's go." The Taoist priest said calmly. Immediately, the gourd carried the two men into the sky, soaring into the sky, chasing the shooting stars just now and heading west.

Seeing Wuyang City gradually getting smaller under his feet, "shooting stars" of different colors rising from time to time, heading west like the two of them, Li Chuyi turned around and asked: "Master, are they just there during the day?" Those 'big geese' I saw with my clairvoyance?"

The Taoist priest nodded: "Not bad."

"Then why do they take no cover when flying, but we have to be so cautious and invisible?" Li Chuyi asked again.

The Taoist priest glared: "Have you forgotten what my master told you? He doesn't show off and keeps a low profile. Isn't it amazing to show off your authority in front of mortals who have no power?"

As soon as Li Chu turned around, not letting the Taoist priest see his expression, he said to himself that I feel very majestic. Then he heard the Taoist priest's cold mocking voice coming from behind: "Even if these tasteless local chickens feel very majestic, They may not be able to maintain their prestige for long.”

Li Chuyi turned around and asked strangely: "Why?"

"Do you know what we are going to do?" the Taoist priest asked without answering.

"Didn't you say you wanted to see how badly these 'big geese' fell?"

"Yes," the Taoist priest nodded. "Not only will these 'big geese' fall miserably, they may also fall to death."

When Li Chuyi heard this, he was stunned and asked, "What do you mean? They will die?"

The Taoist priest smiled coldly and said: "That's right. This time, these geese all have the same goal, rushing to the tomb of Old Monster Wuyang. Who is Old Monster Wuyang? His tomb is so easy to get to. ? The things inside are so easy to get? Besides, can these little guys who can't even hide their own auras defeat the cunning old foxes hiding behind them, huh!"

"What Wuyang Old Monster?" Li Chuyi became even more confused, "What are you doing? Does it have anything to do with Wuyang City?"

Hearing this, the Taoist priest smiled slightly and nodded with approval: "Not bad, he's not that stupid."

After a pause, the Taoist explained: "The original name of Wuyang City should be Wuyang City, which is the sheep of goat, not the yang of yang. The predecessor of Wuyang City was an unknown city in the world, but among us A well-known place among monks of all time—Wuyang Town.”

Seeing that Li Chuyi was listening seriously, the Taoist priest smiled slightly and continued: "Speaking of Wuyang Town, we have to talk about a senior powerful man from thousands of years ago, the Wuyang Old Monster just mentioned. Wuyang Old Monster The old goat monster was originally from the demon clan. It is said that the real body was cultivated from a goat. Because he was born with five children, only one survived, and the remaining four souls were placed in the only one who survived. There was nothing abnormal at first, but when the only surviving sheep became a demon, the four souls it entrusted mutated, creating the five-goat old monster."

"What mutation?" Li Chuyi asked nervously.

"Five Yuanshen." The Taoist priest held out five fingers, "The five sheep old monsters have cultivated five Yuanshen in total."

Li Chuyi stared blankly at the five fingers extended by the Taoist priest, his mind going blank.

Let me choke you, awesome! Five souls? ! Can't we go sideways?

It should be noted that humans, demons, and demons, no matter what species they are, have different physiques. Some of them cultivate their essence, some of them cultivate their physical body, and some of them cultivate some strange and weird things. In short, they are all diverse and they can cultivate everything. However, no matter what you cultivate, there is one thing that all cultivators must cultivate, and that is their own soul.

The cultivation of the soul is crucial. External cultivation can ensure whether you can walk steadily on your own path, while soul cultivation is related to how far your path can go.

When the soul reaches a certain level of cultivation, it can evolve into a soul. The Yuanshen is the condensed body of the soul, which combines the scattered souls of the cultivator, such as the three souls of heaven, earth, and life, into one, making it stronger and less susceptible to invasion by external evils. Generally, cultivators can only cultivate one Yuan Shen. Only a very small number of cultivators, when their souls transform into Yuan Shen, mutate due to various reasons, and thus become two Yuan Shen. The extra soul is the dream of many cultivators, because this extra soul can be cultivated into one's own incarnation. The thoughts, memories and thinking methods are the same as one's own, and can also be cultivated like the original body. , both parties have the same mind, but do not interfere with each other.

Having the second incarnation can be said to be an advantage whether against enemies or in cultivation. And regardless of itself or the incarnation, the death of one does not affect the survival of the other. When many people with incarnations go through the tribulation, they let one of them go through the tribulation first, and the other learns from it. In this way, no matter who is the first to go through the tribulation. Whether he succeeds or fails, the one who has not survived the calamity will always be a little more sure than others. Incarnation can be said to give the owner an extra life.

The reason why the legendary Taoist supreme skill "One Qi Transforms Three Purities" is regarded as the most amazing skill in the world and unparalleled is because it is the only one currently known that can artificially transform the practitioner's soul. This technique is divided into three parts and has no side effects. Even though it has been lost for a long time, there is still no other technique that can compare with it and shake its status as the number one miracle technique.

Now that he heard that this five-goat old monster actually had five souls, Li Chuyi was completely speechless.

Think about it, an old monster with five lives, who has five lives, will fight every one he meets. Who can bear this? Even the Taoist priest once said to himself that hitting one with five is always one of the most powerful moves. Even big heads and small heads can't stand it. I guess that's what it means...

After being fascinated for a long time, Li Chu frowned one by one, thought of a question, and asked: "Master, this five-goat old monster has five souls walking sideways, how can he still die? Who can kill him?"

The Taoist priest sighed slightly when he heard this, looked at Li Chuyi, pointed to the sky and said, "Who else can there be besides it?"

Li Chuyi was stunned: "He was killed by the Heavenly Tribulation?"

The Taoist priest shook his head and sneered: "Heavenly tribulation? What is heavenly tribulation? There are so many great powers with profound magic power in the world. How many of these heavenly tribulations can you do anything about? When you have reached the highest level of cultivation. "Three calamities, nine calamities and eighteen disasters are nothing to you."

Li Chuyi was puzzled. Isn't the most powerful thing in the world the natural disaster? He asked again: "That's not a natural disaster, what is it?"

The Taoist priest took a deep breath and said with a serious expression: "It's destiny, destiny."


"Yes, destiny." The Taoist priest sighed, "Isn't there an old saying that says that a person's fate is destined by heaven. Although this is a common saying, the truth is true. If destiny has destined you to be prosperous and prosperous, then you must be magnificent. Luck comes with you. You are destined to live a miserable life, so no matter how hard you try, you will most likely end up miserable."

When Li Chu heard this, his whole body went cold and he was confused. He murmured and asked, "Since our destiny has been determined, why should monks like us keep cultivating? Since it has been determined for a long time, no matter how hard we try, it will be in vain?"

Seeing that Li Chuyi was confused, the Taoist priest knew that what he had just said to him had greatly shaken his Taoist heart. He immediately sat upright, activated his magical power, and shouted to Li Chuyi with magic power:

"Hey! Idiot! What we monks practice is Qi, what we nourish is soul, what we cultivate is Dao, and what we fight for is our own destiny. Although destiny is fixed, it is not unbreakable. As long as you change yourself You are strong enough. When the destiny comes, you have the power to fight against it. Why can't you earn a piece of heaven for yourself? Think about the predecessors who changed their fate and became immortals in the past. How could they cultivate if they obeyed the destiny? Become a great Dao, become a true immortal!"

Seeing that Li Chuyi's eyes began to focus again, the Taoist priest continued: "What we practice is our own way, and what we do is to change our destiny against heaven. If God wants to kill me, I will let God? Bullshit! Bullshit! Big bullshit. ! My destiny is not up to me. If it wants to kill me, I will fight against it. Even if I die, the result will be the same. Hmm, what should I be afraid of?"

As if he heard the Taoist priest's sarcastic words, the starry sky just now was suddenly filled with dark clouds, and rolling thunder rolled in the direction of the two of them, deafening. It seemed that God was angered by the Taoist priest's disrespectful words. Two people should be punished.

When the Taoist priest saw this, his eyebrows suddenly stood up, he looked up at the dark clouds above his head, opened his mouth and shouted angrily: "Get out! I'm teaching my disciples, you're doing this shit, get out of here!" The Taoist priest's shout immediately drowned out the billowing clouds. The thunder dispersed towards the black clouds in the sky with layers of ripples, echoing continuously in the sky for a long time.

When the Taoist priest shouted, the gathering speed of the black cloud suddenly slowed down, but it still slowly gathered above the two people's heads and did not disperse like it did in Liang Mansion.

"Oh no, you will be fined if you don't eat the toast." Seeing Heiyun being so disrespectful, the Taoist priest suddenly became even more angry. He stood up and danced his hands into a phantom in front of him, with various instructions and seals constantly flashing and changing in between. He also shouted at the same time: "The sky and the earth are infinite, the universe borrows the law; the yin and yang and the five elements are all my envoys; the law, the heaven, and the thunder..."

Before the Taoist priest finished casting the spell, the slowly gathering black cloud seemed to know what the Taoist priest was going to do next. It paused for a moment, and then rolled back faster than when it came. In less than a moment, the stars The sky is full again.

The Taoist priest stopped and snorted coldly: "Huh! You bully the weak and fear the strong, you are a coward!" After saying that, he sat down cross-legged again.

Li Chuyi had already woken up. Seeing the Taoist priest displaying his power, he immediately admired him.

Damn it, the Taoist priest seems to have beaten the tiger demon king this time even more powerfully than last time. Sure enough, he is hiding his secrets, old monster!

"Idiot, do you understand what my master just said?" the Taoist priest asked calmly, as if nothing happened just now.

"Disciple, I understand. Thank you, master." Li Chuyi said with rare respect.

What the Taoist priest said just now was a bit scary. He almost lost his Taoist heart and it was extremely dangerous. Fortunately, the Taoist priest was by his side and woke him up with a word, so it didn't cause a big disaster.

"My cultivation is still not enough!" Li Chuyi thought silently.

At this time, he caught a glimpse of the "shooting stars" flying westward around the two of them from the corner of his eye, and Li Chu was immediately surprised.

"Master, those big geese that flew with us just now are missing!" Li Chu said

"Hmph, not to mention that I have just shown my magical power, but the thunderstorm in the black cloud scared those geese to death. If they still dare to stay here, then I really have to think highly of them. Just one glance." The Taoist said calmly.

Li Chuyi's face suddenly became embarrassed.

What about keeping a low profile?

Aren’t you just not exposing yourself?

What kind of identity is this?

Master and disciple, don’t you want everyone to know about this?

"But it's not bad," Li Chuyi thought to himself, "I'm not a five-goat old monster who can fight five against one, but if others know that he has an awesome master, then can't he just walk away? Hum~ ~~"

"What do you call this? It's called a dog relying on human power! No, bah, bah, bah, shit, a dog relies on human power. I call it bullying others! Hahahahahahaha!"

Li Chuyi thought beautifully, and suddenly felt that his future was bright.

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